IM PfMHtnU IMr ». Ihrtta %*m. M. UtvUto I • Official (Vgaa Meant Airy Kiwaafc Cluk CM Matte at Mm Riilfe Hotel fcJO P. M. Eaary 2 mmi 4 Friday piffl _ ,« Aiwmy — W. S. WolfT Drug"Co. W. 8. WOLFE, Kiw.nimn TV* tiat* W taach your child to un U in tta youth. TIm aa< U the ftrat (top to iwmi. Givs your child this step by mm «• imm of th«M solid copper 8a*in*s Banks. Two dollar* aa account and Mean a bank. THE BANK OF MOUNT AUtY 4 Par Oat Csip—alsd Quarterly W. J BYBM.Y. Pros., Kiwanian One Vajrs THE TUXECO^ C»r« . T..«do Dairy TuimSoCHo* Tu»do Hog lUUaa Txntfa lunia, PmS T»«.do Chick T»««4» RulOrmtlk M.»h Txaate DmlKH TiMdolciMrb TumOj fMHtl Pimm,*. It mar cost 50c more per bag to feed Tuxedo Eggmash and Scratch than it does to teed Straight grains or home-mixed rations, or cnirty fi ve cents extra per hen per year. But—the average farm hen la '• seventy-two ems a year. Fed Tt x edo the year round she will I y around ISO eggs. Many lay 175 10 200 eggs. Witneggs selling at 3 cent. each average yearly, the hen haa to lay only one extra egg a month to pay the extra feed cost. The remain ing sixty-sis eggs are dear profit. it CI I T MILLS J. 8. BRAY, KiwanUn HUB Tijxedo EGSMASH NOTICE vfrtw of a ren. ct. taaued by th* of Superior Court of Snrry ; id the cnw of K A Hannah «a. Orrnmbf, I will Mil for mmh t« th* kigfeaat MMmr at th* Caart H<»«m Hoot in Dobaoa on tat day of Fafcraar*. 1*M. at 1 a'ctacfc. P. M. «• Wlowtec houmtar, of laad. lyta. nnd.bring In 3orry County, Mount Airy Township, adjoining the lands ■ if U. C. Briton and W. X Taylor and other* and containing fabost 7 ami morr or Jaaa. Sab mad* to aatisfy a debt of I29.M, with bitoraat and coat to add. Thia Dm. Tha follow** nwltlin will diwit of tha prammi m Um i mK after thair mm. Macation Jm SSixl ■mm Fdb. 12th CU»ifW>tio(i Fab. M Attendant* Mar. ISA | -w J^r. tth Poblictty Apr lnter-CHy bhtloiui May 14th Public Affair. May Staterwat of Conditio* of FIRST NATIONAL BANK. at Mount Airy, i* tha atata of North Carolina, it the clod of fcMtotM n Dec. lift., 192b. Loans and diacovnU t7UJ0Z.ll OnrinfU 1W.SS U 8. Bonds to Anchor y. £ Other securities SO,400.00 mm! Imim than bonk house 6,038.44 Lawful with Pad oral Reserve Bank SW.174.3S Cash In vault and amount van Lindley s CUT FLOWERS —PHONE— W.S. Wolfe Drug Co. NATIONAL SH6W WEEK JANUARY 946 Exhibiting the Improved Featuring the latent J" From January 9 to 16, all hold a National proved Ford can and Ford equipment. TWi will be the •enget car* the public give you «i entirely B Deauty ana ucuicy of cnc type*. Even if you have careful inspection of the cara, you should see this somsfliing entirely new* The Show will bearin I uary 9, and will last January 16. Be it la A LETTHt That Set l4i Thinking ITtoSSE; I, _ " l,k*'r to diTVLir to riv,. — «*« «* ^'|^II«te|YiItftUArSfc 2^*22* £ -MM tu h'y kn"» flRL^lLffW THE BANK OF MOUNT AIRY KWD. M.I IMILI.K. "it Officer, KiwaaUn