IU official* aaid her* today, to calculated to promote tkr of tto |lu»ai whn "to** tmmd In tto aasociatlon tto only re ltef from tto old profitloas ifitai of it Is I ky tto an Carolina to it, It (tow to tto tight which tto ar* * lowly, hot nana tto atoo cornea to tto association following tto conftrm of tto rnport that tto million • half dollar* would to distributed 16. that awton of tto of i appears, front reports, to to par -na in aaoanl local lli Woatorn North Carolina On* instance, letenUy nlM to the Mention tare of aaasciatian offl Wa, ikoei that • contract breaker i the fall approval uf of the association take a profit on tobacco which M Md attempted te eell oa the aac Ihe door. An injunction moved two lead* of his tobaeca off the flow hi The ficft rub advance amounted to aia dollar* more than the aactioa tags Aaaociation receipta for IKi, ac ta M. 0. WBaoa, secretary i four and a half million f«r. For the tnharrn received this yaar. awibera have to far received fMW.402—virtually a million dol throach the uae period hi \ Ptoblic interest In the associate's fight to provide better marketing MHin in throe states, and there by assure to tobacco farmer* better aaamnunity progress. has awakened ble .since the diaastroue of the opea floors at the he _ of the aeaacin. "It in a healthy sign," believes Mr. Wlaon, "that the general public is Mowing renewed Interest in the op ' arationi of the aaaociation. While Km problem is oae which directly af the rrower, It ia none the less i concern of every man and woman hi the betterment of atri al life The grade* of the 1M4 crop, upon whirh the tobacco annotation will Mir final payment to Its Members la the old bright belt are announced aa follows: W D4. Dr., M. D7. DTK, M. (MM; Ml, II, ESM. E3. ESM, U, E«M; PI, n.Ti Cut Hair Ha VpwW to I. . Nov. A— than thirty yt kro ago, W. R. Ctorh. H,aCWIVu veteran of thia aaamty, made a vow that he would Ml have hi* hair eat until William i was In the Priildeafs recant death of the V . weakened hi. and yesterday a harher rat the hair Ad hung shoot Mr. Clark's waist. Poe many year* Mr. (lark has been picturesque personage at G. A. R. diat in rui'SetT appearance leading to mistake Mm for Buff ale Own, tone* Mww, Nov. ft. -1M «trk hi Iwiiii wphul far Mm.Urn* baton at Uaat, tba kmm Sbartfflan ■»!■»>■ wIIMm dUbTnrted tomorrow. Moat at th»m will na ture llmt ta Trtmm. Daring dM French f ilWinllli, and pen town, bat always diractad their attack am fortified poaitiona, wbara naiad by raea—aitaanfa abalanaa. Tbay found that tba antira civilian population in tba ragitm oeer wbicb tbay flaw bad di— till Mm riling— at tha "Utbraak of Mm war, ae iking refuge far with la Mm impenetrukle mountain faatnaaaaa. Aa Mm tribaa men are nomad thin waa an aaay mat ter. for each family ia aiwaya provid ed with a tent under which tba bat only a torn mtaotoa to pack up itba bouaaboM bekmgtaga and band far n hid in* place in Mm bitla. Dry Uw"» Bmiihi I* Up to Chicago, Not. ».—Prohibition sa b it not yet "a cam»l»te wwrn." said a-meet H. Ctorrington, wrritify aI the World U«|M Ajain.t Alcohol, at i mii mooting of tho Anti-Salooa Iwpi nmvwtin today. "Federal nrfunii nt." to con tin uad. "is tto responsibility of jaat on* man. tto Preaidaaft of tto United Statea, as to ia tto only person (aside from tto Tie* president) la tto Nth* -xoeetira and jdlrlll department of tto Mnl pmnMt, who is di rectly elected to tto people and there fore mpwuMi to tto people. "Tto President of tto United Statea U prsbsbly tto Mate powerful offlctel hi tto world," Mr. Cberria* ton Mid. "Ddm any dm really to. ;eve that M tto Prisldmt were to proceed to brteg hit full power to Hear, that Um enforcement at tto pro hibition law could not be tranafom H in 48 houra? "When the temperance people of the United Statea come to tto fan "fiHiition of thou facts and whm they arrive nt tto place where they are determined to told tto reaponla bility, the directly responsible offi cials of tto government, tto 18th intendment and the federal law will be adequately enforced." . . .. a — •* A cid-Tk rowing Wife to Spamd Time to HoapiUl Richmond. Va., Oct. 8—Mra. Maggie B. Nichols convicted several month* ago in Powhatten county circuit court of throwing lye water into the face of Mrs. Hortense V. Mitchell and •entenced to 90 dsj » in jnll and fined 1500, will he permitted to aerre tor sentence in a hoapital tor*. Under a ruling of Judge K. P. Cox, of Powhatten court, handed ilnna yesterday. Mra. Nichols win begin her mlmen in the hospital nest Sat urday. Jndge Co* stated on the ad vice of two physicians, who declared tto woman's health would to Impair ed by Incarceration ia Jail. Tto offense far which Mrs. Nichols was convicted wna committed hi front of a church la Powhatten enua ty aa Mra. Mitchell aad tor hoehaad and children wore about to enter lor Sunday eerilma. Mra. Nichols ia al legad to toe* fouad a latter la tor huuhnndti pocket whirl A* liaMflad at tor trial was written hp Mra. Ml chell Mra. Mitchell aad Mldtolb wan fficers la tto M9* aad Mra. Nichols A throng which was Infer than that attending the trial at two ne WMill la obtaining a )nry, thi. tkally the entire day. Om witneaa for the rtata took the stand lata in the half of thoae indicted at having •mi at the jail Over 100 witnaaaaa have been ordered tf appear. The caae in expected to he ntubhornly eon teatad, half a dozen lawyer* having been employed hy the defense aad private proaeiution having been pro* *4 Winston-Salfm. _ Nov. 7.—8alUe Grafu, on of the Wat known aad the city, kat probably not wtiM until th* first of the year to make i raaohitioo, but mmim am Tkandajr afternoon after ahe had ham con vinced that aha had boon Japad oat of one thousand clean, criap and vary ia atid to ha sick at haart and thor oughly diaguated with all maaktod; inaofar aa truat ia caacarnad. y h all mm awk a|» yea terday; that ia. it atartad am that day whan • flaahlly-tli assi d colorad man giving tha name of Alaa^ and about forty yaara of a«a wont to ia GnfM woeaan'a hill on White Street and infonaed tha widow that bar "stepson had diad oat to Oklaho ma aad left bar 110,000. Naturally the woman wni elated and whan tha man pracssdad to maha lov* to bar "aba fall" for bia flattery. Tha lover told bar H would iwqaira *1,000 to raah noway to secure tha HO.OOO. aad arty in the city, aba waa urirad to im madiately secure a loan. She nortfiffid her home, borrow ad tljMO and lat tha amooth-tongued utrnager bar* it. Tha stranger navar returned. UNWRITTEN LAW FAILED TO SAVE Raleigh. Oct to—J. Q. Beard, af -Robeson county, a young white man who got a 10-yaar prison aantenca far a second dsgras murder In tha day* whan tha "unwritten law" evidently waa not aa effectlva, waa (mated a parola today by Governor McLean, thereby fatting the last SO days af bis term eU off, Baard^ who waa give* a 10-day pa rola last week to attowd t>e funeral of Ma mother, had only M days more to arrve, and the parole today ra» lievaa him of tha neceaalty of report in* back at tha priaoa. Beard bad a good claim oa tha "un written law," If tha rsastiaa glean far hia offense can ha substantiated, al though K failed to stand him to goad stead In lilt. Acrordia* to Ms toe evening to fted hia wtfs proatratod. with eriat that aba bad bean aotraf ad kg another man who —tared bar Plwrf RmI WUhfciy Hm Umir 9mm OmmmU Up Pari, OmtoH, Clmkad and Chicago Prahibitlun aathacltto. ki tha St. PmJ tnt My that U par east at tlM littla fa—<1— Hqoor to aaallaka.' atop trip# tram tha buidat to tlM Twto-Citiaa. Tha aieohol uaad to eo» rocttoc 4aka Mqaor comm to from tha Thara in 14,000 "MM i^faMa Da mtoaienar of polka. which would tndi cato a torga and steadily flowly tup ply of alcoholic drtoka. Bafore pro hibition thara wara 1,900 licanaad aa loona. Some itnniM liquor aacapaa on UfaSTst'cW?. Htei11ST*£ >l\Ht farUral r a.nti »k.f -J ow irgerai i>|min unvn wri nioiv 01 tha Canadian lahrfad whiakay to «p» of It graaa and unfit for iianiifHin. Kum iimaia to tha Datroit aroa cat a coaparativaly small ratnrn for tha chaacaa thay tak*. tha rota of pay bains H cant* a eaaa for haar and SI a com for whiakay. Moat whola salara, hoattw, pay t^a ninnrrs a flat salary, ganaraBy $60 a waak. for "rattJa*" purposes Uuit tjw. li quor itself la watered and U often merely • .klltfully blended "cut" whiakey. Aa effort to «(tifla river running at Detroit la now bain* made by Carry ft Perguaon, collector of cuatnme, who has biiiai "admiral" of a float of nine h*t boots, with 800 aceata "oncentratjnjf on the liquor traffic. The liquor business in and around Cleveland consists almost entirely in the auuiufarture and sale at cow whiskey with a sideline oa the tafr. portation of Canadian hoar, declared Tfcoasaa Stone, former prohibition chief. Much home made wine la sold, s la sjalhatk gin mads from alco hol. Whiskey running and importation of bonded liquor into Cleveland is a rarity. Boer ia brought in carload lota from Canada, billed as cast iron, concentrated lye and other manhan diae. Beer formerly waa brought cross Laka Erie In small boats but »iace the government rum chasers be came active, this mode of tranapor lation has decreased. Official confirmation Is lacking of reported aerial bo» it lagging in the Chicago district, but it is agreed that tutoasobile, rail and water tranapor-, 'ation are about equally popular among rum runnels in this territory.' New processes have boon developed{ In the manufacture of intoxicants In this area which are known as "clean-! ing" denatured alcohol. Just what; processes are used, besides redistilla tion, is a mystery which federal sleuth* and chemista are trying to solve. They suspect the moonshine | magnatea have In their pay chemista j as clever as any ia the gov* employ. In striking at this particular prohibition field agents ml Chicago drag store where tilt pal stock was body-rdh of K still was la CARS GO ASTRAY RY NEW U. ft. MAP W.t foflow ractfy «ut to MUwy and than be further from Charlotte than «hn It left Statesville, the iKRUry *u h» The MCtion of road in question is a part of the newly adopted »yst—i of federal highways. The north and ■ooth highway of which K is a part raters North Carolina from Virginia at a point Ju«t north of routes through Elfcin, State* vllle, Salisbury, Concord, Char lotte. Ptneritle and into Sooth Caro lina, being the North Carolina high way No. M la Its entirety. Nr. Wflkhtaon says he' was in New York October M whan he first heard »f the prspdasd rooting. On hie im SMdiate return la CbaMotte, ha says, ha wiled the joint hoard and hept op a rapid exchange of currsepeodsncs tmtil yesterday OMming, whao he re ferred Mr. JaOMe' letter which as fallows: I m they concern discrepancy occur* on liifhviy No. M between Statesville and Charlotte in thin state. Hifhwajr No. M enter* North Car olina from Virginia, and goes into South Carolina, and If a through highway and boar* Um number of H in South Carolina a* wall aa in North Carolina. The traffic should be rowt *d continuously rrrer .this highway from the Virginia Una to the South Carolina line, instead of via No. 10 from Statesville to IS from Salisbury traveler is farther after traveling' from 8tateariU* to Salisbury than he waa when ha left StatesvUle. FOREIGN COUNTRIES ASK ABOUT STATE Part* mi World la*«air* AkMl Vmrmimt Haro Raleigh. Oct. «1.—Evidence of a widssprsad interest hi North Caro lina i* reflected in i nasmnaliatli— recently w«M at tkt ilat* dtftrt ■«t of agriculture. It waa pnlated oat that within the pot few wsiha inquirtea M to faming spportaaMea in this state had coam from aearty all parta at tW world, including Hot land, Ruaaia. Australia, China, Japan, Honduras, Canada and nthn eoan. triaa oataide of the Unite* State*. Oat California writer mdicatad that a preparing to arigrate to North Cava lina oa account of tha superior ad antagao In ha had her*. wantod DON information for himself aad hia Australia, through It. commission ar in tha United States, wanted to know how North Carolina marketed its pooltry aad ens. Japan, thriagh a dean of agriculture la oa* of Ma leading uaiversitles, aahsd far al available farming Information about North Carolina, whllo Kuaaia, through one of Ita officials at Moscow, want ed North Ctooitna aroma to plant te jj connection with a reforestation pro gram An af«nt for Honduras aaked that hia country he supplied with aB available matter on agriculture, stat in* that his ritimens were making a special study of North Carolina. Oa* of the moat interesting tetters received. It was stated at the depart ment, came from the manager of an organisation styling iteelf the Neth erlands Emigration bureau, with ef floaa at TV Hague, la this tetter 11 waa brought out that farmers ha for eign countries who hare thair eyas on North Carolina have gaas aa tar aa to study the amp of the state. Itay