ehestnut tree: Ikuwt to Hatehcr'i Km; thence from Holder's Una tr> a eiounted oak Hsymors's tamar, than with Jones' line to an apple »« thence with Sloan's liaa to tha be ginning. containing fifty acres more •r less. Thia dcM is inter* l-*d to con »ty all the land that was told bjr H«n ry Wnlfa Trustee owned by It. C. Westmoreland. daad made to First National Bank by Wolf* December tl. IMS. Bag inning at tha east corrtr of E. C. Foy's lot on tha Dohson-Mt. Airy highway and runa -vith tha Dohaon Mt Airy highway 100 ft. t) Brady Harris corner, thence north with Brady Harris Uaa 114 feat to Harris and Marshall corner, thence south west a staight line >14 ft. to tha ha ginning, this tract being pan. of the Marshall Heights as auM.vided into tot« by 8. E. Marshall saa pUt book 1 page 14 in tha Register of Deads of lice of Dobsoa, S C., Surry County. Also one complete saw rijr bought from the Nelson Machinery Company, Mt Airy, N. C., consisting of tha fol lowing, Fairbanks Moras Engine Mo. 281328. Sale madr to satisfy an indebted Mas of fSOO principal, Interest aad seat of sale to add. This the 16th day af Dec. ink Edw M. LtnviUe, Truatee. Notice Tr aster's Sale af Land By virtue of authority veeted in ma h a certain deed of trust executed the • day of Dec. 1»24, by A. B. Newman and wife Dora D. Newman to Edw. M. Llnville, Truatee for D. S. Hodge to secure aa indebtedness of HtOM, said daad of trust recorded in the Re gis'er o' Deads offioe of Surry Coun ty, N. C, in book M page 1, default having been made in the payment af tha note therein secured and st the re quest of the holder, 1 will sell for caah to tha highest bidder, at public auc tion, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy. N. C., Saturda). Jan. 16th l»26. at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described real estate: Adjoining the bandit of Ed Forkner, | Ol'ver I lay more. et »L twin* lot No. | I in the plat of lota Kaat of Mount i Airy, lying on~Hnmburg road, Ba»t: tide, beginning on a stake on the East I aide of road and runs N. 30 deg W. I J00 feet to u stake; thcnce N. 71 deg. | E. with Forkner crossing the branch j to J. 0. Haymore's line; thence with j the Haymorc line 8. SO deg. E. 200 fu to Davenport.'* line; thence with Frank Davenport's line 1S9 feet to Lee Davenport'* corner; thence N. i 26 deg. We*t with *aid Daven- I Krt 100 feet to Meyer and ivenport'n (.orner; thence South 71 I deg. W. 300 feet to the beginning, j Containing 2 acre* more or leaa. See deed book 52 page 481. Auo book 91 , J<age 860. Sal* mad* to aatiafy an indebtod ae»* of $260.56 principal interest and coat of sale to add. This the 15th day of Dec. 1925. Edw M. Linville, Trustee. Notice of Traatee Sal* of La ad By virtue of authority vested in me fa a certain Deed of Trust executed the 37th day of March, 1S»23 by D. M. ■•Mar and wife Nqra Holder to J. Luther Wood, True tee for George Vhelton to secure an indebtedness of 9700.00 and interest on same record ed Hi Register of Deeda office, Rook •6 page 118, default having been made fa the payment of the note therein secured and at the request of the bolder, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at Public Auction, in 1 front of the Old Rank of Mount j Airy, N. C. on Tharaday, Jaaaary XL l»2fi. the following daagrilwd property.! Joining the I anas of John Gwyn. and Crfo. Shelton in Stevart Creek Town ship and bounded aa follows: Il*gla ring at a post oak on Eaat side 'of ridge on Grayson Road and run* N. 84 deg. East 46 pole* to a Spanish oak thence- in a N. E. direction to a red oak, M. D. Gwyn, Geo. Shelton and Jackaon Smith's corner; thence 8. 6 deg. W. 22 pole* to a stake John Gwyn's corner: thence S. 52 deg. W. 45 poles crossing the hpanch to • stake, then 8, M dag. W. It poles to Mas of 1700.00 principal, in tar eat and '1 s«t» to add. Thi* the 1Mb day of Decern bat, eat 84 1-T pole*, then N. 27 W 18 'lea to the beginning containing 2a °«l- made to aattefjf »n indebted r; I i. Utkor Wood. Tra^aa. NOTICE or ULC Moll* Carailaa, Hurry Co | In l«»li<n Court. N.UJ. K A llrad ami LUIto AIM Sink*, nmilrim of Uw laat will aad i > a amrnt u# J. f, A llrad, linml, rm. hiiUM and wifa Zalla A Brad »nd CTh. flaka. , By »lrtu» of mi ardar at tk •« u.r Court in Um mbvlm mm til. .1 cmm OB Um 14th day of Dmw Mr, I Mi, m pi ot1»T far alt to Um hi*h«t biddar aa tka aaaaral i.r<<miaaa mm Um l& t. mod 1Mb daya ml Jaa. IN* ha following daawtVail landa to-wit I Mix ('rood loU titinw Broad aad k.Kkfurd atraata. TIM Highland Park Iota M T. A. Hamilton, alao wall kuttuai Main* A lTrlybt at way; alao lota mm MarafcaB Ha%h(a; aha a ft >n M«r*kall Halahta; alao a far* rwar Kan'* Mill adjoining John Wll m>ith and otkara, mMImi focty riv* arm Mr* «r Uaa; alao a *m*ll tract W wmmi land naar Kim'i Mill ■n tka Mm* aad KaM1* Mill road: il«> Um Banker land hoartt of W. H Marion in Meant Airy Tuwnakla; »U<« ana •aiall lot adjoining J. T. AD rad h. a»»placa; laa four lota oa Cfcarry Strrrt In Um ton of Moant Airy adjoining th» land* of Wajrno CTirmtinn and otkara. alao a eartaln tract or parcal af land lying aad to Ing rm Um nortk aid* of Pwm 8tract la Um town of Mount Airy, adjoining iIm land* af John Bannar, Mrs. 1. Hadlay. 8. E. Marahall aad otkara. Th* land* la Mount Alrj - will ba inld on Um lttk day of nary, l*M at 10 aVk>cli A. M. and Um land* arar Kapp'a Mill will kaI •old on Um IMi day of J ana 19M beginning at 111 o'clock A. Tarm* of aa)a one-half in ai« and twain month* with and approved aaeurlty for tka firred paymcnta. Thi* Di-r embrr 14. IMS. Nattla K. AHrad. lira. LUBa A Siake, Executrix** of tha Laat and TMtamant of I. f. Allred, eaaaad. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County. In the Superior Court Before tha Clark. Maud* Bolt Butner and Hunband. T. F. Butner. WtiUa Holt Collins ami Himbnnd, Hasten Collins. Nad W. Bolt, Donna H. Bolt, baira at law of W. A. Bolt, deceased, PUintiffs. V*. Paul C. Boh and Surry County Loan and Trait Company, Guardian for Myrtle Bolt Poor*, minor, Dofen danU. Service br Publication. Tha defendant, Pan! C. Bolt, ikm named will take notice that Ml Mttaa entitled aa above has been commenced In tha Superior Court of Surry Coun ty before the Clark, to appoint a com miwionar for tha pur pan of salUnc certain real eatata described In tha petition: and the (aid defendant will further taka notice that he ia rcmilr ed to appaar on tha SB day of Jan, 1026, at the court houae of aairl coun ty, at Dobnon, N. C., before the clerk and anawer or demur to tha complaint In aaid action, or the plaintiff* will apply to the court for tha relief de manded in aald complaint. Thli the 14th day of December, IMS. F. T. Lewellin, C. of 8 C. For thirat and fatifftt* drink a bottle of PEPSI-COLA-, vou'll be lurpriatd at tfw re sult. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County, Under and by virtue of the law* of thi State of North Carolina and the ordinance* of the Town of Mount Airy, authorising the mle of land* ia the Town of Mount Airy for assess ments levied against said property for »treet improvements, I will offer for sale at the Court House Door, in Dobson, N. C., on the Plrat Monday in January, 192(1. this being the 4th lay of January. 1926, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, the following property for aa sessrarnts levied against same, inter est and cost of aale: Property lying on North aide of Market Street, same being 7 ft. of a 14 ft. alley way. Amount 18.97, In terest .SO, cost 91.70, total $10.97. This Decembfr 2, tUBT By Order Board of CoouniaaioBers. R. V. Deyerle, City Tax Collector. Stockholder's Mating The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The First National Bank of Mount Airy, N. C., will ba held for the election of Directors on Tuaaday, January It, 19M, at four o'clock P. M., at the offloe of the bank. This Dm. 1, 1926. T. G. Kawcett. President. V-dg ' ACHINGUMBS Ma^ O&ar Cawaa Ok UmtW by Black-Drufkft. Mr*. John Skaggt, residing near Lanes Prairie, Mo., oa the Ozart Trail, aaya: "I have taken Black - Draught lor a number at yean, ■bout (sheen, and it la about the only purgative medidae I ever ML It m the only kind that I've lonnd thai doesn't Wl me. "I take Black-Draught tar la digestion lor colds end ncsdAchev take II tor aour stomach. "We think Btack-Draught la splendid aad aever ara wt&oul II la the house. ^ ^l^aaBaradwtthgaaoeai^eloaH j Brink Black - Draught tome baal medicine a person cm iast.M ; Draught la lhei/°tivort!t*ii»ar aad | slwdiwrttiiii^^ BLACK' DRAU0HT to Mil „ bid W»-; lag Mm pferad — a favMar «M» I will ofltr far ra-aala M publk •artkm t<> the hlgheat Udder for aaafc at the aaaathoaa» door hi Mm on the •".nAarnJBi the following tn* th* tindi fr.m Baow ai dearrlhad W. adjoto y owned by an.) R Snow and ■■■ I M MMHI iMMf ufi • ataka and potntora near a branch In John and Jo* Nmhitor^ Una and ma North (U tha to a ataka. aald Potndeirtar'a rornar, thane* WM I rh. to a ataka, thenc* North *1.40 aha. to a ataka in R R. Folndaator'a Una, thrnra Kaat on th* t roat Snow Una 21 rha. to a ataka or rock rornar, thane* North It rha. to Cody Crook, thonco down tha rraok aa H iaandar» N. M do«. B-. S. *M*». K II chafl 8. M da« WT7.ri rha. South II rha. to a forked whit* oak on tha Waal aid* af tha cr**tf. thrnra & 74 dof. W. M cha. ■ R Snow', blarl oak rornar to tha hoilnninff. Containing 74.18 mora or laaa. Ezrapt about 40 •oM to 3. T. Co* by l„ P. PoMaxtor, Coa hjr L. P. Polad*»t for farthor daarrlntlon aao daad. alao a aaiall tract of a boat t acraa Mild to Roht. Saow, aao title daad (or daarrlp tia*. 2nd trart. AdMnlnc th* abora He acrihod laada and bounded aa follow*: Bojrlnnlnjr on tha hank of Poind* rtrr'a aprlng hraach aad runa South 4 rha to • ataka tm4 pointer*, thanrr Caat to R. Snoar'a Ihia, thonr* North am •aid It. Soow** tin* to Ma Ncrthwaat romrr. th*nr* S. 74 W. to th* bwfci nln*. rontainlni • arroa mot* or laaa. Th* ahora drarrihod land wai aold to A. L. Poind**t*r by deed hearing dat* Oct. >0, IMS by C. P. Snow and wtfa aad L. R. Polndastar and wtfa and rotordod In tha offtra of tha Reglater of Deed* for Sorry County In book M I, for farther Hearriptlon aa* Sal* mada to aatiafy aaid d*bt and Thli th* 2»th day of I>*c*mb*r. 1#2B. It. C. Lewellln, Tru»t*r. C. M. I-*w*llln. Atty. FiatlM TtmIm'i Hale at Lud By virtue of authority mM in me in • cwtain deed of trust nwuM the 6th day of May IMS, by 0. T. Hunt to Edw. M. Linville, Trustee for 8. I. Mar*Hall, to secure an Indebtedness of I19M.00 and recorded hi tha Rririi tar of Deads office of Barry County, in book 78 paff SS, dafautt having been mada In tha payment of tha notaa therein secured, and at tha re quest of tha holdar, I will cell for cash, to tha highest bidder, at public auction. In front of tha Bank of Mt. Airy, Mt Ainr, N. C„ on Hatarday, Janaary Uri ItM at 1 o'clock P. M„ the following daacrihad raal eatate: Adjoining the land* of 8. E. Mar shall et al, lying and being on the North si4t of East Oak street in tha town of Mount Airy, N. C.. and be ginning on the edge of an eight foot driveway or alley and runt thence N. 20 deg. W. 127 feet to a (take in tha Mrs. Spaugh line: thence with her line N. 79 deg. E. 82 ft. to a stake cor ner of lot No. »; thence with the of ner of lot No. 9; then with the line of lot No. 9 8. 20 deg. E. about 127 ft. to the N. edge <\f bait Oak (treet, this line run* through the center of the I wall: thence 8. fi6 deg. W. 82 feet to! the beginning. The name being lot» 1 7 and 8 of the 8. E. Marshall property j on Eaat Oak (treat. Across the rear of tuiid lot !• to he j a perpetual drive-way for the use ofi lou 9 and 10. Sale made to satisfy an' indebted- j neaa of tlMO.OO principal, interest j and cost of sale to add. This the 21st day of Dac., 1925. Edw. M. Lin villa. Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County. By virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. E. McCormick on the 9th day of De cember, 1922, to E. C. Btvens, Trus tee for E. 8. Raace, default having been mada in the payment of tha notes thereby eeeorad, and at tha re qoeat of tha balder of tha said notaa, I will offer far sale in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, on gatarday, Janaary Ml ItM, at eue s'cleck P. M. tha following dsacribad property: Beginning at a rock McCormick and J. 0. Folger's corner and runs west > 8-4 dagrsna variation Ml chs. to a stake Nikon's corner; thence 8. S 1-fi deg. waat 10 1-4 cha. to a maple in the hollow; thence sovth 42 dag. weat 8 1-t chs. to a bunch of maples at tha fork of branches; thanes 8. II degrees eaat 80.89 chs. to a etaks in Bland's line; thence with his line eaat > 1-t dag. variation 141 cha. to a stump or rock; thence North 4 1-2 deg East 44JO chs. to tha beginning, containing 48 8-4 acma, mora or less Sale made to satisfy amount due on said notes, interest and costs. E. C. Bivens. Trustee cola! *T»yi l£2rPEMI How Doctors Treat Colds and the Fl« To tr—fc up • old «wnl|kt m to cot ■hort m attack of (rip pa, in ftaansa, tore throat or t—OMtk, phy lloiwMdJ^uigiaU^Mi aqw^ra«oa» nfiMd'cakral conpwXtahUt that fivaa jrou tba effect* of caloiml aad iaJta combined, withoat tha naplaaa ant aft act* of aitW. Om or two Catotaba at bad-tlaa with • >wallow of water,—that'* aU. No Mlta, no 'Hill nor Dm altghta* latelfanai* with yt>ur aatlnit. work or plMMra. Next nsfulfti jfw cold haa TanUhed. your ayitel is tbor ■■ghly partfird aad yoa era feeling ftoa wjtt^a^Wrty arggltoforbreak f aH*diT^tW A* "mt 4ng atora. (adr) Notice Tma>eo*a Salt a# Land Br rirtua of authority »wtid In ft*M( certain M of troat executed the 2nd day of Jan. 1W4. i. A. Dan lay and wMa Amanda Danlry. Pt-tn P. Younger ami wife laal Yoongar to Edw. M. Unriiie, Trustee far 0. J. Key to mm an indebtedneaa of tl.lonOO and recorded In the Rcgia ter of Daada office of Sorry County, N. C., in book 71 pua SB, default hit ing been made In UM payment of tha note* therein aecurad, and at the ra qoeat of tha holder, I will aad for caah, to tha higheet bidder, at public auction. In front of the Bank of Mi. Airy, ML Airy, N. C., on ftatarday. J,n. l«tk, 1»M, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the following deacribad rani aatate: Beginning at a hickory an tha 8. aide of •nil Ron creed and mi 8. 22 97-100 cha to • ataka, thence S. 84 Eaat 22 27-100 ck to a ataka, thenca North 22 87-100 cha. to a ataka thence North 84 Waat 22 87-100 cha. to the beginning containing fifty Nrtke *f Sal* *f UM Under and by virtu* of an order ol the superior court of Shtrjr County mnde in the special nroce«ding* t-n titled Mr*. Marietta Redmond, W. A. Jackson, W. C. Jack»on. Julius Jack ion, Mr*. Etixa Short, Pearl Jackson, Mr*. Nannie Griffith, Mr*. Marri« Doub, Mr*. Ida May Saunders, Mr*. Emma Amfiald rs J. P. Jaekaon, Ar thur Jackson. Glenn Jackson, Irms Jackson, Mm. Maggie Bell, T. C. Jack son, Mnrie Jackson, the undersigned commissioner will, on the >ttk day of Jaaaary, IIM, at 2 o'clock P. M„ on the premiM*. offer for *ale to tlx highest bidder the following tract ol land: first lot lying and being in Mount Airy township, Surry County, begin ning at a stake in the fork of th* Ayemville road, near the McCracl'.in old house, running North 72 deg. E une ch. and 73 links to a post oak *pr«ut, S. 81 deg. W. 3 chs. and AS link* to a stake in the center of I. W Brower'* milt road, and thence South 2 deg. K. along *aid road 2 ch*. and 19 link* to the beginning. Second lot—being lots No. 11, 12 and 18 in plat'of hast Mount Airy on th* Ham burg and Ayersrille road*, beginning at a stake on Hamburg road and Spring street rvn* S. IB E. 327 feel with road to a stake corner said Jackson'h home lot: thence N. 81 E with *aid lot 2»0 feet; thencc N. 22 W. 378 feet with lots 16 and 14 to i ■take on Spring Street; thence South 71 Wert 281 feet with Spring Street to the beginning: Third lot— being lot* No. 14 and IK in plat of lota ir East Mount Airy, N. C., beginning at a itake on Wert aid* of AyersvID* road, corner of J. W. Jackaon hom< place and run* North 71 East with Ayersville road on* hundred feet to « •take; thence N. 10 Wert 600 fact to l ■take on Spring atrart; thane* S. 71 West 100 fart to a stake; thence 8. IS East with J. W. Jackson's line 87( feet to a (take; corner of J. W. Jack son's old home lot; thane* Booth 7 E 182 feet with J. W. Jackson'* old Um to the beginning. Terms of sale are one-third cash snc the balance in one and two year* witl approved security on th* deferred payments and said payments to beai Interest at th* rat* of six per cent Cr annum. This land win be aok th as a whole and in aaitabl* build bo 28th day of Dee. IMS I. L. Armficld, Commiuioner NOTICE or SALE By virtu* of authority contained it a certain Deed of Trust executed bj S. H. I Via rn and wife, Delia De*arn to the undersigned Trustee on Norem bar ST, 1920, to secure an indebted nea* and the stipulations in said Dee< of Trust not ha ring been complied with and at the request of the holdei of the bond secured thereby, I wfl expose for sale and will aatl for caai to the hiirheat bidder at the pretnisei In Surry County, N. C., u—iwenchii Uth day if Janaary. ttM at 1 e'cleck P. M. the following described property: Peg inning on a rock pile at the ok hickory comer and runs SIS ehaini to a stake and pointers to R. E. Mar Ion's line then north IS eha. to a staki in the field then south 1-S ch. te I rock, then norUi 10 eha. to a rock h Ash burn's line, then west with sak line IS rhs. and 50 links to a reek of the tank of Maple Branch, then Boat) SS eha. to the besrimte. Containini thirty and ose*hso acrss snvs ar leaa Batter known as the A. 0. Powell*! place, in Pilot Township. 8. B. Powsll, Trustee. PEPSI-COLA U ywiw i At Greatly Reduced Prices Hollingsworth Drug Co _ Phone 31 YOU SHOULD MASK THE SUMY COUNTY LOAN ft IWST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING RRASONSi NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County. C. W. Fulton vs. J. K. Reynolds. In the Superior Court. Notice af Summon* and Warrant ti Attachment. The defendant in the above entitled action will take notice. That on the 19th day of December,1 1926, a aummoni In the aakl action waa iaaued against the aaid defendant by P. T. Lewrflin, CM of the S«per ior Court of Sorry County, N. C., plaintiff claiming the turn of one thouaaad >nd twenty (11080.00) dot-, lars, due by breach of contract for I the talc of a Lincoln sedan, No. 27180,1 which aummoni la returnable on the; 28th day of January, 11M, before i the Clerk of Superior Court, at hi* office in Dobaon, Surry County, N. C. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of .attachment waa is lued br aald Clerk on the 19th day of DecMaber, 1928, ifiintt the property of the aaid defendant, which war rant I* returnable before the Clerk of Saperior Court of Sorry County, at Dobaon, on the 28th day of January 1926, when and where the defendant i* required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief deaaanded wilt he granted. Thi* 19th day of December. 192ft. P. T. Lew ell in, C. S. C. Notice Traetee'a Sale of La ad By virtue of authority veated in me in a certain dead of trust executed ; the ZSrd day of Jan. 1922, by J. P. ; Venable to J. P. Dan ley, Trustee for I J. A. Dan ley to secure an indebted J ness of 1728.00, and recorded in the Register of Deed* office of Surry : County, N. C.. in book 72 pace 24. de fault having been made in the pay ment of the notes therein secured and I at the request of the holder, 1 will | sell for rash to the highest bidder, at i public auction, in front of the Rank I of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on Saturday. Jaa. lftth. 1924. at 1 o'clock P. M„ the following described real estate: Beginning on a hickory stump and run* South 12 S-4 ch*. to a small black oak. thence W*at 17 1-2 cha. to a poet oak thence N. 28 I-t ch*. to a cheatnui oak, thence Eaat 29 1-2 chs. m, OheBeger Starts easily Runs smoothly ICR BV*< Thm ■MirwJf He At Control wo» U abetter Moior Car hEvay^i Greenwood Auto Hkta, N. C to a >Uke In tM old line, thence S. 12 1-J cb*. to a atehe now a marked rod oak, thvitce West to the b«fi> o t leas. i»t»f. containing *0 acres I Ssve and txrrpt about S scribed in a deed made by W. T. Johnson to Erancia Johnaoa and ~ recorded in the attic* of the of Deed* in and for Sorry county is Book Na. U, Ptft XI*. Thl* M of trust cover* one half intereetof the ak®*® ta^^f ® il £ *»• Net lee af Trestso'a Bali By eiitus of • power oantolned la a daad of trust assented to me on tba 11th day of October, 1M4 by J. 8. LotUI and bia wife ZuU May LorlU, which k recorded in the of flea af tba Bafftster of Deed* of Surry County, North Carolina, in Book M pace MS. to which reference ia hereunto ma da. to aacura tb* note# therein airtlBaed hi the ana* of $600.00 aubject to credit* of approximately eeventy dol lar*, which notea bear* interest tram date, to C. E Hiatt. and Indomd by him and other to D. C| Lewi*, now the bolder of aaid notea, and default bar in jr been Made in the payment of aaid note*, and the bolder thereof applied to me to forecloae aaid ^ _ of tru*t for the *ati*faction of aaid note* and Interest, I will erpoae to aale. to the hiirhest bidder for eaah In front of Farmer* Bank In. Pilot Mountain. North, Carolina. enf Monday. Jummrr 1Mb. 1*M at 1 o'clock P. M. the folk^wirir described land oonrey ed in aaid truat: Beyinnbur on..-* atone in Acidiry atreeta, the Cldier <\imer, run* North with aaid street IM) feet to a (tone, then West with the Robert Hill line 160 feet to a stone, then f»->ath 80 feet to the Culler cor ner, then East with the Culler tins, then East with the Culler line 160 fast to the hejrinnin*. On this lot ia a new fire room dwelling. This December 17th. IMS. W. R Badcett, Trustee.

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