Mr, tfyMM* aoa for i coatract W« km aoa ad wfll adrfaa yoa m ta tha baat Wa will pay tha following prieao to offer at topiaat at oar (MM)) Coma toaaaaaat oar offlca la Mount Airy < ■a. Alao in tha mark at for plna lumbar aaa ua. Wo will bay blackbarriaa, raaiaanbar thajr waja high. ara al> COTTAGE CANNING CO. 0. B. » Onr First National Bank Meant Airy, N. C Ha* given satbf actory Mrrko to its cmto—n for mora than Thirty Yoaro. Bank with w and Bank on n. What can wo do for yon? T. C. FAWCETT, Prosidont W. W. BURKE, Vlco-Prwidont, E. a SMITH, Cnhhr. T. G. FAWCEJT, Pp«i. Klw.nim. Real Estate For Sale No. 5~6 South street—3 room houae, two porches, city water, aewer, electric lighta, lot 60x200 feet Two and one-half acrea situated adjoining Bark Shed and Lovilla Creek, suitable for pasture. 150 feet along railroad right-of-way-side track will be built on adjoining lot this spring, this lot carries with it a contract to join the aide track by owner paying one half cost of construction and maintenance of side track. A dea rable building lot on Patrick Boad, near Quarry, $10.00 cash and $10.00 per month. Six lota in Highland Park, desirable and on Easy terms. Five-room house and desirable lot on Southaide of East Poplar street, city water and lights, nice home on easy terms. » Thirty acres woodland near White Sulphur Springs. A good buy for an investment 117 seres near Sheltontown, fair dwelling, tobacco bams, f«*rd barn, out buildings, 40 acres open for culti vation, priced to sell. * Edw. M. Liqvilie Edw. M. Linvilit, Kiwnaiaa. Mount Airy, N. C. Hoists ior Rent o Salt Rra'onable PrieM Liberal TtTM A Finr Opfioriuatty Owa ^ mi- f ro'r* ««■ '"d by aald daad af uml .1' ?' • iuaat and na da »»«d of the h-' f (aid aotaa, I •i!: art) m jmV> • !a« far ea»h to Mm hnr' lihlitr in front af tka Emit •' »•«•*»* «la la Pilot Mowteifi, C.. «m fc la ! Satarday, M.rrfc ISth. MM at t P. M, the following real aetata: Beginning at planted rock, tnaide fd« of (idewalk on Eaat Main Street, in -rllot Mountain, N. C., at interaec tion of Main and Academy 8trV«t* and nmi North CI Weat with Main Street •idewalk 74 feet to planted rock, J. H. Clifton'* corner, North about 14 Eaat bat running paralel with W. R. Cox'* Eaat tine, the line bttwaaii Mm and J. H. Cliftnn, about tM feet to reck, la M. M. Marion'* line, thence with M. M. Marion'* line Ea*t to Academy Street, thence South with Academy Street to beginning. Thi* February 8th, 1IM. 0. E. Snow, Troatea, Pilot Mountain, M. C FOR OVER 49 YEARS ■A1X.Y CATAAMH mDCKCIKa e?*CauurrSt ancr*"*'aU,r HALU1 CATARRH MSDIC1HB cob «*«» ef »» OUtmoni wMeh Ketieree by kx>l *n' lh« Internal IMrlM. * 'wlf. whin xeU ttriwfii th» H. P. M Thuraday March II, Beamer idiwl Clara Millar. 10 A. M.—Rtol tontown.D. L. Low*—1 P. M.—W«t fWd. R. P. Jeaaop—S P. M. Friday March 12. Oraaay Knob— P. M. Dodeoa—10 A. M.—Ararat,! Ja«per Kay—CP. M. Culling and flock management will to taken up ao to preaent and aak any question* you want to. Invite your nriftiton. H. E. White, County Agent. Babv Chicks 12c. And Up Yes iir««, we will mII yon lkuK' | chirk* at 18c each ami guarante/lftO per rent live delivery and that i« the very laat liUle thinit that we will do ; for that Is alt,the fellow will do that I you order this kind of chicks from. Now we aell baby chicki from 16c I I to 20c each that are the kind that we 1 ; stand behind and there ia a personal 1 service that goes with those chicks that costs us Just about as much as ! the chirks. Remember that we hare chicks for sale at It 16, IS, 17>J8 and 20c each. It mirht pay tou V talk the matter over with us before orocrinr • In order to get some good stuff out to buy hatching eggs from next win ter we are going to sell hatching ens, day old chicks and 8-week old pullet* from now on from the following pur* bred, high (production blood strain varietieo Barred Rock*. Buff Orping tons, R. I. fceds and White Leghorns. The prices to those that will soli us >-gg* will he right. Swset PMttry Firm & Itatdry Grewn Hill Road Mont Airy, N.C - Root* B NOTICE Having qualified as administratorsj on the estate of the late E. F. Wall, dereaaed, all persons indebted to the estate are hereby requested to make 1 prompt settlement snd all persons to j i whom the estate Is indebted are here j by notified to file their claims, prop-1 erty verified, with the uriemigned on ! or before the 8th £y of Feb., ItfT. or this notice will be pleaded In bar er th«<» r«rh* to inonmr. ' t*u p,»> *h. >««. • Personal Scrvice r r Bt PintkplfaiaMNk B. Okan DbtW, Paatar. BIN. MmI Ml A. H. Mnmimr WonWf ll.M A. M. ». T. P. tJ MM P. M. Evanlng toTh* 1M P. M. Regular Prnyar and Praia* Sarrlae Witeiiiay TJ» P. M. Tha paatot prsaihsss next Sun4sy morning and tvmlnf on the follow- j ing thravM, "A Nmr Dying Plr*," and "Certain Sin* of Um Granite. City." Need Ik# spiritual. dynamic' Ufa of the church ever wane or was dim f Doaa keeping op a farm of re ligion maka for saeuvity? How ran a church always ha an fir* for Chriet ? Theae and mora qoaationa at Ilea im portance will be diacusaed Sunday morning TV Sunday evening me* saWs ta tba fourth In a series of prac tical Sunday mrmmgi i tha paator la preaching. What la tha preacher's one supreme task? What are aoma of Mt. Airy"* fallings? Row ran wa boat help make tha Granite City tha crty H should be? These questions win be answered in tha message Sunday evening. You and your friends are cordially invited. There ta not a sermon you shall hear that shall not In some way find itself Mated to Christ anil Ilia cross Friend* Church B. n. MiDikan, Pastor. Bible school .._ * 45 A. M Prayer meetiar Wad. 7.80 P. M Trinity Episcopal Church Rw.SjWtar H. Marshall. MWHir. Morn in t prayer and urmua the second. fnorth and fifth Sundays mi saeh month it 11 a. a. Sunday school at It a. a. first aad third Mays at TJO p. m. ■> mm union tha second Saaday First Grade—Freids Ml. itn. Second Grada—Margaret Rill, Elisa beth Birkner. Third Grada—Jane Inman. Margar et Macon. Mary Ella Tilley, Sam Hennis, America Carpenter, Emory Tilley, Katharine Morris, Mary Agnea Brown, Sylrta Samat, Odell Spanrler, Merlin Jones, Russell Hyatt. Fourth Grade—Lula Hicks, Kuth Dearmln. Macon Jordan. Fifth Grada—Mary Birkner, Mar garet Booker, Margarita Morris, Car los Tilley, Lewis Webb. a sf'rth Hip" / Mominx sendee Evening set»ke _„11.00 A. M. 7M P. M. Roll North Mate School Pint Grade—Rachel Chandler, Ruby Moody, Elate Dark. Paarl Tur My, George Lofted. Second Grade— Mary France* Smith. Third Grade Clarence Tarry, I net Patterson, Mary Ingle Hoffman. Fourth Grade—India A ken, Bee tle Loo Bray, Kathleen Jooea, Blanche J Shropshire. Fifth Grade—Myrtle Hudson, Re becca McMickle, Blanche Gwyn. Thnmaa Fawcatt. . With Grade—Julia Belle Fey, Prancia Folger, MeRae Byti Card of Tkaab We desire to thank oar many friends for their sympathy ami kind ness daring the flfciess and fallowing the death of oar hek>»ed teky M Samoel Wayne PatUraor It*. Mr and Mrv 8am Pattersoa. | niA k T\\\i\ x r ti ir aTf\r Jj IA » V.JJ A I U k A I fcrr \UM'JVVM! nirtlKK Program Suiting Monday, March &th tLOTm HAKE rmt raUTT-«M Lm Irrr« to hi "*«IW" with ColWon Mooaa * Wot] M a t» a • .n-a m tatt In thia mI IKSKy M WHRSHy Now It ti baro. Thmt BMt to nrut, raoo W« hM mv* tor I hare hoard all tha t«* ! lev aryin a ; • .k->4« n i •fad MM )na kati aval hMfitad bofaro. Tat, it a Not ail thoraU^a aab aawMj^tbaa^at aoaaawa thia Ch*p..n a» Wajiarawrtty NfaMl that al *W cm paaaMy 4a as plrw Ttarsdajf A mat tol Tea Mix aad One of tha Howl with hia hi«h hat to "HU LUCKY HOUSEAH >E aad by far tha hoot from thia p pu... u. A miner— with Mmfmrni Griffith Lira tha Laagtit.-: Friday -the price or sveenr -A alary of a wtfo'o ANco LaU, Gaotoa Ctooa. AIM Saturday . or THE DESERT"—A dandy rood woatora feature chock full of action, faat riding and ruwama that will pleaae you. Ho Juat can aot ha boat. "TRIFLE ACTION"—Thar* ia aa ared to what kind of ontortainaaont thia atar pota rnto hia p'cturca. COMING BOON: COLLEEN MOORE IN "IRENE" For= HIGHER YIELDS BETTER QUALITY GREATER PROFITS Of Bright Tobacco International Fertilizers Are Unequalled The plant foods in International Fertilz^r* y arc balanced one with the other and addit.ona. foods are Introduced, so that they are unlike any ihrr tobacco fertilizers ever offered. "Satisfaction at Harreet Time" For Sale By W. L. CHILTON, Ararat, N. C. W. E. MATTHEWS, Pilot fsunt^in N C W. L. CHILTON, Mount Airy. N C ■V ' A Very Practical Arrangement You spent jour life building jour r*'*te; m Tnnft Company \ n» The Bank of Mount As Act* m RwoiKw. MahkMv, OmCh Mi E* D. M. Lomiu TmI MmI Kt>