Industrial After Power Line Is Built' Airy mi J«hr I, and will operate thorn there pat Into Dm field to local* the at tk) new Ii«ii—i>—I— Him •kM will ha built by tkt Suiithw ■ Company, titndinf from Wta tarto the naw territory and It to under it nod that will be started Just aa quickly aa My ba practicable upon this naw , which ia deattnad to extend the developed aecttoa of in North Carolina. AR Tat* Far Sal* As indicating the attitude and spirit ef the people of Mount Airy aad El kin, Mr. Whit lock reasarked that in Meant Airy 834 voters Nfbtarad far Km apacial a taction called to deter mine what her the city should sail tta plsnta and distribution <7steal ta the atilitiaa company, not a single rata being cast against, and only 48 voters failing, on account of lllneaa, ahaence from the city or other reasons, 4a rote. In Elk hi also the rote was unan imously in favor of disposing of the plant to the utilities company n»ere were several factors that combined to bring about the unan imity of sentiment toward the utili ties company at Mount Airy and El kin, according to Mr. Whitlock. In the first"'plate the people, business men and housewives as well as users of power in varyinr quantities, have come to realise that 100 per cent elec tric service can he maintained only by a company that has competent ex perts in various lines, because the production and distribution of elec tricity is a highly specialised indus try. A single city, even of consider able aise, is not warranted in em ploying these experts. Service of a kind can he and is being rendered without them, but user* of electricity In home, office, factory, and else where are realising more the value of realty high class service, he said. Provides b|lqi Another consideration, Mid Nr. WMtfock, m the appreciation of the fart that, when Him extensions or ad Ataal currant art needed, the utili ties company it fat position to supply without May, such noads The greatest factor in the bringing of the power company and the utifi tiea company into the northwestern section of the State, ho we ear, declarat, Mr. Whitiock, w*s the aaauranot of the people generally that H would Make poaaihle such a degree of In dustrial expansion as will furnish em ployment for thousands of srsilable work si s. increaae the wealth and pur chasm* power of the communities, aad he in it a large measure tt | nent prosperity to the entire section, •noagfc to helieea that we shall see an industrial revolution la the twtak Ihf of an eye," remarkad Mr. WhH f -We hate lacked aa W electricity and the quality of trir -Trite that would enahb ■Mbe • hid foe !■<—UU« md I We thai have that supply kt that ifctaMM. And I. Southern PtMc Utilities (*■■>■■) «H started orrinally hy Um wtds awake baeinee* mm tf tkt two etm munities who had a iUm mt what -j a.- , i,a. I ■wquaMi ina nqpi qoimy •itcinc ««r*W would mm to the two towns and Um siimitindtoB country. The Kiwaals Ctabs and other eMc ar|u isAtftons IntfffMtcd and conftrtncM ftri iiTinftd with offi rial* of the local coaipaaies. Later p^nfiriBpfi wtn hold bftwwn the cfcy official, and th» official, of the utilities company and appraiser* wore appointed by tho utilities coat, panjr and tho two cities and Um ap prainal. tho* Secured were uaod aa • ha.1. for tlM sales. Westfteld FanMfi S«wk| Plant B«Ji Otlwr N«w» WMlfleU, Fab. 16. J»mw Joy** and Edwin Taylor, of Danbory, were hare Saturday. Hoy and Mra. King and Miaa flora, a teacher, from Daabury, war* here Sunday. Mr. and Mra. K. V. Marshall and Miaa Annie went to Dobeoo Sunday The Baptiata had services both noon and night Sunday coodactad by Dr. Mortoa, the paator. Mra. 8. P. Christian ia at howi again since the death of her a later, with whom ahe remained during bar IBiiaaa. The farmers are over half dona •owing plant beds, the usual crop Will be planted. The English sparrows get the credit for exterminating the caterpillars in this taction. The Coon Hunters' club has orders for three young coons. Good coon dogs are higher than mules. The chicken business is still increas ing and doing fine. Joe Jeasup and family have moved to Winston to manage a tobacco farm for Williamson Broa. much to the re gret of our neighbors, aa we had no more popular citisen. We hope he will not be away mora than one season. Many of our mechanics are still in Florida and report good wagea. Ilia minstrel given In the Academy Friday night waa a grant snccaaa and quite a largo crowd attended. Personal ud Otlxr News Siloam Ssctiw Siloam. Feb. 11.—The farmers of this Mction are busy, burning snd ■owing Plant bads. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. KUneham and family spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. E. J. Flincham, at Pilot Moun tain. Prof/ A. F. Graham motored to | Mount Airy Monday arming < u«th«ee. < Miss Vi Miss Wihns Snow music teacher of the Cope land High School *pent the | week end with her parents Mr. and Mr*. O. E. Snow, of Pilot Mountain. \Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jenkin* and family spent the week-end with Mr. ' and Mrs. A. L. Stewart, of this *ee ! t ion. The Bryan and tfce O'Henry Literary societies of the Copeiand Hiffh school will hold their weekly debating ioi rises Friday Feb. IS. Mr. Jajiper Patterson has just mov | »d in his new home on the Si loam and Pilot Mountain road. The Hills Grove Banday school ia| greatly improving In | the maps have Mown away to this I' RUNNING NO The visiter held out I , small son of the house. "Dont you "No I donV" "Wl»y not?" "Became you're egly-Uurt'i why nat." i*, rm not to by, dont you like me Lli* MOUNT AIXY WOMEF IKAI NOTED ST AKE* for the State the futility of a few at can far that dm of delinquente or criminals who are mentally deficient. Many at tha ao called drprmvad or virieua, especially rtrl« guilty at an aina, ara mentally deficient according to expert teat a* ara alao Many of tha boys committed to tha institutions of tha State far Burh eauaea aa boya of tender a«e ara committed to Jackson Train ing achool for boyi and |ina of thia particular ctaaa, accord in* to Mra. Johnson, while la tha institutions make fine worker* with their handa and give no trouble, they ara obedient and faithful but whan releaaed and returned to their old aurroundinga with no strong gukhag bund to direct than they inevitably revert to their former habits and aooa an committed to priaon or tha chain |Mf fur viola tion! of the taw, they having passu! the age to be committed to tha semi penal institutions. Mra. Johnaon hopee to see the ttaw when the mentally deficient and thoee who have gone wrong through Ignor .ance and tack of training or wicked associations will be aeparated in dif ferent Inatitutiona. The ignorant and untrained should he helped to good ritixenship through education and vo cational training, and thoee who are mentally deficient placed under expert rare and all who are capable of sup porting themselves through voca-1 tiona) training should be ao trained | but no mentally deficient citiaen should be allowed to reproduce hia or her kind; thia, ssys Mra. Johnmon, iaj the only hope of the burden of their care ever being lightened for the com ing generations. Mra. Johnaon point ad out that much of the tax money of the state goea to support the various State institutiona for the criminal and unfortunates, and maintain ita courts. 8tate laws to make sterilization a workable means to control reproduc tion, with action taken only upon ax part advice, aeema to be the only ao-| lution of thia growing evil. Girl Rocovors After • in HoaptUl Salisbury, Pah. 18.—Miss Paftline Cuter, of tha county, hu recently sufficiently weowwd from injuries to be removed to hsr home from the .Salisbury hospital, where she had been far the put nine months. Last May while on her way to got married Miss Caster was severely injured, and .her sweetheart, Chas. M. Lamox, was Vlled, when a train struck the auto mobile In which they were riding. TWO MILLIONS IN A SIN GLE CHECK It Froai R. J. Reynolds Co., For Loaf Purchoaoa Raleigh, Feb. 11.—The Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association has just received tha largest cheek ever written ter bright tobaeco, sodatlon which was awde public yesterday at tha Mating of the board of directors of the The check reeehred by tha tioa this weak amounted to ttfiW, MUM and was from the K. J. Bey noUe Tobacco Company for nh of association tobaccos from the IMS Sooth Carolina crop and the 1M4 eld According to the aimooiM the association's hoard at the money from this sale la ed «er the redaction of tion. "Mo mistake that wo coold make would kiiMir cmrdty aa ty ing down and saying that we eooM not work out oar own sahratioa," Mid Dr. Poo. "If wo go back to the auction iptM its orita will bo mul tiplied. The buyers will UU you that you triad to gat your freedom and didn't havo tho roorage to do it. Thoy will lay on hardens 1* times heavier than before." Dr. Poo urgod all with in hi* voir* to gtoo thoir utmost strength to Mooting tho serious situa tion facing tho South Carolina tobac co boh in tho It days which .-oautin to ■iga tho contract. Owing to rocont criticism by Dr. Poo of cortaia policioa of tho old as sociation thoro waa much interest on tho part of tho farmers in hia appear ance hare today. Stating that ho had boon critlciaod far pointing out what ho regarded aa mistakes in tho aanagaMont of tho aasociation, Dr. Poo today told tho farmers of tho Sooth Carolina bwfci that thoy now had a goldon opportani ty to corroct tho orrara which had troppad oat of four yonra of mettm pliahmont and balld a co-oporating aaaociation, which would ho a true democracy of farmers, one in which full publicity and free discussion of problems by all the members should be the rule, one which would approach the ideal of a marketing association which he declared was a syVtem of real self government among fanners whereby they make themselves mat ters of their own industry. Seecrctary M. O. Wilson who spoke at today's mooting stated that the situation is serious as only approxi mately IS per cent of the necessary tobacco acreage has been signed to date and that the organisation com mittee of tho new South Carolina belt will not form a new association without a full 66 per cent signup. PERSON TO MAKE ANOTH ER EFFORT May Alao Ounnn Candi dacy far Superior Judge ship in Opposition to Jad|t Cakwi Rthifk, Feb. 12.—Former Stat* Senator WilUe Person will ask Gover par McLmb to call a special tern of civil court for FrsnkUa county for his second effort to put tin Tobacco Growers Co-operative association oat of businees. The ssnstor, who lost out in his first attempt before Judge T. H. Cal vert last week, is making ready now to carry his fight before his "own countrymen" in his home county of Franklin. He wants early action, and no civil tern is scheduled for soaw time. If he can get the special term he will be able to take another shot at the "co ops" without delay. He will base his second caas on the aame allegations he submitted be fore Judge Calvert, charging that the tobacco association by extravagances and nismanagement has put its sev eral thousand grower members into bankruptcy, making it inpoaalhle for then to continue faming operations aaleea relieved from the obligations deliveries. He w« ask for the disao lutioo of the aaanehtina. the sppotot ment at a receiver to wind up its af fairs and tin rslaaas of the members fren their euatoatt obligations. After the mul salt la over. Sen dacy for MgT'ef'uM^nperior court la appsattioa to Jadge Calvert, who corns up for rsnsnlasttun In tin democratic primaries la Jne. Tin Proper Care Should be Used In Operation of Incubator* Ha* Miht.i l, Viinrl.ll II mm* A1 ml WUcfc so that If they art kept too hot tl may hatch In It to » days; and if leapt toe cool they will hatch la St to 28 day*. Swrthin the tlm mumelsr t» not correct, bat In moat ImtaacM tt la a- lack of InovMp of the heat mm in the incubator that canaea more trouble Proper Temperatar^ for Hatchinc The center of the egg "hould be about 100 degree*, but the entire err chamber la net all the tame tempera ture. Up cloee to the pipe* (in small incubators) the temperature will he 110 white on the bottom of the ma chine. under the em It la oaly M de crees The top of the efrcs wuald he 10S. the middle of the egg 100. aad the bottom 87 decrees; thus It will be. seen that the heat souse are hi layers in the taeabators and that the varia tion is op aad down through the Inca bator, so that it la very Important to thermoasetor bo at the right 100 degreee at the atiddle of the egg, 109 degreee on the top of the egg. During cold weather, the heat some* are narrower than during hot weath er, aad where the air la forced through the machine, the temperature is the TV Mais tare h»Mi« Next to heat (MM the iwlatm problem. A fresh egg contains a li quid substance which ia Intended hjr nature to make • chirk, evaporate and make an air cell, and furnish food for the rhick for aoine time after It hatrhen. The nmount of evaporation Tartly determine* the site of the air cell and the quantity of food left for the chick when It hatched, which . rreatljr determine# the «i*e of the chick, or rather Ita look*. Evaporation ia Influenced principal ly in three waya: The amount of mois ture in the air, the temperature of the air, and movement of same Row to Control Evaporation Watch the alia of the air cells as the | hatch progreaaea, ita aise ia increas ed both by evaporation and the amount of ras riven off. It la safe to say that evaporation determines the sise of the chicks and the forma tion of gases the pop the chick has. A very simple and efficient way ia,' on the first test to carefully trace the the air call line at that time on a few an* that have strong forms, then' when cooling and taming all one has 1 to do la to randW the few marked eggs in order to know how the eva poration ia progress in* The great er the evaporation, the smaller the i chick, and the more gaaes formed and | ' expelled, the more pep and vitality the | chicks have. Where too much moisture ia used, ! yet the gaaes are formed and expell ' ed, the fhict I* large and preaaea up; ; on the membrane in the center of the ! sir call, thus pulling the membrane loose from the shell malting the air cell appear large when candled. All should get a bulletin on Incu bation which shows a cat of desired I sl*e of air call. It ia aeot five of any charge. oration, time causing the chick to ha vary large and the air aril small , many being sa small and thin that the chick's beak reaches clear threagk It, time ■ahlag It Impssalfcie for the chick to breathe from the ak «L This eraaaa the chick* t* sack Itggtd into their tangs aad dfe la aa attempt to breathe Iter chicks die with of food M the chirk* lock •mall and hm nly » of food In iMt 1 to bt M mow. The food la eon of Ma strength, H trouble hi tW The »wm bituwi the two ih in what we wish to have, and by to dotal w» get a large hatch of ircdium sited cricka, with a mdlm 'mount of trnid strength food which will aiako strung, vigorous chirk* that are c*ay to raiae. The principal work done by ventila tion la bringing oxygon la and taking carbon dioxida out. Tho chick la a factory aa to *»sak. tho oxygon and tho a«( Material an tho raw prodncta and the earhon diox ida tho manufactured product. By tho procooa of evaporation. It la tan ■ chick factory ka and It it alee ias to take away which hne not boon made, hot It la i •ibie to keep the i fail to when it ahoold bo. The dangers, than, are all en ana aide, aad that la by not supplying enough freah air. The dnngara from too much vent Hat io to not relate to ■applying oxygen or poieonoua gaaea, but the i through the influence it haa an hant and moieture. By carefully regulating the hant aad watching the aiae of tho air cola. It ia quite poaaible to * up ply enough atr and the correct amount of moisture an that there will he no danger from lack of ventilation. That ia if hant and moiature are kept right there ia little or no danger from exceaa ven tilation. Not enough ventilation causes weak chicks, many of which die in the shell and thoae that do hatch out act aa if they would Just as soon die aa thro. Taming the Em Turn in* the en* ia • «fj impor tant part of the work for incMM, M by thia «• rwdjuit the embryo and ita blond vmmla in tha «n material, rirtng It a mi feeding (round and the aama thin* relativa to Uking in oxygen and giving oat gmam. It i). »o equal icea tha bent loan, eauaing tha ate* to ba mora nearly an equal temperature, a Iftaaning of tha top of tha egga being too hot and the bot tom too cold al tha time. Turning the egg alao it inula tea tha aaabiyu to action, giving H anarriae and atrength. Would Bar Stud—I Dmh Madiaon. Wia., Feb. 10.—Fully 1,000 xtudenta at tha Uahreraity of Wiecon ain are waating their time, hi tha opinion of Prnfaaaoi E. A. Roaa, who belierea that 1,000 nthera might ba pereoadad to atudy if tha find 1,000 were off the ram pes. veratty with aoaaa MM atudenta would again haw a* atmoaphare of, lieeea. "If 1 ware af thia onto aity." ha aaM. "and I mi aura I wnM minata tha laofara W K too* out 1JKW the "top flaak Mara* and the feMowa wha think Ht Mart to rWata tha Iowa.