A pastors' and worker*' conference for the Mount Alrjr District of th« Methodist Church has boon called to moot at Central Church 1b Mount Airy on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at ton o'clock. The following pren—i is an nounced: ~ V • _ > ■ I MORNING SESSION E. K. McLarty, PraaMfeg 10:00—Dayiitiawal Sarrica—What Put Bm Prajror hi tkt Da rritpmrnt of tha Ltfa at Our Church and ar» Our Paopia StriTta* Aftar HT Mm W. Moot* L. B. Hayaa 10:66—la it Paaaihla far a Church to I Without • DaflaiU Mlaaionary Profrao S. 1L Cowtaay 11:1*—What ia tha Put Lmrmm Moat Partor* to Ordar to Hawa Church EffMaacyf C. B. Iraland 11 J0~Tha Program of Work hi tha ftaria? School, _ 0. V. Wooala? 11:001a Education • laU|ioua or a Sacuiar ObligUlouT W. L. SharriU 11:16—Adjovrn tor Dinnar. AFTERNOON SESSION C H. IraUnd, PmUiM 1:16—Son* Service —How Vital Are Oar Conference AnnammU in tke Econ tajr of Oar Charck ,, > . J. H. Bernhardt 1.40—Vlut Constitute# a Bueeeeaful Revival and How to Brine It to Paaa K. JL McLarty 2:00—Our Toons People—What Should be tha Attitude of the Church Toward Than? W. A. Barker 3:S0—Tha Criaia ,fckn P. Kirk S:40—What Can ha Don* to Make Our Paopta a leading Peo ple; What are ita Admiinit ,. ...A. W. PlyVer S.-00—What I Intend to do to Encourage Our People at Hoaae to Take a Mere Active Part in Church Work The men on the program are among the leading preach mm and laymen of the Methodist Church In the Western Narth Carolina Conference and a treat Is in store for tkne who attend this meeting. FOB BALE—Owfa« to m«tka W —y hmtth I am oblifid to nU out ■7 retail grocery twlim Imtei at ■mmmr at Manic and Fifth SUmU. Whmim ntUm. N. C.. cooaiating a# • Mi «rf grocerie*, nut market, re muS^Ttnae can W ««»«*» aatfsfac tay. Mapii mini Grocery Com mr. By jTw. Foe. t-16e Vw Mi Wm Taraip Gum. Pfcaae Ml T.& Ashburn Track Farm. FOB KENT—Star* roam. 114 Mala St Dwelling house, 8-room, on Moore St. For particular* apply to H. Schafer. tfc. WANTED—OfTte* Mi with several drawer*. Address Geo. Simpson, Mount Airy, N. C., Route i —2-12c FOB 8ALE or rent—7N acre farm with orchard 12 mile* weiu Cw order* in advance to Mr*. Bar , 101 J. for appointment. MS). LOOT—I kin h»ii< aad bat the MMu books: Surry of Euk'i Neat and Wsarmr tb« Gray, br Cook, Ufc of Stonewsli Jackson by Dr. Msiy. Mark Twain's Tramp Abroad, two volume# of the Book of Know Mi*, Under the Shadow of the Csar, Ufa of Edwin Bok. Please return. W. G. Sydnor. tie. PAT EVBET DAY—Distribute necessary products to eatablish Extracts, soaps, food pro etc. World's largest company ick you with surprising plan. Dept. 14, 281 Johnson A**., I, N. J. 3-Sp TOm HALE OK Tit ADR—121 sere bra, 6 miles south of Elkin. Will «*■ o* Mi for property near Mount Airy. Easy terms can be hsd. G. W. Bensrss. Mount Airy, Soot* 4 M*p ! KALE—at • hargsta. a mm Ml Airy, or . TV SALE—S. C. WMU -* Sal*. Lewis WtM. Mount Alrr. flHhl » tIt BARBED BOCK rw-V-'SK&S 2nd hen. 1st and 2nd pea this year For 14 year* tknr have been for me and my friends they are better than ever this year. Madison Square Garden blood kfBfli mv Dens A 1100.00 bird heads one J my beet My prise binU head all pens. Eggi beat pen §5.00 tine, all other pens 11.50 per setting F. O. B., also have a few (me cocker els at |Z.M each. They are real bar Kiins. Call or see me. Ora Robert*, aunt Airy, N. C. 3-«c HATCHING EGGS fei bred Kheppard Anconas $1.80 for setting of IS egg*. E. C. Banner, Hale'* Department Store. tfc FOB SALE— Thoraaghbred Whiti Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red eggs for setting. The kind that lay. tlJO per setting of 15. C. F. Puore at Poore » Pressing club. Mount Airy, N. C. tfc HAVING recently purchased a Dupli cator for use in my work; I will be very glad to do any custom work, such a* copying letters and other pa pers. Please rail me up. Phone 365. J. i. Eads. ltc. FOB SALE—Meal loratM* far Poal try Farm, within fhre miles of Mt. Airy, good houses, tobacco barn* and feed barn. More than enough fire wood to pay for the place twice over. Very low price and extra eaajr term*. Mt. Airy Insurance 4 Realty Co. S-Mc FOB BENT—< ma baaae aa Charcb St., No, 207—For particular* write J. B. Jarrell, Pilot Mountain, or aee | Joe Bookor, Mt Airy. Mc 1 BOILEB WANTED—Maat be new ar practically new horiiantal. station i ary and capable of 4 to • horsepower. ' No. iunk. W. M. Woodruff • Son A \ Co.. Lowgap, N. C. S-lSa FOB SALE—Hatching ana, pare bred Tangren (train Wnite IiH | horn. 78c for 16 em. Wade McGee Mount Airy, N. C., Boute 1 Mp. THOBOUCHBBF.D Goidea Baff Or pington chickens, Hogan tsstsd. breeding stock and sen for — L. S. Lodwick. Mt. AtrfTrwrte «. &-tlp POM SHOW DOWN Tb quwnl batwaan Um Board af Cauaty CoaualaaioiH ttr Board af Health ia i Um aoarta aa a laatk of tha artiaa af Um Caaaty CaaaiaalaMn to with drawing aU appropriation, for Um hi Surry County. At Um ragular ■ilfaC af Um Ci—laalw ta Mntry that body withdraw in that It M haaa gMmg tha afMtaaai af Um aaaaty, af faeUva March lat. Followta* thta ac tion of tha Conmiaaionora Um af Haalth haU a facial matia Tbaraday of laat waak and I tha * haalth offlear. Dr. At tha mm Una Attar aay J, H. •tart proaaadinca in Um com pal Um County Co—itaaloaara ta rod tin oa to aaha tha appropriatioee for tha haalth wort In Aa -county. Gattia hi court Uat waak aat Friday, Fab. 19th, aa tha ttaaa that tha haaria* wfll ba hald b*. fora a Superior Court Judgo la Win The County making no statements as to their posi tion. The following is i copjr of the proeNdhp of the County Board of Health meeting hold last weak and it clearly states the position of that body in demanding that the County Commissioners continue the appro priation: "Pursuant to a call iasued by three of its members, the Surry County Board of Health met in special ses sion on the above date for the pur pose aa set forth in a copy of the call for this meeting hereto attached. The following members wars prssent: E. 8. Hendren, Dr. W. M. Stone, Dr. R. B. Carrey, br. J. B. Smith. "On motion of Dr. Carrey, sect by Dr. Stone, Dr. J. B. Smith made chairman, pro tempore, in the ir"""" ,CK~ ■" "On motion of Dr. Garrey, second ed by Dr. 8tone, an order was unani mously passed asking the County Board of Commissioners of Surry County to continue the Department of Health of Surry County bended by a whole-time health officer. "On motion of Dr. Stone, seconded by Dr. Garrey, H was unanimously ordered that the Surry County Board of Health ask the County Commis sioners of Surry County to appro priate the sum of (5,500.00 for the maintenance of the Surry County Health Department for tne current year aa it now is organised, consist ing of a health officer, a nurse, and a clerk. "On motion of Dr. Stone, seconded by Dr. Garrey, it was ordered that since the members of this Board un derstand from letters and reports from the State Department of Health that the work of Dr. Lancaster, as Health Officer for Surry County, is satisfactory; and since, inadfar as this Board has been informed, his ser vices hare been satiafactory to the people of the county, it is the will of this Board to continue Dr. Lancaster ac Health Officer for Surry County. "On motion of Dr. Garrey, second ed by Dr. Stone, it was -ordered that the Burr) County Board of Health notify the Board of Cammiaaloners that, in appointing a quarantine of ficer for Surry County last First Mow day, the Board of Commissioners took into its hands a prerogative be longing entirely to the County Board of Health; and that, even if they had suthority to make ouch appointment, the law doas not permit the appoint ment to such office of a man who has no medical training. "On motion of Dr. Garrey, second ed by Dr. Stone, the following resolu tion wfli "Whereas," the County Board of Health ia a Board trying to serve the bast interests of the people of Surry County, and, , "Whereas, we, Tha County Bfcard of Health, cannot find sufficient reas ons to warrant our discharging Dr. Lancaster as Health Officer of Surry County or to warrant our failure to reelect Dr. Lancaster to said office, therefore be it. "Resolved: that if there are charges against Dr. Lancaster which will show as good reasons why he should be dis continued as Health Officer for Sorry County, we respectfully ask that these he b,M*^jart ^Health t Handre*. • of MMjN N«U tka ttth day of Kh int. at m itiiA P. M. (a front of tkartrat National Bank ta Km Town of Moont Airy. N. C., off or for aala, at paWfe a action to tlx hiffteat M4 r^Ht'c' p!T"V<1m[ April It. 1M, haartac Intaraat fra» aato, aaid sola bates —<«ad by M of traat, and i?W toVa mada far eaak. Tkla w*a baina hold bj m aa colla |t*ral to a not* for fl.MI.t7. tunUd baral to a notalor tl.ttt.t7, imilri rW P. P. Mm, to Janaa 8. MHriwD, d*ad April 11. IMS, tttt.tT of wMcfc " ~ 16. IMS. and flttO.OO f, Mai IwiIm Ittj te. April It. ItW. I Mount Airy is going to have better merchandise offend for sale, because of the fact that we are co-operating with one anoth er, helping to make Mount Airy a bigger and better town. We want to sell merchandise to the public at a minimum price, and the more people there are to buy merchandise, the cheaper we can sell it Help us advertise Mount Airy. - The Merchants Association is composed of the following mem L ben. L. L A. K J. 5. Bnj Il-Hij C. F. Pwn S. M. Hal* r. m. G. C Udfl Co. v W. c. Lnrk * Co. J. G. HarriaoM Gran*. MfcntiW Co. J. E. CockoHutm Cortor-WoUwr Fur. Co. HaHwari Co. CW.Dnii ILC.I 3. Wolf* Drue Co. Airy Drag Co. Pratkor Clotkikc Co. W. E. Morritt Co. W .F. Mirfkiff W. a Fowlor A Sob Parks-Bo Ik Co. W. R. Cdnarod R. M. Marshall W. E. Row When you get ready to trade, be sure to consult one of the above Merchants for they are in a position to give you cheaper and bet ter merchandise. WHY? Because they co-operate with one an other. Mount Airy Merchants Association B. a MUUkan, Pastor. Bible school .9.45 A. M. Moraine service — —lUt A. M. Evninf —rili ii ,7.SO P. M. Prayer meeting Wad. 7 JO P. M. _ The L«diee Missionary society met with Mrs. W. L. Dunman last Thurs day evening at 7.30 o'clock. On next Sunday evening. Miss Elisa beth Marshy of Richmond, Ind., will speak. All invited to come out, es pecially the young people. The prayer meeting for this week will be held in the home f Mr. Ar thur Lowry. All evening services will begin at 7 .SO instead of 7.00 o'clock. Morgarotk's Flowers PERSONAL FLOWER ▲oner Turnmyre & Lamm rOt* LOT AND A POORE 4 ASHBY Insurance of All KUi OffiM t> GoUmHk BaMfa* «m«n*A», J. *. H ABKT. M. C ML J. 0. HOGAN SYDNOR A SPARCIR MOUNT ART. N. C Dr. 1.1. MOUNT AMY. It a Fint Baptiat Ckarafc E. Gibaoa Davie, Farter. Bible School Ml A. M. Morning Worahip UjM A. M. B. T. P. U IN P. M. Enninf Service 7.00 P. M Regular Prayer and Praia* Service Wedneaday .7.00 P. M. The paator preachai next Sunday ■nomine and evening on the follow in* aubjecta, "In Hia Father's Houae," and "Why 1 Am a Chriatian and Not an Infidel." (Pleaae note change of hour in the evening aervice). We will pemem wr the Lord's sufferings and death ior aa in the broken broad and the fruit of the Tine at Sunday Morn ing'! aervice. We preach Chriat and Him crucified, riaen and coming again. W* invito you and yoor friends to worahip with aa. NOTICE By virtue of the power contained in • certain deed of trust executed by E. T. Freeman and wife to the under tinned trustee to centre a debt of $660.00 and recorded hi the office at the Register of Deed* for Surry Coun ty in Book 70 at pace M, default bar ing been made in the payment of the dent thereby secured, upon applica tioo of the holder thereof! will offer for tale at public auction to the high erf bidder for cash at the court houee door in Deheon on the 10th day ef March. 1(M at 1 o'clock. P. M. school Ml A. ML Moraine wwahip UJO A. ML Evening worship 7JO P. M. Prayer service Wednesday _7 JO P. M. Sr. mm) Intermediate Epworth U>rm Sunday «.U P. M. District Epworth Leagae institute will he held Friday in Sparta and wfB he attended by the following w—than (if Central Methodist church this dtj, Rev. and Mr*. E. W. Fox, Her. and Mr*. W. A. Newell, Misses Olive Newell. Lorena Kelly. Clark* Bow man, Ksthryn Long, Kathleen Bar man, lxiui»* Mc Kinney, Emma Dob Mna, Trera Fowler and Ami* Deam, Elbert Badgett and W. B. Hah, froa the Rockford Street Methodiat chnr<* Rev. G. W. William a, Lonnia ' Thamar Kiger, Mr*. J. S. Miaa Winona Williams Greensboro College. who will Join the party at that point. The Mission Study claas will aaaet Thursday with Mra. E. C. Foy a* IJ# P. M . note chant* of hiur which wil j permit the ladies to hear Mra. John son at the hotel at Z.80 P. M. The pastor delivered one of the of his ministry hare evening whan ha spoke to pie on the subject "Building for fatal Wm4 Yard « ^