|Th. Mt. Airy Newt. 7. Ijlll Mb »hm ^ yTfcfcP.tt.ti i «Milli I, a I failI I fca'inl to Or. V J. ML , J. G. Damr, S. C. EIjEb. »•> •* >iy I hi flrat «f tha wwfc. y/tM to Mr. aa4 Mrs. Kojr KI*V /•to. M a toichUr, ftjrhrla Chrtatina.i r, Sjrhrfe J. 0. Pto i Ttoh to nlttoH to • tMI to friaada i Va.,°^L Ir^TVL r V. 0. Srfeor KM fei. J. B. AIM to CUcta after thai ▲ aoo. Hri Lottto and A lira Owyn a a It* of thair -friaada, laat Tttaaday evening, many interesting gum vara ptoyad thruout tha even Ms, delirious refreshment* mra serv Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Leitch jan a party at their home laat Wednesday night the main feature of the even faff Wine the old Virginia reel, which • goodmany took part in and en joyeji^ery much. >®r. and Mrs. C. S. Merritt leave laat of the week to attend the re ' Miwkr of the winter in Tocaon, Arts, going by way of New Orleans where tfcey will stop en route. P. A. Owen and daughter Miss Kathryn spent Sunday night in Ualaborg after accompanying Miss Ma—lie Owen back to that place •km she is employed as teacher Mra. Dr. Gallagher of Waahington City, Miss Mary Waller, of Philadel phia and Miss Lois Waller, of Peter* Creek, Va., visited their sister Mrs. J. J. Leake on 8outh Main street during the holiday*. The local W. C. T. U. will meet I with Mrs. C. C. Creveling Tuesday at DO P. M. all members are urg ed to be present. K. H. Kochtittky, 0. K. Merritt, Hairaton WUliamson, James Yokley, A. I. Smith and J. R. Smith are at tending the furniture exposition in Orand Rapids, Mich. The members of the Rockford Htreet Methodist Ladies AU society are requested to meet at the home of Mra. J. S. Redman 141 Pine street V Thursday afternoon at S P. M. It to vary important that the members at n. u. imiar, wno la nowiy ■Q' from ■ very lerious illness of pneumonia has bam rtnortd from ker home to Martin Memorial hospi tal where special treatment can be gfoaa her. TW following announcement ha» bean received by friend* in tbU city, "A aon, George Datton, was born to Mr. and Mr*. C D. C.nrretaen Decern bar *7. 1925 at St. CharlM Hospital,' B—woke. Virginia " Before tb« ir mar ■ ria(f Mrs. Canretson waa Mine I.ibbie > Dalton. niece of Mr> T II. VarreU of tMa city Hiaa Mary Chirk, "f Rtaart, Va., Mae Anna Kate Pitkin of Bristol. Ta^ -and Thomas Kinr. of Stuart, Va, vera weak end iroeet» of Mr.j aad Mr. Boger Allred. Mies Clark ■ri Mr. King motored to Bristol, for Waa Pippin who la 11 awing her Wmk at Sad Bank Janior hick arheol ( im r h. TjMP. M. and ( hoarte itnda. Mm* thaa 97M.00 k forwardad to tkm CUIdrw'a Hmh atl Winaton and ovar tlM.M waal Mat to tfc* Nw Baat fUtimt. Thoj offortaca far aaipla far all aaaaa of Mia* Noll Near, oar orfttiW, Imm retained fro* a holiday I trip to Washington and Now York. proa Mad at tW organ to the dellll»i» to Mrs. Bruce Yokley, Dec—her bride. Miaa Mar ffaret Aahby, Whhi »l»i t and their ■later, Mra. MUton Caah, of Winatoa Salem. Mra. Raymond Smith met the peato at the door and Mra. Jawee Yokley, Mrs. Bruce Yokley, Mrs. Caah, Mies Aahby, Mrs. B. G. Mtk and Mrs. J. C. Bowman, of Texa* formed a receirin* line, with Mrs. I. A. Hadley directing to the cloak rooaa where Mrs. George Grave* and Miaa Alma Yokley preeided. > Chicken aalad, potato chipa, heart shaped sandwich**. cheeee straws, frosen fruita in odd ihapea, coffee^ mints aad ahnonda were aerrsd. Mis* Kmc. Miss Anna fleece was hoateaa at a vary delightful ill o'clock dinner Friday evening a the Blue Ridge ho tel in compliment tf Miaa Margaret Vhhy bride elect and her fiance R. W. Sparser. The perfectly appointed table had aa ita centerpiece a ailver baaket of red earaatioas, and ailver candlesticks held red rand lea, the •ana color note appearing in the baa keta of salted ateonds aad place cards. Covers were laid for thirteen Tboee enjoying Miaa keece's hos pitality war* Miaaaa Margaret Aahbyp Julia Mulheria, Lucile Uaynea, Eli zabeth LoviH, Elisabeth Ash by, Ruth Reeoe, R. W. bparger, G. C. LovUI, Or. John Ashby, J Siceloff, aad Theodore Knights-of-Pythias Hosts to Local Knighta-of-Pythiaa very graciously entertained wives, sisters and friends Monday evening la their Pythian Castle Hall combining their annual "ladies night" with the instal lation of officers, which beautiful ceremony follower oasis by a local orchestra, srtrtrsssss ct s»toea selections by a male quartet; other | features of the program were a < talk on the principlea ot the ordar by Rev. W. A. Newell and aa illustrated story of Damon and Pythias by Chancellor Commaader G. K. Chicken salad, wafers, coffee withj whipped cream aad mints wan Miu Virginia Burke entertained at a party and danca Prlday rvrniag at the home of bar parent* on Pine (treat. Ice cream and caJca w^je aerr Firat Bttle School ...JL *48 A. M.| Morning wurahip 1100 A. K. Kerning worship 1JI P. M. Prayer Sarrke, Wedieedey 7M P. M. At the morning boar the paatnr will praarh especially to woman and all the women of tha church are i la he preaent. Miaa Duboae la with oa month af J an aery for the Jww M to vks tM will h* m m bmWv tt, Chrlat will ba III ■in I and Too'Mid jroMf tartted to wor ship with aa. "Wa prmch Chrlat tha Jaw* i Ml Oraalu, Chrlat tha pu* ar of (hi ud tha wiadon of God Mr*. Pata ; af thla city. Mr*. J. W. Jnham and Mra. L W. Raaca of giran by Mra. C. W. Banker at H*y atadL A NTfriH party Mrs. L W. Beat* Saturday evening whan hw ntlikbor*, and a number o< friend* from town, fathered at bar hone oa route t to celebrate her hirthday. Delicious refreshment* wfr* serv ed during the evening. Mrs. Reect ■ring the day and neighbor* planned the affair in Im The ladiea auxiliary at the Preaby terian Church wilt entertain the chil dren aad young peopli from M ywn of ago ay alt a capper U ha served Friday evening at Ml o'clock in th« Sunday school nob of the church. All the young people of the church are cordially Invited. Gravea, Jr., was hoat lo tht younger set Saturday evening at tlx home of hia parents on Rawley street Garner ware played aqd ice cream and i-ake ware served / -""OnTof the most enjoyable occas ion* of the holiday Mason was Uw banquet of the Baraca class of th< First Baptist Sunday School held ir the church last Thursday evening I adies of the T. E. L. class had pre pared an exreilent luncheon of foui courses. During the evening severe musical numbers were rendered by thi class Glee Club under the leadershif of Theodore Reect and by the Emmi Johnson Concert group. The clasi presented .ita teacher, W. E. Wood ruff, with a fountain pen and Pastoi Davis was the reeeipient of a hand some watch fob. Covers were laic for 76. Followmg the luncheon Mr Woodruff was reelected teacher will <|«j(^Mr. Davis as his assistant. ^ NOTICE ' By virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of truat executed bj C. E. Doby and wife to the under* signed trustee and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Dead* foi Surry County in book 86 pare 216, default having baas made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured, 1 will offer for sale at the CourthouM door in Dobaon on the Mth day of Jaaaarir, ItM •t 1 o'clock P. M„ the following described lands: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 111 acrei more or leas, situate lying ard be ing in Dobaon Township, Surry Coun ty as J star* of Nortn CUn.ima, and being bounded so the North by the lands of 8- I. Edmonds, P. I. Edmonds and P. T. Edmomla, on East b> the Meant Airy and Rockford road and the landa of E. R. badgect. R. S. Badgett and A. N. Wolff on the Sooth by the landa of F. T. Edmonds and at the Want bv the landa of H. V. Simpson and P. L Edmonds. This tract of land is composed of several tracts of land conveyed to C. E. Doby by various deeds recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Sorry County and includes all of the landa which C. E. Doby owns at this date. Safe mad« to satisfy said debt and 29th day of Dec. 1925. C. M. Lewellin. Trustee. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of W. M. I.ewi*, de ceased. .notice is hereby given to all parties owing the estate to make prompt payment and to all persons holding claims against the estate to I iilint them, properly verified for payment, within the time prescribed by law or thia Mtke will be plead in bar of their cnDection. This Slat day of Dae., 19tS. Mary W. Lnk Administratrix of W. M. Lewis, dee'd. Prior to Um nr.nay g. P. I a Ma paraonality and baa many friaWb throughout tba atoto. Mr. Marion waa foimaHy at Moont Airy bat at praaant ia oonnactod with tba Baptiat Thaolngical aaminary at lunula villa, Ky. Ha ia bald In hi»*i ra lard by Um Soatbarn Baptiat ronvan tlaB. Mr. and Mra. Marion wl# ba at bom* in' Louiirllla. Mr*. Y« Mrs. Carl Simmon* m boa tan to the mtmb«n of the Young Matrons club Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr*. J. G. Harriaon, on North Main street in honor of Mrs. Bruce Yokley and Miss Marjarvt Ashby, bride and bride elect. At the close of an fnterwtinc hoar at rook the honorees were presented with lovely silver vaaea, after which froaen fruit salad, sandwiches, cof fee and ginger were served by Mae dames J. H. Allred, J. C. Hill. H. B. Howe, E. 0. Smith and Miss Irene Simmons. ^ A*kby-3p*rfwr \. The folio wiag invitation was mafl^ led last Saturday: "Mrs. John La jpayette Ashby requests the honor of [your presence at the asarriage of her ^daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Randall Worth Sparser on Saturdcy, the six teenth of January at five o'clock in the afternoon. Central Mrtln Church, Mount Airy, North Carol! ■l«-thodi«t Quick Way to Stop Night Coighiig No need to pat up with that t g. weakening, steep-robbia another night. For there ie a but very elective treatment which, usually with a single dose, stops all irrnation and leu you aleep soundly the whole night through. This treatment is based on the pra scriptioa known as Dr. King's New Dtecovary for Coughs. You take Juat J one teaapoonfui at night before retir ( ing and hold h in your throat lor 15 or 20 aeconda before swallowing it. The prescriptiea has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but it quickly removes the phlegm and congestion which are the direct cm** of night coughing. So the coughing stops quickly and you sleep all night mdiatiirtaed. Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs, che»t colds, sore throst. hoarse ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Pine for children as well as grown «ps—no harmful drugs. Economical, too, aa the dose is only one teaspoon fuL At all good druggists. Aaktnr CoucriS Stop Using Liniments thai Only Born and Irritate Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrates to the Bone but Never Smarts or BtUters Wh«*o a Hainan I bunu ud imuu uUH«ni| •kta luffka doaa not Mr IM >w^ >U4 rlna—ll* aefca or a 1»nw hxt Tnal MM mm Mnku MMhc Ub> tr) It om« iad >tw vttlMWr M Tin «■ mrr rat to inb»al«c» «*M Mi Mat ar aaa cat It lar rxt: Central Wood Yard Phone 353 AMJUl n B ROADWA THEATRE Program WEEK STARTING JAN. Uth TUESDAY tmd WEDNESDAY " MATINEE AND NIGHT ^Cominj: to your City intact jiut u mm m aOI tltt tergtr cftiaa «f MONDAY ONE OP AMERICA'S HOST THRILLING HISTORICAL DEEDS-THE DRIVING OF THI LAST SPIKE FOR THE TRANS CONTINENTAL RAILROAD WM IRON! .HORSE til Trcsrnted by fl William fox JOHN FORD l^^>productioni Wrect from Om years Hun in Jfew fork ! To the Good People of oar Community: You have seen "The Hirth of » Nation", "The Covered W**on," "A Son of Hit Father." "North of 36", -The Sea Hawk", "The Count I of Monte Criato", "Graustark" but my dear friends when you have Men | "THE IKON HORSE You will have «een mor* in this one picture than all the rest combined, you will laugh till your sides ache at the humor, you win shed a tear and sob pt the heart touching pathos, you will grip your seats and thrill aa you never have before, yeu will want to grab the vidian right off the srteen and choke him to death and you will Ion Madge Bel lamy better than anything you've ever seen before on stage or screen. Folks I personally guarantee this to every one, old and young, on my word of honor if 'his attraction is not justrwhat 1 say it is come to the bex office when the show is over and I will he glad to give yom your money back and a dollar besides. P. A. BOONE PRICES MATINEES 30 * 40c NIGHTS all Mate 40c HOURS OF SHOWING Metfawee Start Promptly at 1 nvu^k Ni.ht. .« T'H THURSDAY Special Double Attraction "RUGGED WATERS"—with Lota Witaoa. WaNaca Bwry. Wanaar Baiter, PkrlUi Haver Made bjr the mmb who made "North of MP. A Paraaiaaat PWtvre. { "BUCKING THE WEST" A weatern comedy drama that will ptoaaa all. No adnata in prtaaa for this Ms doubt* attraction. ■—■Ml—a— FRIDAY At taut its on the wrecn. — ZANE GRIT'S lataat atory nuuta Mo a wonderful play. "WILD HORSE MESA"—caat hacMca Daulaa Fakhaaha, Jr. BIBta Dare. Jack Holt. Kaahlaary FQmed in the Artama wild-horae country. A new and faarinatin* background—A Paramount Picture. Owmm-Foot Miu Vera Owens of Wlneton-Salaai and Mr. On Foor of Rorheeter. lad. were quietly Married at the horn of Mr. Charter Qwyn Monday afternoon at 4.90 P.M. Be*. C D. Crouch per forming the mm»i. Oaly • h» Mend, were pre tent. They left far Rorherter, Ind., by way of the Valley of Virginia, where they wfll *Mt hia pareata for awhile. Then wfll go en to Cleveland. Ohio, whet* Mr. Vter !a encaged with the !IoU»nd hnaH Co, to make their fature honM 1 NOTICE Having quaUflM u o# Uw cctat* of Bthm* f. Ma: worf, 1m\4 of Sorry Ounty, Carolina, thto is to aoUfy alt Kavinf rUttnt ocaiMt thf t ta b«r< Tty verified to tW wv-'fi^U, M.C^m ikjM ~ h« SJ« TM. I m Ui. T* ,1 ■ r* ifc v