Mnfn J liy 'i n_ 4 i ir* ji notea wmer * amti a vnna Picture of the Lnwly Arctic t b i an agil* MItMmI But H i rta la water ao cold that < reault frmn the attempt, aealakin tajik, the Eakimo'* eottage, la "rail, bat it aw • fab. A roek Igloo, the l winter bungalow, ia dark ami clonaly enough, hot it ia a w*l mmae haven from cold and atom. Helpiaaa Craft Under the conditions we had thia aamwier. it almnat aeemed aa if an airplane flying over the beach where Aa Charlea Francis Hall Arctic ship, Ike Potaria, waa wrecked, ia actually ■Mr* heipieea than were the'nine tan men and women who floated ty 9M mile* on an ice pack to the i The region between Cape Alexan ar and Cape Hatherton, on Qraea mi many Arctic explorer*, including Mamr. Hayen, Hall tad Peary, hot ft had no equrlly aafe landing place iar plane* thia seas in. Trip* acroaa El'in-aere Inland thia aaaner meant that the flyers took their live* in their hands every time ttlf croaaad, and too much cannot fee aaid about the courage. the jadg ■aat and the ingenuity of the Unit «4 fttatea Navy's personnel under the ■Mat adverse conditions. Ike very landing place* they used Wnrr might harbor jagged massea a4 Ice the nest time they arrived. 'WNkin a few hoars after aome cache* been deposited planes have ! it impossible to land again with TW Smith Sound Eskimo is prim Mist , but he can live where a Ph. D. lid starve. It would be interest to apply an Intelligence teat to se Eskimos. MacMlllan haa paid tribute to their ingenuity and —iwn i *ulnea». And oar party haa taa amased by them. Their manner «f living is rnide, they know noth h( of the outside world, there are Mm which think they are the only people who inhabit the earth. They Jbplay not the faint beginnings, in MT eaaes, of the cultural advance wait of the pre-Columbian Indians wMch Dr. Jodd haa found in Chaeo Caayon. Yet they are able to cope with emergencies which would baffle WgUy educated men. And they sur •in in an environment where they ami the tiny insects are the only eon Polar regions, hostile to th* Eskimo, who asks little, liwitatinas an modern who asks much and trusts to Instead of individual T*»e Eskimo's weapons against htm H*T hafore yesterday (Augnt It.) rw "»* «hove Etah and the vicinity i Wma than aa hear and the only aafe hM In si "»RU U» IH«> The Far North, «o ipdkdfe iwn to it* primitive Inhabitants, la brutal ly repellant, it mmu, toward any ma rhine, or any of the coaplniii«f of ehrlliMtion. Thoaa who can mount on wine* aa eagles in ntldac mw coaqaests hot they ara nmntaf far mora danger in th#ir pioneering work than thoaa who can ran and net ha waary. Alt tha world honor* Peary hot it is small wonder the wen who haw heen up here, especially thoaa of ua to whoaa Arctir exploration la a new rhaptar of nptrlww, rome home to rerere him. Alongside m ia the (Canadian patrol •hip, tha Arctic, which haa been north IS times in 21 yeara. This ahip haa bulwark walla more than three feet thick, yet ita captain thia season can not drive thia moving fort north to Annortoh, 19 mi lea up the eoaat. In other year* ynaak hare »tearned tha lenrth of Kane Baain without see !n| ice packa. Now, with young eider dock* strad dling about on unseaaonable Ice, the old ice of years I* blocking bays con fidently counted on by Cooimander MarMillan aa landing places for the planea. « With an open season tha flyer* could have cast wing shadows over a far wider untrodden area than that they have *o laboriously explored. SAMPSON CITIZEN IS SENT TO ROADS Mm Triad and Convicted for Blockading Clinton, Aug. 28.—A two wwk»' term of Superior Court haa ended with a largo crop of fine* and aan teneoa to ita credit. Iaaac Williams, a prominent citizen of excellent con nection! of Newton Grove, drew a two-year term on the roada. He waa under a suspended road sentence for boot Iff traffic. At this court, ha waa tried and convicted for blockad ing and waa sentenced for two years <>n the roada, the former one-year sentence to ran concurrently. Ed H. Sutton, a former Newton Grove citisen and more recently of Clinton, alao member of a prominent family, waa eonvietod of embeula ment and sentenced to two years in the Stata Priaon. He appealed to the Supreme Court and Is oat under bond. He haa until recently had a musk store here, but has lately changed his buaineas to that of loaning a cafe. Sheriff A. A. Jernigan aad Deputy Sheriff Wrench were tried far neg ligence in allowing sseapsa front the county Jail. Deputy Wrsadi waa jailer at the tea. The aseapsa oc curred in February and May. He re signed aa Jailer hot eentfnued to act aa deputy eheriff. 11m trial which hotly contacted resulted In the of Sheriff Jem Igan and the ef Deputy Wrench. He waa not su*r» -"H of any personal collusion, only ■agWfiots. The oa Carter and Ma rMpmlm for whom iwirfh la asade (ittcrad tba houee by • tower window which wh not faatimed. Carta* bad ismse ad Ma abaaa and lafl tka* M a abed ao.aa to make aa little noiaa aa poa •ibla. TW two mm gained acreea to the M-HuuRbtr of tba Franklin's and Carter bad bold of Franklin* trousers when tba other man in the darfcnaaa touched Mr*. FrankHn's feat awakening bar. Realizing that there ware parsons moving about tba room in tba darknaaa and that bar husband waa beside bar aba ncream ad. Franklin awoke, realised in a flash what waa happening and reached for Me run, which be kept near Ma bad. Carter opened fire aev eral timet successively and Franklin wounded, returned the Art. In the meantime the second Intruder had made hi* escape. Neighbor* hasten ed in. Call* were cent for the police and doctor* who quickly arrived. Carter la described here aa a had character. Three week* ago he waa ■tabbed by a young woman employed bt the local cotton mill*. He had no particular calling it la said. Yeaterday Carter visited Franklin who la a barber and ascertained that 'he latter carried a roll of money on hie person. Carter followed Franklin in the darknaaa to his home bided bis tine and entered tbe room aa aoon aa Franklin had returned. This afternoon Or. M. H. McBryde, county coroner, empanelled a jury, viewed the remain* and continued the inqoeat until next Tuesday night. Carter'* body is now at a local under taker's parlor awaiting instructions from his mother. Carter after being ehot attempted to flee from the Franklin home walk ing out through the door into the yard bleeding profusely. He fell on the sidewalk some twenty-five feet from the room in which ha waa shot. Diamond Backs Tnv*l 200 Mile, in Frrw Ymh Stumpy Paint, Aug. 22.—Long dis tance louring record* for Diamond Bark terrapin are believed t« hare been broken by three specimens re cently taken on Roanoke Island and delivered to Inspector Clarence WW* here for the State Fisheries Commis sion brood pens at the government hatchery in Beaufort. Five years ago several doaen Dia mond Backs were carefully marked at the Beaufort hatchery and turned loose in the marshes in Carteret cow ty. Beaufort la ISf miles by wator from Roanoke Island, and it is prob ably twice that distance by the roote the terrapin would naturally follow. It has taken the Ave years to cover it. They had families of young with them. Local fishermen were suipiiaed to find them so far -from home, that a careful checking of the tdonllflfalhm marks on their shells left no doubt as to the fact that theae ware the earns terrapin let loose at the hah half five yean ago. They had grows approx imately two Inrhee, bat the maririncs were still distinct- The brand had grown larger with the shell Fishing far terrapin hdf been stop ped In the waters of North Carolina for five years la aa effort to rehabi litate the ahaeet extinct species. 11m Commission has andmteh— nuirunf ma u ins woun cnnqotr th« channel in record tin*, the Amsri ran champion broke all speed marks fro* mm hoar antU aha ah—dnnid her attempt. Almnef. altheat warn in* and jttrt aa tha than Car har wonderful aajmix* for eight hoars antra quieted. Miaa Ederle faltered aa if la pain. Mile 8ion, tha French xwimmer, getrtly, and Hehny gruffly urged har on. Wolf* far* har heaf tea, hot tha firfi hudi shook aa aha took It 8ha want bravely on, how ever, aftar • minute's reat, making for tha English coast, which waa joat coming into sight through tha has*. Har strokes which until than had smaxed tha expprta by their rigor, be gan to lack forca and regularity, and the hope of a record breaking croaaing gave way to pessimism on tha tog. She want stubbornly on, bat, wincing with pain, the Alympic champion had to stop every faw yarda roll near on her back and i> issaga har body. Then came the cotlapae The limp and crying girl waa hauled aboard tha tug a strange contrast to the power ful iwlmni who had left Cape Gris Net almost • hoars before She waa diaransolate, saying: "I Just could not d* It; that aah water was too much for ma." She re covered quickly aa she did not suffer from the cold aa la generally the caae for the temperature of the water was 62 or <8 fahrenheit throughout, which is warm for tha channel. After she ate a har of chocolate, Miaa Ederle slept so soondly that she had to be awakened when the tug reached Boulogne at 6:80 o'clock this evening. Her failure to swim the channel, has not shaken the faith of Wolfe. Burgess, Helmy and other channel experts. "The girl was short of her beat physical condition." old Bill Barge* said. "She will do it If she trains properly." I midt emtio progreaa for um rim ri*ht hoar* was marveloua. 81m was 'i*ht mile* from Cape Gris No at I the end of three hour*, a performance heretofore believed impossible. Then the tide turned when the wu about' abreast of Boulogne and the weather, which had been perfect, changed. The wind veered to the southwest, a choppy sea.* as thrown op, and the channel, living up to it# reputation, Hwame a MaLii:*, foaming expanse of water. Even so dm of the pn on the tug ware seasick. Fall Westber Follows Hoat m Middle West Chicago, Aug. St.—The first faint whiff of football weather eaiead aver I ing tempera turn down into the late' Wi and early no's with scattered { by a freak snow storm, and at White | last night the ther The MacMlllan north pale ezpedi of winter in the Arctic region. New, Tork's weather dropped from M yes terday to #7 this evening. Kansas slid from IM a few days ago to <1I and anmd Chicago a steady drop fa j the marrary mas a _ The weather man offered a diffi dent promise of dightly • wrda Cm. - t - 11* 1- j?_ - CJn^pBB6C9nB to Build Roads for Mexico mimy of whom wOl mm from the North Carolina Highway organixa tion, wfll ft to form Hm IWoa fitoal highway nrganliatiMi. AH of that* MOT wfli mrirc salaries of •MM par yaw which i* eenaMataMo Mora than thay now tocoies (tom tha Mr. Upham i a tinned two waaka ago from ft My to Mexico whara ha nadi a surrey of Mm penpoaad read system for tha MniaM Oertni of a half million Mian worth of rami machinery which baa already bean se cured. All of the i otooaiewdation* of hia report mm adapted. Tha Mexican Government haa h^^ run road building operation* at tha rate of fl.OM.Mt per month which la wowed by toxea on raeottne and tobacco, all fanda from gaa taxee and tobacco toxea going into the road pro ip-am. The monthly income will in crease a* the Uim from three anurced increase. Mr. Upham while in Mexico pre wmted the feat area of the road pro irram in North Carolina and the Mex ican plan will he almoet identical with that in uae in North Carolina. Two contract* far the road ayatem were let during Mr. Upham'a recent Wait, to Burn* Brother*, of Chicago, who will do the work. Thaae war* let becanae it wa* found that the old | roada built hundred* of year* ago were laid out urith marveloua engin eering akill. The great Hulk of the roada, however, will bare to be re located before construction. The road building work win be| •implified by the presence along the propoaad highway* of material which ran be uaed in the construction of the roada. Plan 2,000 Miles Already 2,000 mites of propoaed hirhwayt have been outlined. They will connect Mexico City with the United State* and will be a part of «he Meridan Highway from Canada to Mexico City. The highway l» ex. ported to become • great tourist The Mexican highway organisation will be built around the group of men from the North Carolina Highway Commission who are leaving to take charge. Mr. Uphaia found the Mexican en gineer* • superior type of men. Vae Aerial Photography Mr. Upham ha* deviaed plan* for lo cating the Mexican highway* by. aerial photography which i* the first time H has been used in road construction work. Jhe contract for the aerial photgraphic work has been lot to Brock and Weymouth, of Philadelphia. During his rislt to Mexico, Mr. Upham was splendidly entertained by j Mexican Government officials and en gineers. "The vast undeveloped resources of Mexico only need a good sysUm ! of transportation to bring aboat a great prosperity la Mexico, Mr. Up-, ham declared. Mr. Upham told af the ty of Mexico and the em H la a try," declared Mr. Upham ta inr the beauty of the in INK by the tries which I churches." "Hie cities are Khe the cities with All the ritiea have • hy the Spaa- J rf years age. hhii af nrtJZZT r"T . ■ - hSkc cuatom af tha M !■■ la» ■ ■ U iL >| frinfinf in IMl ftrwt day af the Tto aalaa rm thia market aa far 1 <maon ara l,TO«,«7« •old far $802,119.8S; an mrin af »1* 02 for tha iMa. In thte rtpnrt far tha week aa and aa far tto aaaaon. tha "acrap" la to rinded. It mmm to to Aa wf on many markets hi tills bdt to ctl* minate tto «crap in rffarthf, or aha merely "paai" at tlifnfi Hha of tha Mrkttt did down In (uat far tto purpuaa af noma particular market, bat tkia fa unfair to tto farmer What to wan»a and what to b entitled to ti facta, not ratiautea. I hare nerrr teen any "itheetra" acnt from any markat, that ware not ueai -catlmataa. Ttoy are never under. Tto crop of tobacco In thia toh la not aa rood aa waa expected. White it it a much hatter crop than teat taa ■nn, yet it la not above normal hi quality. Ita fot rifht much weight and thia ia a grant help to tto farmer. Condition* In tha whole of tha'Sooth Carolina and border market toK thia ■eaaon are nimilar. AMERICAN FARM METH ODS SOUGHT • ■ i i i Lloyd George, Who Would !» London. A off. 22.—To Minister David Lloyd George has hi* ryr on the Amtrinn farmer with a view to introducing in England Amer ican agricultural methods which might help the British farmer. When Lloyd George heard that 8e» ator Arthur'Capper, of Kansas, farm bloc leader and publisher of ate week lies with circulation among 5.000.OM farmers, waa in London, he lately sent a luncheon invitation. Senator Capper accepted looking forward to gaining much ftrat hand information from the British statesman regarding the British Em nire and Europe at large. For tare hours the two statesmen sat in the House of Commons' dining room, overlooking the TWmes. while the Welsh leader fired a literal barrage of questions at the Kanaan. He wanted to knew aO aboit wheat, aata. rye aad bushel for their grab); how organisations •rated end a and one other things about life in the United States. eon party while Lloyd George was haatQy " t. the ~

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