Estate Boom to Strike North Carolina Frontage in the East and Resort De vetopments tn ine mountains on a nujc Scale Art Predicted. Ocean frontage in eaatern Caro lina and the nut area* of idle, cot «ff land* in that (action will arm tnally ba naeliii in tkt gnat ara of real estate activity now dereioping tilrimgliout tha entire f®wtry, and especially hi tha south, U tha oheerrn *ion of Major Karri* hi correct. Mora information and erider pub licity concerning tha year-round cti Mtf and reaources of North Caro lina, to ba broadcast daring the mt ate month*, ara* urgad by tha formar realization of tha tremendous uppit tmitiea now within tha graap of tha j atata. Thar* ia a grant southward ■m—iml of population and capital, at thia time particularly diractad to ward Florida hot which will spread to aH of Dixie, he mid. North Caro lina, on account of its midway geo graphical position and Ha outstanding pmgicas in the development of indua trinl establishmenta, highway* and school*, hai a «trong attraction for j thousand* of good dti*en» from the •est and middle west. Comparatively ' few people from other sectiona real ise that North Carolina not only has' • comfortable summer climate, but also ha* mild winter*. North endowed, will lead permanent develop nt, unequalled in Intensity in anjr ether neetion of the United State*. He which afcace the wkadM; aa int ynUrfcy haa talhiy ef in a tittle tha Ml tapping of earpmter'i itTi at work on the royal coffin pro-1 far the paml grief. 11m coffin ia bttaf aha pad from tfca trunk of a pine traa which the una in had watched grmw from fragile sprout to a giant towering rmr the regal maneion In which ahe dwelt. It waa aaid to km h favorite traa of all the multlfdc of I Tha feeling at paraonal looa in tl of the qoaon cxtenda to all j "With Victoria and Edward" tha M toko* of (ha "Qnwa Alexandra made one of the irreat triumrirate who tranafurmod the Britiah throne and vara it a new place in the hearta of the people." The Timaa pointed oat that it tieal state which doprhnaa her death] of political atgnifleaMe. OLD BOONE HOME BEING RESTORED Historic Fumiturs From Ken tucky to Bo Uitd to Missouri County Rradaxroui St. Louis, Nor. 21.—TV old horn* of DrnM Booos, Icartcd on Frame Osage Crack, St. Charles County, for ty-eight miles west of here, Is being transformed from a farm into a country home. It is to be furnished with historic furniture from an old Kentucky settlement -whers Boons one* lived. The place will he used us a country rendezvous. It is situated on a three-acre tract in a setting of great natural beauty. The homestead of the famous Mis souri pioneer remain* in the Boom family, for it was purchased by two of his descendants. Col. Francis M. Curie and George M. Hagee, attor neys. Daniel Boone died Sept. M, 1880, in this house standing on a wooded hill, which is said to be the first stone structure erected in Missouri outside of St Louis. The property is part of forty-five acres of land given Boone by the Spanish Government while he was a surveyor. The old "Judgment Elm," under which Boone held court in summer, still is standing near the residence. Joooi County Man Goo* to For Trenton, Nov. 16.—C. M. Foscus, of Jones County, is making plans to put tn 26 ttwt of carpet grin and las pedesa as additional posture for his livestock daring the earning year. Mr. Foscus already has thirty acres sssd ed to these crops and states that this pastors is om of the most valuable parts of Us farm, rsperts County Agent J. T. Monroe, of Jones County. He states that B. E Ml also has ten seres in >wch pasture. Is planning to lucres** his acreage, and that the work of thess tws meo Is being care fully watched by other farmers in Mr. Monroe says that a number of the county's leni'ng Uuthsis attend ed the recent school far track growers held at Wftntngtao by the acrkul tural sxtension service at State Col lage. TO STAR • fiat Inritary in (W part of tho rtttr end vtl mm! >wp»rtw,t itnk ta tho to Moantein« row* Wo. ». | Contract for tho brW*» woo lot tej i. lffZ4, to tho , of •m ttartrd «Wtty afUrwaH direction of J. B. Pridfm, district •». j The bn|tli of tko lirHji la tj foot. Thoro trt throo 200-fwt arrhoa arrooa tko stromi and SO-foot |M or upon* to rapport tho nMiinliif lenrth of tho ftroetaro. Into tho hrM«o hoo Soon placed <1400 yards of coneroto m4 TMJI of stool. PRISONERS ARE TORTUR ED IN CA. AUaaU, Co.. Not. tl,—Tortures which *MM Um Mat ingenios de btees of Torqoemada and Dm Spaniah rxpilsition m inflicted upon convicts n mm OMrfte prison campe. ac cording to Nnhlim awb by Km •net WHHom, chaiman of the peni tentiary committee of the Georgia ifhlitiM, is • report yesterday. The punishment methods iicMt 'impending the men with chains, Mr ami brine be Id above their hsads, their feet hid; touching the pnund; locking them in wandaa storks; chaining them In shallow boxea with their arm* held ao they cannot he moved, smearing their fares with esotassea, and putting them where flies can then tarture them; and other torture methods as Williams declared the tortare methods ar» oriirinatad by waidene in an effort to diacradit the law pro hibiting floffiaf of convicta, a* that the practice of whipping will be re FARMER IS GORED TO DEATH BY BULL Animal Had To Bo Killed Ba ton Body Could bo Ro New Born, Nor. 21.—John W. South proeperona and well-thought-of far mer of the Silverdale aection of On *low County, was gored to death by an iaferiated baU. his body being found Friday morning. The animal was Ktandmir at bay over the body of the man when it was found by nan her* of the family and friend*, and it waa not possible to remove the body until the animal waa ehot to death. Aa account of the tragedy waa brought here by D. P. Whitford, of the same neighborhood. Mr. Whit ford aald that Mr. Saiith, a native of Craven County, and a freeident of yeara ago, when he asoved to Ouetow County, had gone oat hunting yeetar day afternoon. Wheo he failed to re turn late in the afternoon, two grewa •ona went in search of hi«. Not far froai the houae they were attached Sy the bfli and driven from the ftekL They returned with gnu and neigh bora, bat the tasall shot were not suf ficient to sohdoe the animal. Final ly, after dark, the attach waa aban doned. to be renewed this morning with reinforcements. Including rifles. The boll was finally killed and the body of Mr. Smith, gored and saaag lad almost beyond recognition, waa Jk .a FJ\ mmAaukta &W« |„ louna. Ayouv w yiiys irom oooy was foaad v Mr. Smith's gan, with which ke had beaa hunting, and a squirrel! waa ia ki» eoat pechet. the pmpwtji attached until final uinmunt to antarad kt tha nit, ml TMa norninf at 10 o'tlorfc Deputy Sheriff Darby Ohf«« Nmd tha lk« cWl lammnnt a pott Mr. Cak in til' ftH adjoining hi* (ffltt at Hannah Plrkrtt atlB. The paper* win ilwmpm Mr ratwaad to nicht by SWrtff Baldwin to Balal«h. Mo mill atock of Mr. Cola, or par •mat pi opal ty, waa IbM in the at itnd, H mmMal of rad aetata— niaa trarta of Ini UaUd aa follow*: Om let on Eaat Waah!a«t«n Ona lot on Fawttwtll» road in lackhiflwi, on which ia hi* two «tory dwaBInt A two *±ry atora aad offlca build r.r near tha poatafflca. SI acraa of IumI a few hundred faat -a«t of tha city, and aitaatad aa route M. Tha Joe Marian lot tat Rhaia. Tha Norton fana la Baarar Dam townablp. And thraa »e pa rate fanaa la Baa "er Daai townahlp of 1M arm, ISO and IM acraa. JOBLESS KINGS ON THE ALERT IS—Thirty kings la arc looking forward with mixed Hon* to tha signing of the Locarno pnM treatise km December 1, won dering what it will nan to them. People's minds win ba relieved for a time from the threat of war whan the KwUm bacoan affective—after tha pariiaai> ntary ratification that will follow tht signing—and will tarn to work and ret nstruction. What will it * -an for the kings? they ara asking themaalrea. Will it bring them closer or take them far ther from the realisation of what they regard aa their divine right to rule their fellow-beings ? It is a big question for Europe aa well as for the aspiranets to Europe's empty thrones. It may be interpreted either aa •inlster or reassuring that the kings thenuetves are doing most of the thinking about H. They are constant ly Intriguing with the followers who 'urround them. Vohnaee could be written about them. Sou*. like * ex-Emparor-WD helm of Oermany, keap up tha pre tense of a court. Others flit about Europe like ghoets—to England to Paris, to tha Alpa, to tha Riviera; noma in samistate, others In "royal" suites la cheap hotels The os-kaiavr heads the list there are thirteen-year-old Otto, of Hungary, being growaod far kingship by his ambitious the rs-eaipraaa Zita; Grown Rupprerht, heir to tha Bavarian af Saxony, old of Bulgaria. George of Greece. Manual af Krtugal. the eul tan of Turkey a* the ahah af Per l <4 this aftsmawi * the hadak Inborn teriaa iwd»r the AmUm of lint George W. Goddard, who «M hi ••hunt* of tW flight. At ono o'clock Lietrt (MM om from the dark rum long onongh to •imoonee that the first printa obtaln the uml'iUMaf "Everything wont off jaat aa planned." Lieut. Goddard declared "TW flash* ■ were tM right ml tha camera* wurhad. Only aa *e ruaoiiuj estimate of tha awvooat of flashlight pnadw needed or a rdckfa* Bwtaww haraw daylight twiee laat night far tha brief ipara of one fiftfath of a m-snd. Bach toe rapid toot. . ■■ - The fifty pounds of powder, drop ped from tha gtant boaiher at aa aKi tode of SjOM feet, ignited with a de tonation that shook hundred* of Rochester Wldliifl and brain win dows in iaoiated honor*. So rapid wna the flash that to the human ob server the expected rlare was disap pointing. Payroll Rifcfari Gat Away With Lar«a 9m Detroit, Not in.—A ran* of (In mm lonlfkt okteM 916,006 at the Ainsworth Manufacturing ranpuj nfficm after a fifkt with two express mnii«|«r». dm of when; waa killed and the other injured. .Row Loney, 80. waa kUted. and Waiter Radloff, M seriously injured when they re turned the fire of the robber* who jtffiee MMn( with the payroll. A fasflade erected the two ■»« wifwi aa they nHrri the door aad one of the bandit* Jerked the satchel NORTH CAROLINA NOW FREE OF CATTLE TICK Entire Stat* Released From Reffrictiooi By Department of Agriculture Washington. Nor. St.—Tile Da mrtment of Afrkulture today iaaasd in order, effective December 10, lift ing cattle tick quarantine In Ml (MR tiea In the sooth. The Infoated area in North Carolina was releoaed from the qHTHtlM, leering this state entirety free frost ♦he restrictions which now aaake sta state* free froas the diseaae, ImM> In* California. Georgia. Missouri, Kentucky and Tsnaeeeee. •t kt last Im went sa tha boiK • tWrty-foar-fiMt <•4 tha sat af Nithw II m mm af is, itti. Tha attar 4mf ha cm t a M br an r-foot jrasrt M Ik ha antir* tr*," saM ~Uwt Aprfl whila Mti Atlantic, I waa aaarV m by • British taakar. AiHl nt a storm. Why. I bar Jost ss aha is. 1 M fo »chars joat aff Capat»wn. Africa, hot wa Ma off ifiln I startad not I < ta tha Msrqw beat a boot tha Sooth awhile. All at tha savafH I there ara aay wild oaas any ■ "Tkta I haaM for Torras ■rroac tha Min Ocaan aad thaa a»at down tha coast ml Africa ta l thaa. All 1 had ta da was sail across tha Atlantic, tha hnsaa Canal aad ay tl YADKIN TO BE BIG POWEK srrc

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