TIGHT FEELING black draught ^ iivip wiDfr n 41 DR. J. P. COX Hm 622 Hn. #11—2-1 •TO WHITMAN'S MUSIC STOCK MOt'NT A 1ST. W. C DR. J. D. HOGAN DENTIST Orrica Of« GraaMa CHjr Malar Ca. SYDNOR * SPARGER MOUNT AIRY. N. C ROBERT J. LOVILL. M. D. • to 10 A. M. Offlr*, IU If.M. aad by , *w4ey hj Ap Of fie. mt Hakoaih A MMktff 9r W. M. HoHin<»swortli DENTIST MOUNT AIRY. N. C DR. S. A. CONDUFF Specialising is DkwttM tf Fve. Ear. Nom A Throat GUmm Fitted lMU< la OffkM of tk« lata Dr. I. B. Rovr. CHRISTIAN * RECTOR INSURANCE Insurance of All Kinds <;ro. a poore. owmt • orriN >■ rw omaa dOY C MITCHELL. M. D. •-it M Mil. DR. J. E. DEN1 MOUNT AIRY. N. C ! UTB AMD A - - days yesterday, and Ma ran of them la • for* tin town Mav Mid Hi the *nd on the grouiMl P»* In* friends and tlwt waa a general handahaklng all around. TMa aaaoriatton meeta only ana Hum at a plara In 1? yaara, and until thla aaaoriatton divided H waa H years before they rama around to tha fir. latilaaa Dally. larvtaa m being Ha Id (hra dally tn tha Piedmont At 11 o'clock tn tha morn In*; I, S and ft o'clock In tha afternoon and f o'clock tn tha evening and at aach service memhera and vtattora literal ly awarm to tha warehouae until atandlng room la at a premium. Thara ware mora paople tn Mebane today than tha F'Ur-Ceonty fair haa ever accommodated in ana day. and at III thara waa no Inconvenience. Mehane took cara of them royally. Tha Mr aaaortattoft and tha chamber of commerce have been natng a very meana for tha convenience of tha vtaftora and members. Ira water la furnished free and tha warehooaea and gronnda have been wired for them, fana hare been distributed and watchmen employed to look after tha warehouse* and the Are track stands night and day connected so that should a fire happen to occur H can ha controlled without delay. Hundreda of tents cover tha grounda and Inside tha warehouaes with people who come from far and near to thta association and from tha latter part of Aaat week until to. day people kept coming until tha crowd waa swelled beyond tha ex pectations of rven the members of this aaaoriation. Tha Piedmont warehouse, with a ■eatint capacity of 2.MW, haa been packed and jammed at every aervice, people standing op for lack of aeat in* facilities and even at that tha crowd la unable to get Into tha ware house. It is a wonderful night to m m many thouaand* of people congregat ed for m nnt of this nature with never a *trangwr among tkra, appar en'riy. ami Mebane ha* dona har eery tint and haa rarmM In entertain inr loyally the biggest crowd ever h«re. Order of ienic* at Mr. Bry M*i Funaral. The order of mtltw of the fun eral of William Jennings Bryan in Washington last Friday wa» aa fol At the church, 2:46 p. m. i "Lead Kindly Light," by nixed quartet. "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," quartet • Reading of the Presbyterian church for the/ dead by the Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Simoo, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church. Hie Twenty-third Paalm, read by Dr. Siioo. Invocation by the pastor, followed by the Lord'* Prayer repeated in uni son by the congregation. Reading of the Ninetieth Paalm, by Dr. Siaoo. alao a portion of 1 Cor inthian*, IB veraaa SO to H. Reading of portion of 14th chap ter of the Goapal of St. John. Pastoral prayer. Hymn, "Faith of Our Father*." Funeral addreaa, by Dr. Siaoo. Benediction. Chopin'* funeral march on the pipe organ a* the casket was carried from the chorch. At Arlington National Cemetery: Funeral train met at southgate by military eacort composed of a hand of the Third cavalry, dismounted, and batteriea A, B, aad C, 16th field ar tillery, diamounted, which lead the way ta the grave. Reading there from the Presbyter - lan burial service by Dr. "Tape." WANTED a.ar.huJy to GREEN RIVER —tito gUM^CATAitRH MMMCni* jflCr CATAKltM FOR OVER 4# YEARS MKDICrnC earn vkM «alckly •6 Iff titer* wmrm no true— of potooa to ttx luciou* M and to ■how Ma amfl. done* in Ma finding*, at* th* ha lane* of tto) tflafri poi*on*d honey. Th. statement of til* chemiat reada, M follow*: "Th* aampl* of honwy r*c*lT*d from y»u • tow lurlnv th* laat few week* and ana of these pert lea claimed he waa poiaoned on the honey be at*. They aahad their family phyaicten to **nd off a •ample of thi* honey to th* alat* I chemist for an analyaia. He did *o and accompanying la hia full report. Mf think thia report ahoull be pub lished in falrneaa to the producers of the honey in qu**tion, and atoo to let the people know there I* no *uch thing aa poiaoned honey, ft la well known to all beekeeper* that bao* cannot carry poiaoned honey to th* hi***, for wor* th* honajr poiaoned when they gather It. it would kill the bee* before they could carry the nectar to tile hhra. "There ia absolutely no need of any parson being afraid of poieono* honey, for no chemiat ha* ever found any trace* of poison to any honey ** nmined by th*m, and thi* i* known to be really true, "Hooey i* a fin* food, but it la a strong food, and if eaten while hot, or with certain other food*, it i* I likely to came one to he *ick if torg* j quant I tie* df It are eaten in *uch \ cm***. "No doctor can possibly tall if honey |« poisoned, yet soootisMs doc i tors Mkf tUtmnli about foods , to blamr for tMr patient'n sirhma. But thla dies not spank wall for eucb doctors." I "GINA-GUNA" In THE NEW YORK WORLD ; Magazine naxt Sunday will appear a story by Beatrice Grimshaw "TV , Tale of Cuna-Guna," the secret love phi Itrr of the Mala vs. which makes a man crawl to the fact of the woman ; who haa riven it to him. This story wilt enthrall you from beginning to 1 end. Tell your dealer next Sunday i you want THE WORI.D Edition ! limited. ' John Rafcinioi'i Circus to Show « Wiwlw liiii, Aug. 14. The earth's oldest circus, Joka Robinson's will soon bo la our midst, as the billboards throughout the country proclaim in load and lurid colors, its coming to Wins too Balam for afternoon and night |iai fia mantes on Friday, August 14. Hundreds at cirrus lorm of this community are making plana to attend the circus j that day, as the merit and superiority I of John Robinson's Circus is well j known here. John Robinson comes this year with an entirely now performance from the opening of the gorgeous spectacle. ''Peter Plan in Animal Land" to the aenaational and thrill ing finishing numbers. Europe and the Orient were sacker for novelties and features by representatives of the circus last winter, ;lih1 the fore most wild animal acta of the universe were purchased and added to the Robinson's double menagerie. Cant. Ricardo, Theo Schroeder, W. W. Weaver, Dewey Butler, Bbb Thorn ton Nellie Roth. Lorraine Wallace and Margaret Thorn peon are » few of the noted auhjugators, wheee charges will work in the arenas and in the rings. The largest group of polar bears to ever appear m public will bo worked by TImo Schroeder, famous European trainer. "Kittle" the only wrestling tiger la the mi verse will be another distinct feature that is offered by no other cireaa. International troupes and families of repute wiB also be found perform ing under John Robinson's Mg seven pole top. TV Morales Family from Mexico, the Sing-Sing Chtneae, the Rudy Rudynoffs Family from Aus tria, Senorita Piedad from South America, and other foreign countries will all be represented, for John Robinson's dressing tent ia truly a melting pot. As for downs, fifty of the funniest and moot foolish fnlows ever turned laeae will cavort la the aawduet ■acura a daMof MiJI _.,J I_,L« —Ll^L I VM VHPI^P vMBHHV Br _ ^ unpaid. At tK* mmmi #«f tk« Lilifl „f I fcTJuS wi in# now, i win ottf lor mm at potelie Auction to Dm Mgbaat bidder Dob*on on tW •. f TyfjSATV"* In Mm* Township, Surry Cow*, ty: Adjoina* the iaada of 0 N. Crowds, William Collin*, Htnaa Place, now owned by L. r; w«u«rb aa foil. w. ft. .Tinning at ■ rock planted in H E. corner of Lot No. II in plat of Um town of Dobaon, and bounded oti the South by D. N. Crowds L.t FVwh Polgor Collin*; on the Eaat h» Place, now owiMd by L. G. Waugh: on the North bir A. H Kreemun, J. H C. Norman end R. S. Polgar; on tha Weat br Samoel Betlela, David and othara, and tha town at Do 'wing tha H. M. Waugh, home tract of acre* mora or 51. par* M, Ragtetor of Daada Office, Surry County, North Carolina. 2nd Tract. Htnea Place near Dob. •on, beginning on poat oak and runa Sooth 29 rha. to a white oak, Eaat 0 eha. with Collin'a Una to a Mack oak, North 28 cha. with Falaar** line to ■ black oak hi tha fork ofa branch Smith'* * — to tha beginning, containing >1.1 rim 8a* acre* Mora or (aaa. flaa book 4S page 242, Radiator of Daada OMra, Surry County, North Carolina. Sale made to aathrfy aaid debt with interest and coat of unle day of Jt a. d. roi Thla 20th day ofJafetMl DOfTT FORGET IT OF Ct BtGnbJ CiBfimlli Of d f •ft my kit »in bad ■on lift ml of Life, h YOU SHOULD RAMI IK SWOT COWY LOAH t IWSV CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS* Greenwood Auto Company Elktn, N. C. Mount Airy, N.fC. What more could you want? We know from experience that once yon put Barrett Roll Roofings on any building, the root Is definitely off your mind—to stay off. One type of roofing is surfaced with natural slate hi beautiful fadeless colors, red, green or blue-black. Others are plain-surfaced—all are fire-aafe. Rot-proof and rust proof, Barrett Roll Roofings are lastingly weather-eight. We are always glad to put ear roofing esperisnce at your disposal without any oKhgseiwi on your paw.