so CfTY OF MOUNT AIRY shj.« POWER AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM The officiate of oar city government and the light rommUsa last Friday unanimoosly mi into a contract with the Southern Power Company ai Subsidiary. the Soathern Public Utilities Co.. whereby IpayiilM are to purchass the power and lighting Wk city end take over the dt«U>alliw of electricity hi Mount Airy. The contract! u entered into are i t of the voters of the city and an election has I for thie purpoee which will be held on Tueeday, Jan. I». will begin the construction -*f to thie city ee soon ae of the voters is secured and the system w .y be m over by them en Jsly 1st, 1««, at which hopes to be able to supply the city with of town corn detail account of power company UPON Airy. M. C. 17. IMS. iMr. E. C. Marshall, President Utilities Ca. , M. C Water * U«bt Coauiiseioa Town of Airy, Meant Airy. * C We Imsw valuation of Om H«M Forty Thousand fonr Four («140,474.00) electrical preyertiss of tkt Tosra W Mount Airy aa of October i in this firm* are all id buildings at bath al rights of way. Dm Oak Street lot on which City se riatim is iocatad aad all and electrical distributing Ifically excluded an: Item 1. Let oa which street 1%M. in* transformer la located. Item L Motors, wiring on City Water Works for aa* la connection with —""EWEu"™c OMr Mewit Airy. I >*t to, of Mm Tm «f Airy, l» Mm Commit •* MM* * mMmOv «* out or in in* mm) a> tor may bo laid o«t or pat lato MM* and umr mU Town ml Airy, and to do all Section «. AH *>lea oaad by «M Southern PubHe UtflitiM Company] •hall ha «mM under of the of >aid Town of Mount Airy,| •ad aR highway*, roada, dud aBeys, disturbed or daamgid in the eon-; or Mi •hall ho hy Mid Southern ft*lie Utili-1 tioa Company at ita own o*H to tho Mtiafaction of ■hall ha, md oolo-1 rated aa not to pokUc oao of said highway*, ■It—la, iklwtlki, mini, alloys, teldgss or othar or to « ■on of tho eitlaon* of aaid town. And! la eaao aald Soothom Public Utilitim fall to alloy*, j or othor pahlic plant with- j la ton day* after wrftte* of Mid Com-I tho same way bo or r*patr*d by tha prnpw au thorHlM of Mid town, and tho aaid Southern Public Utilities Company, in tho ovont thereof, shall forthwith pay to said town tho eoat of rack work and shall pay, la to. the a<an of flee (»S.M) repaired, hy way af a such failure Section t. Said Sawthsn. Public Utilitioa Company shall ha aabjact to tho i Airy rditlii to way*. ft aald town of Sfowot > tho aorof sach high i *ii wiiiu or immtiiviimilv oi | »»- 4 , as tun, mppmmcm. Sr. ^TomKLIi «Zi r<w*w r8"-* * _ *5* Ani ForTy Worn <$14M74J»> Am entirely mm rogiaUwttoa of ro tors la aitiM aad no pnoa will bo ■luwi to Toto to th« J»rtlw unless Mill person is rvditcrad before the TTtoelaction wiU be b4d fit the two wards of the tow* towit: the first ward at the houae of the fir* depart ment la the town, and the ' at the froat rrtcm of books wiU ba °9J ad oa PHday, the 19th day of Decem ber, andjaill ba kept ogan from In the ■Ml tor tha flnt Aahby la. hadf of said alartioa ia and Mai Daria in tha Tha J. it w H will ha apaa and 2tth of January, at the polling viae The poBa will ba ojUTo. tha 19th day ef and will b. he eieead at veto a i»f Flertrir favoring the " or written ballot wtth Per sale Public UtBi Cewipany." Thoae oppoaing the tiaa will vote a printed or wrtt baOat with the following war da: sale of KM Airy Newa, a tha town of Mount ia ite By order of the board ef »ioner» of tha towa of Mount Airy. ThJe 11th day of Diwalir, 1926. W. G. P. M. Poor*, Clerk. None* lina, Sar Airy, N. C, North Carolina, Barry County C„ December 1W. 11th. At a called listing of the board of omaileaienari of the towa of Mount MK of the super intendent of Water aad Light Coa> aD " ' Ni the aaiyor pi the following Reeoirod, first: That tha "oaaausaionars of the towa of Airy, ia their legal discration, do herahy order that the election called for the ltth ef Jaauary. 19M, to vote "B the quaatixn ef the eale of the Electric Generating and Ttanaaaia aien Bysteai t« Southern PuMk Utitt ties Company he conducted Attest: P. M. W. G. Pydaor, Mayor. It bao. b «m of Cm*. J. W. Ttf. ol tM, d*r. mi A. ft SaHfe, of Moaat Airy, i ■ noaibor of trunk tin* I haoa in cnfiram wttb AtUntir and Yadkin official* rolatiro to H talk that tbo Nor folk and Wtotora would try to U4 ia tbo road whan it ahall bo pat oa the would lib* to got it. Tbo rotolw ha»o pat it in tbo shapo of boin* a lino of big potentialities, or at Wart FORD ENJOYING MAINE FIDDLER

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