ML C E Hanphrias will h wit H Sopt. 24, 25, and 26th to talc four munrr for an Ed. V. Prio •Kit and ovmaat. Prathwr Clothin Co. »-28 FOR RENT—Om ftmr rata kouw » East Lebanon St. Water and lighti Ippljr to J. D. Thompson at Thorn r ■in Furniture Store, Mount Airj MUI.E8 FOR8ALE—We have 1 mulea which must be told at onrt V latomted see W. L. Kir knur Cant. Sorry County Highway Cow ■Wm, Mount Airy. N. C. 10-fr ONE STORE Building on State High way at Highland Park for rent o leaae for a torn of 5 year* at reason ■Ma tern, for information write C > at Martinrrilla^Va. 10-17) UOn Pur Sale—la Mawrt Airy, faa UM between Broad and Rockfori Aa. and S lota on Sunset Drive. Ap aty to J. B. Jarrell, Pilot Mountain W. C. 10-17 CHEAT Fletcher Serial—A startlini plot to steal England's historic ar treasure* is the realistic theme o the latest fiction thriller by J. S Fletcher, in which Jimmy Trickett aa an amat«ir detective trailing tb thief of the Taar's Cross, falls in iov with the innocent accomplice of i murderous band of crooks. The M Uon vibrate* swiftly between Londoi and Paris m a frantic hunt for cluei Berin H in nest Sundays' World Ma for Sale—17 Key Farm Slloam, wit and goo per acri Silosrn, > »-H aKafiat the farmer in thia respect. Town folk who far* it a thought war* cone a r—d about tha er pa, far nf eouraa town folk who give thought to tbaaa matters know that crop fail urea affact the towna aa wall aa tha | farmer*. Furthermore tha fai mei ■ could pray for rain ta their own be e half; they didn't need to wait on tha town folk* and probably did not. But 't It ia a coiupwaoaa and fiariai (net . | that there waa no urge to present . united petition* to Jehovah that tha r I drought be broken ontO the urban aet rlera demand that the power of the I atate be invoked to call the people to "' prayer If the drought had continued II a month longer there might have been | a demand that the state compel folks to attend on occasions for pabllr prayer. By that time the alarm would I have created a feeling that would J I have urired drastic maaaurea. Thus it waa that the Gaatonia citizen waa calling on the Gas ton farmer, whose crops were already lost, to asaist in thuir prayers ao the town's business could go on. Certainly the town follu don't feel that way about it. But we are ao constituted that we can't really get interested in a matter until we are personalty affected We sym pathise with tha other fellow—we really wish something could b* done for him. But ao long as our own af fairs go well we can't feel hia troublea aa he feels them. But when it coaaaa our turn, why that la different. The militia must be called out or what NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Surry County, made in the special proceedings en titled Mollie Brower Meeks, Admin istratrix of J. W. and R. D. Harris, dee'd vi. Mrs. 0. R. Moore and hua band O. R. Moore, Glenn Bolton, E. S. Be It on, Mrs. Robert Johnson and husband Robert Johnson, and Mrs. R. C. Griffith and husband R. C. Griffith. The aame having been sold on the 5th day of Sept. 1926. the selling price being (IS.2S6.00) and aa upaat bid havlag been made in said course aa provided by law, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 19th day ef October, ltt. at ewe o'clock P. M„ on the prsaaisia in Mount Airy Township, N. C., offer the property for sale again, to tha higfest bidder, the hid beginning at on the following terms to-wit 1-3 caah, 14 in twelve months and 14 in two years, that certain tract ef land bring f » »«»• 27, —»■ Surry County, N. C., ticularly dencrihcd to-wit Beginning on tiw North edge of Taylor Avenue in the town of Mount Airy and oa South went corner of a lot aold Satterfield and Parker by tbia company and runa with edge of Tay lor Avenue g. 71 dog. W. §6 ft. to a stake; thence with edge of a new street curving oat IS fL to a stake set on edge of said aaw street at N. M t-4 dag. Weet iSS feat straight line; thence with edge at now atreet N. » 1-t R. 1W ft. to Iron Pin; W. 51 1-t dag. Raat 144 feet. with said line S. • Ut degRaat ... This UwTtTda^ September, IMS. Ml, allhaat • word of prayer ih. taaa, aa It waa wot rani I y premedita ted; In which erent Daily Nawa ■ a Uttia too to expeet of ordinary human natural »nd In giving voica to hia faallng tha aa all ■■t It probably will not.j Moat of aa ara aa itaipid in aalfiah neaa and narrownaaa that wa will aaa tha nari nanaaa only in tha Gaatoa % C T. Pll< t Mountain Pouto t, Sapt tl — Rr*. J"hn D. Smith, Miaa Battia Cook »n. Mr. and **v H. %. Taylor anl Mia. J. D. Johnann fin tab ad ona unit jf teacher training for Sunday acbool aork laat wank under Mlaa Kato Do Snae. Tha work waa dona at Phw H. E. Taylor principal of Mount Airy gradad acbool rrporta a flna opening of tha acbool. Tha tchool opanad Rapt, 14 with twenty five par cant mora pupil* than it opened with laat yaar, ha aaya. Tha farm ara oa thia route ara about three-fourtha done puillng and curtng tobacco The recent raina up in polling. aw ai uui mi urru. • TOWER Creator im Oppmd Sack Cmtn IMI C^Mnl Ala* Adopted It Pirii, Sept. 11.—When GuUv Eif fel. tnfinNr and creator of the Eif fel Tower, waa aakad to allow the tower to ha need for comawreial par-. W— 11 --M- »«| ■ ■ i ■ H ' poiw® n® rvpiiwQ* a pru»Wwti the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral ure ftrat so used." Eiffel dM before Maine the nine teenth century creation which ha ranked with Gothic auwterpiecaa, ua >d to advertise aa autossubiU. En gineer Fernand Jueopaui first pro poaed the illumination of the tower aa nart <aan wha tthe illustrated weekly U ustration describes aa "a luminous Mam." At first the tower-at-night it oot inad in white llrbts. Then a rate of imail atari from ha summit. The liens of the sodtec follow aad aa ias nense red flame lights up the highest i x>int aad the dataa IMS, when the oarer was coasplatad, and 1MB appear ■ fire below. This la followed by -norasous white atara of candle jowfr, apparently suspended tuwaea teavsa aad earth. Theae suddenly iitiin comets by the addition of gold -olored tails. Iriak GREEN RIVER — to FILLUP AND SPEEDUP! W, apaciaJiac in that kind of r»* that nakaa old Motor* p*p-up and raw Mo ton (land-op an