. • ; ■ i.ym ff.it lOanes Pot Tar Heels to Shame In Way of HandKng Schools Wow ralWrhtaniaant la a full Tkq Illitaraey to pmtkalljr on to thia country, a fact which out to groat contrast with owr •W» atau of North Carolina which haa an much of that dua Ir a rsprsaeh whioh 9* ean mA, laughs at «-«itk our boast hi only half m| •t United Htatea aa at ha to rawindad that! an Engttah-epeakinf Dane, tteal wizard who Rata hie information ! Hirta. The fact waa| ■a it I laat Hummer hi from the atate department of tion hi Kalahrh. That atatement vary etrilrinc in at ft waa noted that North Carolina with | •00.000 aehooi children tfjMO laaehara apenda only ahoat 122.000.000 for their education Iowa with 700,000 children and TJflM tearhara apenda |d^H.M far their ia one of tha with North CaroMaa. ana of tha original It Tha thonghtfai Dana aaailea at thia kind of information and aaka for aa as ar efty or profeaaora of education hi North Carolina can accommodate tha ta luirin* Dana with aa aaawerT What'a •.he anawer of the ctate -nt of eehoob? Certainly he razxled Our Wt>UfilaM>. From VatMRftsn thm W re <■entlv com* th* atary that Mr* than ie-third at th* vfralwMr 2*0, '•00 children who enter th* first tradti at th* North Carolina schoole <-ach year fall to reach the second frmSe the nut year? "Why?" aak •d th* statistical vrisard "Why this waste?" h* asked. WIS mm of th* 100 county superintendents, or of th* city superintendents. or will th* state superintendent send tim answer which has been promised tfcis rariona Dane, who really doe* net understand why such a thine should b* allowed in any country? School Director A- Foaeing, in what we in North Carolina would call th* town hall, was intonated in these embarrassing facts, thooch he ■shed them with gracious courtesy. Such educational waste is entirely unknown in Scandinavia. Its exist ence in an American state, about which the Dane* hare recently been hearing so much, literally bewilders them. It should shame us in North! Carolina, and command the serious1 attention of thoee interested ir the! much heralded program of economy, j ! The visitor is impressed at once with such educational contrasts when he begins a study here. Well 'rained and somewhat nature teach er* contrast vividly with1 our poorly trained and immature ones. We prob | sbty have in the United State* the lowest standards for teachers to be , found anywhere in the civilised I world, and North Carolina certainly has not yet advanced beyond that standard, if indeed it has even yet [quite reached H. A teaching body In j Denmark which views tsathing as • profession contrasts -7ith too many .teachers in North Carolina (and th* United States as a whole, far that ) matter) who view education aa a stepping stone to something aha. A minimum school tana of more than ,M days in Denmark shsmss the North Carolina ls«al term of a meag er 120 days a year. A real compul sory school law h Denasark appears strikingly when set up against the make-believe law of North Carolina. Almost perfect attendance hi th* Danish schools makes w ewn North MM *• "the at the beginning of the ft •arty i unsuited to tha climate, white toh could ba sucresafully nlwi It 10 rtiiMl until coltvnisl policy dklstcd ; that EngllalUMt Mat Wjr their U htcco from thf A ffifion colonic in* Ntaad of growing It l LM Cenrge Ltfta la ltl* Lloyd George, then Chan «Bor of tha Eichaqw, aa part of Wa Liberal free trade campaign rained the embargfe, and in 1ft I, ka to repreaentatioaa made by wonld-bel tobacco growers—there waa a treat j tobacco "war" an at Liberal Gn >11 ianaa« giaated a rebate »f one-third of tha rloty to Elfliih grower*. Cultivation I araa taken up in rarhw district*, and | by 1913 mm 14* ruKtvation. In that year, however, { I.iberal objections to tariffs and re bataa reached in the withdrawal of the rebate aad a grant from the De velopment Commiaeion was ■ahatitu ted. But thw rlmiclMri tobtcco ttOa Instead of incraaaing it, i in* the war tha Induatiy feU < it was regarded as by na ai "esaentlal" wartime trade far tha em ployment of England's diminishing Since tha war there has been a re viral, although tobacco is only grown ] in two counties, Hampahire and Nor folk, Mr. Brandon In tha first-named county being the leading giuwsr. Tha preferential rates granted by the Baldwin Government to empire grown tobacco apply to tha English crop and provided mm little stimulus, bat it te pointed oat that colonial tahacco can still ba grown at lower coat, owing to prevailing wage acalea in England. Brandon, however, is campaigning for definite Government recognition of the tobacco-growing industry, and he coatend* that a measure of effec tive protection for a period of year* would *aa the industry once more firmly established in this country. He points to the good results which have come tram the policy adopted toward Migar-beet cultivation, and suggests that Government aasistanaa to tobac -o growing would give a good deal of fresh employment without entailing in the course of ha yews any appre ciable tea* of revenue to the Exche quer. . Knuliafc Loaf Well LiM At Church Crookluim, Brandon has had ten arm under culthration thl* vear, and he expects to Increase hi* acreage next season. The greater part of the Hampshire crop la now uaod. without any addition of foreign grown tobacco, far brand* of riprrt and pipe tobacco, which are quite popular with those who know them. Manufacturers who purehaae the dried leaf have reported overwhelming in quiriee for tMa English tobacco, and thejr agree that there to • stable mar ket for supplies. Other agrlculturtoU who ton hith erto derated their acraatf* to hope are contomplath* trying tobacco, and : | — * nliMaat . 0 M1 „ i - — 4 it It pOMfflP QMt, flW MuTKWR may once wore haeco growing enough to supply frnif (nitiMi af tha county b» chnaaa , to try tha tkraa Mnted la orda* hut thay may to |hwi a "fair aad impartial" trial. *4 ttoy coald not obtain lipartial InatiM bafor* a jury at Statoa coun ty mm. It ww pnititad oat ttot ttora Is Mt a Jam la tto emrftaaa at Stotoa county at tha pnwnt thaa and thin was ritad aa a raaaoa to tolfer* that the atmoaphar* In thia county la not what n.ljrht ba tiinaad "healthy" for Jew*. or eaan other faraicner*. Tto SaflMta. aim did baainaaa at Kiitf for a abort tim*. war* tha only ara hara of their race In tha enoaty at that tima, aAdartto atatad, aad at bar affidavit* taw dad to ihow that Gamtila merrhanta in Kinc wan entiaialy unfriendly to tto Jawi who war* than runninf a large ator* thara. In the affidavits heard by Jodge Brock vm the Ant indication that the dtfmu eMHtl wfU likely 1*7 1« prove that the «tor» wu burned hy ani who were iirtinrtal hi running the Sameta oat of tiuainna and that tha Sameta, norther tha father nor tha aon nor brother, had anything to do with it at all. Peei ng which was represented aa being xtramsty bnotila to tha garnets was '.ho principal plan of attorneys. J odea Brock said ha d>dnt aaa how anybody could mistske Attorney J. H. Fol**r. of Mount Airy, far a Jaw. hot Mr. Foliar made affidant to tha fact that cartel* Daf resi danta had that idaa in Mind and that apoa a cartain occasion thcra. whan ha wa. in conversation with a Mr. Pulliam in front of a drug ■tore, ho waa told later by a friend that* ha had boan in dancer of www aaaanlt if not death itaolf until hia identity waa learned. Mr. Pulliam testified upon the witness stand that Dr. G E. Stone interrupted hia conversation with Mr. Polger to inqsin who tha latter waa, and that another man. Early Moser, who paaaod ap and down tha sidewalk in front of Mr. Polger several times while they war* in conversation, told Mr. Pulliam that he (Moeer) was trying to "catch tha -ye" of Mr. Pulliaai to tell him that Mr. Polger came there with Max garnet. Mr. Polgar's affidavit sat forth his own suspicions of tha two men who passed hack and forth, and the Mount Airy lawyer sworn that ha hought they were trying to cdtch portions of the conversation ha was having with Mr. PnDiaa. Upon a later occasion. Mr. Paige's affidavit declared, he and Mas Samet, paaaing through King an route from Greens boro, stopped at a filling station and that a crowd quickly gathered there and that it was very evident that they harbored ill feeling toward Samet. Waal &-Months' Tarm Submit ted to Poopfe. Charlotte. Oct. 24.— Resolutions were tdoptod hare today at the clos ing wiilon of th« annual convention Of the South Piedmont district of the North Carolina Teachar's Asaociati— railing upon the 1M7 Lafkistsn to submit an amendasent to the consti tution providing for an eight months dam of the people. The pgiswt mbi-, •mum term Is sis months. • ' ' In ths Atlantic Ocsaa only two, placas are known to azoasd >4,000 feat ia depth, the deepest spot being 27J7* feet, north o| Wart ladiaa. 'n the Pacific, hswisi, a spot U. «M fact deep has haaa found off ths soathwaat coast of a pan. Wsahais <*ise has a depth grmlsr than 90,000 feet heea tamA' Alan prison reform," mji Dr. "It la Mt my pur-pew, in tkii aw ita at capital puniahment, mnr to con rlone or condemn the practice, how rvar, I bdl>w that to a f*w yeara it win ha a thine a# the put, ao far aa North Carolina ia nrnnnMi "tot itm* tka lawa of on inflict the death penalty an fntmd guilt; of capital offanaaa. It am writing tMa to maka a piaa far a awre humane method of lata! as "it n not th* object of the I to inflict bodily pain upon a that to Mil ■wM to tto ideal idea is to rid mcMt if aoch u im j naia, ami by «• doing toU up an es tsipW to tto vmU to perpetrator of flaw. We often shudder wton •htnfc of tto brutal coatom of behead nc, aa practiced in mm af tto Baro * doee *em mmt brutal and I thirsty, tot, brutal aa it may it la far i >do of asacutian uiactkod in • ly chopped off. death ia because tto centre of perception ia w»w»d from tto tody. There la ao "When a Man ia hanged, at do not know bow long to might raaaln con scious. Tto neck ia not aNrayi broken j wton tto trap ia sprang, in which case; daath finally rasalts froa lation, which may take several utes. And even if tto neck to brok en, wa knew that men with broken necks, have lived and rwimrf con ariooa for days, and even years. Death by straagnlntion on tto gal lows most to one of intenae human suffering and indescribable agony. "Electrocution My to a Uttle morei humane. Bat every time I read of an electrocution at our State Capital, I am made to shudder. We rand of tto priaoner being brought to tto death chamber and placed in the chair. He is strapped hand and^foot until to can not move. Tto electrodes are applied. Tto switch ia turned. We rend of tto rigors and contrac tion* of tto moactes of tto poor con- | demned body, of tto odor of burning human flesh. The switch is turned off, tto heart is still banting. Tto current ia turned on again, and some- j times again, and in from three to five minutes tto priaoa physician .pro. nouncea the victim dead. I say vic tim, because he ia a victim of one o« j the moat barbarous practiced by a civilised "New I do net know, any one else know, just how long a man might remain conaciow after *uch a current of elasticity ia aant Into hia tody. Expert opinion ma) ■ay that consciousness ia loot tto TRAINLOAD OF WATCS SENT TO ASHCaOHO Hick Fmmt W» • to uptriU a traia of IS cm to tilMkon daily until the water •bort «a to ntimrad. *i npplr of watar to tow, half mooch watar betn« avail. ttO.OOO and SOO/MW gallons of To ton a nrikteat quantity evan for conservative aw, 100,000 must be supplied daily fraa than local tMrcn. High Paint to preparad to (fro this supply of 19C, in the relief. made to oparata a ipirial traia here to Aitoton each day. Mayor McCrary aaid there boro'i water ahad to fhra *nd the iltuation to the worat the town's history. A. L. Armeed %• Sm Far Omm|m Far Killa* at Sm NashvJUe. Oct. a.—It ha. bean mm thoritativety given oat here. accord in* to the Nashville Graphic, that Rot. A. L. Ormond, Methodist minis ter of this place, win brine "it for >huri against W. B. Cote for tha killing of hi* son. W. W. Ormond. The writ will he brought hi Wake couaty and will ha broacht by the local minister hi hia capacity aa a4 of his son whom Cote iriy in August, being by a Uaioa comity lory. Just when the si—iw wfl] ha ia Cate baa not basa 4s hat It is qaKa ; W .«*