Attention Ladies! ii tha m1« of Throo Minuta nujroRuki acts aonaiaMnf of • apocial mixing bowi-doabU rotary boator—pint ea« of WESSON OIL ftiui fear rocipo books ftll for M route. H • Tko following atom art offering • limited numbor of fikk majronaaioo rote conaiating of Bowl-Boator ptat can of Waaaon Oil and four rocipo booka at a prico of M canto— F. M. Poore W.W. Thomas * .-r - . ' f DO IT TODAY—M > Wi th of GREl'.N RIVER. DONT FORGET IT drimk m GREER RIVER We'll Meet Any Price If low price is your first consideration, we can meet anybody's price—and well do it with a genuine Goodyear tire. That's why you see so many Goodyear* around town. Ash anyone who ha* ever really tried than out, what he thinks about Goodyear thee . , IV. Tire Headquarters Dr. Culpepper preached faithfully, no man rooM km poured out Ma Soar I and awl swt freely and unre ■erredly than did tMa rv*n*e!i*t in hi* effort to persuade men and wowen to foraake *in and "Pot God first" which is hia ilopn and which he it Hand solves all tha pi uhlawa which confront the human raca today, or wtr kaw or ever will confront a *oul. Ha used tha old faahioned mourner '* bench and sougM to ha vary thorough in hi* work, avoiding •uperficial method* which would in rre*»S number" hot mult in little or no permanent rood. At tha It A. M. *arvice Sunday 11 mmII boy* took their itand haaida the evangelist to *i*nify that if they were called of Gad to preach th* gospel they would give their live* to carry the message of aalration throu rh tha pulpit; at tha afternoon service whan Roaa Culpepper, who ia a nephew of Dr. Culpepper and hiataelf a minis terial student, preached to a large audience, hia uncle asked the prayer* of the people far the young man in Ma labor* and Baked all the young people who would do ao to take a atand against dancing and card play ing and several hundred want for ward to take the pledge of abstinance from worldly amuaement. Roaa Culpepper haa worked \ with the young people during hia atay here aharing their amusements where they ware in harmony with hia idea* of loyalty to God and trying to show •he young people "a more excellent way" than *ome of . the popula' questionable amusements and lendinr them in Joyous happy aervice to their Maker Hon. s. r. unvM spoke at th# tvminf lenriee before Dr. Culpep per's farewell sermon, expressing the appreciation of the people far the ■ rvioes of Dr. Culpepper and hi* party which besides hi* nephew con sisted of Mr. John U. Bobinaon. song leader, and Mr. William SiaMTson, manager and personal worker both of whom are fine christian gentle men who would be an asset to any community bat perhaps the freewill offering for Dr. Culpepper which amounted to about $1,400 expresses more than words the istiwi with which our people regard him. The freewill offering and expanses amounted to about $S,M0. The ex pense account included the salary of Mr. Bissesaon, the seating and light ing of the warehouse, the traesling ax penees and hotel bill of the entire party and all other expense connect ed with tfcr Meeting, and in spits of the tightness of money matters at thia time everyone seemed to give freely sad gladly, feeling that the good results of the SMetlng could not none* . t Hsving qualified as administrator of the «UI» of Mr* Hamtah Casaell deceased, late of Surry County. North Carolina, this is to notifr all persons having claim* against the estate of said fereaaod, to exhibit them to the undersigned, a* the law office of Gee. K. Snow, on or before the Mth day of August, IMS, or thia notice win be pleaded In bar of recovery. All per sons indebteded to said estate will wtihr tomtodiate Dtfwmt LZftZF&z?-' WOW| AwOW^e Befit Stores Located in Other Cities Mk km Co., Matthvwa-iolfc Co., 3BEK. ■•m o.. Co., S:c' Co., Wtataifttft, II. C. Co.', ZH Boft-Mattfcrw* Co., Hadaoft-Mk Co., Parkn-Bolk Co., NIW YORK OFFICE 120 W. 82nd St. Watch for Opening Announcement in this Piper Soon Parks-Belk Company Mount Airy, N. C Pint Parti* Church E. CitMoa Do vie, patter. Bible School %M a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. B. T. P. U. p. m. Evening service —lM p. m. The putor preaelm next Sunday morning and evening on the follow ing subject* "Accepting and Coofaa sing Chris*," aad "Pi%fanity—A Senseless Vice." The evening Mt* ni the p—tag la >mihii| on the Ten Coauaandmenta. The doors of the dmrch will be thrown open next Sunday morning and evening to ra ce ire all thoae who hare sipnaead a preference for our church In the re cent revival meetings. The rite of baptiaai will be obaenrad at the even ing service. A welcome await one and all. Protracted Meeting at Clark'* Brim, Route 2. Aug. tS.—In. Walter Johnson is conducting a Mr ies of m ret in its at Clark'* School Mr. Frank Lawaon and family have recently moved to Coalwood, W. Va. Mrs. Delia Tilley haa utoiwd to: in WMt Virginia after Mat time with relative* 8. A. Jeaaup and family, of Char lottesville. Va., art spending a few day* with relative* hare. Mia. H. T. and Miae Mary Jaaaap spent Sunday with Mr*. Clave Millar of Mount Airy rente «. Mrs. G. R Rogers has been ser iously 01 for several days hot la slowly improving now. B. H. Millikan, Sabbath School 1.41 A. M.! Morning Service* IIM A. M. Evening flatskaa IK P. M. Prayer-Masting Wad. Ml P. M. The pastor praaehas neat Sunday rvening am the follow- ' "Prays*" and "Ths One". to to! at hath > to "Come tboa with It shall to. that the Lord • royal North Carolina Popular Excursion TO Washington, D. C Friday, September 4tk, IKS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Three whole day* and two nights in Washington. Round trip (are from Mount Airy $11.00. Special train leave* Greensboro 11:66 p. as.. Sept. 4, 1925 Arrive Washington 8:40 a. m., Sept. 6, 1WS. Tickets on sale Sept. 4th. good on regular trains to junction points, thence Special Train. Good to return on all regular trains (except No. 87) so as to reach orginal starting point prior to midnight on Tuesday. September 8th, 1926. ■•turning regular trains leave Waahington 8.20 a. -m., 11:00 a. m., 3:46 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 9.35 p. m.. and 10.S# p. m. Washington Senators vs. Boston -Bed Sex Two games—September 6th and Ml. A fine opportunity to see Walter Johnson, star pitcher the. IkeBoone, star fielder, the Bed Sec, and other great stars in action. This will also be a wonderful opportunity to visit Washington's, many public buildings; Arlington National Cemetery and the other points of internet. Tickets good in pullman sleeping cars and day conches. No <*V* and no baggage checked. Make your sleeping car reservations early. For further iaforssstkm call on any Southern Bail way address; '■£' s >i T| R. H. Graham, Division Passenger Agent, - • ft., a Erery at Arm You Gating All Profit Y«w Sbtwld? Bfi|T' ~ J1 » rot tt* Uuit ia spant ia a aim la aafcjaet ta tka to m National Cash Register News $1.50 Per Yearly