br&tes Its 40th Birthday hi Haywood county are all feels like under for the pnwnt It wm farther Kud that 115 efciM (■ of the * past year. TUe of the beat year* ■ in other respects. There are 42 graduates to receive at the hand* of Principal and Manager Kesler. Uncle To« Clooae. as be is called, wm aged negro who haa helped on thn farm for 90 years in succession, Met «Ui an unexpected recognition at conclusion of the eeertises when he was called to the platform and Dr. Inlir presented him with a purse of fM which waa voted him bytthe trus "Cncle Tom" said m retinae. "Hay he ni shout fer ye some time." Oae Officer [W Aad T Wounded Eoanok*. V*., July t— Policeman C. H. M or ran is dead and the Police mrrn A. M Smith and W. M Terry ■* wounded, an a result of a raid cm a koDw last night in the north west metion of the city. Morgan ditd a few hours after the shooting. Smith end Terry were reported today in a — iim» condition. TTie entire police force was call ed to duty and, armed with rifles, Ikey spent the morning guarding •very road eat of the city and Marching all trains. The shooting took place at the fcaae of Charles H. Hittern, white aae now serving sentence for vio lation of the prohibition laws. When the officers, members of the fUselotkeii *quad. demanded en trance to the house they were greet ed with a spattering of bullets. Morgan fell in the first fusillade, ■Mrtally wounded. Smith, who was with Morgan at the front of the toesr was struck in the forehead. Terry was shot in the strmach as to rushed from the rear of the house, to which he had gone with Detective 1L P. Howell. Mo trace of the assailants con Id he Eighty Arrested at Railroad Crossing A special from Goldsboro says that enforcing the law regarding the rafl learf crossing on the main highways van witasssed lately when M arrests war* made on the Meant ONv* high way for failare to stop at a single Aa auto wreck uccuned at the recently. This crossing also the scene of three deaths abqpt a years ago whea three persons I Clinton were torn up almost be I Identification and their ear Ommxw M alightly '■ "hieldad by tit* faJHng floors. Bmu«f digging Ma th* ralni. > hod Iwuaght • total of 24 hndi— oat | of th* wndnn at n o'clorfc tonight. Sixteen injarod w*r* in baapttaia. 1 Police aid fir* *i|iaifoiit offleon 1 rtfaaad to Mthnoto the nombir that might itill Ho bonoath th* pilo* of |kM>kL a mm si im |.,| jj nric* anu WOOO. It ha* hoaa hapn**tbl* to eheck op on th* iiuwln of in»nj ■*>»!» who nuhod to aaf*ty through doom and wiadowa whoa a wall af th* old At* >tiry bafldtaig that h*a*>d on* of Chinatown'* boat ha* an all-night r* «o*t* buckled hi to th* baaMMat. Sixty flremon, with a largo gang of eoaatroctioa laborer*, —iaf*d by two •teaai *ho*al*. b*gan thi* morning to niin th* wrachago aad froah craw* relieved th* outh*i» fna tin* '» tiai*. It was estimated that th* debri* would b* ct—rod bafor* dawn. Prohe Caao* While th* **arrh goa* forward, an investigation into th* cause of th* calaamy ha* bean started and will b* pu*b*d tomorrow. "Overcrowding" m the building weakened by a fire II week* ago and flanked by a lot ia which a building had b**n wawd to atok* way for new construction, was th* only r*a* on asaign*d today by offlcia's. Meanwhile all other night dob* and resorts of the city ha** been closed pending inspection. land County FiaUs Liurinlwi, July 5.—Cantaloupe devourrrs will have but a few more days to wait until that part Scot land county fruit is on the market and then on the breakfast table and the quick-lunch counter. Jast a day or two mora at the warm sunshine that has bathed this territory the past week and cantaloupes will be starting crate-ward. The fields arc fellow with blossoms I and with green fruit just ready for | picking. The tell-tale yellow It hardly bacon to shine through the green vines yet; but experts declare that within a few mora days, possibly by July 10, they would start turning the right shade for gathering. By July 16. the season will be on. ai then for several weeks this county will present a scene of the wildest utivHy. for aa big as is the yield, the world continues to cry aloud for the Scotland county product, and aa can taloupes are very perishable, the local raiaera hare to harry their bushteM while the hurrying is good. 600 Mm to Te I.cavenworth, Kan., July S.—War den William I. Biddle of the federal j penitentfery here announced today | arrangements have been made through the department of justice at i Washington to aaad MO prlaoners to the state penal inatltutioa at Hunte ville. Texas and 14 priaon farms h I that state. ■ One hundred of the prisoners will j to sent to HuntavilW and the re mainder distributed to tto various j prison farms, he said. Warden Biddlo explained that no | prtiiwi now at would to sent to Texas bat that tto . ronalgnaMHta would to made up of new convicts. At priasat tto penitentiary here, with a capacity of 1,400 its caring fa ma* and dry 0«d-fi*M rifht to ptim Ma darta. Crap* that ha haa tha halp at God by tha »ava it ba to aaiaa penoiuUKy Thara ran ba hot am to thia graat qaaatiaa whan in tba li*ht of truth mmi Haa tha man ham tba rifbt to prW Ma oar* gooda? Haa tM dortor, tha lawyar, tha attor ami oth ar profaaatnnal man tba ricbt ti ma Ira a rharga of a raaainabla and Joat bom for tbair aarvteaa? Taa ■oat aaauraly. Than, why not allow tha fa I Bin tha mm right* Pimply harauaa ha haa not damandad k. Now what haa baaa acconplMad? What mitrht oaaa baan acrtimpHvhad had aach and mry 'ifwr playad wall bis part? To tha lattar qoaa tion thara ia ao douht. Suraly, it ia i-laarly avidant that a onitod action at til tha tmrmm would brine forth tha dasirad raault*. light*, tun, clerk hire tnd other item* of ripmM » no. hot I will give you about half that amount* No one, he gets hia price. Than what power could prevent the p<-or. struggling farerr from counting the intercut on hia in vestment, taxes wares, depreciation, fertiliser, etc.? All theae added ta enough to support his faaPjr and educate his children should be -the selling price of his product Un doubtedly this could he realised if all would stand together- aa men and brothers and demand thia right. One say*. Oh, yea, if they all would stick ? but they wont do it. Will you stick ? Why should you rrt«M to stand for right and justice because somtnns else refuses to stand * What then have been the results? Here are some. The market has been stablised. and prices maintained much higher than the average for the past forty years. A system of grades es tablished and approved by the Fed eral government. Warehousing fac ilities acquired and a force of em ployees trained in the work of the association But among thia band of courag eous patriots sense enlisted who prov ed untrue and went over to the ene my. Who among us will be forced to the reflection; in those yeara of trial when seme of my neighbors and bro ther farmers were making the su preme struggle in thia battle for eco nomic fr*edo*a. waiting for • great nart of bis money I want not to Mi support, but feasted upon his labor*, reaping where I had not sown, in stead of helping and t mat lag ay friaad and neirhbor I ilsasitsd aad The following is very applicable: They are slaves who dare not speak Par the falls* end the weak; They are slave* who dare not ha In the right with two or three. When will the tobacco grower stop and consider thee* things aad taks such action aa hia own conscience may lead him to haMsvs wiH he fat 'he heat interest of htaaaelf and his country? 1 am yaw* moat truly, J. M. HIATT. Meant Airy, July t, ltit. bona t« th« G«««nwr ai i w|. Ba nM attention to tha papalar ba praaaion that joriaa would not cowrict man aa wall off financially aa the de fendant Jaekaon. Ha waa canatncad that thia hapraaaion waa 4m aat to any corruption on til# pwt of tki jurors, roi dwmw inty uneon ir lous - !y found It banter to eoavict a man of waalth. Jaekaon mada bond of 07J9O pand ad to Jail in tha ahaanea of bond. The eaaa waa tha hardart fought rriarinal action triad beta in several yeara. Cloae to a huadred witnaaaaa ware heart and tha hBaring lasted in to tha fifth day. W. C Downing, aa sisted Solicitor T. A. McNeill, in tha prnaarotioa, voluntafi in( hia aarricaa aftar saving Willard'i rondition whan ha cama to tha Sheriffs offica tha day aftar tha whipping with abnoat every inch of hia hacfc covered with ahraaaoaa evidently inflirtad with a two-inch leather strap ft ia aaid that Mr. Downing waa offarad a large fea to aaaiat in tha drfanaa of Jaekaon. BLOCKS TALKING IN THE ARCTIC Mac M ilian Telle Hi* Maw to Keep Away From Each Oth ar as Much aa Possible to Sara Their Talk Chicago, July 4.—It ia not the mid. a lack of food or the low of modern rnnnainni which make a trial of an Arctic expedition. It ia solitude. The own (ft talked oat. Comman der Donald B. MarMillart on the ex pedition now en route expecta radio to be a great relief, but that will not appreciably lesaen bis *y*tetn of dis cipline in interperaonnal communica tion. On pretioua trips MacMillian haa forbidden membera of the party to talk to each other during the day or at dinner tiaae, aad to keep away from each other aa much aa poaaible. I eolation fihandlsi The isolation of that vast region ' exhausts all timely resources." MacMillan explained. It to not lone before the men know the life history of each other, that of their fsmilies and relativee aad virtually every thing eiae in connection with the or dinary man'a Hfe. When those aafe jecta hare caaeed to be topics of coo versation and the few other sources hare played out, the men become a Sore to each other. Tkat leads into an unfavorable morale. So we talk aa little aa poeaibte and keep oar counsel by bfinc aloof.** Radio was taken by MacMillan into the Arctic far the first time last year after atadying for a kmc time whether it would he for better or worse. Eugene F. McDonald, Jr. of Chicago, ia rnmmaai of the Peary, as well as chief sf radio sa this exped ition. had suggested radio aa a means of raitoHng this Isolation. But MacMillan thought that Asmeeick neea might be a different erfl becasee of the contact with the war Id or that bad news froai the family might ear lowly upeet the amah of the party. Space was found ia the m»aded Bow dom for radio eqoipaMnt aad Mac Millan decided to gi»s It a try. It . a — , » k.l. ». —1 a - -i — "JUFPfl IMMf Ol Bit IniKipfliMl aulta hot fUied a keea want. Dinner •on ef eatertainaaeat aad jmalp. ra ther than a parted ef quiet aad sefcer «d aatta» ; > Nations mid Kings Crfff* n »« fi* -i ■ 1 ICNCKUI OH «miu DBTnaay twto. oa'tfca tmmJOxLi floar fcy tha majority a«*a of fcfamlat MpiN Foadick. miniatar of a Hew Y^kBap ttat HmHi, anduwad kj ■whin of tha tockefeller family, hmaght the litem, to the tSandart OU Com fcwrf upon fundamental prtn tta^^ropoeed^IIrirty will hJ'tkrid in taliata from all pacta a# tha United State* and Canada will ha hnrtted. Tha NidnmtoHita, in a earafol I,, — * —1 t - | M - | — -1 _ -I 1Y Will URI lUORHfTIl, IUOV "IW IRtl propoaad "woat Mat ha iirtarpfvtad aa a flnt atop toward ai)araHw from tha Baptist denomination." Waahmrton waa picked but ni|kt a* tha 199) convention city In a conference ootaidr the meet in* Moderninta and Fundam«'i taliata airreed upon a raaohitjon daclar iuf tha Seliefa of tha Baptist Church to ha fixed in tha MMa. hat omitting mention of tha Bark A mat Baptiat Church. New Tork Citq, runaaquawt upon a controversy between Modam lata and Bundaaa an taliata hi that de nomination taat year at IndUuiapoHa. Judge F. W Freeman, of Denver, who led a fifrht to haw tha Bark Avenue Church declared out of har mony with tha Baptiat denomination. rniMomd: "We will introduce an amendment to the hy-tawa specifying that a Bap *iat Church neceaaarily ia are that l* lievea ir. New Teatament fundamen tala and Baptiam by inannion * DARWINISM NOT EVOLU TION AT ALL Dr. Point Says Farmer TW Asheville, July 1.—"Not only is the doctrine of evolution firmly establish ed with recognised biologists," said Dr. W. L. Potest, president of Wake Forest College, in sn address before the students and faculty of the Ashe ville Summer School, "it is so firmly imbedded in the texture of modern thought and literature that H is woo dered If any legislative enactment to expanse it can be serious." Dr. Potent pointed oat that the evolutionary doctrine is so defintely planted in scientific opinion as the law of gravitation. There is no doubt among the leading biologists that evolution is the true method of creation, he said. The problems of evolution are net jail solved." he continued. "Many of them are under consideration new. The proof of the doctrine is indirect I rather than direct. The gradual de velopment of animal and phuit life i <-ould not have been observed by dir | ect observation. The proof is ill i— atantial but It is the key to all the facts to nature." "People are always coafoondtng evolution with Darwinian.- aakl Dr Potent "As a matter of fact, Dar winism is net 11 uletlis at all. It Is imamI« a —— - mLIaL aualM^L^ •Tie*i fiy ■ proccn oy wf vvviiimm Is explained, la geOMral definition, evohrtlee is the dortrtes that ths present la the chOd ef the paat. Dr. Potest thee tsenched tete an exposHieei of some of the ilimmtary proofs of evolution hot Ike dinner gong cot short Ms address, la eesi -1 J « u 1 i i oil fai i ti . v I^^me(Ms« Re MIV * "Let me tail you that the homan j Mteg type of monkey <* ape or from any ^knew* «wl type ef mnihiy or •nre. He sat st the riancad irwar thm mail. ha with C«L but tha latter'* llhiaaa to make a hnrrM trip into ▼< •arty bi tha waak and ha Ma original intention of birthday at home. oat of tha that Boys hi the Fourth threw firecrackers behind knowfctff it waa occapted by tha hia Kinfa and raitnr haada of rii laaB| aB tha nations Othar tha wm of promii UMini them hail H Gary Aside 1mm the fart that tha I dent had a birthday cake tha mmm of hia dinner tmifkt waa net an nounced. In thia neighborhood aa ef fort ta aiada by >midener» to green peas by Jaly 4. A inly Fourth dish is peas an which explains why these tdiblaa 1 been sent in for the President's birth day. Mr*. C«*»lid*v« birthday the President was not »nn on the breakfast table thin iwrniaf was a ctorter of red re*« she had fathered. BOOM AL SMITH FOR PRES IDENCY 'a 4tk of Jaly Cih Tmrmmd farto Bom* For Smith New Turk, Jaly 4 -Tammany Hair, celebration of Independence Day turned into • second "Al Smith-for 'rom Governor Ritchie, of Maryland, to chlefa of the historic 1 dieted that New York'* would he the next President of the United State*. Governor Smith himself pruiW at the meetiac. It was Taaamaay"* ISfith celebration of the Fourth of July. Scene* reminiacent of national eom ventions wore enacted when l man John L. Dougrlaa. of I mised that the Democrata of rhoaetta wooid again give their thir ty-six vote* for Governor Mtk at the Democratic convention in IMS. he sat with Govaraar at a table In the VUte two year* ago at the Governor's "Maybe Al Smith wil *K at at Ci >edN