Co-op Directors Stand Back P of Two Accused Officials , Vft* Jan. I at i I •/ dtrtctara of the To Co-operative Amrl» by Olhrar J. of the board mm Hw nanlltM that the mm(Mh !■ In better financial condition than at any tine* la its Hlittnc*, the aoit ef "Willy Person, of Franklin county, *. C., to dtaeetve the Tobaeeo Co I* regarded by aeeeeieMap of-! publicity by a Man who •teed notoriety to ft* growing confidence of and particularly the Credit Bank, |n the ft condition and nonAfvntnt ■of tke association aa evidenced tkh years by loans 'which have enabled the member* to reoeiv* the highest cash advances ever paid the by their organisation on tobacco make* the attempt of an association member da dissolve its affair* appear all the More untimely and extravagant, ac «srdmg to the statement of Its oA Attorneys for the ftMoctattoci to-' 4my expreened their belief that noth ing will be (mined in, the rait by thin Making to injur* it. Ttx To bacco Grower* Co-operative Associa tion will mtki reply to the moat re port of the federal trade ronuniuion regarding Ha redrying activitiea hi the February iaaoe of the Tri-State Tobacco Grower* official organ of the *7,000 member* of the Tri-Stat* Aa aoeiation, which will appear early neat month, according to the state ment of the aaaociattona following an all day *e**ion of the board here Tueiday at which every detail of the aaaociation'* re-drying activitie* were thoroughly diaru**ed and reviewed. The fact that the fall report of the federal trade commiaeioti ha* Juat been made available to the director* of the Tobacco Grower* Co-operative Aaaociation prevented immediate de tailed reply on their part and result ed in the decision of the directors to prevent a *tatement of facta to the memherohlp in the next ia*oe of their official organ. Following an entire day given to careful consideration of the associa tion activities in »e-drying tobacco, the bo»rd of the association gave out the following statement at the clow of the neaaion late Tuesday night. "The hoard of director* of the To bacco Grower* Co-operative Aaaocia tion ha* *pent a day hearing detailed Statement* on the re-drying aituation, with particular reference to the actlv Mm of General Manager Patterson and Warehouse Manager Watkina aa partner* In the Edmundsor Tobacco Company, said atatement* covering Item* brought out jn the report of MMBber* of the federal trade cotnmin •ka; and it baa been made clear that the member* of thi* hoard have, in genoral, approved of the prior poli ciaa of thi* board in permitting and —aauraging our director* or ofllcers or managers to engage In re-drying activitiea in preference to placing anch buainea* with the enemie* of co operative marketing; and it has been made evident that the members of the beard of director*, with a few excep tions were not aware prior to Jane, IMS, that Manager Patteraon and Watkin* had an interest in the Ed monson re-dryjng activities for the IMS crop; and that most of the direc tor* did have general knowledge of anch activities for the IMS and 1M4 •crop*: and thi* board here expreaaes k Ha approval of such activitiea and re ■ karate* the resolution adopted Aoguot Y 18, IPSE, and here statea that it would bave approved t'«e said activitiea of IMS had it wnown of them, aa being In accord with the. general policies at that time, and that other employe* and director* such aa Mr. William* aai other* were re-drying tobacco for Mm aaanriation under standard con tracts with the Imowfedfe and appro val of the board generally. Including all of the actual facts ahoat the pol icy of not selling green tobacco to dealer* and expreaaly including all Mm actual facta and evidence to show that the executive committee bad 0ao4 reason* to balirre that there l>i trana-Atlantk ahlpptog lanaa tonight. Tha .taam.hlp Lavto thaa, pwtiil atruttnaa hailt hy mm U My the might of an angry h*. m baraly akb to Mlw prngraai ifilmt tit* Harm, toward bmL Tka Arqultanla, ona af tha fiitto trana-Atlantic Ham, vaa hattlad al mo0t to a ■toiutatill and blMInf •now and fog war* adding to t)M par lla of tha fab. Whlla aavaral Hww ll^apad into Halifax, at laaat atoa ar* njurt ad In tka grip of tka ragtag fata and nil, including tka leviathan and tka AcqoMania rr.rryins n—rlf I AM paa aangara wilt ha two of Mora daya lata in arriving at tkair port of daaftoa tioa. Now* of oaa diaaator. which H la faarad may hava rraultod in tha lo« of forty livaa, waa racalvod hy radio from tha Hnar Prnldtnt Rmatvth. TW ataamahip aaportod having .pick ad op BOS algnala frap tka Britiah fraightor Antlnoa, but aftor raarblng har alda, Inat har In tha fog and anow. Cryptically tha Maaaag* daacrihad the plight of tha atricken v»«aal "num har 8 hatch atova in, all ioata gone, wator in tha fir* room, and radio out of cnmmlaaion." Danger •# Rlrnt The Antinoe nrrM wheat, a rmr iro dreaded hjr ever* seaman. Mar iner* pointed out that, wKh • hatch stove in, the cargo would undoubted ly ret wet. then probably swell and butst open the »hip. Further mea U|M from (he President Roosevelt ■aid that although a he waa cruising about the area where the loet the An tinoe, no trace .of the ahip could ha found. TALES EXAGGERATE IN DIAN FIGHTS IN »4t Surrey of Old Traila to Pacific Cites Nature aa Chief Peril to Gold Seekera Colorado Springs, Jan. 24.—Histor ical fiction of the Wild Weat appears to have exaggerated the number of nanguinary attack^ by Indiana upon immi«rrant train* along the old Ore gon trait. Nature, and not the aboriginea, furnished moat of the ■iangera encountered by the pioneers. Tbeae conclusions have been reach ed by Prof. Archer H. Hulbert. direc tor of the Cnauniasion on Weatern History, who just haa completed map ping six of the moat famous old trails from the Missouri River to the Pacif ic Coast. In a apace cf forty miles along the Car son River on the trail broken by the Forty-niners, 4,000 dead cattle and 3,000 abandoned wagons were left to reeerd the hiatory of the hardahipa they suffered in the trek for gold. Miners built houses of these wagoa wrecks in the days of the Comatoek Lode discovery in Nevada a decade later. Great rivers were not difficult to croas when "flats" or rafts were se cured, but the thousands of little "cut bank" creeks not more than tan feet wide were the daily terror of the teamsteiv and delayed the caravans more than did the few rivers of width. Trappers and gold hunters suffer ed from Indian attacks afore than did the great immigrant trains in the era of mass migration to Oregon. Be tween 1*42 and ISM) the number of trains that were seriously molested by the Red Men were few, the inves tigators found. Teah School Honor Roll Firat Grade—Rdy Taylor, Wile her Short, Kyi* MrHone, Ugo Alfano, George Gould, Eaimio Mivlori. Second Grade—Dolly Oipalma. An nie Moaer, Joe MrHone. Here hell Vaughn. Third Grade—Bertie Doaa, Manuel Cohen. David Mldkiff, Olayhurn Tay lor. Fourth Grade—Imo Johtiaon, Roy Johnaon. Fifth Grade—Ruth Short, Blanch* McHon*. Guldo Dtpahma. Sixth Grade—Harvey Gwyn, Nellie Griffith. Laura Mae Goo id Seventh Grade—Zella Slate. Mary Nell Short, Jeaale McKellar. Rlile MrHone. Elma Harrell, Paul Griffith Through aome oreriifkt Pauline MrHone'• name waa omitted frran the honor roll laat month. Several children have been ahaont on aerount of mump* and otter aiek neaa, conaoquently the honor roll la abort Ufa month. • ? ".. THE TOBACCO ASHEN BY A F/ Wub TeWeee ' Om-TUH T. Cam** Nh| Vmr m Um W fw Im rott ta write i frw Dm In rafiH to tha ■ttaatkan, aa I hava aa Mat* bat farming It la abort tha tlma of jrafcr alao for a law Uaoa to a»a«r hi i all tho daily and waahly pa par* «tet inff that tehatm far aaaa raaaaa will t thiak I bar. ararjr jraar for tha laat ft. In fact Hi h hainc runnd aaw that tohacea' will nil wall anathar yaftr, froai tha fact that tha crop waa aorry thu Ut all of IM rut our prop ow third and try to msk» mil «• mH of corn, wheat. oata, rye, hay, rough feed, and also everything we want to eat in tb* way of vegetable*. If we will be cer tain to do thie two third* of a crop will bring aa much aa a full crop for they dont want to pay for the full crop we make bow. 1 am not going to toll yaw what to switch off on wher. you reduce your tobacco crop for I dont know-. However on* thing I think I know ia that every farmer knowi hi* oam individual cirrum ■tancee better than anyone elaa. A r.ian aaar ioM good town might pro. fitably raise mm chickens, or1 da mm dairying while eoom other man might raise corn and faad it to hog* profitably. Still another might raiae •one milch cow* and *o on. I want to toll you when I think the farmers 'can organise themselves in this part of the country. It will be when the majority of the farm boys who are growing up gat at least a high school education and there are some college graduate* among them. When the boys get educated you will sea some of them in the United State* Senate, Congress and state repreaentatives. There are thousands of people try-1 ing to farm who should be working hy the day. It takes a smart, ener getic. and educated man under the present circumstances to make a Itv ri to the a lighter hoed of mm and the Mat will ha aharad by the Uwn Bad caonty JaMty. Talk. With the County Agent takhf the Jey oat milking tkrM tlmia per daj more milk than t«fw«4i)r In fact, over a *tiort period the ctmn In production h IS 1-t per east, while ow t lone puM It ipptw that tlila intra aea la tna (Mtar. It waa noted that the eowa milked three timaa a day hold up better near tke end of the lactation, period than mm milked twice a day. The annaiy a# thrre-umea a day milking haa not haen accarately eatimated, bat It «€1 depend upon aeveral factor*, chief at which are qoantity of coot of labor, aad value of l The Market Newa ia now iaawad by the Division of Marketa of tka Nortk Carolina Department of in a new form aad ia a weekly cation. It containa mock newa which ia timely and will be far niabed to anyone by writing tka de partment at Raleigh. It aiao coa taina a tiet of prod acta which farm era have for aale or to boy. If inter rated it aril! pay you to get ia tooek with the Department. The School of Agriculture, N. C. State College, again won honora in a national coo teat. A team cnmeiet ing of W. W. Kaever. C. P. Fiah hurae, and J. B Slack, won aacood place in the Intercollegiate Poultry judging Con teat, held a abort time ago at the Madieon Square Gardes, New YU for five nights this Weak. Everyone is invited to be prssant to . take part in the diacusaton H. E. White. Ommty Agent