A* this )uattmr» the write ftp atte • eaae of MM MM ha ■> la ■ food fellow in every Mft that he has tlM idea that the Im Mrrkdit la always Iryinf to tlM Idea haa ao giuwa that ha collects Ma Cam la every in off to a Chicago to paint thin* ha haart houae an tha I that ha p* §Mt la ratting tha fcili'ij artirlaa ia Mm into consideration. ha haa Mt Malh- saved a penny, bat ha thinks fca has and smile* knowingly whan to thinks of how tha auu> who torn* Up dollars hack into tha channel from ■which thay came ia being "fulled." But. suppose Mr. Mail Order Nut to tokan sick or aiecta adversity, and he waa to shoot Into kit favorite Chicago. New York or Philadelphia fcaaaa tha following: ^»ear Mr. Mail Ordar Honaa. -N T.. F1.ila.. Chicago. Elsewhere. "Dear Bin:—Hart been a patron «f yours for a long whila, having thoaaands of dollars with your Present writing finds me in pea, daa to loaa of time, and how«d a cat of tfcta. hiatory of this Market. In te thin it the following from • crop ta yaars. •pi. typical of the of the state. TW coast al countie* report aa unusually good crop, with the quality mock abate an for the crop hi moat tff these eoaatiaa located hi the new belt The dry weather was swat through tha mipai Piedmont counties (old belt) doriag •he early part of tha aoaaon and tha rains eaai tM late to show Mch mprovement hi leaf $21,000,000 Modal Toww to be Junkad Andorar. Mass., Nor. Ik.—The de cision of the Americas Woolen C«a pany to more Ha exicutive offices back to Boston nutans tkat Shaw sbaea Village, neaf Aiwiovrr. the mo del town erected by the company as a home for workera in the executive offlcea, will be abandoned. Once H was Frjre Village, Wiimial 1M. Wood, farmer present of the Woolen Com f ar y, one of the Orgeat textile firms I/. the woild, concerted tha Idea of making it a model town: Tha project was Vrg..n in 1*18 Eight hpMred acres were blocked aad mot* thaa S00 humea, eoating from 98,000 to *IT»,U00 each, built fur the M employe* la addittoa, hends< me adminietra tiaa balldings, ■ community ice house, telephone ay stem, poetofice and oth er buildings wars erected. Mr. Wood resigned as preaident of BIG INCREASE IN SALES OF CANS IN THIS STATE Raleigh. Not. 1» Oess IJW new sutomobilea Iwn bM told in North Cmlhta during the last week in Oct ober and the first wwk in November. Mtordhf to Sprague Silver, chief of ; 'he Automobile Licence Bmo, who I expects more new ran to he wU in | November than fai any month since the organisation of the bureau. Inability of dealers to secure ship ments of ears rot down the total sales in September, Auirust and July, according to Mr. Sihrer, but now »he total sales is rising to meet the de mand. September was off tJM ears. 1 expect the total sales far No vember to be between 7,000 and MOO cars." declared Mr. Sihrer. Uviftcatfom Defeated by South ern Methodists 1 Buffalo. N. Y., Nor. IS.—Announce ment that the proposal to reunite the Methodist church, north and sooth, had failed of paaaac*. due to oppo sition in the southern church, featur ed Wednesday's asaslon «t the board of bishops of the Methodist Fpiempal ported to the Cairo museum for n- I hlbRion aa quickly aa possible all riaita t otke tomb and the laboratory moat be (impended until th* work ia frniahed." CLEAR OF CHARGE KILL ING DAUGHTER physic tan Free When Jury Fail* To Agrw and Prosecu tion Ask* Dismissal mi Charge Littleton. Colo.. Nor. 1L—Wita the legal statu* of "ararder for km" uadetenahrad. Dr. Harold flaw Blazer Is free of the chargc of mur dering his 84-year-old daughter. Ha te!. the "human husk." Leas than an hour sfter a Jury fail Mi to «|t" on a verdict, tha Isgal ■tigma of murderer waa raamd i motion of dimissal by Pliiaaistlsg Attorney M E. Win. TW Jary aras out lasa than 14 hours. The dsfendaat rrcehead tha daei »k» with maparstlra eato. "Tha jury should hare sn«t»ai m», hut this last aw*« is tha Sfahrataut «f K quHtaJ" ha aaML h^droppad sad tha 4+mim* to m* BROODS OVEN KILLING DOC; TAKES OWN LIFE E. It Bright, Primi Far— •r of Nmt Hi«d.rmiilh, Kills llin.ll now. 14.—e. *. a_i i > « f I, „ _. .« mii nrifni, pnwnmvm ibi win 01 hihb fttosr cootm salty, eight m8es rniflh "fit of this Hty, shot himself thia woraiag after a night of Imdhf rant agalaat Mm far tkt offanaa. Nr. Iridt, who waa M years of age, arose Partly Mara iMyhiaah and took Ma |N with Mai into tha Ttri Sitting at tha foot of a pine trae ha (My aat tha butt of tha pi in tha fact of tha trae, ha laaght tha barrel with Ma laft hand, placed tha - palled tha trigger with Ma right of Ma hand waa Mown aft. Mn. ■right, an haarhf tha ahat, Meaatlgatod *» anon aa it waa light. Sha diapot-hed har small mm to a Ulaph nw Coroner Bach and aak Mm to eama eat to aae Nr. Bright. Tha cMM cava aa inkling of what had oa rwrrad and tha mrmiai had ao Idas why ha waa aaat for until to arrived and aahad for Mr. Bright. -There ha la.- replied Mrs. Bright, pointing to tha ghastly sight hi tha yard. Tha coroner notified tha neighhera and a jary waa empaaeUed, tha war diet being solride. tfsighhura of tha enmaraaity w»r» horrified upon laara in* of the tragedy. lasiahnrs af tha family, consisting of tha widow aad two small children, having infonaad no one aa to tha tiagadj an til aftsv | the coroner reached tha scaaa. Mrs. Bright stated har htuhand had been in bad all day yesterday aad seemed to brood ovar tha Mlttng at the dog. He waa to haea stood trial here today for the offaaaa.