Start Trial of Eroiution Case At Dayton, T< of hMi af the ati TIm first day af tha awiftly cm its way, brkrlnf into the •pan in the courtroom Um flrat to-, fri battl* to ha faught Monday, the of inlalwlim of hi regard to wm started ta a xnall way at tfca flrat aaaainti hat gained win be bitterly contested before H la •Ma mdnd for tha moment to peimit •a selection of a Jury to preened. With Httle effort, tha IS aaata In Um Jury bos vara filled at tha after Twelve of tha >0 prospective Juran «xamln*d hirawi Jwwi in fact after tabu pa«aad in tha wain without questions from tha (tote. Um defense propounded a number af questions to each man but uaed only two of Ha three peiawpliiiy ehal langee. One objection waa made by fte atato, the mart ruled four possl Ma juror* incompetent and one waa —iUmil on account of hia afa. Um flrat move df tha day waa to a grand jury and preset* a bitl against the 2*-year-old dI teacher. The Indti lm«nl re-, May 28 waa conaidarad of al legality on account of an eight In elapaad time before the ammmoni to the grand jury and tha actual meeting of that body. Attor ney General Al T. Stewart, aaylng that it waa the deairr of all concern ed to have a record that would bear thorough inspection if the caae ranch ad a Mr her court, presented a new MB and the defendant was re-indict ed in slmost the identical language aaad in the first document. A statement by Clarence Darrow., af cmmsel for the defense, showed 4m first issue at hand. Speaking on tha expectation of the defanae to > witnesses from a distance, he I that the defense conaidarad scien | competent within the caae to explain what evolution ia, saying drfensc counsel considered such wit nesses competent on both sides. Attorney General Stewart, reply ing to Mr. Darrow*s announcement Ant the defense would insist on in toadurintr s< ientiata and Bible stu dent* to give their views of the Ten ■aaai i law. said that the state would j take the position that it waa not corn patent to bring scientists into tha caae to testify as to what the theory af evolution is. or interpret the Bi ble or "anything of that sort." The preliminary skirmish ended the dent l IK1 Ulsr MBsna Whan Dr. Ball made ln

Smitlrtown wctiim it (iHi>| through mm* of tl« ■cm* of kilting* and figVing* of the >>ld days. For wvrnl y»ir» the com munity ha* lived peacefully, peaceful law-biding citizens tending to tbeir own boainess. Bat In a week" ime resident* of famous Smith'owr sec tion have taken to carrying their guns snd no one la able to estimate what it will mean. Ona day of the past w-»k a b>> in a drunken stupor drew hi* fun and threatened to annihilate a whole fam ily which resulted in hi* ihodtinf and seriously wounding a neighbor: the killer went to the Jail and the wound ed to the hospital, and mm the whole f Bmithtown threatens to take it up, which may result in further killings. In Rmlthtown a* well a* other parts of the county, revenue officer* have been busy of lata, striving to rut out moonahinlng and transportation Their labors have been rewarded, yet have (a used much fighting and re-' porting among the people there. In one instance it la reported a man drew a gun. pointed it in a fellows ribs and threatened to kill him; by tome good fortune the trivg^r was never pulled and the man whose life wi* threaten ed returned to hi* home, took hi* vun and piatol and lay in ambush side of the road, waiting for that fellow to pome along. V*lng hi* wisdom the other fellow returned «n "ther route, thus preventing *no»V-r Willing. Year* ago Smithtown was fumed for It* liquor and gunmen; it i* known far and wide for alt this, and prob ably In no other nection of the coun •rv ha* more feud* existed among the families, or rather rlana thev would be called. It waa a dread field for "revenue*," who valued their live* when they went there. The good road* and the automobile opened uo these section* to the outride world, wherea* heretofore It waa hardly arreaaable. The had impression that 'he word Smithtown once bore to th» listener •nd speaker, has through the past few year* home a better imnressi—»: moonshininr ha* dhniniahed to a min-1 imum. and iron carrying h«d shou« named, bu« the minds of 'he neonle have been deeply atirred bv the recent "hooting. There may he more kH ing*, and a warfare* r>sy result be tween the different fart'on* there. As one officer states: "TYi "•» wlQ he a real battle and several killings " shotgun bv fhe The "sawdust trail" to h-»».r soils 1* he in* hit he manv TirliH fa»-m-«"* who are rraw*ng *oy bean* and oth er Womea this season as. a result o' activity on the part of county agento. diet, with tlx pena port of yam** «» mr *lt tTW^' f* ere m>w to! bio m*. Tliifey I pn the tailor an or4w tor ■ pair of | panto, the coat of whkrh will be aiderabiy Mora than the Ja pay. The tailor said on* fifth* yards would umba a pair rfj panto for himself, and tba price- of I aiin« would ba in aaaafidance with tba ] excess of tfat amount naadad far ma. I A faw yaara ago. hafnra public auto mobile linoa ware operating bar*. I waa acruatowad to traral a eartabi mountainous route by ona-boraa caach. At ttrst tba ticket aeOer sold j iw a ticket at tba regular prica, but | protoetod on account of my weight. I Tba nut time ba charged Ma the prica of a ticket and a half, a praea dant which might hava baan follow ed till now had it not been that Buick and Ford automobile* came to my reacue. f now have the joke on my Japanese frieada, in that one of the auto companies aalla ma ticketo at re duced price* when bought at the Uwajima office. Moreover, I gat thirty par cent dlacount on steam boat ticketo. wheraaa many Japanese weighing less than half aa much as I 'io pay full fare. But my weight af fords more hallaat for the steamers these times when cargo May be light. But to go back to the disadvantage* if good digestion and its reaultant •beeity, the Jefferson Standard Life lnauran«e Company is penalising me to the extent of four hundred dollars >n a twenty year life policy for twa thousand dollars, because my weight ta greater proportionately than my height, largely the fault />f my neck •n failing to lengthen out more in the ■ hap* of the obeliak in Central Park. New York City, sailed "Cleopatra's Needle." An official of the company later remarked to me that tbey had had unfortunate experience in insur ing fat folks. I am glad that their experience with me thua far has keen otherwise. The name year a great New York company insured me at normal rates, allowing that heredity had something t>y£*rith my tendency to overweight^^r A rain. make* mr very run npiruoun here by contrast with that of the Japaneae. An elderly couple have lived in our gatekeeper'* house ever dime we have been here. The man weigh* about ninety-one pound*, and hia wife weigh* lea* than eighty five pound*. Both are robuat and' wo-k hard, and I have never thought1 "* them a* being exceptionally *rilall. ' know of only one peraon in thia hole Miction who outweigh* me. Our work here ia fairly proaperou*. I On the 7th inctant I baptized aeven \ "irli at Yo«hida whose training be-! gan when very young, *ome of them in the Chri»tian kindergarten. They j are now member* of the Wealey En deavor Society, which take* the place | of the Epworth League in the Japan Methodiat Church. We are to have * pedal aervicea in all or aeven placea j luring the remainder of the month, j Rev. S. A. Stewart, a native North Caroliniana, will accompany me to rn ormy on a trip thirty mile* aouth of here to con due* rvangeliatir aervicea. Rev. J- Kugimiya. who wa* educated at Trinity Collage. Durham, wilt nlao aaalat me in meetinga thia month. Uwajima, Japan. June 19, IMS. J. W. FRANK HaU Off to Art com! It'a Haal Hatch** E(|>. Yuma, Aria., July f.—While the Middle Went think* temperature* over the century mark are high, southern Anxona hatchea chicken* by Ha natural tieat—without either incubator* or brood hen a. A feed n'ore manager reported to dav that three egg* which he left on a ahetf three week* ago, cracked to day and that three hoaky chicka emerged. TW twpaiatuii ha* beet) above 100 h4re (br many Agra. Ik* rim of Dr. Harry TW hurt ■«—I trial wmiW fa ClmiMi 0„ in Nay, 1924. whan la tha Ma, Charlas A. a Prsshytartaa Mmtnahan af York city, «u charged with having aapraaaad himself at varimca with the Westminister coafsastoa. TW New York |imb>t«i> fUarid him, hot the general assembly af tkr church riwriW tha decision and pro nowwred a verdict of —spswaiaa. Dr. Richard Hahar Newton, a New York Episcopalian af tha wan pertod rat short rharyaf afabitt hia 'luwi d« »f th# Chicago prubylrry and threatar Mr*. Sarah B. Con ft r, Sunday School worker, waa ha lad hefor- tha T rvabylcrian author)'ies in Si.r Pran rl». :jiv>ut IB70. Theologians to sarvive barmy pro reading* and gain what rat reported a* a firmer poaition were Horace Rushnell, Congragationallat of Hart ford. Coin., in 1M»; Prof Philip Srhaaf. arhoar acquittal in tha Oar man Reformed church In IS46 was echoed for SB yean In the "Merscars burg controversy;** Lyman Baechar. father of Henry Ward Beer her, and Presbytarian pastor in Cincinnati, in IHSft; and Rev. Elbert Barnes, Pres byterian of Philadelphia, 1M7. The witchcraft delusion in Salem village was the tragic climax of ron traversialism, in colonial days when 1!< were hanged and one "pressed to death" in 1M iiriii j i/uirirr *■» IUTCVU IU IC sign aa Ih* firnt president of Har vard college in IBM alter he publicly doubted validity of infant baptiam. He waa aino indicted by a irrand jury aa a heretic and sentenced to "a pub lic admonition" and placed under bond for (rood behavior. Samuel Gorton, religionist. about 1640 waa virtually deported to Eng land because of the unpoplarity of his temperament'and views He return ed to America under letter of safe conduct issued by the Earl of War wick to the Maaaachuaetta magis trates. Gorton's trouble started in Plymouth colony when he rane to the defenae of his wife's servant who had smiled in church. He suffered suc cessive banishments from Plymouth, Newport. Rhode Island and Boston A ♦ct which adopted hii antinomial ism survived him 100 years, records ihow. England was stirred in 1407 when Master William Thorpe, priest, waa "<->aaiiney of heresy" Se'ore Thomas Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury rud lord chancellor. The first heretic of Christian 'lines was Simyn Magna, the magi, rin, of 8umaria, according to the writings of St. Alphonsus M. I.iguort. Simon arms .cited In Acta of the Apos tles as having attempted to boy the secret oi the laying on of hands from 'he Apostles Peter and Paul The s«Ie of hoty things afterward became known as "simony." A QUESTION OP SUFFICIENCY Too seem troubled about your gar dening proposition." "Yea. I aa wondering whether f can raiae rnowgh to lake rare of the eiceptioaal appetite the outdoor ex ercise will give asa."—Biatsn Tran Border Cooperative Amo» ation to Open on Auguat 4 under rovtf rropa. "In the pnifllrth upkeep tad dm •IMMiit of an MrtuH, cultivation •lid cover crope Imv* not jwt rinlt ad Dm attention wMrk they daaal II,' «Ji C. D Matthews, fNtaor ef Horticulture at RaU Collage. "Tkaa* two pwiUni aheald aat ha mmUmI «parately. M aheald go M ka hand, aa the nlw af ana la fcpwlwt upon tha other. 1 "C alteration tn ItaeH win hapraea tha phyaieal enndWan af tha aa*. aave moiatura needed by tha trMa. and win encourage i hemh al activi ties tn tha mil. Thaae reauKa art aa ' iired by Inrreaalng tha water-hold ing tapatlty of (he utl, by rberking -aw a i nn" «. ft 1m. — a — — « I*™ ie^W^3Fi»^F i®eP| OTevCs by haatening the dernmpoettina of ar imnic matter. It muet be nm«mber ed that an aO aoila the muietim pro Meia ia important, and this year aa parially hat H hoc cane a Itahhir far ter. Growth of traea aad aiae ef fruit have been reduced by lark of moiatar» heraoee of poor cultivation. The ap parent failure . to get reaolta from fertiMsera in aome orrharda thia year -an be traced to the low moiatura aup ply aa mult of poor cultivation." Prof. Matthews atataa that atoat fruit growers know that cultivation helpa to ronearea moiatura, yet it ia a proven fact that continued cultiva 'ion borne oat much humua; there fore, clean cultivation year after year without the addition of huaiua In aome form, ia ruinooa. Maintain ing and increaaing the aupply of hu-1 mua can beat he accompliehed by Be ing green manure cropa each aa cow pt-aa, aoybeana, rye and clovera. Tbeae ill have advantagea and each may be need where the condition of the aoU ind climate may dictate. In the lower Piedmont, Sandhill* and Coaatal Plains, aatiafactory re aulta can be secured by planting aoy beana aa a green manaring crop be tween the trees during thr> Wat two weeka of July. Succeae aritb the aoy beana wiU depend on moisture condi tions. However, If moisture condi tiona become favorable. Prof. Mat thew* statea that it will pay orchani iata to plant aoybeana Several var ieties may he uaed profitably he -tktes, but the Undo win prove best if planted at the rate of fifteen rxiunda per anr At thia late date it is probable that aoybeana will he the heat crop to uae in increaaing the humua aupply in th<» orrharda. In Auguat and early September trimaon clover or a combination of hairy vetch and Abruzxi rye, ia re. »mmend<*d. Telia How Poaauma Outwit Bee* and Take Their Honey Kinaton, July 11.—A. Z. Pollock, of Trenton, report* having *cen "pos sums outwit bee* in wild hive* near that town. According to Pollock aev eral of the animal* invaded the hive* and were cha*ed away by the honey* maker*. "The bee* aettled in (bit number* on the opo**uiaa' tail*. Ap parently they were clinging them, hat a 'poaaum'* tail i* reputed to he with out feeling," he stated. "The aniaial* trotted off to *ome place in the wood*. Shortly they returned with out the bee*." It waa surmised that the marsupial* managed to drown the busier*. "Finally the hive* were completely empty of beea, and the 'r.oaaum* robbed them undisturbed." The chagrined bee* returned and butsed angrily about the hivea, hot the thieve* were gone by then. Klondike Stock Form Paaae* To Now Hoads Elkin. JulV 11.—Thurmond Chat ham, of Winstar-8alam ha* raaaolty purchaaed from H. G. and R M Chat ham the valuable Klondike far^i lo cated on Highway M, three mile* north of Elkin. Thi* farm conalata of aevaral hundred acraa of the farm ing and gnuiag land in weatem North Carolina, and ia to be convert ed Into a atock farm for raising pure '■red cattle, aheep. hog* and pnaalhly horaaa. Mr. Chatham haa ae cared as maaagar for Klondike Fan* Ban ha Pynm, an eapart stock breeder, and 'or the past several yaars aaeerintad >n a almilar aapaclty with Leonard Tufts at Phi i hiss at. to the fart f—ty tkt put lint r«n in Uiia State bat fail to declare to (Mr they art boUiaf up rotects all aMka. Another aid to tbs promt lira ay of new rwlwii is found by the wewher cnnuiri ta the unqualified statement of the tobacco association's directors that no penalties will be deducted from deliveries of the IW crop to meet claims or dawaK far the failure of maathers to daiisic to bacco to the association dorinf paat teasoas. ( The campaign of economy by which the tobacco aaaoctatioa ia curtsling expenses by several hundred dollars in ruttmr down the of employes and warehouses will eli minate comparatively few of ita re re inn* points in Sooth Carolina dur ing the cotninir season. It is definite ly known that the following co-op erative warehouses will be open far the season on Auguat 4: Andrews, Ouuibnura. Conway, Darlington, DO Ion, Fairbluff. Fairmont. H-mm* way, Johnaonvilie, Kinstree. Lake City, Lamar. Lnris. Lynchburg, Mar ion, Nichols. Olanta, Pamlico, Ban» tcr, Summervilie. Tabor. Timaiiw viile. Whitevilie, Clarkton, Manning, Florence, Mullins and Lumbarton. Guilford Farmer. Want L*gia Grvensboro, July 12.—A special WMion of t*w legislature is desired by Guilford pmpk in order to ham 'he country game law repealed, pro vided the county commissioners will not declare it must not be enforced. Meeting hfff Saturday, 18 man, two from aarh town*kip, wppriiw 'ation of more than 1,000 who Bat hi a nuui meeting a wrek ace, asked the rommiasioners not to enforce the law, end in the event the commissioners are not able to order it a dead letter to petition Governor McLean to call a special eeaaion in order to repeal K. The law, passed at the last janlaa of the general assembly, waa strictly "local legislation." and the lenm, practically all of whom are oppoaed to it, datm that it was paaaed while Sey were aot looking. for the bene fit of a few boaters, with provisions working hardships m Jury to their crop. Piekl* Factory Oeet A Hash I Wilmington. My It.—The factory opened • ttm week* age hi the huildiftg.