Mt. Airy Newt. It Airy. H. C. to' Mr. and Mn. Hack NtAm, of Maw York. «m gaaate of Mr. farf Mn. E. W. PaddUon la* a roaU to Florida. Mn. Roland Mitotan Ml to jot* tar kwtand to ■■>i Itat cit j tar taa ad tta patra— tit Craad'aj ■tor* will Warn with npat aona, Tkomaa Sattorf ield EM-1! ar, and Jawaa Franklin Elder tarn Monday night to Mr. and Mn.J C. C. Elder, weight > Iba. each. A Miaa Kathryn Owen, atudent of' OaUford eolbfi a pant tta paat and tan with tar parents Mr. and | Mm P. A. Owen. R«t. W. M. Walt Wft Uwt owk for Norlina where he has been called to supply the pulpit hi the Met hod let church, the pastor having died • few week* ago. There will be an oM time fiddlers retention held at Reynold■ School house Hi Stokes County Thursday night, this week. The public Is cor dially invited and the proceeds go to the school fund. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sargent and Mr. and Mr*. W. R Simpson have returned from a convention of Granite Quarry men held in New Orleans. Friend» of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Stoat, of Greensboro, will be inter ested in the announcement of the birth of a daughter, Opal Mae, bom Jan. 80. Mr. and Mrs. Stout resided hare for a time. * Mrs. D. E. Hoffman is improving rapidly after nearly a week's treat ment in Martin Memorial hospital and hopes to return home in a few days. Mr. Hoffman was attending a joint meeting of. the National B. G. Quarries Association and the G. P. B. Manufacturers Association of the United States in New Orleans and was summoned home by her illneas. Birthday Celebration Miss Marguriete Morris celebrated her eleventh birthday Saturday afternoon by entertaining fifteen girl friends with a , party. Games and stories furnished entertainment after which delicious refreshments, consisting of cake, Jello with whipped cream, Eskimo pies and mints, were served by Mrs. E. V. Morris and Mrs. T. W. MoMfs assisted by Miaaes Vel ma Webb and Ethel Snow. Railway Trainmen Ask For • a Higher Pay Chicago, Feb. 1.—Application for waff* increases which apokeamMi of tha railway managements said would upwd hi mm cases, the 1M0 paak ratea, was filed with the railroads to day by the train aenrice brotherhoods. Officials of the Chicago and North western said their employes, in filing the application, had announced tha ssate demands were being made to day upon all reads of the country. Meanwhile, the United States raO raad labor bsard had before K ap proximately asseulf applications for changes in ratae or rales. Although tha train sen lee bluthsi hoods and tha fir him wars h»ohsd la a few The train aad engine brotherhoods ssadurtsd the conferences with rail Mad siwuilws which resulted In prapnaals for slanting the board, which srs said to he supported by ■sat of the reads and by JO employes' organisations. Among the standard organisations who have filed wage cases with tha heard are thaas of tha etsrka, tele graphers, dispatchers, aad ssaintasi /A beautiful racoptlaa waa girtm' 4>y MIum MtmMt and UUtan Spar far from S to i /dock Saturday aft ernoon at the Blue Ridge Haul In compliment te Mr*. R W. Sparger, a bride of tw aaaka. A color »fh»m« af grain and white waa ftttrttwljr can led oat In tka dee oration* of (ma, hot ho— rim and lighted candlea. A number of fi+ nda aaaiated the hoeteaaea in imtlif and wring tha piati. Tha receiving Una waa rompoaed of tha hoeteaaea Mima Marftnt and Lillian Sparger, tha honoraa Mra. R. W. Sparger Mra. Bruce Yokley, Miaa Lueila Haynaa, Mra. Fred Folger, Mra. Carl Simmon. and Mra. Hugh Hui comb. Maadaawa 1. L Afhby and F. U Smith ptoM tea. In Ma dining roam, which war parted with landwirhaa, followod by «lnt*. by a number of young wfmtu. Mi»«a» Elaie 9»ai*r and Alma Yok lay rr«did»d at tha punch howl. Ntwi of Real* 2 Mount Airy Rout* 2, F»b t,—The •dult rliH "Earnest Worker*" of the Flat Rock Presbyterian Church Mt la at Friday night at the horn* of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. After the business and social program was dis pensed with refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. J. R Gwyn has returned from a via ft to her son Byron Gwyn and family of Charlotte. The senior class "Ever Ready" of the Flat Rock Presbyterian Church will meet Friday night at the home of Miss Margaret Gwyn. Everybody on this root* who hasn't had the mumps is trying te hare them now. M«*damn Moor* and Mickey Card HosUssm Mesdames M. D. Moore and E. A. Mickey jointly entertained the mem bers of the Round Doxen Bridge club and the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club at the home of Mrs. Moor* Tues day afternoon. Spring flowers and Valentine score cards and favor* mad* a vary pretty setting for the card table*. The top score was mad* by Mrs. Fred Folgar who waa suitably rewarded. Refreshments In two cuais*s were served by Meadame* Carl Simmons, R. J. Lovitt. C. P. Clark*. E. A. «ick ey and E. G. PaddUon. nana limwi BM* ef UM By virtu* of authority »««t«i in me in a certain deed of trust executed on the 2#th day of October, 1921 by R. W. Venable and Velna Venable to R. P. Lawrence, Trustee for E. A. Kidd to aecure an indebtedness of 8890.00 pure baa* money for land and recorded tat th* office of the Register of D**da in and for Surry County, N. C., In hook 80 pare 157 default hav ing been mad* m th* payment of th* note* therein aecured and at the re quest of th* holder, I will a*ll for caah to the bigb**t bidder at public auction ia front of the Flrat National Bank of Mownt Airy, N. C., on Sat. the 0th day ef March. 1888 j* 1 o'clock P. H. th* following deaenbad real estate: Beginning on a planted rock Iaxarah Simmon* corner and run* with hi* line South 1 deg W. I 8-100 cha. to1 a red oak on the N hank of the old Cad la Ford road, thence with said road N. 70 dag W. 6.00 cha. to a ■take, thence 8. IS' dev. W. 8.80 cha., to a rock on the edge of the aand-clay road, thane* with Mid rand aa ft meander* N. SS deg. W. S.50 cha. N. I 99 dag. W. 1 J* cha. to the beginning containing 10.84 acrea nor* or baa. I Second tract Beginning on • on the eawtk aMa of the old Cadi* Ford road and rune with aaid road N. 72 dag. W. 8 cha. N. 88 dag. W. 8.78 to old line, thenee 8. 18 dag. W. It cha. to a atoke, thence I. TO deg it. 7.18 cha. to • rock, thane* N. 18 deg. K. It Hu^ t# th* beginaing^contahiing^t to aatlafy • ha lean do* en notoa. In taraat and nda to add. TMa the 8rd day of Mnary. IfM. «. f. , iaf at «M I. P»al tmiri, Stat* >*»niUry W Dm Mirrtinh Amik Mr. LmhN Umoo proeoat vetoed • nywl of Um thing* that the *p*oh*r iJmimJ pad a d£L for Um ftlto^'wiM ed.*£tedV l£» iiWw af *»iiperatlun lirtiiw tkt fclm/ti tSLmi Hjrlta* and A. V. Vwi In Um IHii ■mm af Dm ok joeto of Ik* MnM Airy More bant* of bis aon, T. W. Smith, in OnwiUn. Daath waa 4na to tha infirm ttiaa of aii. Mr. Smith wai born In Rockingham county, Mar Madiaon. Ha mrnJ to Moovi Airy and apant moat of bia I If* in thia aactlon of tka data. Ha waa • man of fina rharartar, with many frianda, attracted by raapact and lik ing for hia many food trait*. Ha waa couatructlra in hia influmea and aid ad in building ay tha commonitiaa in which ba li»ad. Ha waa a mambar of tha Mathodiat church. Hia wifa pcacadad him to tha patrt SO yaara ago Ponarnl aarriea waa hald in Graanaboro Wadnaaday morn ing and hia ramain* brought Sara for intarmant, frlanda and ralathraa mak ing tha train and accompanying tha body to Oakdala ramatary whara a abort aarric* waa rondoetad by Rrv. D. V. Prka and tha intarmant took placa. Mount Airy PeopU Attend Opera Mndanm T. H Worrell, B E. Her man, C. C. Creveling, R. H. Leonard and E. F. K'cKinnry (pant the week mm) in Gnvnataro wherr on Saturday they attended the grand opera per formance* In the National theatre hy the Manhattan Opera company which rendered La Traviata in the afternoon and Madame Butterfly in the even in*. The company it a very hight claaa cempany which ia en mute to Florida and made aeveral •topa in thia utate. On Monday "evening a numher of oar citisen* attended a performance of Madame Butterfly at Winaton Salem, amoni. the numher were Mr. and Mra. E. C. Bivena, Miaae* Tyaon, Reynold*, Fitt, Gregory, Harman, Galloway, Ahlea, Atkinaon, El»ie Sparger, Margaret Sparser, Donna Bolt. Mra. Calvin Grave* and daagh tera, Mra. J. H. Folger. Mra. J. G. Powell, Miaaea Alive Folger, Lavania Powell, Ned Folger, Elisabeth Smith, Mra. John Foy, Mra. F. L. Smith, F. F. Blevina. Enjoys The Newt la North Dakota Editor Mount Airy New*:— Doer Sir—htM Mini mc the "Mount Airy New*" for the spec* of time covered by the inclosed check. Some one sent me a copy of your pa per but week and I might cay that I was made to aee that while ! am a Ion* way from my home town I hare the same privilege in getting the news as doss one of the citisen* of Surry County or Meant Airy. 1 cer tainly enjoyed the copy sent me and I will appreciate if if you will send me coptss of your paper for the month of January. I sure feel sorry for you all 3c wn there la all that snow—flee inches. We had one snow hare last year about the last of March. The older reeple say that this has been the mildest winter they have ever sees in North Dakota. Of course the wind is rath er bracing at time* but it is dry and the days are bright and clear. With kind personal regards. Sincerely, ow Turtle Lake. No. Oak. Jan. ST, ltM. Childroa of Coafodoracy Meet The CoL B. T. Graves, C. of C. wilt meet Saturday afternoon Fab. 8th at LM r. M„ with Rebecca Hlnas at bar nont on ufwinon Krwv. uix kwi far the year will be alerted. Bring 1* cento (das for t months) and a Valentine poet card to asai to tbs and Hmm at rburrh am for tho «■ • —„ a j ij fit _ • * P*« two ffOVMtJI, If you Its# IMIR toil your h»v» nrrivMi la the Mr* C. C. EMor an THojr »r» IWu *nd Jmm Franklin itay niffht. •f Mr. and »* traat. Wy CMar kom Fint CWi> C. CIbaon Dtrrta, Fnator Bihla 8chaal — IM A. U. Morning Worship ...MM A. M. ■. T. r. U fluM P. M. Craning Barries 1JO P. M. Sarrtaa W?Znl«y JIM P. M. Th# pastor prsanhaa a*xt Sunday morning and t«nin| an tha following thaw. "Until Saranty Timaa Saran-* and "A Christian Cowposar and His Contribution ta tha CTtarch and Thrift iantt jr." Tha Firnt Baptist Church »rt»nd» to you tha hospitality of har morning aarvtca and tha spacial musical sor vice m tha alanine. Tha Church arhool is at 1:41 A. M. Thar* tr* rlassas in oar Bible School for nil •IM and all clnaaaa. Whatavar oar thsm* or oar plan at work, wa ara working toward tha hsait of tha Gas pal and tha haart of tha Goapal k Christ. : v.; SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE Cu you afford to mi** tk* (portal muairal **rvic* which will bo givea at tk* Klnt Baptist Church nost Son day evening at *ev*n o'clock? Mia* I.iBian B*at*y, Soprano, of Wineton Kwlrm trtll k* in charg* of tk* annate, aubtfd by Mr*. Dr. Kuaael Parkin*, alto of Winaton. Mr*. C. F Rogers, of Park Mountain, will render a violin aoln. 1|tr choir will sin* a special ulertiona, rnd a quart*'"* r< irpo»*.| of Miss hvitejr, Mr*. P*rk:i»«. M»*ar». Wray and Peeee promiw* a feast in itself. T» |P i* a musical traat the like of « ' •« k is not oft* i hoard in any rhur p. m. MorgenroUi s Flowers PERSONAL FLOWER • SERVICE AOKNCT Turnmyre & Lamm Broadwa y THEATRE I Program WEEK STARTING FEB. 8rh % -why WOMEN Lorr A drutmm *f Mate mm tk» kurtw to >»■ fc» UB—wtejr a rtM TUESDAY UATI Of SCANDAL Talk. Talk, Talk— h'a wbat ittrU inMal, Vt *0 mm mm tUa aw. Cm* ImMn mm of ib pwliit lUp ami A 8 portal Seper-Attrsrtkm. WEDNESDAY TW Ta* mt tko Tmmr HOT SO LONG A4JO" rkoaa warn Ik* hmffy dajtal tko Imam tu waaat Wh Bring tka wknfe family and dont tor THURSDAY MAN WHO POUND mim«elp~ Mi Virginia Valli A rtorjr of • wan'* honor, • tow*'* tru«t, a giri'i lava. And tkoa ko found himoolf and won thoai back—A Special Paraatount Pirtura. FRIDAY "THE WHITE MAN" —A groat nKiH wMk a* all alar SATURDAY DARING DAY*"—A RpMial Uaivoroal WmUk wltk tko faaawo tahmal Raark Min. Coming "THE LOST WORLD"—TW Kkaw af Hkawa. JUDGE ASKS REPEAL OF AUTO SPEED LAW "About Most Absurd Thing" On Um Books, Declares W. F. Harding Charlotte, Feb. 1.—If the ciric clubs want to do something useful, let them see about havinc this nefar ou» speed law repealed," Judge W. F. Harding, of Charlotte, honorary member of the Charlotte Lions Club declared before that body at it* lunch eon Monday. "That law is about the moat ab surd thine on oar statute books," Judge Harding said. "In fact it is so absurd that I do not know any lodjf who obaerves It. I have crossed the bridge over the Catawba between here and Gastonia 12 times this yaar and I don't think I have yet lived within the law in doing to. ' "Who obaerves the stop law at the railway crossings ? No one. If yon want to be of wtikt, help repeal or amend this law into something like common se-^., it would be better to repeal the speed limit and let care fulness Instead of observing the rate of speed be the criterion of safe drivta*" A GOOD PLACE TO BUY YOUR MEATS cjii^T TMs c€#fc)i Is Rlits^y cvt R®i iMst 1^1^ Aht vjmv L I. MARTIN TWO STORES Central Wmd Yard Dry Pu» a ad Oak waotf rnij far ranpr ar Utter, ffaad Mf Wad daHvrrvd It at UN ^r^fca^h as ■ PtMM* Na. HI YVrd Located mm WilWw gaM _.* jtrect Ik Partaad Wall I Paper Store jj Exclusive d*tl«n ta paints, varnishes, stains, enamels, wall paper, transfer pictures and painters supplies. Phoae E. M. Moor* Paint Co. . Mo—t Airy, N. C.