S. A. Conduff hu rrt«m«l 11 vWt to her litter in RllbrlMi, Hornet haa i stui wsd • month* vacation spent in Phll P* . and Atlantic Otjr. M. i. Mr. and Mr*. E. 0. Smith leave thia wmk for a trip through tba western part of tha state. — Uttia Miaa Katie Buakk. of Galax. U, ta vt.itln* tba family at 8. M. Mra. R. E. Mitchell retained Tues day from a pleasure trip to Waab> hnrton. D. C. W. O. Howard, of Tarboro, la apandinr a faw day* with hia family who Bra gueata of Mra. Howard's par ents, Dr. and Mra. W. 8. Taylor. Miaa Florence Waller left Car bar bom* in Durham after i inf a weak with har aiatar, Mra. Geo. Tba local W. C. T. U will meet at S P M. with Mrs. H. P. of day froy Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Creed. Miaa Tbabna Creed and Miaa Lyda B.irrh aas spent the week end with relatives in fceanoke, Va. Annie and Carrie at Pilot Mountain and Fannie E. Learia at Scotland Neck were truest* at Mra. W H. Lonir last Thursday. I bt in lea Vtow (Mar Brower1* Springa), Saturday aight August 8. You ar* invited. la* Hendrea and hoMa Mia* Eatkcr Ma* Bond, at Florida, arc viaiting Mi** Evelyn Pail and Tommy Try* at Pilot Mountain. Mi** Ruth Cad*, daughter of lor. and Mr*. J. J. Eada, submitted to am aeration for the removal of her Mr*. Roy Mitchell ha* returned a all week*' vi*it to friend* and in Virginia. Maryland and ia. Elizabeth Long and Ethel i, student nurse* < f St. Lake's 1. Richmond, Va., are vintine, their parent* in this city. Miaae* Marian Prather and Leaaie Smith have returned from Charlottes ville, Va., where they were *ummer wchaol student* at the University of Virginia. Mrs. W. 8. Yataa. Misa Dorothy Yates, of Raleigh, and Mi** Margaret Eagle*, of Fountain will spend two week* in the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Q. Smith. •> ; * (rrfc" ' R R. Jackson left Tueaday for K bwinaaa trip to New York City. Mid Batter head of the ready-to-wear de putment at Jackaon Brother* depart Wat *tore and Mia* Kathleen Jack Ma accompanied him. George SattoriMd. of Wkia. and daughters Mrs. L«a and Mrs. H. F. Primroae and of Durham, and Wallace Callaway, of Winaton-Salem, viaitad here Friday. May and Loaiae Baraaa and Hanner, Meaara. 8. K. Walla. C O. Ring and C. 0. Matta, all al to thU city to of Mr and Mra C. C. Crawling and White They were l hy Miaa Margaret Bar I aeveral days here the Darothy j. 5 ! of Statarrllle, k Ml Mrs. T. G. >HWM and fnmfly. Aaron OM, of Or—labaw, m ■ in tho ham* at Mr. and Mm. W. G. Sholton. Miaaea Ruth Court and Miwii, of Honderaonrilte, m of Miaaea Anmr and In the home of their | Mr*. W. I. S. Walker Miaa Phyllis Wood, of Ljmehbnrc, Va„ spent the week end with Miaa Mary Mill. rawcatt. Mia* Wood and part achool terra at Stuart Hall, Staunton, Va. e. a Mr. E. G. rttg* party Mcindai in comptaent to hor hooae Dorothy Yatoa, of Raf l«l«h, and JDaphne Ow jrMary Mill. Owena, of fountain, and Miaa faawtt, of tfcie city, whoa* wrriaft to Mr. Frod Polgaf will take place in tha aarty fan. , The high eeece priaa waa w< bg Mm. WUliam Graves. of Rachel Haynoa. Attractive ■eora by Miaa tractive gitJ o each a* tbi A savory salad tourai waa aanad by Masdamss E. C. Ashby. E. & ftlvens, Wine* Fulton, aad C. M. Whitlock. Ohm The singing cIm from the Oxford Orphan*** will (N • nwort la thm North Main school auditorium day pv«nin( at eight o'clock. children furnish a hick daaa and en tertaining ptogiam and a liberal patronage is solicited in thoir behalf. TV proceeds of the concert |« to tha support of the Masonic orphsnsgi at Oxford where a hoot 300 children nie being rnred f«r by the Masons of North Caroline Aim) tad In6rm May At Automobiles will be faraiahed to i srry aged or delicate jwopie, who are not able to walk, yet wish to attend .the Culpepp-r revha* services, to and from the Lo.-ill warehonas. A tele oh ne anwp to K »J* •ecurr this aiilw without coat lot ray or all service*. W. B. ( chairman automobile c j Far Two / Mo"tl" TotaI w* \ " Permits issued by buOdiac InipiV tor, M. F. Patterson, for tka wiaths of June and July indicate a growth for Mosst Airy. sire building operations pat a* foot during the put two mnadha yet tie buildings that are beta* erect lat haasaa in the city are fa demand. TV total rahie ef the huildfaga that an outlay of at O. K. Ksrrttt, to pupils leaving At#d Pilot MouiUla, Route I, Aug S.-4 The rhiMnn and (randrhildrm of S. T. Cook (•» Mm a sarprtee birth-"' day dinner but Sunday. Aopit i There were pr—»nt fort)r-• • iwWr of a rornntr'l jwrf to invtiti|tt« the death of a maa ■uppoeed to bo ft iiobiy, whoot bo4f »aa found near Coffoo Pot bayou km Wodntodijr morning, Albert Laaa -neorniwd the troaaera won by the load man and then wreatigatad tmr :kor ami MntMod tho body aa tM if hie brother, Walter William Una Prom tho examination of tho body ■ad* hurriedly, it appeared that Lmm tad met death from blows on the head «nd body. Re had beea dead eeraral iayi. further iweaatiptiea 1« boiaff aade to determine the cauae ai leath. bat it ia believed certain h* r» slain. Hia brother said ha fre lueatly did not aae Lane for aa mock ia two waeha at a time. Sunnyaide. V*., An*. I.—Mr. and Mr>. C. G. Needham announce the ea» (agement of their daughter, Purnia, •jn Mr Marioti Mfador, the wedding o take place in the fall. Conducted FLORIDA TOURS Six Days in the Land jf Sunshine and Opportunity Nut earuraiona. but carefully planned, high clau>, impi cational. prrMmlly conducted tour* of the entire Florida E saving you both time and money and insuring the heat In dationa en rout*. ♦ Lhtc Winston-Salem, Nwtk Carolina THURSDAY, AUG. 6, and THURSDAY .AUG. 13. Taking Pullman Sleeper* for Jackaonville, wflvinf at Jacksonville for Krvakfaat the following morning and thence bjr DE LUXE HOLLYWOOD BUS . For an Eight Hundred Mile Tour oyer the Splendid Paved load* of the Florida East Coaat, visiting: ST. AUGUSTINE . HASTINGS ORMOND DAYTONA NEW SMYRNA TITU8VILLE COCOA HOCKLED6B (Night Stay) EAU GALL1E MELBUl'tNE TILLMAN nr. meecs STUART WJST PALM BKAI PALM KBACM (Niaht 8to») LAKE WORTH DKUUY DEEEF1EU) POMPANO rr. LAUDERDALE ?R BOLL WOOD MIAMI