WANTED—Office M with aaaaral *r»»»n AMtm Gao. Simpson, Airy, M. C,t Boots 4. ->2-lle FOB HALE ar rent—75 wn farm with orchard 12 alia* wast of Ml. Airy, known as tha Gao. W. Sutphin •lace. Surry Codnty Loan A Trurt •Co.. W. G. Sydm.r tfc EGC8 Bra na ready far asla froai ■]T famou* laying strain Rhode Is land Bads. U for «1.M. See Sim Ma at tha clothing store. 1-12* FOB KALI—Two (attar*, aw eitra flna, and una mandolin all in first class natftwn. Applv 388 North Mbhi ft. or phono 600. Itp, F1ANO TUNING—Mr. Um ef At Unu will ha bora in February oai his tabular ;rni|y to*'** fits. Paon* Cw or dors In advance to Mrs. Bar , 101 J. tar appointment. 2-lSp. WANTED Hacsad hand laaaiiM Marina 4. 6 or • horse power, must ha in good repair and cheap. John J. Btmpaon. Ml Airy. N. C.. R 4. tfc. WANTED—Bel is hie ssaa far steady work. Preferably high school edu cation and some mechagiral experi ence Writ* F. O. Box 541, Mt. Airy. tfc UMT—I hare loaned and htat the following books: Surry of EarU'a Nest and Wearing the Gray, b» Cook, Life of Stonewall Jackson by Dr. Dabney. Mark Twain'* Tramp Abroad, two volumes of the Book of Know ladga. Under the Shadow of the Csar. Life of Edwin Bok. Please return. W. C. Sydi-or tfc. THOROUGH BR Kl> Gulden Raff Or pinfton chicken*. Hotran tented, breeding *tock and rgx* for sale. L. 8. Ludwick, Mt. Airy, route 6. 5-21p TOR HA IF OR TRADE— 12S trrr farm, 6 mile* wrath of Elkin. Will ■all or trade for property near Mount Airy. Easy term* can he had. 0. W. Sea crave*. Mount Airy. Route «. 2-1Op FOR S A I. K—at a bargain. a one horse wagon, harness and collar, all in No. 1 condition. S. G. Joyce, Mt. Airy, N. C-, Route 1. 2-lSp. FOR RENT—4-room hou*e on ChsrHi street, water, lirht and aewer. See D. C. Bowman, Mt. Airy, or write W. H. Bowman, Postmaster, The Hollow, V«. • tfc. FOB SALE—8. C. White Legbara baby chick*. $17.00 per 100, hatch ing an* W 00 per 100. Pure Tancred Strain. Lewi* Burton, Mount Airy, 1 tfc. Inrahator*. Brooders. Feed er*. Fountain*. If Ha a Wishbone, Bo Matter what it ia, can be counted ■pan absolutely to give more aanriea and better results, with less work, laaa attention and less expense, than any thing of Ha kind in existence. Al ao Wishbone hatched chick* are bat tar, ret our price*. Roy and E. C. Relton. tfc. TOM DIXON TO HELP BUILD UP SOUTH CiTM Up Writing to "Do Bit" for Hi* Native Load Pinehumt, Jan. 81.—Thomas Dixon, the author and playright, aaid that he had given up writing to help build ap the south in addressing the colony (tub at the country club hare tonight. | Referring to hi* admiration and fi iaatUhip for Leonard Tufta, whom ha aaid "waa tranaforming a deaolate asoontsin plateau into • beautiful golf ccmnt at Roaring Gap," he added "Ma work pat me to shame. I swore off writing to do my part in rebuild ing the old commonwealth that gave me birth," *o I went into the wildest mounts ina of North Carolina and funded "Wildacres" where nature will be found In her nigged grand ear, sublime haauty and inexhaustible loveliness. A golf hall knocked off there would disappear in the sky and probably roll into the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic ocean. The author, who perhaps is beat known by hie *%irth of a nation" and "the clansman" claimed "there is no MVerence fundamentally between a yankee and a southerner. The new eawtfc, aa he aaid "la the coming gar 4m of Um world. Its pa op is eitaad Dobfton Court boU tka eourt, but ha had ■ M hamuli with ii<|i Lam, and Baa day aftar Lana w IB and mmM Ml bald tka mmirr nlM itpnn fai ■»» MjiW* B. M (satia at HBIafeont to fill In M Ml .■■.rg.no J ad*. for thia rum 'ixlr* (iatia mM m( rtttk Dnbaan until Tna.day morning and tkara Ma Tka flral action of the iaft waa B. Mai i III mi fnnwan R. B. Cna. Wm. Roth, rirby GoMinga, B— an i Rill. J. U. lilMiada. B. t. Poraat, J. W. Brtnklay. B. A. Jarrta. J. M riaMinc, ». L. Mart. W. D. Bataa. Om. M. Sparvar. B H WilUaMaon, C Arlington, Jc. J. C. Banna tt Ona Intel .atlng fiain about tka —lactioa at tka piwl jury and ana that la • cradit to tka eKlaanakiy of tka roaaty la tka fact that thara vara no a»taa»« gi»an aabtnc for ra IcaM from duty. For wvariu waa ha th«r» kaa kaan an outliraab of auMB pox m MMM loralitiaa of tka flinty and ona fallow told tka court tkat ka had haan axpoaad to tka dliaaaa and waa than taking tka vaccina tramt mcnt aa a protactlon agaiaat it, ae tka and all thoaa In attandanra readily agraad tkat the fallow waa not wantad Juat at tkia tim» mm Honor (ivt m m the Moat Ht U-rutin* eharrea that ha» bmi liaten >-d to in thia county in yarn. At tka outaat ka itatad that he had no aterotyped eharre to (Mhrar M that ha would ifanply talk to the Jury at random. While he apoka of the «r ioua offenaaa that the roorta hare to 1 deal with, yet in aeveral inatanoea ] rlurinr hia talk he would branch oat ' and ret into a-line of talk that proved to he aa rood a aermon or lecture aa 1 »ne would hear in a pulpit. Hia , Honor explained the different dagraaa >f murder, and later on in hia rhartre ■poke vehemently when he touched opnn the Crimea of alaifi^', aedur- I tion, abandonment and litamy Our pwa, he atated, are made ao 'hat the ! puniahment ia very aevera in theae aaea, for the* are where 'he virtue I • ot* rood name im the near* and I ■ mfort of the womanhood of the ^ and are at atak*, and co' law mak- j "i have juatly made it hard on any lnM-rupuloua and aorry penum who vould deliberately harm a rood wo- 1 nan of thia atate by the rommiaaion >f any of the above four i-rimea. Mis Honor stated that thtrr la a rreat deal of stress hrini laid upon »ur prohibition lawn Thi» In proper, ie said, when we rrmcwhrr that Korth Carolina in 190B by a majority if over 40.000 said that the swle and manufacture of liquor should he pro hibited within the state of North Car olina. And later on 45 »tat en out of l he 48 that constitute# thia union hare roted to make prohibition nation ■ride. Hi* Honor picked up a court -alendar and glancing over it laid, "But judging from your calendar t here are people who atill believe they have a right to make and aell liquor." In hia talk to the Jury he wma strong igsinst the merchant or business man who knowingly auppliea the block uder with large quantlttea of meal and sugar and other necessary articles in the manufacture of liquor. Hjs Honor paid a beautiful tribute to the progress of North Carolina in the industrial line and called upon the good citixens of the state to see that her high moral standard waa maintained in thia age of hurry and rush and greed for money. In speak ing of the development of the state he had occasion to refer to Florida and the great land boom that is now on in that state, and during his re marks he took a little fling at W. E„ Merritt, foreman of the grand Jury and at Attorney 1. H. Folger also, when he remarked with a twinkle in hi* eye, "and I trust none of your county's citisens have gotten tangled up with *ny of those sharp real es tate agents." This rtmark caused a ripple of laughter to go through the audience among those who were rogniawit of the recent experiences these two Surry citisens have had with some of thoee Florida land sharks. HI* Honor cautioned the Jury to pay apodal attention to the condi tion of the county home. "8m that the M riot hind i» clean," ha aaid, "See that there are no be* bur* around. There la no excuse for any vrrminr on the premiaea. Inrertl aate carefully and if you find any thing wrnni let me know and well try to clean up anything that in wronj o*er there while we are in the county. Your county i« rich enough to |these unfortunate cititeua of the county a comfortable, clean place in which to live. See that they have! rood wholesome diet; don't Joat, •hove out a chunk of bread to them that ia not fit for a dec eat." j The rrand Jury brwi«kt ia a Mil /\ JtKli .» -j*. rraywr lor junai—lit «h nmimutd n tK» (tat agalnat Bannatt LmM of Lowgap, ckwf«l wKh Mm • (M ml ■Minti In Ilia aaighhurhaad an >€< i iuil of hia long mtnctad apraaa. Frank flwmnaoa and ElWrt Nunn Wara flnad 12ft aaHl am) tha coat far rarklaaa d In tha lamtfcn Court In Mount Mrjr and appoal«d to Dobaon. Tka ourt haU tkat whara no taap waa lona and tlwjr war* not driakiag tkat I Waim B a ^ «> m nrttll jl ^ ..J in«ir nrrnw* couhi not m rvrORfQ. fVajrtr for JadfMnt *M fart bar eon. inoad ponding thair rood kakarior. John Tow.ll and Pay Shaphard. two roong bojra froai Elkin, plead gniHy » tha larrany of aa aatoaaoMW. Tha '"art took up muck tiaw la diarnaa ng bow to aara thaaa boy* fMl a riminal'i earaar, aad finally tat tha* wy tha coat and akaw tkair good ha> atlar far a naaikir of yaara. Rowan Pmltt waa ftead $M aad tka oat far carrying a naraalad waapan. Flmi Grada—John Riddle. Bart ha looker, Bartia WlUiaua. Sagpnd Grada—Lucille Raavaa, (aade Simmon*. Third Grada—Nnrie William*. Dai ■ar Mill*. Bob Dick Raavaa. Robart till*. Fourth Grada— Monroe Simmon*, **tcr Hunter, Wa*ley Huntar. Willie bjrea. TfeelOTCAm! GWHfPg 1 (ft tlH Winn N«*iW a* I inr bnU IVIRYDAY OIIHII Prlad Mil pnrt ha* |dm mi aC ' Itjrta. rarrpl to firm boiM, «kn« N I la arrvMl at Ita | of good M-«< • • tfik of laaa (pork) flH hM fcalf liwto •»<*• ta4 tlM la Its *wt fat aattl rrlao ia4 twava. tbm th« pi<7 thicken rd with floor aad wall- | bfwwaad—i nfM or more of milk , ■4M and the jrifj la ready to aa« la with the park Bad olcely baked pota ten. Burb a rtlaaar win be foaad appetising aM agreeable oace la a while oo a tool day A col tela w «lll be good te aerre with each a dlaaae. 1 Shred the cabbage a ad aerre with a hot bailed diaaalag poured ovar It Pepeveea,—Beat two egga am II rery light. add gradually seven eighth* of a cupful of milk, a cupful of Hear, a half - teaapoonfol of aalt; heat all 1» I ether (as mlaatea with aa egg beater, thea add half a taaapooufal of aaeltad butter * H aklm mlk la need add a teoapAonful of butter. cream n »w».- ■«! inreo tables poonfula of butter, add three and a half tablsoponofala at Soar and attr until amootb; add a taasponafal of aalt* a teaspooafal of chopped oaloa. tbsa a pint of canned tomatoes, mix lag aR. Add soda aad oaloa. a at of a fourth of a taaapooaful of aoda. Bo Meat. then strain aad paw thla. aftar slightly cool Inc. tatto a cupful aad a half of milk, Bahaat aad ssree hot Do not lot the eoap ML Mho C*-T» a plat ef atroag cotfeo, at rained through a doth, add oao-thlrd of a taaapoonM of alia aad flavoring aad hoat to tho boiling potm la a double hollar. Add tw# boaton ogg yolks. two tahioopooafala of croam aad two tahleopooafula of angar Rtlt until It thickena to a caotard remove and rani poor Into a aerrla* pltaher with a' pint of sweetened Ire whipped creaai. a quart bottle ol charged water aad a pint of atiare* lea. Serre la tall daaaea. pla<-e a little aha red Ice la each then cefTe*. then twice tho quantity n chargod water, aad aa lop tho «t 'p;w cream Itou* • * - We will also place on sale a part of the BiglBankrupt Stock of Ferguson Mc Kinney Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Everything Just as advertised in the Big Circulars distributed. Numbers of items at a fraction of Wholesale Cost. • ■ OTOI - HALE'S DEPARTMENT _ « M. HALE, Prop. Mount Airy, N. C Your Printing Order Will Receive Prompt Attention at The News Office i» at all time plwnd {a furnish of work. The Newspaper Deserves Your Printing It is continually providing publicity free of for the little and big thing* that effect and social life. Am aolattaauMnl for pnblicfcy, falls flat. Does Call The News Office When You Need Printing 1