Plan to Sign Up 65 Per Cent of Land Owner* of 43 V*., Nor. of tobacco will com* NmH on I growing seals blk «M bright belt of Virginia awl Nbrth for the fien yoara fallowing trad of the TehaocjQrowers Co-op * mMni niacin■■ ♦ Vk^ ■■■uciiuon, 3ri i*niinn viw adopted by the meeting of Mora than 600 famers, the srsaM of the tobacco who cam* today from 48 ef North Carolina and Vlr tha Masonic contract, which was rati fied by the representative. of 41 to control of an the Ihnda of signers by It calls for a 66 par of all tha tobacco grow era In the eld bait df Virginia aad Worth Carolina, and ta eaee at tell. It aBawa a withdrawal privilege to all > a complete dissolution at in caae tha withdraw als brine tha porssalago of the ae ta law than SO Are Grower* bar* today In which split aad loop botaa far woald allow ontsldsrs Members to g^in the which hare been made upon the open Markets doe, it is dnissed by ( Ilea members, to hig of I minority of tha tobneea fanners of North Carolina and Virginia. Although follobring the lead of the dark tobacco growers of Virginia and bright tobaaM growers of Sooth Car olina calling for a U per cent con tract which absolutely binds an land awning Members to deliver their en tire crop to the association, the old belt farmers, while fanning a separ ate organisation, today Made pra vision for fedoratioa with tha other groups of growers at sock time as shall be deeasad wise. Today's meeting was entirely in the Ml anj active participation of the part of the praaant director* of the Tobacco Growers Co-operative asso I. Warren, repre stive in the Virginia ad chairman at the masting and pre aided daring the six hoar session In which the Virginia and Carolina meas bers of the tubasrs asportation oar-1 ried their boaineea to a successful con withoot stepping for fiw yean the present TIm Urge dtl«ptioni which km today, representing every im portant tobacco growing county of the old tobacco belt gave a represen tative tone to the meeting. Secretary Wilson, in rehearsing the steps which led to today's Meet ing, declared "you gentlemen have -the biggest responsibility and trust fheed upon yon that any group ever had in this section of Virginia and North Carolina." Richard R. of the by the K par Mat of hi organisation (hey had in which I vast amsunt <A for An or ganisation committee from • ma jority of th« old boh counties was •loctod at the clooo of today'* ing and upon them Nat tl tion of the data when tho for ilrum to Dm next fin tract ■ hall begin. WOMEN ROB BANK TO SE CURE FUNDS DisabW4 "War Vatoraa'a to HoM Up Falls, 8. D., Nov. ».-Jall coll* tonight housed South Dakota's of 40 yaara and hor 19-year-old M -a aL-a conrimo inii Rood of money prompted thaai to rob tho Banner State Bank yaatotday and take tSM. Officer* took thaai Hi custody today at their home Joat east _M a . ,A . iL ,M •» _laL iL.i_ ©I wwii, wnfrP infy iiv# wiin in^ir father, a disabled wortl "You'll do anytMag for Ivm and your loved one are hi Ml was placed at 9M00 esrk. 1 for It, they want to Jail. "I cant sea why they should be J. D. Coca, whan questioned aa to the probability of leniency, hi view of the condition of their father. B. B. Sogers. Borers is drawing IN a month from the veterans tmraaa. He la suf fering from shell shock received when he was with s hospital an it during the battle of the Argoaaa. The veterans bureau has arranged for a bad in a hoe pita] hare far Sogers aad the American lagiea is working to pro vide relief for him. A trail of pennies, part of their loot lad datacthrea to the home where they found the <nsssd in male attire. Nearby was| the daughter. Coafrooted with the tofia aistion I changed 700 paaniea to at a Sioux Palls depart - store, Mrs. the robber*. The robbery «ti planned Thanks giving day, the ducktar mM, tb«i why (he had taken part la it, "I did It because ay mother wanted me to." Mr*. Ro«er« told the poUoe that "it waa Juat lack that we picked the bank." They drove around. £said, and had pl^aaad to hold ap first bank they came to, which ad no tattswn k it Thus It whs that the Banner bank waa selected, for the cashier, H. 8. and help him up at the' point of p piatol in the hande of the "Neither 1 nor Zera ware the least bit nervous during the hold-up," Mrs. Rogers aaid, "but thinking about the robbery before hand made ua loae our appetite* and we could hardly sleep at night. "But we needed money right away, aad determined to go through with it. I kno# I threatened that man in the Banner bank bat of coarse I wouldn't have killed htm." In their cella tonight the woman appeared unconcerned as to what pun ishment might await them, nor did they express any isgrsta wear their deed. Neither did they saa anything unusual hi the fact that robbed a 1 Ara few* £,wrth Frankfor^ Nor. 80 ~ unique la haviag two TWO *nJJ^__,!JrrCgN tracts m let dcc. • at Hot. 38.—Two i of highway contract* j mMM for letting December • will bing the state's total biwtunt (n new highway construction began dur ing IMS to approximately 120,000, 000 setting a notable pace far the first IS month* of an administration that is majoring In mlleaga involved In th< at Ot, of which 42S la hard construction, and December I letting will add M miles, 00 of them asphalt or concrete. On December 22, the wUI let contract for the Chowan rivet to connect Bertie and Chowan coon ties and reclaim for North Carolina territory, a half doaan northeastern counties which hare been hsrs to fore "Virginis cities." The last leg isiature authorIsed a half millinn dol lar* for the construction of the bridge, the amount to ha refandad from toll cbargea. The commission's figures an tha coat of the year'a new projects pre. the big contraction periods I gnrated with the first tSOflOO#* highway bond ieeoee. Aetna! mile age completed in 192S, official* ea 1.000 milee Aetnal fignrea an rnmplstiil mileage or the cost, are not pat available, pending the annual check up at the end of the period. Work In Centime Adequate flnancoa far the con tinence of the preaent rata of ■traction through many months hare been **anr*il through highway bond iaauaa of the legiala ture, county loans and federal aid. Highway Chairman Frank Page .re ported to Governor McLean some months ago that road building dur ing the first two years of the Mc Lean administration would exceed construction figure* for any other like period. The governor hi enthus iastically behind the program and tt will receive further boosting his tenure in office. Ike projects to be let to eo December g are located in nine ties. Cumberland will get 12 Wake seven milee; Davidson 12; Bockingham seven; Richmond Alexander nine; Stokes 12; Jackson 12, and Swain six. BOY, IS, MUST FAY DEATH PENALTY Firad Ima BolUta late of CnmdmmAmr to Steal $100 FUhMpkit, Not. it—The Supreme Court today upheld Hilt fcgui conviction of CaTaller, the IWlwu year old boy oontoncad to death by the Schuyl kill County Court at PotUrflle for killing hie grandmother. CaTaller la believed to be the young f»ct pmon tver mtonccd to death in Pen nay Iran ia. Hii grandmother, Mra. Catharine CaTalier, of Mechaniesrille, near Potter!He, waa sixty-eight She' diaappeared on Sept 5, 1924. Young CaTalier told hit grandfather *• had rone to Florida. A few hours later her body with seren bullets in it tas found hidden hi the houee and OaraBar admitted he MUad her for the purpose of rob bery. More than «1M in caah token from Mra. CaTalier wae foand h the boy's poaaaaaion. CaTalier had barn eared for by his erer sfctce ha was eight his father and mo The boy was convicted of the mur der an Jan. 11. A motion trial waa denied by the e board of inquiry to < tal condition of the boy by Judge Koch and sustained'by the »*d~th ^T*ay « *T STORMS AMD COLO WAVE TAJIK HEAVY TOLL IN EUROrt mi Ufa tad OH P« Nn- York. Nov. ».-Gales, ttlal ImU W enUri. The coot has bean swept by tiTH, and wwil towns In Calabria hare beea devastated or hi na da tad by tha force of tht waters. Sicily alao suffered from tha terrific atom which haa raged far wanr hour* Many parta of Fiance are enow bound. The eoea* of Britany fait tha fall fary of tha recent galea, with and men. Madttarranaan chipping b crippled and Unara ara tiad ap in part alone the French Atlantic aaa Severe Cold Much mow haa fallen hi Central Franca and with it haa eonii a Mark ed dray in teaiperature. In Spain tha cold haa not rven ■pared tha many Sooth, famous for its winter dinttc and tropica! vegetation. Madrid la experiencing tha eoMeet weather of the Several ahipwreeha have i atlU The Britiah lalaa the unaaaal wintry condition, far ma in Lawdon anew haa fallen, and hi many placet H Bee aeveral inchea deep, with lakea and streams covered Tha wrecks of flaking upon the bsachu and the toll of life wIR be considerable. Aa an indication o# the coM, It waa to cancel the Mancheeter The ctsnss in Fortugal took the form of torrential raina. Handreda of hooaea in Lisbon and several rail way linda were waabed eat, and the iwuyerty damage to the capital and the sorroonding district was very hjavy. TIDAL WAVE CAUSE OF HEAVY LOSS IN ITALY Naplea, Italy, Nor. 28.—A tidal wave sweeping in during a terrific ■torn ku devastated town of Bug nut, in Calabria, Mar the Strait of Meaaina. Tha nearby port of Moat eieone Die Calabria alao auffat ad heavily. No eatimate of eaaualtiea ta available. Tba population of bot| these towns fled in terror from their home*. Ho—aa war* torn from their founda tion! by a deluge rained by rain and incoming aaa water*. Wrvee at gnat height* are n purled. A few toga art known to have been sank. Bajmar* haa a population of about 7.500 aad Monteleone about 10,000. Tba atorm waa general along tba aoothwaatern ItaKan eoaat aad Ngrtham Sicily. Many porta at tba countryside auff wad heavy damage. Tba greatest force of the atorm waa felt in Sicily and tba province of Calabria. Many peraons an known to ban been injured and aeona of wan disrupted, railway tracks being waabad oat and telegraph and tele phone lines broken, t The storm also waa heavy at aaa, when disasters an feared, although EXPECTING OTTO WOOO WILL BE REVENGEFUL His Wife Har. ».-Tbe •train to terrific of wtktac tor Otto Wood, »layer of A. W. Kaplan, of tkb city, to tarvnp ixmevkm and fh« state prison authorities, vko him for twiphf from tlx i on at Raleigh, a itiiiw to Mae or fat shot. Wood la the typo who nood not' ba expected until ha ia seen coming. The old My. TooH know to expect ma whan yon mm mm coming," appliaa to Wood. H ia reported that tka husband of Wood'* formar wifa has boon warned I to ba on the lookout, the tbaory ba in* that Wood won id taka a shot at tha Mil tf mm. Wood's wjfa to ra portad to hare sotuied a dirorea and married again, tha coopia living for a while to Winston-Sslem, than atov mg into Caawall county, aaar Pal ham, IS mitoa from Reidsrttle. Waad and his wifa had a littto girl. Wood to reported to bars 'hreata of him ia tha trial of tha at tha December, IMS, term of Guil ford Superior court for tha IdIIlag of Kaplan. The man was capturad after tha killing of Kaplan becauM ha wait to Mercer county, W. Va., to sm some relattvee, III tag tahM hi tha home of a relative. When ha utipi from the state prison to May, 1M4, be YK' ft to likely that who are attracted by the Wood are looking fo up again at the home of tire, but. since his wife I he hasn't as many relatives. Wood was born and reared in the tonda section of Wilkes county, ia country Uarersed by what to now the Boone trail. Hie people are Mid to have bean good, law abiding peo ple, but he turned oat to be the Mack sheep of the family. MRS. JOHNSON FAVORS BAN ON BLUNDER BUSS Would Trail Fl«ei»c PriiMin With Bloodhounds laatead of Shooting Them Raleigh, No* 28 — Bloodhounds far nwin» prieooers and « ban on the blunderbuss and rtflc art Mr*. Kate Burr Joluuon'a substitute (or the on county chain rang*. Mr*. Johnson returned today troa Albemarle when ah* want oarUar la tha weak at the invitation of Solici tor Don Phillips, who will prusstuU N. C. Cranford, the Stanly road sup erintendent who is undsr tndii Isssat far the killing of pi leunais who work sd under him on the Stanly road fores. The state commissioner of public welfare is entirely plssssd with tha progress mads in a county i in which there has bean a great con troversy over the treatment of pris oners. Solicitor PhOUps dsrirsd help froa* the welfars office la getting tha proper sort of testimony betas dm errand Jury. Mrs. Johaaon and her •asistaats worked under his direction. Recently in Wkke county, a It year-old brat shot and killed a negro misdemeanant who had been serving M days for a slight offense and had nearly finished Ms tern. 11mm was nothing under tha law to dd with sack a caar since tha beat had every reason to think that shooting was the proper thing. Tha authorities found nothing against him and there was a small tendon<*y to glorify the gun TWr» haw htn Many of Uwe HHtao. Mr* ofcmm Mm thtaka tltft bloodhowwl* m* m Mm trail of a (Wif »>!■—» «mM W LA FOLLETTE TO TAKE T A T AGE M Ha Win B« Hm Fifth Ya to Sit to tto No*. SO.—I I* Pollstt*, of Wiaronsia, who at 0m iwt hhIm will take tW place to tto ■mk sa loac told by Ms fathsr, «■ to tlM fifth m.m imr to ril n that to# aad Am first aadar U ton of a«a to hold a Mat that* hi than half • century to tatoa tto oath of sOtoi at tto opening of ths siwlna oa Do ; ramtor 1, to wfll to sgad W ysars, If •mmtto aad mm day, having toaa bora aa Fstoasry «. 1M Tto em that aa yiaaii on of — way 9«*Hfr aa Search of tto ararty wtorii at tto capital dtarloasa. howseer, that 4a «ph* this constitutional inhibition si Fodatto tor.'- tto oath had r-atod tto a«a of » *r Henry Chqr prawntal for tto oath for tto first Nov. 1*. IMC, at tto age of » 7 months and t "1 hops air that qwsatloa to onto," Clay replied, and thars tto Clay • aaithi and M days whaa to took Ms ssat sT Jsaoary t, ltl«; Kans, of IRtoais. sgad M i, • aaaitto sad W days srtoa to to oa March 4. IRK. aad Dorsey, of Arhaa bi oa March i tm, at tto age of » ysars and PROHIBITION AGENTS WARNED BY MEEKINS T.U. Tk*m Tb-y Mm* Stop Law Violator* Raleigh, Nov to—Judg. Isaac M. MnMhi thla moraine told federal offlem that they moat (top shoot ln( at persons supposed to to pro hibition violators. The Jade* declared It • violation of the law to shoot at them whee they floe and It la, to said, • du> reroos thine to atoot into tto air to frighten them. Tto judge cautioned the officer* against assuming that violation of tto prohibition act li a apital felony, ft ia against the lav, he said, tot it ia not tto went crime. He told the officers who had taa tifled that they shot to atop Foylea Edwards in Halifax, that if a was think that to ia being attached and he em fight hack. Tto Jodge wag not right sure that a legal and moral defense could not to made. practice of federal officers in per suading others to violate tto law hi order to make a caaa. Be declared that when to ia conritoad of such methods need in getting niton to will discharge tto defendant. Mn. Fannie Ih —. a widow with sha chil dren, tsatlfisd that mm Ben Fanlhnai, who has bean getting up each eri dence, pretended to to side and go ing fishing. He aatod tor for a ytat end she gave the fellow tto Hqoer that tor haahaad tod before ha died. Faulkner, from tor tsailwimy, maat hare needed the liquor. She said to drank nearly aO of It

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