1 il NORTH CASOUNA. Law Suit to Break Tobacco Co-operathre Association Fails ; a# tki Col. W. M. Poraon, at Franklin, I that to L _ la hrhtg • eaaa agal- it tto tkm Whn • Jury to clril court la fntam of tto toariag Colaail hrm'a attack npo . of Chicago and California, «mn«el for tto aaaodation, ». to insisted, sheaid net to alknr. od to appoar to tto caaa; Jodgo Cal T»rt'» ruling, later hi tha day, that Mr. Sapiro might not appoar hi tto «aaa, and tto motion of dofonao eooa aal daring tto aftarnoon to diaaiaa tto mm on tto ground that Mr. Por mi, a wator of tto aaaociatton, tod with tto torma of hi« tilt UftOciAtiOB« Alld earning "into court wKh i." Iliii motion waa and aa exception notod. Complaint la rruUki Tkt complaint «m filed in Frtik Ml county superior court by Mr. Par aon mm ttaM ago, and Jvdft M. V. Barnhill at that tin* ordered the u aoeiation to appaar hare today Mora Mn CaWert to (how canaa why It ahoold not ha diaaohred and a receiver appointed. Tha answer to tha com plaint waa filed today and read In court, the reading occupying *everal hwri. The answer present« a lengthy denial of all allegation* of fraud and extravagance, undertaken to ex plain many of the actiuna of the direc tor* of the aaeociation, which are ad mitted, and finally make* the declar ation that Mr. Person ha* made many miaatatements ia hia <*omrlair.t which ha could have verified front, record* of the association, wh'ch the ancwer contend* have alway* been open for inspection. It allege* that the complainant ha* made no effort to effect changee in the management of the pollciea of the organir-xtton, and that he ha* vio lated the term* of hi* contract aa a —tin of th* association by tailing aad refusing to diapoee of all of Ma tobacco through th* association. Mr. Person'* objection to the ap pearance of 'Mr. Sspiro occurred early in th* sftemooa, but Judge Cal vert at the time rtoerved his ruling. Colonel Peraon declared, in voicing his objection, that Mr. Saplro was not ■bw to defend the anaociation, hot la defend hlmsslf. He is involved in. the accusations of the graft which this complaint bristlee with." Judge Cal vert's ruling was to the effect that "it would be straining equity" to al ls* the Chicago attorney to spp ar In North Carolina courts as a gene- si Extravagiik* AlbH Colonel Person, in addressing th< ecmrt, easphasiaws the r»4rrhi| po tter of the association. the "extrava cant attonqn' faaa paid." and the Ugh salaries be laid officer* and di fMlon of the aaaoriatlon were paid. Hli complaint called for a «tat—iatit ef attorneys' feea, a Uat of the direc tor* ef the association since iU or Kaaiaation in IMS. and other inte mNm. This information hM since he* filed hi Franklin superior court, •ad waa today read into the neeord. thai Mi* the three rear* for at Cfcapal BHI. Fab. 4.—Dr. Harry W. Chaaa, aI tha Univaralty atf North Carolina, kaa taw inf ifBy HMwrf tha praridwry of Um Unl Mhy. Dr. CImm Ml Chapel Hiil laat night for Oragea, and Ma ili>ir< rUm. Ha baa bean laillad to tat bat tar ai naaitoed with the waatarn to .4 Ua -■ '♦«- *ka RvituvMifl| A* IW MVMI Wlw «M dtatinrt nndereUnding that ha will ha under no obligation to unyt tha at tor. Tha Unirarmhy praaident haa guard ad hi* approaching trip with rloee aa crocy. Ha waa li jlng to co-nparato with tha Oregon Unhreraity anthori tiaa who had requeetod him to conaid ar tha nittththwa aa atrirtly eonfl dantial. At tha reeent meeting of tha rxacotira nmnittw of tha ti uateaa ha infoi wad than of hia intandad trip and raquaatad ailanra. Several Vaya ago h« callad in a group of hia faculty advianm. told them of hia plana, aak *d for thair advice, and again reqont ad that tha amttar ha conaldered con fidential. Tha leak followed claaa on tha "jrail of hia departure laat nigtrf, however and by thia morning tka atory waa public property. HUM can't uttar to Im Rm4 Raleigh. Jam. IT—Miss Elisabeth Cole's btt«r to Bill Ormond will be r*a