Why bt a ■OPMPl roo down when you cuagrt •nd ollcn bre-k It up tarn ctxad >gctape«] cuntpMai] M haw* thresh ■ remarkable ntm id on lb* luww Or. King1* gathod baaed aa "BKSTSmM: You Mmply tahi mm iM«puon(ul and hold U hi r la at kia Winter >i»i to fort Myar rw. t Th0 Hiaiari, ii»i| ml of Mr. U IMi fmk, n. J.. aad iMtTmJ I- _. M - *. -M_ — M .— ^.t — Ll-a| ' uMHfl( MVI Imy fUr HI H>* nllll day. Thie la the aocond eonaeruth jraar that the luntkeaa will be he with tha pMt of koaor ahoent. B"hert A. Carter, of til Waat fa ty-third Street, an aa«nria>e of M Ediaon Mara than forty year* ago, P aarljr Inraitlm. "Ever since 1»70, Mr Ediaon hi kept i racerd of kb work on Meal of pafi-r about five torhoa by otfbt Mr. Cwtar aatd. "lack night two < kia «an and ba wovM dsn It" In dtareeetnc tba invention af tl tolaphona, Mr. Cartar cruotad th from ona of tkaaa akaota writtan I 1871: "I know now that I can raroi aowi bat I mi aot aura that I m reed It I have two bars, and botwe* tbaai a pioee af paraffined pa par, diaphragm with a long needle paaali through ona of tha ban. Wbaa apaak against tka diaphragm and pt tba papor It la porforatod by tka aa die." "Thla la tka froat«randdaddy of i recording inntrumenta," Mr. Cart ■aid, "Including tha phonograph, tal phona and mlcropbona. "Ediaon'* flrat invention waa tl votinir machine. It waa fifty yaa too aarly. Tha next waa tha dnpb and quadruple telegraph. which mm telegraphing practicable. Before tha inventions telegraphing waa lltt mora than a railway signal." Mr. Cartar recalled that Ediaon li vented a typewriter more than fifl vaara ago. "It waa years too aarly," ho sal "He never got a cant out of K. 1 waa too early with radio, diacoverir . tha apark or wava in lint. In tl 1 same yaar he built a aot and puhlial ad it in Tha Scientific American, 1 . rears before Hat* and twenty-tn i years before Marconi. In IMS it wi taken to Paris and ahown In tha ej hlbition by Charles Bateheler, ona < Mr. Edison's beat assistant*." Mr. Cartar aaaertad that Edison ha the telephone "long before the figi Mr. Bell and Mr. Gray had over it, but had never applied for a patent. "The Aril telephone waa purely magnetic instrument," Mr. Carti said. "In his patent drawings k show* a horseshoe magnet on eac end. He shows a soft Iron core t •upport the bobbins of copper win There was no place to make an ele< trlral connection. On thia patent th Bell Telephone Company waa forme< It waa only practicable to aend mm 'age* fifty to seventy mile*. Her Mr. Ediaon waa called in, and h worked in the Bell Telephone BuiU ing. laid out the aystem and added th electric current, the induction coi and hia carbon transmitter, whic made the telephone practicable." vaccination or uoft •• urd«r« j Dunn, Feb. 20.—An ordinance whid would prohibit any dog which has no been vaccinated againat hjrdrophobi from running at large in the town o Dunn after March 1, 1926, waa p*u* at a recent meet'.ng of the mayor an board of town commiaalonera. The ordinance, paaaed "In the In terest of the public health and safe ty," provide* that any parson con victed for Ha violation ahall pay a fin. of |U for each offenaa, and thnt eacl day auch dog in allowed to run a' large ahall be a aeparate offeree. Notice Traatee's Sal* of By virtue of authority vested In m< in a certain dead of truat executed th» 24th day of Dae. TM>, to C. F. Me Craary and wife Myrtle McCreary U the undersigned trustee for the ro> Lumber and Mfg. Co., to secure an in debtedneas of t6 >4.50, and recorded ii the Register of Deeds office of Burn County, N. C., in hook H page 14 default having been made in the pay ment of the note therein secured, ami at the request of the holder I will sell for cadi to the highest bidder at pub lic auction, in front of the Bank ol Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C.. on Taeaday March l«th IMt ' at 1:M o'clock P. M. the following deatrlhad real estate: Beginning on the west aide of branch Early Ashburn's N. W. cornet ind running with his line B. B? deg. 45 min. Eaat two hundred and tea feet to Early Ashburn's N. E. corner •» West aide of an 18 ft. road between Tom Ashburn's land and T. B. Me Csrgo's, thence with mid road W. !• 4eg. W. ISO feet, thane* B. 157 deg. IS min. W IM ft. to wast aide of Hranck, thence down the liiaaek 1M ft the hejrinning. Mt. Ahry_ Bale made tn satisfy an IliitsTitidlii n f M04.M pr ncipal. interest and *Mt 'mm te add. Tbi. tb* 12th day of 'eh. UN. M. HL Hollingiworth Drag Co. Phone 311 YOU SHOULD NAME IK SUMY COUNTY LOAN I TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING RRASONSi 3 handy packs p»- Cc wrkleysPK. NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand — fiocktt and pur— Mert for yo«r atny •>4 tb* hHtralal J L*«k far VMflay's P. K. Heady Pack Amazing Powar af Mexican Mustang Liniment Stops Rheumatism — tratM through the ' to the Bone ir jma •■»<* km KmmuUt uatmamt •rhaa or kava a Uw Wfc or M Mlfd «m. dnn t wall a Dilnul* • await (juamiljr .,f Mrllfmi Ma UnlnMnl nekl op|MMtu* lb* aura or ■ •!»•«—ia ilnwrt t UH> It «it poo Ihroaitfc Ihr akhb ut aoo«h» tnd rata » i»ln Vcur mini' af comfort ratMf aill to |rml The romarkaMa ^MKruliii powar of MatJraa MMm Linlnnl la iha i'i mm wh> It qulata *nd auoihaa pain *%«• la raaaa ft looa aaaadinc ind vhara iMhcf Ap^iratMmlMVtlftllwl TM* MB it I la I (» ml «U<> Mali raw Kuraa and ■d ao aiikia a valuable maMdjr to ban la Ma koww al ail llmaa tl .Inacstata and whnl—lira aall Muataas Ualmant nr ran imiiIw rat How Doctors Treat CalJs aod the Fit To break up a coM oremig-ht or to rut short nn attack of fnpM t» flurnut, *ori> th">*t or tnnatllitii, phjr itcnua ami u; ar.. Dow i« om mendm* Caiolaiv, the punfi 4 and refined cal'iucl < •mpuWMi tablrt that (fi*ua you the cffecta of calouwl and •sits mwhinrd. without the unplaaa int effecta of either. One or two Caiotabe at V-dtime with a swslVw'of water,—that's all. No aatta, tro -ausea nor the slichtest interference with your eat inc. work >r pleasa'>' Next morning your cold h.\a Tani»>"VI. /our aystem Is thor oughly nurifird and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break rait. Eat what you please.—no dan rer. sa Get • family psoka**. containing Pull directions, only 33 rents. At any In* atore. (adr) You |*t that rich asllaw flt*> *- only in PEPSI-COLA. DEY AiNT EZ. MUCH SLACK IN PAT BLUE DlAMONT COAL^fcX. DEY- IS SMALL. CHANGE IN MAM POCKET!! Russell Fork Coal Phone v ,, a.