New Industry Will Mean Many Dollars to Local Fanners factory and will to tailed upon h> ataad of reporting to automatic ma ck inory, than furniahing a liberal ■Mount of employment to tto woman of thia city. 11m capacity of tto canning department will to 6,000 cam par day. Tto proprietors atata that ttoy have already contracted their wrtyut of can nod gooda for 19M, moat af lit pint to tto coal IWId* of Waat Virginia and tto textile^a*ptera of of llMw Htidn to Imp tMr| at Ha Mi ca parity. Mr. WHd eatiautaa. that the amount of vegetablee they win need ahould put into tha pachata of arouad Mow* Airy between *M00| Oaring the MtcU ■idee Um eaaaary km is Mi—> Airy. rspnoriaa at ether pofcrta bi tha i which to haul the berrtea. They plaa to have ra—artea f«* barrtaa hi. started in thia cHy prietora hope to and equip It to Tha opening of thia concern hi thia rity offer* • i aadj aarhat to a large tarritary of wulrji for a farm pro duct that heretofore haa be ought rary hula moaey mto tha hande of tl fai iaai i. And tha etarttag of thia to> duatry parhapa ia only tha forerun-, nar of another that worha hand in1 hand with it, and that ia a tin cm fac tory. At praaant thia concern ia •hipping ita ampty cana from points ia Virginia to thia city, while with tha expected growth of tha canning indua try in thia city Ha requiremanta would call for the oat pot of a large tin can factory which could be aparatad «uc eeafully right here within our own to a large I pie. STATESVILLE DAILY PA PER HITS THE WALL UmU* to FkU Sutmilb, Feb. SO.—The 8tataa rilla Moraine Lad««r which ku issued u a daily by the Link-Picketis Publishing company for the past six months under the adKorial of R. 8. Pickens of publication In announcing sas pension at publi cation in this morning's issue of tha Ledger, tha pahliahara make this statement: "Tha paper has not carried t of advertiaing nirmsry to it aatf at parting and while tha liat has had "I Ma holding them all far I mm • great believer In to the matn-.pring of lieve Me, My far Mr. Ttpp, to the Staph. "The way I da to U hold tha nock ttoa aubjact la tha order of tha »and ar, ha toto| obliged to send « mmh ar ■epreeentative to da tha far * aaudl (aa I • him. I faa far tywrfu I hi My poeaaaaioa. That to tha 1 in large citiee "beautiful neckties' to only BO awta. That to pretty cheap hot by doh| My own waahing mmI irrnhif I cm afford It Toa aaid to kaep the ttoa five yea |1 M. That woaM hake oar ac 60 eenta; flee day*' atorage M eenta; total 11. By fear nerktiee 91.60. "I take K by the tiase thto reachea jam and 1 ret reply another flea da ye will have eta peed, which, not, count Inr the M cant fee for delivering tha package aa your order to your person al representative, would make you owe me a balance ef 50 cents or one dol lar. We will figure that oat later. "We have aiMH.atorea hare la thto town; home merrhanta who pay rent; arho take aa active part in oar rtty'e building; who respond to the calto of charity and progress, and I feel that all ritiaena ahould patronise them al ways—and for that reason I do not endorse your achiMa at ail. Some aay < A anaVas la n Mai ■ w —-1— .,t , a L i A IQCMr II DOTH frfT/ RIITIUlf DQv the aackttoa aeam to come la than that. "To*, My dear Mr. Tlpp, can Uy understand that If I had to do bat receive neckttoa aad remit far them, eepecially wtoi I didn't want them aad didnt aaed would be la one hehrra fix. That to why I charge for my aai ilaaa. If aerve. If thto tont aatisfactory tha charges, send your aian down mad get the ttoa. 1 know yoa are a busy man, Mr. Tlpp, bat yoar raproeeion of friend ahip hi sending me tha ttoa proval makea am think I have foand a true friend la yea. Da yoa know Mr. Montgomery Ward? He livae la Chicago. Be doea not aend tha ttoa, bat being a friend of mine al so. ha first doubt leea heard ef mm aad got My naato—he eenda me a eatolotpM evary aaea la a while with la H. It to a I would ltka to vtoK a Mg city aad aee the toU buildfega. I May eoaae to aee yoa la tha aprir "Well It to aiaee for thto tfaae. haate aad aay bad "AL FAIRBROTHKH ~P. •. If I maae ap in the that Vaaa dog If yoa t • had I it raDa With the County Agent *aday, Fafc. R f K tke AM* far tkia i TIM ltowaa Cream*y of ; V. C., want* lo (it la touch wtth aD tw® skippers h tkia county. la hair latter of Fak. 9, they ara offar nc a eanta par peuad butterfat far rood cream F. O. B. farmer's skip rinjr point. Cam ara carefully ittrilind and returned to the expreaa iffiea the name dajr received. Check* ura mailed out promptly every two reeka. Ton can pt In toock with heae people by wrHmr them aad [Wa them a try. la North Mountain Diatrtet Surry ■anka aa follow*: eowa of milkia* ire, third; kena of laying are, fourth; *>w» of breeding ate. at the bottom if the liat, and commercial fertilizers he ft ret or the hirkeat. Tkia should suae our farmers and buaineea Man o do some real hard thinking aad w aaa if this condition cannot be I have a copy of "The Early Potato )utlook~ prepared by Dr. G. W. Porater, of N. C. State Collate and lera ara aoaae quotationa frosa tt. The ou'Jook for the early potato Top la very favorable. Tkia appHaa tapecially to the potetoaa which win m marketed about June 1. A goad narket My extend aa late aa Juno 16, tkia la however uncertain. The aoat aarioua competitors after the kret of June ara atataa to the north, iuch aa Virginia, Maryland aad New laraay. A larga crop of North Caro lune 1, may, therefore, levere competition this The general conclusion of the U. 8. >. A. relative to early potatoea la omewhat aa follows: producers of larty potetoaa who can market their wuduet before the ftrat of Jasia lave little fear of hie season. After June 1 the I say be goot; the ovtloek, however, la lanartela If yea sroald Uke to aaa ha complete report can at thia of. o. ■ letter to I f I. ^ ha «M "Thai to Ml that the aa tt does Dm Hfin at ii ipullii aMrhettog, to at wr pin N(N«MM to Dm pa*. I pto af the "It to ftmnw. "h view af mt past —per tone* to realise that to Mark to ret to op far e iiiUHimim of lb ttaa." The hope le ever, that "the people a# Sooth Caro lina iatai sated to the aaltlaaUaa aad marketing of tobacco will hackle on their armor wttk saal yet preaa fnrmini to I rlnaion of thia Tko latter from tka Owemw to Mr. Perritt eays: "I have wHk wry deep totereat the ication af your Tabaaeo rooperative Aaeociatiea. I hating tar a number at year*. TMa interact Mnj 4m to the realtaattoa that la order for a prv-daeer to mala at a profit, ha anat to the ariHag price af the article to hi If Hie take The to • af at in pradactog a crap aa to profitably farm and at tka same time aae or be compelled to aee the market in# method* of the past. Therefore aa a principle co-oparatlra saarketinr must com* hi mo> form aa a relief to tke eery vexing conditions that now sumwnd agriculture In America regardless of tke product It produce* "la riew of thia conviction, the eraaa account of February 17 of an intarriear with Mesars. Young and IM gives eery iv aee concern. 1 am not only personally interested, bat I - feel that the reorganisation of tkia association, affecting aa it does the general principles af the cooperative marketing system, to a very grave consequence to tke people of the en tire f tata. It to distressing, la riew J at oar pa at experience to realise that ao mack to yet to be dona ta obtain the neeeaaary signup for a continu aace of tke Co-operative Aaaoctotion "Of couree tke first queeMaa la wketkar or not H paid. Cotopartooa of prices effectively an ewers that question affirmatively beyond a doubt. According to figuree furnished aa, the tea-year average far 191S-1M1 which included the World War was HMO par hundred, la lttl, tke year prior to organization the aver age price was 111.00 per hundred with practically the aame srpply. TLe four-year average for IMS-IMS waa HMO par hundred This .peak* far itself, for It to a well racogatoed fart that there to practically the parchaaers of leaf to The introduction of live marketing, than, gave a tit ion which expresoed itaslf to aa In creased return which not hare obtained. "Now the traahto to the Ml af this Ha wma about two atilaa off tba raft alar air mail root* batwaau Cfcieaf* rod Bryan. H. D. Shavrr, Acting Di iriaion Superintendent of Um Air Mai) Serrice km, der tared. Viaibility waa reported rood at Bryaa. A maait baa want to Ota scene to investigate. Although not quite SS pan at an