W. C.. Ort. 17.—' at marketing in Virginia to by the r»«anl movement thart U • aecond aign-up mm 1MI. attorney, tar Or •ad call* for a 7fi per cent atgw np of | •II th* member* in the Virginia dark fired bait by Movamhai 1, IWI. Thto m iww> hi the Virginia dark halt he* originated with tha Kruwac* themselve*. and to an indication at well-defined intantiona of the to to market ' their tobacco in tha eo-operetiv* way. »"*■" (fywf rW DTIn| V ilnRltlPI Kl Im addition to a nam contract, a naw typa at marketing organisation My be perfected in thto Virginia "holt." Hera hairan thf organisation at what to now tha Tri-State Aaaocia tion. Tha now plan ha* not been an nounced, hat it il believed that tt wilt conaiat at grouping tha grower* in! geographical area* with Vir »nd tha Carolina* which pro- ; a di«tinct typa of tobacco, and j federate theaa groupa into a central marketing aaaoctotion. ] It to tha opinion of thoaa familiar with the movement that_ the propooad plan will greatly itrengthen tha co operative marketing movement by hotter *erving the grower* in the ▼arioa* area* and at the same time bringing to theae "belt*" the advan tage* of a mtrong centralised aaaocto The Virginia dark-firad belt to not large. It i Be hide* fourteen count ie*, with principal market* in Lynchburg, Parmville and BUckstone, and ha* produced only f»om 10 to IS per cent at the tobacco delivered to the proa ant Aaaoctotion. The member* in thto bolt kav* from the firat been noted for their fidelity to thair aaao ctotion CmbIIImi at Wart The movement for tha new ilfn-up cam pair" i« wall under way. An or ganisation committee. with a repre aentative in atrh of the fourteen countien comprising th< bait, haa been chosen. and tha voluntary campaign rammlttm have already begun to Tha naw contract i* deacribed by tha Tri-State Tobacco Grower. th* or gan of tha praaant Association, aa foUowi: In thia contract tha Virginia grow era asak* full provision for federstioa other tobacco fro war* in othar of tha Virginia-Carolina area, hat provided that th* dark-fired ter ritory should hava an aaaoriation with 78 per cent of all th* dark-fired to bacco of their State under contract or no marketinf organization what TV New rwtrwl Under the tenai of their new coa tract the Virginians will have no ta bacco of tenanta from the farms of landlord member* pullinjr down the price and fighting arainat the tobac co of akembar*. The contract i* iron-1 dad and atrict in declaring that the Member a hall deliver to the associa tion all the tobacco "produced on land owned or farmed by or for Mb ■ otherwise." There will be a stop pot to the new custom of the "hiring" of the huaband by the wife in order that; he may trrow her ~ ^thacco which ahe will dump against "his association." The contract read*: "Any conveyance, at the farm or tobacco products of ! ahall be deemed to have beer aabjict to the obligation to deliver all tobacco frown t hereon la the aani of the grower, and to pay all Mt proceed* to the (Tower nr his as signee in writing." th*re it aa average ot 1IR acre* per farm ia the United , there ia oahr an average of Tt A Maasocboaetta farmer in ITw spent rtnly »7 to maintain his faarily m OH. 14k—W. B. Cola, acquitted of the murder of W. W. Ormond, tonight Ml km for Little ho will root whit* roanpamflng »f Um lone trial In the killing which ooa Mr. Colo, Mr*. Coio and Dr. W. F.| Colo, tho loot npMad • tosthar of i to Arkanaaa. No ito time til oot for thoir roturn. Tho I mr>lrtol7 flood from tho grip of | tho law. The day waa quiotly apant hoi Mr. Coir said that aftar tho mention | ho would roturn to Rockingham. A. L. Brooka, mm of tbo who fought for CoW'a life in tho trial at Rockingham, today critic lead tha preaa for criticiatng tho vardiet ro turn od in tho caoe. "Tho action of tho jury was not a violation of lav to laid. "Tho law aaya that the fata of • man farad with a criminal charge shall ha dacidad by 12 of his follow man and thair verdict shall bo abided by. Editorial writara who up braided tho jury made op of Union county men would ha tha first to howl If too jury systoN ware ahoHshad in North Carolina." NEW TOMB FOR LENIN TO BE WORLD WONDOt lwi»( Offers Prises Far Puifi—May Um New Eaflud Merble. Moscow, Oct IS.—NIbh* Lsnin, father at Bolshevism, b to W given >iv* of the moat elaborate tomb* la the world. Flans far the erection of I marble mausoleum, to replace the temporary wooden structure la which his body now rests, war* announced "day by the Soviet Government. The plans provide for a rrsat cen tral hall, where the casket will ha placed, with a number of auxiliary halls of mnaeum character, together with a spacious rooaa for the gMs modation of not lew than 200 persona. The top of the tomb will take the form of a tribune from which revolu tionary speakers will addre'm crowds in Red gqu^e on Bolshevik fete days. Architects, engineer! and builders are invited to eabiait designs conform ing with thee* apecificationa, priiee ranging from 1200 to 9M0 will b* awarded for the meat acceptable plan. A special committee of Eneslan architects and srtisU, including Min ister of Education Luaacharsky, will pass upon the designs for the tomb, which k expected to cost aeveral bun died thousand dollars. Mar* than 250 varietiea of marble, including apacimeas from quarries in New Eng land, hsv* already been aubmlttod. The government also plans the trac tion in the centre of Theatre Square (if a great granite memorial to Karl Marx, of whom Lenin was s disciple. Gipsies Find Easy Victims AehevUle. Oct. IS.—Operations of h clever gypsy confidence worker in Aahevill* yesterday netted her $600 in cash, according to the ehariff to whom the cases were reported. The gypsy went to the home of a woman named Maaaey. who waa ill, and.saying that her confidence must b* obtained before the cur* could b* worked, asked to be allowed to bold! aome money. Accordingly the wom an went to i local bank, jtrrm oat '100 and placed K la the hands of the gypsy, who finally pinned the 'cash' to the woman's shoulder. She then told the patient to sK there without molesting the money for at least an hoar ttd then to re-' move M and she would be cured. Af ter the time ems up. the 'Doctor' hav ing gone her way, the wceaan Inves tirated and found a email mil of hiank paper pinned mm the keck of her neck, the money having departed with the gypsy SO minute* before. The nther caer wns that of an old ne gro man who loot MOO to the etever vagrant on a trick that was vety stmt-, tar. of 4m t« *n •*'Tti Tht following avwa*e prtr» for 1MB, and prim tar 1924, aa follow*. riarkton Enflald fab Raff Fairmont ...... Karmvlllr CJoldaboro Gr«onvill» ........ Jarlwonvlllo ...... Kinaton Lumberton Ntw Bern KohMonville Rocky Mount Smith villa .... Tabor . IMS I10J1 12.48 11.77 19.41 lft.96 I7.M 18.29 17.* 18 JO 12.90 lft. 48 15.89 , 17.50 17.231 18.02 17.11 1924 •21.44 12.30 11.90 21.91 14.7* 1534 21.16 10J0 19.22 15J7 18.4 11.88 20.44 90.54 21.10 Walton Washington Waraaw Wvndrll ...„x_. WhiteviUe 14.13 Willtomaton "1 State Total* 13.25 11.921 lOJO 20J 10.07 17.12 10.78 18.41 ioxr 15.40 15.00 18.70 19 JO 10.71 21.47 14.20 19.00 $17.00 819.00 CHILD DROWNS IN DEEP WILL lattM far Life SO Mimmtae Bw tme Strang tk Wn Fshawet •d Monroe, Oct. 18.—After nrinniai for life for near 20 minute*, is tlx foot of water in a 60-foot w»H, the little three-year-old aon of Mr. ud Mrs. John Tarry unk to the bottom and waa mowrrf I minute too late for reeoaaitlcation. Kinsmen of the boy had been with him and other children gathering nut*, and on returning home want to the wall for water. A* the grown upa ware walking away, the little fal low climbed to the top of thw curb and waa trapped by a looaa plank and pitched into the deptha below. While ha araa hravety swimming, with hia hand above water, aoma looked down mm him from a bora, while other* ran to a neighbor three quarter* of a mQa away for a wall rope and help to go down after him. * After ainklng, grab hooka uaed in recovering bucketa from the mall ware booked on hia clothing and he waa brought up. The child gaaped twice after being landed. Mra. Charlie Helma adminiatered first aid methods, but aha reached the aeene 11 minute* after the child had been neutered from the water. Young |Ua Drop* Dood mm Sliul at Ekk Elkin, Oat. IB.—A poll of gloom ptwd over town Thureday «mh| Mm tlx am quickly »pr—d and It waa learned that Thai-tea Catar, a younj man SI yaara old, had fallen daad on the atreet Just oppoaite Ratal Elkin. Toon* Cater waa on hia way home, r«nr op Bridge rtr.^t. when -dim | ly he fen to the paremeat. Part tea oa the oppoaite aide niahed to him. but life waa ecttect before medical aid could he obtofced. He waa pick- i ed up and carried to Ideka under taking eatabliakment. whaie the will be prepared for burial. Per aeveral yeara be waa aaaodated with M D. Turner ia the dru* boat naaa here until three yaara a«o he aold oat hi* intereet m awwmt of ill heolth Surriviac htm are Ma mother. Mra. B. P. Crater, one aiater Miaa Iffle aad ooe brother, Rufaa. Jr A wife and two aaaall children ak aarrlra "■ |gl - on. 14^-Tha wMh of the Bank of i—irflild la Guil • |M tat fca m net badly hart. | mrr Wt of May they could find, much of H In ton Mlir bilk, jwf ti In Itlrii Ford toarinc Mr mmi Thqr Mt a atap hili-Haw wllriri The a«a arreetod, etyitnt by a POM* of villager* are: C. W. Bailey, «f BocUagham county; J. C. Moo*, who WM a wraatler with a *how and • Guilford native and John Sullivan. to hm iwfanJ. Tha waaay ma found with th* exception of two dot lara hi a patch of wood* where tha m« fled. They had thrown It froM them when tha inaMban af tha poa*a armad with piatola appmachad tham. Tha thraa wara placed In the count* jail lata thia afternoon. It aaaaaa that tha thraa want from Sera to Summrrfleld and Meade and Sullivan waat Into the hank while Bailey toy ed in the ear. ft la alleged Sullivan hit the caaMer over the head and Mead* held him while Sullivan raked In the currency, ft waa alt over In a few minute* and the bandita de parted. When they triad to get into the country road tha ear waa travel tec too faat to make It and waa «ma«hed They darted oat and into a patch of/Woeda. One of them went through a yard, of a home with hi* piatol in hi* hand and waa followed by Ban Calhoun, member of th* fam ily. Calhoun captured M«ad* and V. W. Wagoner captured Sullivan. Bailey attempted to paca hAfcetf off aa a mambir of the poaee but waa ar -eatod by Sheriff D. B. Stafford U. 5. FOLK SOB AT TOYS OF CZATS LITTLE SON F*v*rH» Ammriemm PUythbagsl m Pathetic EiMUt at R«*-l mmm Mmmmm m PiIm Tsnr«kne-8*lo. Rum (a. Oct. 11.— Pallntit Hiuvfnin of the little Cnn citch Alalia, auJwud by the Bol shevist with hi* father. Cur Nicholas II.. Ms mother and lister* at Kkator mborg hi ltl«. ths toy* of the boyish hair to tha throats of ths Romanoffs have has* collected by ths Russian museum aathoritiea and a«a now ex hibited in ■ special rooan of tha grea* Imperial Palaae haw. Mart touching of all, perhaps is a little haad of American toy soidisr* which war* the little Prince's favor ite plaything*, tha gift -of Amarirsn friends of the royal family. With than are an American teMjr boar, several American picture books, a rocking horae, as electric railway and • miniature toboggan slide. Of all the royal trappings and regal pos sesaiona left by the Cxar's family none appeals so poignantly to the American visitor as thaao simple hildhood things. While sentiment may have prompt ed the Soviet officials to psassm these toys, the chief motive behind the exhibit Is to show the present proletariat how the Cmporer's chil-, dren lived and played. Toys are scarcely known in Soviet Russia to II. i nli.1 nil ■* . A » I nucKieovii y upon vWiia| j km Am Stete N«w B*m, Oct It.—At Um iifirt of Sana tor E. M. Simmon*, of this city, W. M. Jtrdiiw, gcatUry of Agrtentaira, ha» agroad to Mud Dr.! F. V. Coritfe, an ax part in thr ra •aarck dapartmant of tha Buran of Plant MMtrin, ta North Carolina on Noybw 19 for tfca pwpuw of conferring with Governor A. W. Me laaa in ragaWI to tjw raUin* of taoefc .1.. tk« Qt.u ' lii *Dv Columbia, S. C, Men Who Kfled Two Goes Free Vmtmm. Ort. 17.-The -miMw M Cam Miolf For Men than 21 hours the Jury had MbmtMl «wr Wllee* fate. Then ikMrt m mUttily aa they had left the courtreo* Friday moraine, after Judge Grady'* char**, they an nounced that they had arrived at a verdict. Judge Grady was quickly •ummnned and hi the prssoacs of th* fudge and a few court attendant* and newspaper mmi, they announced that they had reached a verdict and that this was the acquittal of the de fendant. / It had been predicted by those who had followed the trial throughout that the Jury would remain out hut for an hour or two. It is known now that this would have been the case but for one man. It was a strange drama, which waa -nacted behind Ike closed doors of hat jury room yesterday and up until a late hour last night. Retiring at •lew o'clock yesterday morning, the turelve "good man and true" analysed the case among themselves for twen ty minutes and then took their first ballot. That stood eleven to one for acquittal. Bat th* juryman who thought Wlle« ■bould not nctpa "scot-froa" and nho probably clung to his stand by -••■ob it the chart* of Jg4|» Henry 1. Grady, that "thai* is -no sach thine n North Carolina as th* 'Unwritten Law,' " waa not to ha mored by th* •rgutnvnt or appeal* of th* other »l*v*n Throughout an unusually hot Dctoher afternoon, cramped in • •mail Jury room. alma othar Juryman literally sweated themaehre* and rweatad th* ta*Htk man in an effort to bring him to thair point of rlew. And throughout that afternoon and til last nifht, th* ona man hald oat. Twelfth Jaror HelpUaa Hi* conviction*, h* f*H, war* aa ■acred to him aa thoaa of th* othar »l*T*n vara to them, and aa th* man •fcoae lifa was In the Jar) *, hand* araitod anxiously, th* effort to attar th* mind of th* on* Juror continued. Finally, at 10:14 o'clock last night, th* jury was pot to had. Th* twelfth furor, according to his own story, ilapt not at all daring the night. Ha thought one* mora through th* ease snd th* evidence, daring the long hours of the aarly morning. At ••ran o'clock, ha got op, unable to lie longer in bad and announced he nu ready to rot* for acquittal. Im mediately th* Jury waa awakened, the lodge uuilflsd and the court asaen kM. KMD court NUTHIM TOT tM any the courtroom was again packed and lammrd. There still remained an other charge of murder against Wiles in connection with the death of hia ■rife. Mrv Drom Wiles, who was shot st the same time Gordon «m killed Case Nolle Preased Howerer. the stall. said Solicitor L. P. Mcl-endon. felt that tf Wiles coald tint be convicted of the kill in* of Santa, he certainly coald not ha evicted of tlw killing at hia wife, who, he claimed, was shot. accident ally when Gordon polled her In front if him as a sort tit shield. A nolle proa was taken and Wiles, who had been confined hi the Dur ham county JaB the day of the •hooting. walked out of the court who felt na though they knew him. rushed up to shake Us hands and te Ifeaarf Mother to i Mm. He will roMein then to • < m two, be TW rerdtot MM RICH REWARD POt A DRINK OR WATER Oat. I ■tarty mn ago he minister, vkito they wmr* adrift to Ml open boat tor forty-thres day» a* the ■Ma of the Mi—t ha ring bM toft «1M a month pmfhm by the oetat* of Fer guson, who died recently In Nov York. It was sixty yoars ago that to the waters of the equator thelelippav ship om'Now York to Sea Hornet bound fro Fraactoro, gar* tip the ghost to a hurst of ftoMo. Fifteen of har craw, Clough among th«M took to an open boat and rtrift id for forty-three days and ni|kti without food and with vary little wa ter. Of (Imm own, Inar died and «ot to the shark i They did not die un til they had suffered terribly, eaten of thetr vary clothing, gnawing nn on (he leather of their boots. dough guarded tha watar keg wit) sledge hammar fiats. Henry Ferguson, a preacher, was one of that dying craw. Ha, a pas senger on the ship, waa dying whan ■dough, then a sturdy sailor ted. rare Him his share of tha watar. That kept him alive long after the others had gone. CU>ugh. Ferguson and nine others -etnained in the hoat. They war* rescued. They separated. Tha years rasaad. Pergpaoti, becoms rich, never forgot tha sailor in San Francisco who saved his Ufa. The other day he died In New York and left Olnagh. in Memory of a sa crifice done sirty years ago $100 a month from his estate. "Ferguson never forgot me," dough tells his friends "And all I did far htm waa to give him a few drops of water." , COULD NOT SELL STOLEN JEWELS Jwwwta Valued at Three Qmf tsra of Mill torn Arm Fhnl| New York, Oct. 14.—Expectation that aa arrest would follow the mys tfrioui return of irwcla valued at isws ivw a«Msa ss "• ^wsa vwst^wj wa 17*1.000 which were stolen from the hotel bedroom of Mrs. James P. Dona hue, daughter of the late P. W. Wool worth, waa entertained by police of ficials today. The thlevee found ft impossible to diapoee of hw Jewels because of their great value, said am anonymoua letter received by a de tective agency teat week, and vahw teered to return them If promised im munity and given a reward of 175,000 which had been offered. Police re fused to treat with the thieves, hat yesterday a private detective employ ed by the company which insured the rems walked Into police headquarters with the jewels wtapped in brow* paper. Only on He* ni niMtnc, a I •d b«f worth MOO TV jtwlij r» MW valued at $4(0.000 mm! UM odMT at,1266,000 Vim. Donahue wmi in tk* bath it tW Plau RoUl. p %t tUt pmw i it«i