ror Aflllin 48 • J88 141 Brasil A 47 0 Central Brm*il 88 0 Denver 14 2 Illinois 17 28 Morthwest 48 88 Missouri 1M 14 Wert Virginia M 87 Southwest Missouri 188 81 Louisville 188 72 Holston St. Louis Mew Mexico Virginia ..._. West North Carolina Worth Texas ......... Arizona ...188' 1(0 124 29 .... 42 88 .147 117 ...188 202 ...221 14C ...181 127 _ 29 • trifle *8 89 SwHi mi nw.i'niiitii Kininpn ii hi 78 4 Worth Alabama »4 288 Upper 8. C. 28 170 Wart Oklahoma 144 80 Wart Texas 177 87 Total ^ 2.578 1,801 YEGGMEN SUE FOR RE TURN OF BOOTY Claim of Pilot Harrisonburg. Vs., Oct 28.- The on. »or> procedure of yegg tor the return of their al loot now held by officers which waa heard before Judge Henry C. McDowell in U. 8. Court tor the Wert WrtiH of Virginia, resulted in tha ordering payment of counter filed by three rictima of the frem the fund after It la us «d aa evidence against the bandit trio vfcaa they are triad at Greensboro, Tf. C., for the robbery of the poetof flaa ot Pilot Mountain, N. C., last The original action was instituted W Jerry Far low, Thomas Doyle and Thonai Roberta, sentenced in Dan vflle to five-year prison term* for having burglar took in their poasea abn after a aeries of robberies in Western North and South Carolina. TMa trio'sued to have the $4,000 loot —82,800 in currency and $1,200 in rtampe—now held by U. S. Commis sioner Barksdale at Danville, returned to them. The loot and borglar tools presented as evM»«w» in Hugh M. William*, of Danville, at toney he the robbers. then sought to attack *700 of the loot aa hia fee. ' After hearing the evideace, Judge McDowell ordered judgments eotered to'favor of the Pilot Mountain Bank for 9601; of W. W. Redman. Pilot Mountain postmaster, for 9804. and the MrKnlght-Belk Merchandise Coan f, of Oreer, 8. C.. for »4»7. These proved thajr were robbed Iy Pariam. Doyle aad Roberta before parts of the feat. After tha payment of wmy other claims which mmj ariae, to to receive hia ■WjRMto the There to fettle likelihood Williaaaa or the trio receiving ■H «f tha loat three Hatea arc to ha paid and Postofficr I to It 1* stated that tk of thia tract m IHjM, and that D. D. Smith of Onankon waa the third party M(gtbth( the nh. hr | eral months a*o Mr. Smith mad* ! definite plana to establish a summer resort in the Hanging Hack tract, | weefnr therein the great possibilities i in the natural attraction of the i place. However the plan waa later I abandoned, and not until recently has 1 there been any eri* I l-nr dreamed of plan will I reality. I It Is stated that the Intentkma of < the Florida ayndicate will he Knlldinr of a three hundred room ho tel with pi-irate bath* and every con venience, one or more IS hola (olf "nk*. an artificial tab of lark* pro portions and bath houses nearby. Pos sibly fine roads will connect the alte with the main arteries that run thru this county making traveling conven ient. many i«rjn* mjwinnm mm m win •ton-Mni ami OrH>nibMr« hm bom ^eard to make the statement that uch a development would par; and •xprturd their wishes that such would be planned and developed. These man who hare been annual summer visitors to the rammer re tort* In the Ssurstown Mountain* have Ion* known of the posiribilities "»f nuk ft reaort, due to the nearneaa of Wlnston-flalem, Greensboro and neighboring citiea. EIGHT CHILDREN KILLED AT CROSSING School Bus Struck by Fast Train—31 Injured—Misty Rain Obscured Driver1. Vis Waycross, jGa., Nov. 2.—Collision ! of the Everglades Limited of the At • lantic Coast Line and a school bus at I Nahunta, Qa., today resulted in the deaths of eight children and Injuries to 21 others. Victims of the crash were rushed to I the hospital here aboard a special I train. Four of them died on the way. Reports from the hospital late this afternoon indicated that no mora deaths are expected, although some of the remaining victims are In a serious condition. tiroy oincKinna, wno was anving j the bui. suffered a fractured leg. He stated to railroad official* here that ! he was drivinir in a misty rain and had all aide curtains of the boa eland. As he approached the railroad track, he said, he asked one of the boys on the bus to look toward the north and see if there was a train approaching. | Strickland said he looked tward the | south. Just as the bus reached the center of the crossing, the train | rrashed into it. The terrific impact of the heavy locomotive threw the bus a distance of 20 feat and strewed its occupants ilong the right of way. Three eg the children were killed instantly. The screams of their companions could be heard above the noise of the traiir as it sped down the track toward the station. lux cars, parked near the crossing th<i misty rain and the fact that the | bus curtains were up were contribut i ing causes of the collision, witnesses declared. No official account of the j crash has been iaeued by the railroad iff>m p»ny and no comprehensive state ' ment has been made by Strickland, ■ha bus driver, or by the engineer of the Everglades Limited, which waa rushing on its way to FloriHa when the accident occurred. A relief train waa made up at Nahunta immediately after the col lision and the chad victims were tak en to the hoepita! here, families of the children, grief stricken at the now* of the collision, hurried here to be with the injured. IwHi Knox, principal of the aehool to wkk-h the children www bound, eieead the build-' SUIT AGAINST COLE tS , STARTED Cate** (Wgr woaU tan doo* what Col* Two 4q« after Um wr<kt Col* 4 lowing m inaanity Jadg* T E rlntejr, tried Um eaa*. is North WUkaaboro. Cale Oat it 8UU Col* ha* lefl th* State to take aa indefinite r*at in Arkanaaa, where r* lattoa of hi* wff* lire. Summon* in th* ease war* issued to Richmond County and U itluin*h>* November 12, hot if —i»k* on Cole cannot be secured there, the plaintiff I* expected to pcoc**d by publication and attachment. Young Ormond'* father aaka $78, 000 compensatory damage* and 97tr 000 punithr* damage* for the alleged wrongful death. •«v*> m • vi mwitu v)iMiitiru tui objt1 tember S, as idniniittilor to Ui ■on'* estate In Wain County, whsre young Ormond lived. Tonne Ormond loft an estate of around $1,000 mad* up of insurance. The nh i* brought in this county as the home county of The suit ia brought by Douglass and Douglass, of SaMgfc; Larry Moors, of Now Bern; W. B. Joasa, of Rockingham; and Harold Cootey of Nashrills; all of whoa app—rod for the proeecution in the n Imhiri ac tion; and alao hy R. N. Simma, JPKal xigh A bond of 1200 to Cole for costs is signed by Re*. A. L. Ormond as administrator, his soil. The coayhttt seta forth the facts regarding the killing on the main itreot of Rockingham on August 16, nlleging that Cole "stealthily crept up behind him (Ormond) and wantonly, wickedly, cruelly and with malice aforethought, assassinated plaintiffs intestate by firing three bullets -into his body." With regard to the alleged "slander letter" which Ormond wrote saying that he had lived as man and wife with Miss Elisabeth Cole for more than fc year, the complaint says as follows: Killed Without C(um "That the defendant falsely pre tended and claimed that ha killed the plaintifTi kites tate haeaoaa, as ha alleged, the plaintiffs intestate had, in February, IMS, and more than six months prior to said Ull«| written t| the defendant an alleged letter and (t was claimed by the defendant that In the sllsgod letter, the plaintiffs intestate had slandered the defend ant's daughter, but the plaintiff seen on information and belief tlmt the defendant killed and murdered bis Intestate to prevent hia marriage to the defendant's daughter, or for aome other reaaon growing out of the <te fendant's anger, hatred, malice and lllwill towards the deceased, and his premeditated and deliberate purpose and this plaintiff alleges that for whatever reaaon, the defendant's said action was without justification or excuse." Laakey Says Robhars Got His Fiao Liquors New York, Oct. V.—Robbers stole the satire stock of rare liquors, 14 barrels In all. worth (hipped here from Hollywood. Calif, by Jesse L. Laakey, vice paraMsnt of this Fam ous-Players-Laaky corporation. He said last night, the robbers alao took four barrels of allvqr. The li quor was not insnrsd. Mr. Laaky was preparing to ape* his new Fifth avenue khst. He sent three vans around to the height yards to get his effects The door of the bos ear had scarcely been opswsd when several maqked snen appeared and with pivteli hi hand forced the truck drivers and a railroad 4startlv« late an empty ear and locked them h. The thieves than sen ied away every GrJ^rJ* affldL" ftJT!6,401JtS on thair deliveries. Directors tad natitt ot the ae •ociation art aiao imagi at alsling IhwiilTii upon the fact that the new M par cent ad»ame which haa much Mora Money on their >ihm thia aaaaon, haa sbrisaely eat the pace for prices an the anctlon bmt kftn. Thctc opcuid In 8tytnriMf with prices which ran below It aenta at Wilaon and other ssarkets of east ern North Carolina during the first two weeks of sales and the sharp fluctuation by which prices have nearly dooMsd following the continu ation of the association's high cash advance Is regarded this season aa the direct result of co-operative Mar keting by the tobacco association's members stid director*. •wted as having sold the Urfnl pro portion of toi»No received during the past three years, or any of the large tobacco marketing associations hi the United States. Deliveries (o the co operative markets of the old tobacco bdt are steadily increasing and there appears to be a determination among the farmer* of Western North Caro ■ _ — 1 tri- - i - : - 4. - — __ Iini inn v 11 (Itiii vo wppon invir or* ganization at the time when it has clearly been the cause of maintining the price of tobacco above the cost of production, followed the early threat tf 14 and IS cent averages on the auction floors. Total receipts of the tobacco asas ■istion during the past three years are reported by its management as 447,000.000 pounds and sales of tobac co on the same green basis as that upon which" tho tobacco is received imount in sit to 388,000,000 pounds. Figuring on the green basis upon which members deliver and receive pay for their tobacco, the association has on hand from the crops of IMS »nd 1924 approximately S8.000.000 oounds of bright tobacci and 24,000, 000 pounds of Virginia dark tobacco. The association's directors announced at their last meeting that another payment on the 1M4 crop will be made at the earliest possible date. VIRGINIA MASS MEETING IN INTEREST OF ROADS Or* Hundred at ladspso dMo* From the Various Cit - Us and Towns hi North Cir Elkin. Oct. Mors than one hundred representative citizens of North Carotins from Charlotte, Mooresville, Elkin, Sparta sad oth er points alony national highwsy 51 attended a mass meeting at Indepen dence, Va., today, urging the early completion of that part of the roots br'.ween Blaefield sad the North Car otin lino. According to recsat reports the North Carolina highway known as No. 26 Ims been designated by the U. 8. department of agriculture as a part of national highway SI, running from Detroit to Jacksonrilis, Florida. The meeting was prsslilsd ortr by President Johnson of the Qrest Lakes-to-Florids Highway assocte tion and was attendsd by haadreds of the most prominent citissas of Grayson slid Wythe to—Uss. Gnat enthosissm was nmifuM by way oas prsasnt onr ths pnnMltj of the two counties laglualsg at aa erfrly dsts the boOding of s perma nent good road ts the North Carotins line to connect with highway Na. M. A rssohition was passed nasnhnn— ly endorsing this roots sad sskbig the Vinriaia stats Mghasy coanais. sion ts get behind this projset sad posh It forward as rapidly as pnssihii. -I wish now - said Mm lecturer. -to 1. T. Ctoaij. an AUim road owmii, will bt slat li suited on D» ember It for the murder at Ms wife on October It. Mr*. Cherry waa found shot to <wl> la Um hllihaa at A to the hunhand as the (layer, and the ae «rrested the day at the aim it—. Within firm days Cherry had keen indicted and eight days after the ha waa on trial tor Ma Hfe, in Ma caadeannapon at the -nd of the tenth day. ' Monday night at A»hi »IBs. N. C„ while a ank wm preparing to (term the county Jail to lynch Pi eaten Nee ly, a nagro, for an alleged attack upon a prominent white woman of the city, John E»mi. another iiafio. caught hold of the ana of a white woman an one of the moat f inent (tracts of the dty in an atto_^t to attack Mr. She manage to eacape and gave the alarm, and Beeres waa arrested in a few Minutes. The mob, foiled in its efforts to t Nealy, tuipad Mi attention tn Reeves, hot upon refusal of the wo rm to identify hi*, as requested by officers, he waa left to the courts. MONEY COULD NOT SAVE THIS MAN Not Balialf of ▼ictad of Liquor Clwri* RaM) h. Oct. M.—J. Ambroea Woody, wealthy Chatham county land owner and chtfehun, must »rw • 90-day road sentence for vio lating the Ikjoor law*. The seataaee, imposed by Ohatham superior court, was upheld by Gover sor McLean today In Mttaf upon an appeal by Woody for the substitution of a $600 fine. The appeal, which was heard before Pardon Commission er H. Hoy Is Sink, tw» weeks ago, brought a trowd of sous* 100 promi nent Chatham county people. About half of then were supporting Woody and the other half, led by solicitor J. Clawson Williams, were Insistent up on his taking his medicine. Woody la reputed to he worth over $100.00 and a generous contributor to Hickory Mountain Methodist church, of which he has been a-steward. He also was superintendent of the Son day school. Jtb fellow-churchmen were reported to have bam about "cually divided in their sympathies. Woody has vowed that the church wfll never get another penny Iran him U be gees to the roads, acaunHwt to woru mofni Mrf oy la the heal er Sink, attorneys for Woody >ed that he aeed to dsal ia liquor, bat | they laid ha quit aa far hack aa 191$. Those opposing clemency testified he waa a ~ht*h.z up~ ia i yo«o do when W fond two , tariff, h darp of the mm eoo». ty. AH tkt bwTm Hi Khwtnw and ■oat of thoee in Now Bora k*4 boa* lined a» behind one or the other ad the rmitaoden for the office. % "Show me the ntmrtaa of the board ed Judge Midyette when aaktd by the rterik of the Superior Court M to what ho «m phf to do. Thecal* was rwntaw uw net that upon Tail or* of Sheriff A. W. Taylor to Mb proper wUlnmit at taxes Car A* preceding year the board had lUftel Heber Worthington to fill the Tiiaa <T "Show we Sheriff Worthingtoa commai«M Judge Midyetto. "Mr. Sheriff, open court" -We object," ewe in a chonw tram Taylor's lawyers. "The court will hear jam objec tion aa soon a* it is opened." said Judge Mi^tyetto. Prayer That Waa Needed "God save the State and this hew orable court," said Heber Worthing* tew. Judge Midyetto felt like H «M a prayer frow the heart aad that ha needed it AO day the lawyers ar VMd. bat Judge Midyetto stock to his guns. For bin there was bat one sheriff, and that waa the sheriff the hoard of commissioners had elected. Then came the ejuestion of who should have the office of the sheriff and who should run the Tayto* held on to both aad it waa not uatR a mandamus commanding him to tiffn over everything to Worthingtoa was Issued by Judge Midyetto thai he did aa. Attorneys appealed to the Suprtoaa court and yesterday came the decis ion that backed up the Judgment of Judge Midyette. The law in the eaae was simple. Justice Connor, writfeff ( the opinion, says the statute fixes the responsibility upon the cowmissiea era to respire settlements with the •heriffs am to soHit the books with a new of determii.<ng whether the set tlement is in full. There is ao dis cretion left in the matter and they >i* subject to indictment if they fail to comply with the law. . Taylor Has Remedy Not only are they required to re quire settlement, but they must alee see that the sheriff is properly bond ed. In waking settlement with the Lenoir commissioners, 8heriff Tay lor appeared to be short M7.M1.2S la his accounts. Re submitted doehw tkms amounting to «42jM8.41. which be said he was entitled to, and the difference In cash, but the oommia sioners did not rsagidir this a fair settlement — Su»,o*,4 Kf ml Ndb Hali $3,000 is Silver Com

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