30,000 Robed Ku Kluckers March Through Capitol Ik A»«nu< U tli* Tnuary MMlag mi aoath in IMi ft treat to Mm — YlMtn at tha WaaMnffton Mofio Tha pwiaafrrtuw Mmri tow< at 9 P. M. mm! euHmn4 to move after fcrt. whan pollre mM it wooM ml ■My to on on til It o'clock. Apyrosi Md nii|, watckerf from tha iMa A iNtUN or UW KIM a* third W mi • woman. IVrrj color of th* ■ad to maka a groat apaeUelo. Tho «d of the panda von a rick uniform, and clad hi rod. purple or whH*. half hundred band* played. Forty-flee special trahia and ■and* of automobilaa brought the to town. AH hurt night ma. r«w hi over tho highway* to Waahington from tho Worth, Sooth, Eaat and Woot. frih thia raornlnf Klanamon and i hi their Invisible 1 tnrriad abaft tho city. yhrania and New Jtrwy can for tho largest number of Now York sent down ap teiy 4,000. States north of those hi tho Sooth. ■ Cim With Um D««i Faw Klansmsn cJm bar* the tdiun npminUtl»n (fauil >»Tin|wli for Dm today. To add t» the qw tam of the action km the hat1111 t*d those roninf hi Mm to begin to arrhn in ■haaaa aftor mUsifkt By I o'clock tWa morn in* machines were ap pMckini on every road to Waahing This morning when citixens at the National CaptiUl commenced to more ■knot they found the downtown ■tie11.» crowded with men and woman firem a dosen or more states. In the parka hundred* of parsons aloft on to the mem hen of the of curio u» persons i hare from nearby states. Ijefore three o'clock, the time ■at for the parade to start, hundreds of men and woman, wearing: the Idan ragalia. swarmed about the city, aigbt serin* in groupa. street or nook and corner Croup* of robed visitors. The and mora expensive hotels, a* aa the lower priced onaa, were •tarally full The New Willard. head quarters for the demonstration, and the Washing-ton in the heart of the fcsalims < section, were popular gath ering places. Five bands, one right after the other, came out of one of Washington was interested and »ur filmd at the light. For the first time in its history white robed Klana ■as nonchalantly walked hither and to the norelty of th* thine, >nd mm af the nervou*nea* of the night he faro paaaed away. Thin pared the wmr for the formal program of the 4kj Hostile croups of eitiaena eahn ed down ami Joined in th4 frolic. All Htto of rumor* were afloat, hat the mm that aei »ed to allay hitter feeling toaaid the Klan waa the report that VnM-be marrher* were inatrurted to overlook ■friendly or laauhhig 1to**ad| of on looker* admired •he attire af certain Klana There I jMKsssyrt: ill Ikt hand thai The out-of-town bent on right IMlm. through the capital for the National of print* ■ # n^ajl jMa^ -tl-L — J until a trie crowa frtw ana xronmra. Cttjr Man and woman, villa#* folk* and country jaopl* war* bar* Hun dred* of mother* carrying bahiaa hi their arm* trudged about the streeta. Ferty-five 8 pa rial Train Union Station waa thick with knighta, receiving oncoming cararana. Kortjr.fi** * pedal train*, each carry ing approximately 400, arrM. The Taaaa They Played "The Old Oaken Backet," "There'* a Long, Long Trial," the "Waahing ton Poet March." "Adeate Fideli." and Onward, Chriatian Soldier*" warn among the piacaa played before the real work of the day began. AH thi* lad ap to the parade. Sightseer* and official* want to the Capitol ground* long before S o'clock. Thooaand* of them crowded the ■treeta north and *outh of the Capi tol, preparatory to marching from the Peace Manument down Pennaylvania A venae. Hundred* of rwiden, among them negroea, aelllhg watermelon*, did a thriving busiaec* during the pre parade hour*. Melon rteda, fruit ■kin* and empty lee cream cone* lit tered the ground for block*. MacMillaVa AirpUaM Visit Washington, Atf. 9.—Airplanes of the MacMillan Arctic expedition hart reconnoitered for a but ovar El lee mere Island and haw visited the camp where 18 mnben of the ex ploring party handsd by Admiral Greely died of starvation in ISM. Commander MacMillan reported the achievement in a radio d la patch to the National Geographic society, filed from Etah, Greenland, last night, hot at the saaae time the nary depart ment received a dispatch from Com mander Byrd, In command of the planea, telling of plans to hop off at ft:4S p. m. for a loag flight with a month's provisions. The dispatch did not clearly indicate the day, hot it waa assumed to mean either last night or tonight. After telling of the visit to the Greely camp Commander MacMillan said: "We made the distance in SO Min utes and then reached the head of Freely bay, 90 miles to the west, in one hoar and It mimrtea. "We found land at MM faat buried in low elooda. ,V north winds in one how, having cov ered aa much territory ia two hoars as we generally curat with dec* hi 11 days. The United States aavy planes worked wall with the niayllai of a few minor troubles. Weather condition* improving Another meeeage laid: "Pigeon, ware released for the drat time late Ik the afternoon. Two fa> males i atarnad to alt an thetar eggs. This morning there ware fo*r blrda i tack Hi Um cott." , -Am t nitf ifiihiifiii'dfif'iMin Official Uat night at the Ford itod to T '«( wa i and a paal deal far aa to bam "Of rnurae, tke fWat moat he dona wtth tke aerial navl ptlon W ta will K fool-proof, Jaat imw it* ninety far cant man and ten par cant plana. The ptftaHaft moat "Wc arc not going into tka racing buatnaaa Spaed ia incidental, safety and aa»»ka arc pa remnant. What tka Ford Motor Company maana to da la to prove whether commercial flying enn ba done aafaty and prof A formal atetement iaaoad by tka Ford company reviewed tka history of association katwaaa tka Stoat and Ford companies showing how Mr. Stoat after fifteen year* of expert mental work kad invented tka all metal 'plea*. Manufacture of tke praaant type of plana* aow —played hi aa inter* Ford factory air fHeight aerviee be tween Detroit and Cleveland and De troit and Chicago will continae on a larger ecale. Mr. Feed's ckief intercut lice in tke engineering problem* invoiced in aviation. He kae never been In the air and aaid yaatarday tkat he •till felt no urge to fly. Batiwrwa TW Mujr Imyanoa •to Offiem Winston-8*Wm. A eg 7.—"Thar* la no question In my ailnd that the kind of thin* ia going on all over the Bute." mid Judge Thorn*! Wataon hi the Municipal Court today as ha een tnmd Mites Bumgardner, a white man, to four months on the roade for an attempt to commit a felony, the charge growing oat of hie imperson ating an officer and trying to extract some money from a group of colored men and women ae a "bond" for speeding. "It is the tendency of people all over the apuntry," coqfinued Judge Watson, than iki 4om mMMi hunting nartar. Ska only ihi Sl.tt trips daring hw Itfctte* >.id rMkm a«l]r i>jli> Iwlti of i gimm | of iiwUr. ran#** hi Mi honor tW* wfl] bo • ml'"? if things «f ipoeW hrtnHt to th* IMbm in South America. With lunnhot of a uptotil u a practical fanner, ho is snrs to |N Mors than passing notico to tho groat ranches, tho typos of thoir padigrssd •tork and tho methods of raising In Argentina tho frincr will haro an opportunity, for one of his fav orite pastimes, polo. Tho hoMMMinf of tho Prince will rxcite Britishers to a greater extent than hit return from onjr previous trip. After his return he will hare mom ttane to spend among his own people' and consequently there are likely to bo more rumors and spsrila tion concerning him than (hiring Ms stays in the British capital botoosu trips. Bjrrd Fsdowin An Now 4ft,000 Ma jority Bithmiwd, Vs., Aug. 6.—SUto Sen ator Harry Flood Bjrrd, of Winches Urr, iiwiwpw man; orchardtst ami brother of lint Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr., in chare* of the na val dim with Um MacMiltan North Poit tipcditioa, waa nominated gov ernor of Virginia in th* Dinwrrtii primaries Tuesday by the greatest majority in th* history of gnb*raa tori*I primaries in the state. Just hew large was his majority will not ha known definitely an til of ficial returns have been canvassed. It is expected to he hefeen 86,000 and MAM votes, and his followers are claiming it will run to more than 45,000 after the fcallots in many of the mountain precincta, still unheard from, an counted. Mr. Bjrrd pot in a busy day today at his home in Winchester, leading a deluge of telegrams, answering scores of congratulatory telephone calla and in receiving many neighbor* in Winchester, Frederick county, and the Valley of Virginia aa a whale who had motored over to extend their good The action of the Democratic vot ers yesterday la —bjsct to ratifica tion at th* poUa in November, bat Cit mation Is pquivnlont to election. . Byrd, who was M years old on Jufte 10th 'last, will he on* of the youngest governors the state has ever had. Be is married and has fear children. H* is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evelyn Byrd, the fath er, a we® known laWysr and former ■piahw at th* hwn of d«fag*ts* and . United 8tates attornal far Mm we-t em district at Virginia. His other brother fa Captain Thomas Rolling Byrd. World*» K||Mt Cotton Fl»ate Horn Located te T«**a Nw York. Auf I,—A w»iV Mil by tto N*w York Gotten jUfto—« sWowa that Q L. Hurray ami Bom owm tto world'* hijirt rottea. plan tation it Crockett, Tnu, •kick « hncM approximately 17.0M aero*, of which IMN (Ml ara planted hi .aiSL> M Ma ^ W3 of Wiffiam J. Bryan snows i fcnowiMMi of i/eaxn part. H«wr»«r, tiw writer had wrtt h« on* of TV dropping of a; th» | "Oar Haptjrp* nprriton h»»» tn itrortioaa to follow ropy if tWy ha«v to follow it Nt of tkn window. TV Um •xplainad. "aad w ha»* no idaa how Um ariataka «num»l. AH w» ran do it tiprra oar A Obwrnr. TOBACCO MARKETS IN PEE DEE BELT Mm*** mt Pint Wack's SaUs bf Km Fairmont Wan ■ Fairmont, W. C., Aug. 10.—TW md of the first «Ni of tobacco market ing in the Sooth Carolina and boriw Market boh found the farmer* pn rralljr in good chwrr with the price* they are receiving. While the British American and Export companies pur chase* are much smailer than last season, yet the other companies are taking car* of the sit nation. The sales thru the entire halt are not very heavy and over ninety-five per cant of the offerings daring the entire weak were primings and an abundance of what is designated among tohacm men aa scrap." The few baskets of second and third grade curing* that have shown up have boon eagerly purchased. Ware housemen etpect the priming grades to continue to show up for the next ten days, and then they look for some really good tobacco, as the primings are of high color and good body. ( As competition is very keen be tween the various markets in this saction it la very hard to get other than "estimated" reports, each mar ket, like they did in Georgia daring the opening day and weak, trying to "boost" their own market by giving to the press unverified figures as to their averages. Thru the cottrtcay of the Fairmont Tobacco Board of TraJb the following official figures on that market for the week are given: Total for waek 575.W4 pound* to bacco average *15.17; total for week 8t,®98 pounds scrap, average $S.M; total pounds of the whole eMJtt; to tal average of the whole IM.M. Mo ootiauto of tho rata* 60.000. is to go to tha establishment of the academy far hoy*. To Bryaa'a aiater, Mrs. Fraacia Bryan Balrd. waa bequeathed Ma home at Fairriew, Nebraska. Bsmsmhsrsd Harraat. Mr. Bryan also reawasbered tha aerricaa of Ma private secretary and servants by bequeathing to them 1100 for each year spent In Ms aarriea. He even mentioned hh old gardner, for landscaping was a dear subject to the statesman's |eart. Tha win waa filed ia Dade county probate coort at three tMs afteraooa by William Jennings Bryan. Jr., ac companied by hia attorneys. Mrs. Bryan, the widow, waa named as ad ministratrix. The document opens with tha words: "In the name of God. farewell." The second paragraph ia cbaraa teristic of the religions trend of tha document: "Trueting for my sahratioa la tha blood of Jeans Christ, my Lord aad Redeemer, aad relying on His prom ises for hope and resnrrection. I con sign my body to the dust aad earn mend my spirit to the God who cava it"