Showing the biggest variety and best selected line of merchandise we have ever shown. A circular teUm« »W tfck sale akonld be ia every hem ia this co to be left withent keiaf benefited by Ike greeted aettag event of tbe will be iheerfally rrfaiJiJ. "Quality Merchandise" Hawks-Boyles Co. M°»« a*,, n. c Death of Mrs. Meaa Mr*. M. A. Mom dM (t tlM bom* of bar daughter, Mrs. T. W. Taylor in thU city. She waa 78 years of Mi, and had bees a mambar of tha hialthn Baptist Church for ahoet 25 years. Sha waa • rood masibar and waa loved by all who kaaw berg Sha Vras a Mad and loving lanthdr could ha doe* without avail. Sha leaves five daughters. Mrs. T. W. Taylor, of Mow* Airy, Mia. H. U Co., of Pilot Mountain, Mrs. 1 P. Fulton and Mrs. H. D. Jonaa, of Belle ville, Va., and Mrs. Walter Craasjr, of Kerneraville. Funeral servicee war* conducted at Stewarts Oraak church Sunday morning. Jaaa* Davis At Rest \ Mr. JMs* Davis an aged and re- 1 apcctad citisen of Surry county died at the home of his daughter on rout* 4 Feb. 12. Mr. Davis waa born Mar. 28, 1867 and was married to Misa Alice Allrad Oct. 12, 1886. To this union ware born seven children two of whom died in infancy those surviv-: in* are Mrs. Walter Marion, Mrs. Jake Badgety, of Whtie Plains, Mra. Dixie Johnson, Miss Allie Davis and Jeaae Davis, Jr. all of Route 4. Mr. and Mra. Davis lived practicably all their livaa in Surry county wbe.e Mr. Davis enra«ad in tha milling buainest a few years ago they sold out and moved to Columbia, Va.; where af ter a few months tha death angel call ed the wife and mother to join bar babies and other loved onee, In tha BABY CHICKS—HATCHING EGGS Bids. Boclu, Leghorns, Anconaa, mix ed 14c up. They are noted for their excellence in appearance and agg production. $4 78 up. >AR3 FA1 High It. Rd. • Wia«toa-8aie«, N. C. LITTLE CEDARS FARM Notice of Sal* ml Lead Under and by rirtue of tb« power contained la a certain deed of aaaign ■mt executed by S. 8. White to the undcrsi aicd truatee on the 21 day of Jan. 192.r>, and recorded in Book 100 at pace 75, record* of Sorry County, 1 will aall at public auction to the highest bidder for caah at the court hovae door la Dobeon, N. C., on the lSthdaj oHMarch^lMt, the following described real estate: first tract, bounded on the north by the landa of Byrd Cockerhata, John WhiUVer, J. K. Phillips and others aad fully dsacribed in deed tram Ira mritakor to 8. 8. White, recorded ta Egsrer. ' fally deecribed in • - =H . «|,>2^t«»8.8. la hook M po«e 41, *8 i Third tiMt. be—did by the , of O'ady Bledsoe and the Klkin Nat ieaal Bank, aad faBy describe la dead J. 8. Atkinson to 8. 8. White, , tied la Book M at page 14. rec of said ceoaty, —taiahig IT : R. E. REEVES DIES IN NEW YORK Witk His Car Party Han PVi Reeves, of Summit, JfTJ the Hunter Manufacturing * raiaaion Company of Naw York who (bed in the Vanderbilt hoi Now York. Saturday afternoon, brought bar* Tueeday for Intel in the family plot in waa tha eideat aou < Mr. aad Mr*. Mika E«a»aa, decease of thia county and waa bora on tha | Raavaa farm naar thia city, ha attain ad tha Mount Airy High school and I completed hi* education in tha Oak | Ridge Institute, where he graduated] at the age of II rear*. um i The.death of Mr. Reeves cam^Tu a shock to his friends both in this | state and in New York city. Ha had ] enjoyed good health until about three weeks ago when he contracted pneu monia which waa followed by compli cations of sinus disorder*. Last week he was to have attended a stockhold ers meeting of the company in Greana boro but the meeting was postponed on account of his ilteaaa. Mr. Reeves is survived by hia wi dow who waa formerly Miss Suaati Graham, daughter of C. E. Graham, of Greenville, 8. C.,: two sons. R. E. Jr. aged IS and C. E. aged 18. one daughter, Miss Susan Reeves, aged 10 years, five brother*. M. R and John, of New York city, and Marvin ana Charles of Sanford. and Dr. J. B. Reeve*, D. D. of Pulton, Mo., and one sister. Mrs. Marshall Wyatt, wife of' Rev. Marshall Wyatt, of Cheater, Va. A funeral service was held for Mr. Reeves in the First Methodist Church in Summit. N. J. Monday afternoon and tha body waa brought to thia city by rail, a apodal car Wing provided for the remains aad tha funeral party which waa attached to tha train reach nerr laWMiny noon, UN/ wtr* joined in Greesboro by re la three from var ious points white others awaited them Tha large proeaaaion formed at tha depot and proceeded at oaea to Oak dale cemetery whore the interment took place. Accompanying tha re mains were hia brother Mr. Char lea wmoiysRK. NEW HAMOY PACK Km It r«ir amy Reeves, of Stanford, R. G. Vaughn and C. V. Cauaey, of Oraanaboro, who reached N«w Jersey in time for the funeral hi* paator Bar. Henry Lamb din, D. D. ofSummitt. N. J., Ma fam ily and a few cloee friends, am T. W. Sloan, D. D. of the First byteriaa Church, Greenville, 8. C„ former paator «f V Mrs. Reaves who of ficiated at their marriage. Amour the other relatives attending the funeral aad accompanying them aa far aa Greensboro oa the return trip ware Mr. aad Mrs. Marvin Reeves, Mrs. Mrs. Cfcariea Iiwm aad eon of Ban ford. Mr. aad Mrs. John L. Daris of flnoa after his gradaatiea Mr. Reeres _ ^ Ca. at that time a sad selling organita tioa for southarn cotton mills with headquarters in Greensboro. His Has in the textile business was rapid and soon after joining the Hunt er company he was sent to New York aa a representative. Due largely to Mr. Reeres' ability the concern grew to he the largest tax tile selling organisation in the coun try. The company now handles th* entire output of over 70 southern mills snd is one of the moat importsnt fac tor* In the industry. It now sella over 20 per cent of the cotton piece goods and more than BO per cent of the cot ton and silh mixed fabrics made in the south and does an annual husinon of more than $1004100.000. For the last 10 years Mr. Reeve* had made his home In Summit, N. J.. and was prominently connected with the First Methodist Church of that city. Ha took a great interest in young men and conducted • Bible claaa in his church. He always found time to aid his friends and of ten helped the most humble employap in his organisation. / Upon learning of the death of Mr. Reevea, R G. Vaughan mads the fol 1f sirkneaa and Mrs. C. D. Reeves is improving. 3. K. Richardson and family are sick, and Albert Shinault is very sick, in fact tbeae la the most sickneea we have had in years thru our section. Mias Marjorle Hay more student at Mountain Park , spent tha weak and w4h home folk* \ J Randall Reeves tha nine year olA fson of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reeves la] taking special treatment under Dr. Banner, an aye specialist at Greens- i ' boro, for one of kia eyes. Main or ni(B On Friday, Feb. IMl Charlie Bren die, lR-year old son of Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Brendle, of Mar Dobaon, paassd ■way after an illneea of only a abort while. Car lie Juat growing Into young manhood, waa a student of the Dobaon high school, being In the »th trade, where he waa held in the hli eat eateem by both teachers and student body. The funeral and bur ial service* conducted at Pairview Church on Sunday in the praaeiHs of a large number of friends and rela tives. Notice of Trnetee's Sale of Land By virtue of authority rested in me in a certain deed of trust executed : the 20th day of March, 1928 by Burrel Hatchcr and Man Hatcher wife to W. J. Swan son, Trustee for I D. Flippin to secure aa indebtedness of 1662.80. and recorded In the Register . of Deeds Office of Sorry County, N. C., la book 66 at page 2M, default harinc been made la the payment of tbe notes theftln secured and at the request of the holder, I will aeil for 1 caah to tbe highest bidder at public auction In front of Tbe Bank of Pilot Mountain, POat Mountain, N C-. on Saturday tbe STtb day af Mar. 1M6. at f o'clock P. M_ tbe following deetrlfrad real aetata: Beginning at a black-gum la Oam arnns line, runs East 22 cos. to a dead oak In La wean's Mm, North 24 cha. to a stake In J. L. Sbelton'a line, with the road to Gammon's line cha. tkaaee Sooth 24 cha. to the L_ ginning, containing Maaraabe tba aame land wa purchased from Mrs Elisabeth Collins about 14 year* ago. This Mag all the lands of Hatcher old home place, and said daei Arty raenrdsd In the office of the register of daeds at Rurrv Comity. N C.. In book JW ^ «• > la . , _ This Feb. 2T1 k, INI W.J. Miss Virginia Lea and WUUaai Cal laway, popular young people of r* * .1 (L.ib fmi. _ j. »— vircvniDoro nurprwwi uifir irwnoi oy motoring to Danrilk, Vs.. Saturday marriage at kl|l Boon at the Preebjr lingaon officiating. they wart attend ed by a to* eloee frtandr Mr*. Callaway to the da^btet of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lea, of boro and waa ad—tod at North Car. Mr. Callaway la a son of W. P. Callaway, of Winston-Salem formerly of Mount Airy and waa educated la the Mount Airy Hick school aftar which ha stteoded callage la Balti more, Md., la tar ha hacama connactod with tha Bradatraat officc going to Cumberland, Md., than to Groan»boro with tha umr organisation. After a brief wadding trip through historic Virginia they will ha at home in Greensboro. First Praabyterian.Church Rev. J. C. Grier, Par or Bible school 9.46 A. M. Morning worship 11:00 A. M. Evening worship T:>0 P. M. Junior C. E MO P. M. Senior C. t _.JJ» P. M. Prayer senriea Wednesday 7J0 P. M. Public invited to all of our sarricee. \ It is so rafraakisg—PEPSI COLA. Try a fcottk WJak thtsSpacp to jwT6c aboutthi RED 9EAVER BORDER i TW n«%l»il wail board was v j: Bcav«. la i.i»| wcm. a I S Si » naWiBMdBaw Only <1 I fj+STZt* ifcaMd hmr jl | Bonbr. (oof ammn oi Tesh Lumber Co. Tax Notice! PAY YOUR TAX AND SAVE COST I will tax payan of at Ik* M tkapnrpoMof all Pilot Township, Pilot liogatain, Shoals Township, Trulove's Store 10 to It A. M.— Kay's Store, 1 U 4 P. M. SikMUB Township, A C. Snow's Star*. 10 to IS V M. Rockford Township, Stony Knoll, I to 4 P M Marsh Township, 1. U. Phillip's Stora, 10 to 11 A. M. Bryan Township, Mountain Park, 1 to 4 P/M. Elkin Township, KOcto. 10 A IL to I P. X. 10 to It A IL lto4PJLI • to it A. IL lot, 1 C H. HAYNES, 2 ■