una of »J75.00 prim coat of sole to odd. Thu »f Dm. IMS. Edw. M. Ltavilfc, m nc veji surprise oj au—a KODAK The beet pla^e of all to select Kodaks for Christmas is this store. The line is well represented; our sales people are well informed. Ktdmki is - i ■: A , .' The Mlaaion Study claaa at Ceatral Methodiat Church m dellghtfutty en tertained by Mr*. *. H. Leonard aad "Mrs. K. K. McHmmt a* Mn. Lm , ntnCi home IM Thursday. The Home «m beautifully daanrated with holly. painaettla. and braaa I - - — I L -- J ctVMN^iueiB wiin no cmmiim. Mrs. MeKhmey fan an Intel wilt i Christmas Bfcis lesson using famous ' plttorM, The Night" by Cflfrmla, "Announcement to the Shepherd*" by i Pkrkkont, and "The Assumption of , the Virtte" by Marilk) The study of the leaaon was taken op with Mr*. MeKhmey leader. pencil and in thia book wirt nineteen frightful question* about __Latia nard called H an b»tefllgw»ce teat. Rrfrealmieat* consisting of aalad, I aandwiehea. coffee and aaaartad can dle* ware served by Laura Mial Lao | nard aad Louiae MeKhmey. Then Santa Clam entered wth hia . »letch laden with Chriatmaa bona fined with good thiaga for a »arums. One of the moat enjoyable feature* of the program waa Christmas araeie randarad by the Orthorphoalc Vletro ' la throagh the cunrteay at Carter Walker Furniture Co. Gat, L Carter ia hjwtd Br r. n Last week while Impacting the re pair work being done on hia heaae Mr. CaTter fall and haa baea la bed sinre. Mr. Carter waa examiabig the work oa the front porch roof apd hia feet dipped oa the aanooth surface. He rolled froan the roof aad it aaaaa ed that he waa ia daifcer of falling on the concrete walk below. For tunately be waa able to grab one at the grape vines growing around the porch aad broke the fores of hia fall. The faaiily physician waa called from Bristol and he raported that ooe rib araa broken and that the patient should remain ia bad. Mr. Carter ia , Improving rapidly, however and it ia hoped will be oat in a few days.— Hlllsville News. Katie* of Sale Uader T« Ex. Byrirtae of i V« Ex. iaauin* from Mil Xb, Um Baperinr Court of >h» eaae of Co.. vi. A. C. Spann, I will offer for *al«, to t)w hirneat bidder for cash, at the Court Houae door to Dobaon, Ml the 4th day of Jaaaary. 1M*. (it bafcur flrat Monday) a lot of land ON the South aide of Haymore atraat ia the ton of Mooat Airy. Any County, N. C., and ia attoatod be tween the landa af W. D Haynaa on the Weat aide aad Mra. Wile her Ban Mr oajthe Eaat and it having bean |ud*ed that the tachad to the aaid raal aatato a to aatiafy a debt of m.n. doe by A. C Snaaa to plaint&fwith intoreat and coat to Thia Nor. IT, M C. H Hiyaat, ftirlff Surry Ce. NOTICE or SALE North Carolina, Surry County. Ia Superior Court. Nettie K. Altrad and LOIia AUred Siake, executrixaa of the laat will and teetaaaent of t. P. AUrad, da.-*aaad, tb. Paul ABrad and wife Zalla AUrad and C. & Siake. By virtae at an arder of l|t| parlor Court mad* ia the above en ttled c on the 14th day of 1 MM. we will offer far aale to The Highland Park lota baaght af A. T. Hamilton, aiao oaall bottom ad ftr» term mora or Imp; alaa a amall EfH »lid or a combination of colon. *3j Sweaters for men, womw and children, priced vmj reasonable. A Gift of Leisure Hours f And what could be more certain to be appreciated? These Slipper* are well made, eaajr on the feet, without being ao looee they slip when walking. Several colon from which to ■elect Daniel Green'* "Comfy" line a* well as the lower price kind*. Gift Handkerchiefs la a variety of gultritb, thmy vary also ia iise.shape and finish. In teal aw shows ia ao pwt a variety that yoa will fM it easy to select far Pur* Irish Linen, hand embruiileiail Maderia aa wall as the cheaper lines. Hare ia a real chance to bay sews really lovely gifts at way leas than they are worth. Chaming articles that will please yoa sod likewise please thoae whoa* you MMirtir. Loncheoa Sato, Towels, Pillow Caaea. Laundry Bag*. Gift Ties Expensive looking ties which we have priced to they Ve well within the reach of all, no matter how many you plan to give. 2Sc.S0c.75e $1.00. $1 JO and $2.00 Gift Sense Give t man t pair of those drew? Oxfords and you have given him a gift that will please. Man appre ciate sensible gifts like Shoes better than any other gift you can select Our stock is ample to supply your needs. Men's stylish new Oxfords, priced $3.00 te 9&S0 Gift Hosiery reguLr line—others specially pm chaasd for gift (Mac. All wmm ber» shown carry oar imi|iiaHWri lurutM of satisfaction. "Holeproof Ex-Toe Huilaj" tW boat Socks for Mm •Onjn," Phoenix ud AJka A Hosiery for «om and • fal stock Hosiery for Infants aai Children, all priced reasonably. mPENDABl:

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