lit. Airy Newt. Ktt Airy. H. C. F«k It, Pah. tl, a *m, Gloma Jay, « ft O. A. Mqr Ml Will dnya aco far i >«li m trip to mom of tha Tk» local W. C. T. V. *at> wtth Mr*. Q. C. Welch Tuesday afternoon. Born to Mr. tad Mr*. L. 1. Martin' last Saturday morning a (laughter, Kathorins Laeil*. Arthur McBrtda, of Tha Va.. submitted to aa at Marthi hospital Tha T. B. L. alaaa of I Mat Chwrh wtfl maat Taeaday at 7JO] P. M. wtth Mrm. W. M. Mia. N. O. Powlar, and daa« of Klihmiai, Va.. an ^siting parenta, Mr. aad Mrs. 0. U i on North Mai T. G. Pawcett, president of thai Pint National hank la enjoying flah/ in* wtth T. J. Smith wick, of thia dt^. | at New Smyra. Kla. Mra. Porter Hester and Wilaon, of Winston-Salem.! and Mr. Sam Ljrbrook, of Naw Max no, viaitod Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Mar tin and Mr. and Mra. J. T. West Sun day. and Mlssiai Mrs. Bod Brannock ii a pstiant at Martin Memorial hospital what* aha la recovering from a serious operation and h'ipaa to return to her home inn tiaM next week. Mr*. Winston Pulton baa returned from a short visit to relatlvee in Charlotte, while there she waa haw or guest at a party |hrM at the Country club by Mrs. Ed Rector. Policeman Pate Jones this o'clock. Rook we* played at ten table*. bowia of nardMwm and hya einth* Imdinf their beauty and fra grance to tha happy mm. A MWom trait —lad coucao ai mint* vara aarved by tha bataaa aa-| by Meedame* A. V. Waat. J. 0. William Marritt, Carr-.ll HID, W. 8. Wolfa, John folgec and Hogh i by tba Billy Suaday evangel ietx ehtb No. It of Wineloo-Salem. AU mm agreed that tba Wineton-Salem boy* avw »ei j happy is thalr nllffou4 ax* Capt. J. H. Hamrick tu in ebarf* and thai* vara a faw women among tba 46 visitor* from tba Twin City. Thara wm aomethlag vital and grip ping la tbair joyooa taatlmonia* aa to what tba religion of tba Lord Jeeue had meant in tboir live* and those who hoard vara moved and thriB«d by the entkuaiaam of tba viaitors. Thi* church waa particularly fortun ate in it* 8unday aervicoa, the pulpit being fillad in tba morning by tba Rev. C. C. Haymore. Birthday CaUbration Miaa Kathlaan Wyrfck Valabratad bar 17th birthday Friday by antartaln in* about 26 friaada with a party. 8ha vaa tha raripiant of a nun bar of nica praaanta. Tha birthday eaka vaa aarrad aa • part of tl ■rmptinf coaraa of rafraahmanta. DR. J. P. COX Acata and Chraak 1 Phona 622 Baa. M. Offtec Hra. 9 ta 18; I to 6; 7 to • War* mi Eaat hit. 0*. Fab.. » Uttii mt Tha Mo—« Airy Mm, Dnr >(r: FU ancloaad Paat OfflM Mqr ardar tar vuburriptkm to tha oM taw tow* pa par. I Mm an Joy «mt mack rmdini km mm! haaplug ay with wka Folk* •Ml HmiM Airy'* pmww. Tom truly, E. 8. J. BSpnTT Im, Surry County ""1 Jannhr PiyM, Plaintiff, ». Patrick iyn«. IVfandant TW dafandant ibavt w«mad will notka that an action antitlad at has boon cum man cad in tha Mu Court of Hurry County for tha m of ohtalnlns mi abaoluta di ; and lh» hM dafrndant will