NOTICE or 8ALB Nrth Carolina, Surry County. lU^^ABr* aad LiUie of Um Mat te*nl»lllM. Contain ing 5.8 arcaa. Evrpt Ufa mUU of 8. E. Ona®l. Thu Jan. 15th, It*. C. C. Matthew*, Trust**. A. 0. Kiilfer, Atty. NOTICE or BALE North Carolina, 89117 County. In Superior Court Mora Clark. W. M. Matt M. C. Jeetar be Jaatar, widow, at at. Haifa at law on the prsmlass, offar far sale to tha highest bidder that cartaia tract of land lying and being ia Weetfield Township. Surry Cousty. North Car olina, 'adjoining tha landa of Catofe Hhamiai. j. t Utopia, and othara and aon particularly described aa follows, to-wit: 1st tract, besrinaiag at a poat oak| at tha old coal hearth, running North on tha division Una 28 1-2 cha. croaa ing tha coppar mina branch to a stake arid pointers, than Weat 11 eha. on tha Ed Hollinmworth line to a white oak coraar of lot number 1. IWa Sowth 28 1-2 cha. to a double chestnut, now dead aad down, thence Cast SI ens. to the beginning, containing 60 8-10 acrea mora ar Was. Second tract: Beginning at a poat oak J. S. Harnes's corner, runs North 84 and M-1M dag. Veat 14 cha. to T. L. Hunters' corner, than South 2 24-100 cha. to pine on the North aid* of old Daahttry read, then dowa the road aa it meanders aa follows: North 88 dag. Eaat S 92-100 cha. to a stake. North 70 dug. East « 4-100 cha. to a ■take, 8. M dec. E. 2 84-100 cha. 8. 72 I t dag. E2 1-100 cha. 8. 71 1-2 dag. E. 2 48-100 cha. to staka in E. C. Flippins' Una on tha North side of the road, thence N. I 1-2 de* E. S 84-100 cha. to tha beginning, containing S 18-100 acrea mora ar leaa. Terms: Purehater cam tctQBM the payment of approximately »1100.00 farm loan, balance cash upon conffam stion of sale. This ia a vary valuable farm with in about three sal lee of Pilot Mountain and within ana mOa of hard surface r *d Good portion in original for est timber. Good practically dwelling. This Jan. 1Mb, 1«M. W. M. Matthews, Coasr. W. R. Hadrett. attT NOTICE R. W. Haynes, Administrator of J. A. Haynes, dec. vs. Mrs. M. B. Haynes, widow, Princas Htynw, Mary L Packett and husband WUi Packet, EUa Hemming and huabaad R. D. Hammings, D. A- Haynes and wife Roaa Haynes, Hattic Watson and husband John Watson, Lacy Haynes and Ada Haynea, heirs at law. North Carolina, Surry County. Superior Court, Ix-fore the Clark. The defendants Mary L. P and husband Will Packett, EUa minjrs and husband K. D. Hammings will Uka notics that an action Mtitled | • MM Packatt la Ham as shove has baaa commenced la the! Superior Court of Sorry county far the purpoae of sale of Ind for aaaat to pay dabta against the aetata of . A. Haynes, dec. Mid defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Clerk at the Superior Court of Sorry County, at his office in Dobaon on the tOth ■lay of February, IMC, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, or she plaintiff will nsk for the relief vtri|«d only 1810. plus an consumption of food from the fm valued at -Ml This return repree en ted what farmer operator* receiv ed for Interest on an average biveet ment of 11,041 and w wagee for the lahor of theasselves and their fam ilies. The flfurM represents the net in come, payments for interest, rent, taxes and money txpen**a luring been deducted. The estimate ia made hy the United States department of agriculture. An allowance for the labor at the farmer and his family at average wage* for hired farm laborers, the dcF irtment says, ia addition to what the farm supplies) to the family lirir^, would leave n« interest return what ever on the -fm operator's capital In fact, the average farm family dar ing the past crop year would hare lacked tlM of having anything to apply aa interest en their capital in vestment. The figures are quoted as sub tiation of the department's argument that the land policy of the United States should be so reconstructed aa to check undue expansion of farm areas, as a means of aaaiating agri culture through the difficult read justment process hi which the depart ment says it I* now Involved. NOTICE By virtu# of tha power contained tai • d*e^ of traat executed by Felix U> undersigned to eecure • debt of 9M.00, default having baea mad* In payment, oa application of the holder. I will offar for sale at public auction to the hir-hert biddar at the Courthouse door in Dobaoo on tbe 27th day of Fab.. 1»M, •t 1 o'clock P. M. the following land: In Mount Airy, fronting on John ' being lot No. S of y LinvUle allay W. M ft along Mid slley to Id by LW Mid allay at a port and ran* lands cold by Uavine-Hu Co. and beginning oa the W. (dp of 8. 1 deg of lot 4, thence" 8. 89 dec' W. 144 ! " 6.n. 10 r ae—a | This Jan. tau' IMS. to rtake, corner of lot i, N. 10 deg. K. 70 ft to (take, corner of lot No. 1. North M dM. B. 141 ft to r Rh. ltM. E. C_ Bivens. Trustee. New Meat Market W« in Mt la ear former (Hrtm, AUrM BaiUia* afUr Mm */t—4 Mt hofor. Ckr Wt «aa. to mmr kot h mv mm af Um M ui BMt Mattery to W faaarf la tfca aUta ui w# caa •apply jraar t»«j m4 la tka ant ViaH oar airM uri laak otot aw line aad i as port par oqalpaicat aad facilltioa for aarrtac 70a. Sanitary Meat Market none* • Having qualified aa idn nMnkr of the mUU of Mm. Julia J. wh% docaaaad, late of tarry Omnty. Norlfc Carolina, thin ia to notify all ptrHM bavins rlaimi against the ratal* «r ■aid orreaacd to exhibit them piu»W ly verified to the underlined admm I a tra tor at Muunt Airy, N C, or M H. 0. Wolts. Attorney, vount Airy, N. C.. on or before the l*»h day m January, 1M7, or thia autica «8] te pleaded in bar of their recovery. All peraon* indebted to 'he tmH putate will ptaam make immodiala payment. Thia the 16th day of January, 1M Claranee B. Shelton. Alter. H. 0. Wolta, Atty. NOTICE North Carolina, Sorry County. Wilfiam M. Cundiff, plaintiff. «■. Aliena R. Cundiff, defendant. In the Superior Court. The defendant above named w® take notice that a* action entitled a* above ha* been commenced in dM Superior Court of Surry OuntT far the diaaohition of the boniii of ma trimony between the oiainti'f and de fendant and for an aWilute divnreaj and the defendant will further tmfca notice that ahe it required to appear before P. T. Uewellin, Clerk Supenee Court for Surry County, at hia office in Dobeon on the 1 at day ef Merrh, 1026 and anawer or demur to tha complaint in aaid action, or tha plaintiff will apply to the Court fer the relief demanded in aaid romplaiat Thia Feb. 1, im. K T. Lewellin, C. of S. C. •YOUR CROPS - c - and I OU! I«r ao4j aaada tlUalloa iM *t*4lclaal <»r»i«ll»i M aartata MMnalk It always n(ou4 t« Ml H frtmrm a* H Win PH ad la thu condition. raa <■ to u « >nnr Ha pranaAn m< M r«»l»« • trtptnUd to ear* roar Ilia, taw Iu4 la a* mm—mm (ku rvar Mrt B fra«araa