that will rati for month*. lengthened the f Evorjr time a district a the chances of r carrying the whole county v : r counties the aehool t If the orchard. In Welch, near _yi •elected for a ci i *i u k<- Pmnurp »I limHHPI fell considerably down the line. Ac «ordlni to tW latest figure* available *t the depaitBHtnt of public instruc-' tion, Mecklenburg had for laat year's tern 2,4111 children in school* that raa Uaa than el(kt month* while the ami|r length of the county-wide feral was 152 day*. Buncombe had S, trt children in shorter-term schools, wMl an average term for the whole I days; Forsyth had S.7S4 | shorter-term schools and •a averse* of 126 days, while Wake, with an average term of the county of 142 days, had ,.4,037 children in ; I that ran leas than eight L Mecklenburg's Poaltioa I position is notable! | fact that its county I is chairmaned by j | has come i outspoken oppo the proposed state-wide counties mnd| hopes to see appreciably term becomee which haven t aa fevar, many of their | to t V I wrs a1 wt II d halt CImh Dim jVhil* on the Job BTon, Mich., Dec. 24.—Santa ltd. Hpt night in the excite tdant upon Chriataum ax Harbor Beach in the Math children with bright eyea lips, that they warn to die before their ayaa. The) |ealdnt aaa 'behind hia Mil flowing white baard and tat a heart, awrte waah by labor, waa undergoing a tin. And ao whan Johnston ♦.hay ahrieked and erlad. la th^ crowd ware Johnston'a wife 4 a A. f - .t|a|t| nv 1M iHllTltm I i Ha* tM produced. May God rataa up like him. Gn4_ trrant to you and v>ui^Happy Cbriatmas and a Naw Vr-at^^d with all good things. 1y yours, "W. P. FEW." HE*RNS OP FLAPPERS LOUNGE LIZARDS Hit^ra Breed tag Hell, De High Official of Railway Dae* 24.—Man who hop# top in the climb for sac shun the coatpany of red flappers aad long lizzards, for they are " it waa aaaertad by ft. of Charlotte, general I.ines East, of the Southern making the pcteci here Tuesday night at the Ml banquet of the Carolina and Storage Company at lM(|of Commerce dining halL a nothing, however, that a more to a man's spec aaa asaociation and companion good woman, Mr. Simpson Service wtt the keynote I manager't speech, i filled with old-fashioned I good advice. Among the for success the speaker •ted ^vice to employer, te family, , te church and te self, taker deplored the attitude f antjjnism to the public which he aid Jailed among some of the in the past, adding that progress in all lines during tea, a policy of courteay hat BAPTIZED WITH WATUt FROM THE MVKR JOBDAM IV Epiacnpal church in town ha vine • ChriataM»| wrric* st (km o'clock, and GAMUETTS FAIL TO GET mf—nwK. v«. Dm. ZZ.—Gownor Trinhla kd kw so kwjr with other matters ne«Ujf, ha alatad today, that ha baa had Mttia Mm far oam ■Itortm at tha application* (or par don af Robert 0. Gamtt tad LwMa C. Garratt. brothers, doing fl*a jpaara and foar years respectively la thf VkfMi penitentiary far tha murder of Bar. Edward 8. Plarea, Baptiat minister, in Cumberland matjr, June 6. 1MI. Ha addad that it will ha aoaw lima before ha trill ha abla to go over all tha pa para la tha eaaa tad consider thaai mora folly. Thia maana that tha Garratta. who ara former office holdara of Cumber land, hava no chance of ftttiac not of priaon before the Chriataaaa holi days ara over. It wai atatad at tha penitentiary today that both arera hopeful of bainf pardoned before Chriatma* ao that they might apend tha Yuletide with their fumiliea at home. Their victim wa« a native of Gatoa county. North Carolina, and held pastorates In West Durham, N. C. and in several places in Virginia before going to Cumberland in which ha had taken sides against the Gar ratta. NEW HOSIERY MODES CHANGE OLD RHYME at WarM's Pa Capital Paris, Dee. 28.—Paris U taking lib-1 "tie* with oar turnery rhyme* and the little child of today, at might easily recite: Twinkle, twinkle little star, How strange to find you where yon! are. Once yon shone down over me. Now yon twinkle en mother's For tw'inkling knees are a reality sines an enterprising Parisian stock ing maker conceived the idea of em bellishing silk hoee with stars and comets, embroidered flowers and birds, landscapes and portraits. In this knee-length era, the effect produced Is really remarkable. The landscapes and portraits are worked in silk threads of myriad colors, bat the stars really twinkle for they are worked hi brilliants or Imitation dia They are worn at the theatre Last year saw a successful invasion of the Park stocking market by the clans. Bat they popularity and Pari* again this year to flesh -olored silk wtth such deviations as the stars and landscapes can afford. There Is hut one color of stockings to he seen on the boulevards and that is flesh. Black is worn only wtth a Mack gown, and gray anJ brown have about passsd from the color scheme. French stockings have again attain ed their pre-war excellence, hot their cost Is a constant worry to the Paris ian. The twinkling variety can seat or two, we hoom m carnage n ■ aay to fhro or ta«, H to putatad oat. Iiwjr mow* w carry adds to the nMfjr that must W wpwfcd and onprvpar ed-for kmc hikes, wttk tha addition of camp oqnipwwit, are anjrtkiiif hot safe and mhw for many parsons, es pecially for children. OrUinly wo should never on necessarily take 'rampa, the fatifn* of which cannot bo slept off hi a night. AirpUa* m Wwods May IU««al Dm tli of Aviator is tn* PlttifltM, Mm., Dee. 10.—Moaa grown wreckage of an airplane found b* a hunter in a thicket in a lonely region of the town of Tyring ham may salve a mystery of more than six years. The unexplained disappear ance of Cap*. Manshetl R. James, a Canadian aviator, hi the early sum mer of iltt. A party will go oat to morrow to find and examine the plain and to heat the wooda for the body of the loot filar. Members of a party which went In to the Tyringha* wooda several days ago to shoot deer reported today that Warren Campbell, of Brooklyn. N. T, one of their number, became loot and wandered upon the wreckage of the plan* miles from a human habitation. He paid little attention to it, believing others had found it before him. It waa only when the news waa brought here that the wreck waa linked up with the koaa of Capt Jamea. The Canadian'aviator, who had served in the World War with the Royal Air Force, won lato in May, 191#, a competitive flight from Atlan tic City to Boston for a cap offered by the Boston Globe and a parse of fl.OOO. He left Boston on June 1 to return to Atlantic City, followed the wrong railroad line and Inat his bear T»|T* in the Western part of Maau chuactts. He came down at Tyring hnm and next nomine Mt out in ideal weather and wind condition* to resume the flight Persona at the Tyringhaui Field saw him fly southward and then tarn sud denly west as if to return, but ha passed from view. Hs never was theory was that the a via tar had falsa into a lahe or the ocean. Campbell stumbled on the plans as he wandered about looking tar his ceepsekea. It lay hi a thicket hi a remote section, at least four miles from a hooes or highway. The tall and wings appeared to he Intact, but tushes had grown up about the faeel age. partly concealing It. A tree nartly rotted, lay nearby, and there was erery Indication that years had MOKE TALK ABOUT MAO IN K. C. la ba I ta Mm AH th. mwipaper men bare know of it h* aa far ham bmm told fa • whisper, Hot fat, not yet," and It'l going to be a ' actually handed to the motor king. Ha baa eoal mines In KantKkjr, thousand! of acres of them and la lupposad to want railroad connections tba Atlantic Seaboard «uia»eh«n alone tba coast of the Caroltaaa, to trada with South Aurtia. The story, however, at tkia and, ap parently cant ba told. It la on of infi to "to rata would fallow la aot Ford would ba par line to tha Pacific a wMrtW would ba I m the tta >a a bic i Perhaps it ia as big now aa It ia fa in* to. Besidaa. waiting for Ford to gt*e his O. K. an tba story m Ionic, tiresorte business, especially when Port ia in Detroit or somewheie way off hearing Mellie ' he fiddle talk.' FIND MUCH POISON IN BOOTLEG WHISKEY Plain CoacMtralad Lya, Sul phuric Acid and Fuaal Oil Found Charlotte, Dec. 17.—Whiskey con taining • high percentage ef poison, nijrmr from plain concentrated to sulphuric acid, is Kcing consumed t«y patron* of bootlegger* in North I'aro'.na, South Carolina ktkI ieoe r»i. Thin was disclosed in a report by Jtr laboratory of division Ko^druar tm here of the federal prohibition i-nforcement organisation. lien <1 ^harpe, diviiional director. Thurs lay made public the report, »Wk «r»p aenaationat fa) it* diecbmins. The analyaee were made by J. P.' Albright, Jr., chemist in chart* of the laboratory, from 100 samples of con traband secured by federal agents op erating in South Carolina The samples included concoctions labeled "moonshine" and some hear ing the name* of well known brands if pre-Volstead day*. Seventy of the samples examined acre labeled "moonshine" aad con tained "fusel ofl in high can tent," ac cording to the report. South Bo* ton, V*., Fin bum $780,000 Damage South Boston, Va., Dec. tt.—Thir teen buildmga, cmpriiinf two blocks of the heart of the buaineaa section, were destroyed by fir* here parly Sunday at estimated I oca «f (750,000. Starting shortly after 2 o'clock this morning from an undetermined ••use, the fir* was swept beyond con trol by a high wind. Fir* fighters ilso war* handicapped by a tempera :ur* of II degrees a bo** aero. The toea was believed to bar* bean Among tW buildings destroyed ware the Garland betel and the Pint National bank, the nrit of wMch was believed to have withstood the lame*. The fire started la Crliek'a dry rooda atan and. fanned by the wind, ipread rapidly to adjoining striae urea. An engine company (Ma DanvQk, answering an app*ai far lid, mad* the M mile* trip W* on a j ipeHal train. Volunteer fir* fighter* prevented ng horning hranda aa titer ware A» K>aited bp the wM within a mBe ride area e# tit* Warn tag MM. tt -TV demise of I few iani to the dry*," Mid This orxsnlutioa saed M tor tt, aad of I will ha thrown oat of "Hw and whiskey war* dm) for a i«air and ih*w age than oara. Alcohol does not mi * safely gasoline or high-powered Other wet organisattoae well to foBow the exaatp*e of the ! innal Liberty they will have to, aa why aot a®wT" Wheeler said the AMI Below Loagoe has a graveyard Ml of the re mains at Anti-Prohibttiea orgar »«a tioaa, awl he wUl add thoae of the Uberty Alliance to the laag Hat al ready there. the recent teat rata hi the law which showed the Aati-Saloon still Mr. Wheeler, and his day la considered a crow of tion aa Boy, 3, Lost IS lie fa Fee*d By Police Dh Lewis town, Mr., Dec. IT—Thrse year-old Kemwth OUara, for whoa nearly 1,000 persons had searched the woods fifteen hoars, was found this morning. A police doc. *nd the • hiid's cries heard earlier in the night, guided uerchers to the spot. The boys was discorerad asleep by Miles Parker and Janes Porreat, un ler a tree in the dense thicket where ■he had wandered. Several houn be fore they had heard faint cries of "mamma, mamma". A police dag named by Patrolman Herman then picked up the trait Kenneth was rushed to a hospital ta Lewisten, where physicians found no ii! effects from exposure. The child's mother, Mrs. Joha OUara, who had been prostrated With grief, waa otcitowe with ema tion when the news reached her. The father had lad Marchers con stantly since Ma sen disappeared. The child had wandered four milea from home. Interest in the search had been so great in this city that the Lewistoa Sun issued an extra edition. Among the hastily urgsntisd searching parties that sat out ) —Sec of the Natinal Guard, ws—bsri of the Fire and Police Departments, stu dents from Bates College and hun dreds of private citisens. They lighted their way in the weods with lanterns, torches and flashlights. Charlotte Barton Fight Over Colors Charlotte, Dec. 21—Disaffreeatent over the color of Cfcriatmaa decora tion* to be uaed in tWr barbershop in the Hotel Charlotte reeuhed hi ser ious trouble for H. C. Bradley and WUI HajrN, well known local barter*, this afternoon. Aa a result of the dieagilnnt Hayet la la a local boa pitsl suffering eerere cuts and Bradley la at liberty under «KN bend m a rhtrn of mmK. He also la

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