Hollingiworth Drug Co Prescription Druggists "f J Mount Airy, N. C. u '■ *v ' ■ ' • The Rexall Stote Phone 31 NOTICE North CarolfaM, Surry County. By virtu* of the power contained hi a certain deed of trvat, executed mm tha 20th day of June, 1924, by I. H. Gwyn and wife, Blanche H. Gwyn, to E. C. Bivens, Trustee, default hav ing been mad* in the payment of the ■ote thereby aacured, I wilt offer for aale on the 1Mb day af July. 19», •t twa •'clock P. ||. la front of the Bank of Mount Airy, tha following daaci ibed tract of lead, an upaet bid having been filed: In Mount Afar* Township adjoin tec the la ml* of LP. Wedell and oth ara and beginning at a atake in the edge of Fancy Gap Road and runa north 68 feet to an iron atok'e; thenc* northwest 174 feet to a npaniah oak hi tha adse of Allrod'i Mill Road: thence with the (aid Altrad'a Mill Road 116 fact to Everett'i corner; thiei with Everett's line 282 feat to tha edge of Fancy Gap Road; thence with Taney Gap Road 98 feet to tha twinning. Sale made to satisfy note of Twelve Hundred Twenty-six Dollars aad sixty-eight cents (11228.08), in • tars it and costs to add. E. C. Bivens, Trustee. NOTICE , Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of the late J ease M. Venable this in to notify all parties having claim* against the es tate of the deceased to present them to the undersigned within 12 months from date of this notice or same will ha plead in bar of recovery. All par ttsa indebted to the estate will piiase asake immediate settlement. This June 23, 19C5. Geo. Badge tt. Ext., Jesse*. Venable. deed. H. O. Woltx, Attorney. A flavor that ia different— GREEN RIVER—Jwt toy H. BACK HURT BAD MrUSmnPAiii I (Ut Vary WmL "I think very highly of Card* lor I have had grrat benefit taw m mm," says Mr*. Cora Nkkoiaoa, al Ware Shoals. S. C. "I was la bed quite a while. It lookad like my streagth would not come back, and I suffered with unit pains in mjr back slkisi iaf I would try lo get ap. Sometimes I would scream out. my back hurt me to bid. "My husband got me some Cardui aad I took two bottle*. Very shortly alter I began to take H 1 could notice I felt better. I be gan to get stronger. My appetite waa improving and I could see that I was much better. "After I had finished the secoad bottle I was able to be up and do all aiy own housework, so of course I think Cardui is fine It is the best tonic for w omen that I know anything about, and I am glad to recommend it. Not lone ago I told a lady friend of mine about it. aad it did her as much good as it has done for me." At all drug (tores. C-s CARDUI TheWwnanVIbiiio Hy virtue of an esaewtion hi my by the Clark of tkt flu parior Cawt of Guilford Count/ hi ■ »»rt c. «f Butnrr I will Mil far caah to the bl(h at the court houae door in Dobaon on the M day of A ~ IIIrpN 1926, at 1 P. M.. the ary of land lyinr aa _____ _ Town of Pilot Mountain, N. C, H*(imin| am a fence pout on Kajr street, R. C. Butner and T. G. Criaa nian rornw, awl ram in a mdali direction with T. G. Criaaman and K. C. Burner's. liae 100 feet, thenae hi northerly direction with Criavait and Butner line 00 feet to comer of Butner's hoaaataad lot, thence in an easterly direction with line of R. C. lot about 96 faat easterly to Key atl eat, thence in a southerly direction with Kay street 80 faat to the beginning, being a atrip of land HO x 100 faat of the southern end of the lot now owned by the said R. C. Butner. Sale made to satisfy a debt of $245.26, with interest and coat to add. This July Srd. 1926. C. H. Haynes Sheriff of Surry County. GREEN RIVER—tfca Coaiaiiaaiaaer's Sale By virtue of the power conferred upon me by order made by the Clerk or the Court in the caae of Okas. Mc Keiver, et ala, vs. Winston Mc Kinney, at ala, I will aatl to the highest bidder for cash at public aortion on the pre mises on the 1Mb day af Jaly 1925, at 1 o'clock P. li the following described real eatate to wit: A lot bring la the town of Mount Airy and bounded aa follows: Beginning at a stake, the corner of Mrs. Pern's lot and ruaa with the line of Mrs. Penn'a lot 78 dag. East 190 feet to a locaat poet^ Mrs. Pern's North 4t dag. West lit faat to a (take at Oak Street; thence with Oak street South 66 dag. SO min. W. 70 feet to a stake in Mrs. Penn'a line thence with Mrs. Penn'a line S. 17 1-t dec. B. 90 faat to the beginning, con taining 4-10 of aa acre. Terms of sale are one-half caah, balance in six montba. Sale made subject to confirmation of the court. This the 17th day af June, 1996. W. F. Carter, Jr., GREEN RIVER U jvl tU right tame—hist try it. Van Lindley's CUT FLOWERS —PHONE— W.S. Wolfe Drag G>. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL/S CATARRH XrWCINB 1st been used successfully Sa ihe tt\ utu.< n( oi Catarrh HAIX'fl CATARRH UKD1CINB r«n of an OtnlmMst »l.i. h Relieves bjr local arp:* ation. #nH the Internal Medietas. a Tuale. which acta through the Moo* on lh*' Mu. una Bur facea. thue rr4drln«r the inflammation. Hold fay an drusrta. P J. Cheney *Co.. Toledo. Otote Resource* OverfOne Million Dollar* First National Bank Mount Airy. N* C. « Has given satisfactory service to its customers (or more than twenty-five years. V, What can we do for you ? T. G. FAWCETT. PmlliM W. W. BURKE. Vli■ PiiiHiiI E. a SMTH. CmMm TOBACCO i U BY 1MOO THAN IN 19S4 July 11.—The 4tpwt today to all (My two types, Um bright flue Ml of the i af but thejA an offset by towm in other types, ranging from three per ttirt in barley to It par cant In tha western dark Small acreage, the department pointed oat, tn due to bad weather conditions and although planting wai ■till In progreaa July 1 there was gen oral complaint that tha farmer* would not ha able '» pat their full acreage. Preliminary estimate* place tha ana planted to bright fine cured to bacco this year at MS.OM acres, which la an increase of 24,000 acre* •ear last year. The increase ia found in tha new1 belt in Georgia, Florida | and aaatern North Carolina, while tha old haft, Virginia and North Car olina show* a decrease of 14,000 acre* and Sooth Carolina show* no change. Although tha dark fired type *how | inrraaasa in Kentucky and Tennessee other sections report decrease* and the general area planted to this type is estimated at 11,000 acres less than last year. The air cured group fell off alto gether about t 1-8 per cent with] Maryland and eastern Ohio being the i heaviest loser* with a decline of 11 per cent. Cigar types, collectively, show a decline of 11 per rent with an indicated acreage of 143,000 against 180,860 acres last year, the decreaae being uniformly distributed throughout the territory. Key Family Retnuoa The largest gathering of the North Carolina clan of Key since the fam ily nettled in Weston county many years ago wu held Sunday at the J. H. Key reaidenee on East Main street hill. No leas than M coven were laid for • bountiful chicken dinner. Prior to the faaat religious service* war* conducted by Rev. G. 0. Key, who together with Jim Jones and T»m Jones was present from North Caro-, Una. Among others in attendance ware Sam Kay and family of Hilton. John Beamer and family, John Hick man and family of Milton, Rev. Ben Howard, of Irrigoa, Mr. and Mrs. Sir Eaton of Preewater, Harrison C. Kirk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Schrimpf, Ml and Mrs. Boy Key, Mr. aad Mrs. Le*ia C. Van Winkle. J. N. York and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Key. Three families had four gen erations represented at the reunion.' —Weston Leader, Weston. Oregon, j Hoigell Hatcher to Coach Rutberford Team Rutherford College, July 10.—H. J. "Doggie" Hatcher, a four-year foot ball star of the Trinity college eleven, baa bean appointed griiiiron coach of the Rutherford college team this fall and the mount*tnern are expected to place a strong team on the field to battle rival colleges. Last year he had charge of foot ball and baseball at Georgia Military Academy. The football team that be. placed on the field for the prep •honl team jrab runner up in the Atiuita prep league, whlie the G. M. A. base ball team, under the leadership oi | Hatcher, won the Atlanta league champioaahip. Early work will begin on building up a winning aggregation at Ruth erford aad the newly appointed coach will arrive here in tisae to take over the early fall practice. WANTED everybody to drink GREEN RIVER — the maxwom '■'M M I i I Ok. ML Airy. H. C Am m let it RAIN SNOW SHINE HAIL FREEZE You should worry about your car! We're got the btit M»I you rw heard. No mora worry about what kind of weather you go out in, where you prrk your ear, and how long We've installed special apparatus to reflniah your ear by an astonishing new proeeaa, called the Larqueraid aystem. A year from the day your car comes out of our shop, no matter how hard you use it, you can tee your smiling faee in ita glossy finish. What'a more you 11 gut your car back twice a* soon as you ever did before, fro:r. us or anyone else. If that nounds good to you, come in and bear the whole story. t * " /T Norman Auto Paint Shop ITS SO REFRESHING— GREEN RIVER Um WRKLEYS *4 Wrlglayfc. YOU SHOULD NAME IK SUNK C0UN1Y LOAN & 1KUSI CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Mm u ,,, ||ti Mbaa ttm'gr* tm 1 aaal in .u ««•!»« THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH Millions for necessities but none to spare for luxuries Railroad profit* are limited by Inr, and ratea are 6aad by the Government. In no other large hnainsaa faaogrsatwimMdaptol riafced far ao srruill a return aa to transportation.* The new money put into a railroad, thaufca*. muat be profitably employed, other in in creasing capacity for aariin or fa dhcfa| economies of cfperstion. The Southern, never yet able to control aO the new capital its management would be pleaaed to taveat, neceaaanly baa to give preference to productive improvements. auch aa yarda, shoyta, engines, cars and tracks. But it fa becaoae it haa devoted itareaourcaa to nsosaaitisa—rather than nor>-productive IiIkc monumental pmengtr ■tatfana that the Southern haa been able to keep ha aanka abreast of the demands at A fa mm* ■■ m ^ tufl tcmiory R icrvctk SOUTHERN R A I LWAY SYSTEM As the Authorized Ford Dealers of Mount Airy and vi cinity we tell only the Genuine Ford Battery and other Genuine Ford Part* and Accessories. Ford owner* buy them with complete confidence in their value, workman ship and dependable performance, because they bear the • Ford name and are built especially for Ford cars. Ford Battery 13 Plates 116.22 All (outline Ford ucmm