• Airy Bust's Oniol Sets • ■ft!?; Garden Seed W. S. Wolfe Drug Co. W.«. WOLF*, KtwaalM Mr. Farmer! If yon art interested la fro wing beans, tomatoes, ■west potatoes, pumpkins, and beets for canning, Me as at once fer a contract We have some seed to offer at cost and will advise you at to the best variety to plant We will pay the following prices delivered at our canneries: Par Taa . $60.00 for (2000) .. 20.00 M .. 32.00 " - 30.00 « « .. 13.00 " « Come to see us at our office in Mount Airy or write us. Also in the market for pine lumber—see us. We will buy blackberriea, remember they an al ways high. COTTAGE CANNING CO. O. B. WEBB, Ktoeaiaa. R-snrcss Onr |1 >280,000.00 First National Bank r, . 4 ' , * ■«' *« ** J v' * ' *'■ •**' ' ' Mount Airy, N. tC. t { * Ha« |irai satisfactory service to its for mora than Thirty Yi Bank with as and Bank on us. What can wo do far you? T. G. FAWCETT, W. W. BURKE, E. a SMITH, T. O. FAWCETT, Pm. KiwmnUn. Real Estate For Sale 11. L Ayers Home Place Ob Lahanon Stoo* $250.00 cash and a year for sis years whan tha tandont * the Atlantic and Yadkta Railway will h wNk ua ud |in ua an IrtwnUi talk on "Trweperto tion." Ik know* tkia subject full* and wiO bring M ■ iw«>lrtf worth while Fred WitlM will be is ekargs of tko musical port of tko fruf»w and ho I* premising variagnted musical offerings Frtd la tko guy wko wrote tko "Kurtoua, Knmradely Blwanlsh" lettora you Imow about h la Intoreatlng to know that Ed Linvilla haa boon appointed by Dia trict Otnrwr Poll* Harvey to ho a member of Um Education Committee of Hie CarolInaa Klwanla Piatrkt. Tkia Committee has mappsd out an extensive profrui for tko yaw. Kl wanlan Llnvilte will vialt aack of the following Clubs during tko year on behalf of his committee: Mount Airy.' Winston-Salem, Rtateeville, Hickory. Newton. Morgan ton, Marion, Aake ville, North Wllkeabem, Lcaofr, foaksville. Elkln «nd Reidsville This htm a lot of work but If he fol. I^Hkla uaual course wo will hear > from Ed in tkia work We are going I to help In tkia work and the member* of tkls Club would get quite a bit of Jleaauro in going along on those trips, ust see Klwanlan Mnvllle and he will be glad to have you go with him. Notice of Rale of Real Batata By virtue of authority veated In me in a certain deed of trust executed the IMi day of Fab. IMS by E. 0., Drauirhon and wife Clara Draurhon to George K. Snow, Trustee for J. C. I Hollingaworth Lumber Co. to secure i an indebtedness of 1222.72, and re I corded in the Register of Deeds office , of Rurry County, N. •., In Book 72, : at page 400, default having been made In the payment of the notes therein i secured and at the request of the hold er, I will soil for casn to the highest bidder, at public auction in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on - Hetarday. Mare* ITtk, ltM at I • etacfc P. M. the following described real MtaU: adjoining the lands of Elmer Key, Com* Eada, B. 0. Nichols and otitm and hound*d aa follow*: Beginning at a stale* in the Hayrack road. North went of Clara Draughon'a w»ld»*», run. 8. 67 deg. W. «?T chs to a large pin* tr**; thence W. (B dec variation) cnMht a hollow 11.80 rha. to (take and point***; thence N. (5 d*(. varia tion) 4.2 rha. to Elmer Key's line; thenc* E. (S deg. variation) It rha. to a Spanish oak. Com* Eada' comer; thence 8. «.1B chs. to the Cadle F>rd| Road; thence up said road to the he- i ginning. Contohiinc eight (•) acres, more or leas. Rale made to satisfy said debt and costs This tSrd dr of February, 192<1. George K. Snow. Trustee. ; SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION • By order of the Board of Commis sioners of Surry County, there will be held an election at Cook a Schoolhouae on April IS, 1926, in the following territory; Beginning at th* old ford aero** Tom's Creek, near Job Jeasup's run i ning nearly North with Tom a Cr**k i to a point North**at from C. E. Cain's where road crosses Tom's Cr**k; then North of West following the old dis ; trict to R. L Arrington's South line and along Mc Roberts' South bound ary, also W. E. Thomas' South hound | sry to top of ridge; then following i ridge to * point North of L*wis Arm- : i strong's; tnence South-east along 8. ! , A. and D. C. Brinkley's East bound- i ary; thence following present district ' {line toward the South to the begin , ning near Job Jaamp's. Being known j ! a* Cook's District. W**tfi*ld Town- i "hip. District N*Ti. Mid election will b* held for the purpose of aacertaining th* will of th* , qualified voters of the said diatrict on the proposition at levying annual ly a tax of not exceeding He on th* | valuation of property, for the purpoee , of supplementing the said fund for said- school district. The registration hooks will be open- ! ed on Friday, the 12th day of March, and will be open for the purpoa* of registering voters and will be kept op*n every day, excluding Sunday, up to and including Saturday the Srd day . ' of April, 192*. The books will b* : open every day but Saturdays at th* home of H. E. Taylor and cm Satur days at th* polling place, from 9 o' clock la the morning until sua-down. H. E. Taylor is appointed registrar i for said election and Joel 8. Cook and W. H Taylor are appointed aa judg** for said election. There win b* aa *ntirsly new regis tration. No OM can vote tat said Th* poll* for said election will he •P** on Tueeday morning, the lMh day of April, at ra»-*p and will ro of th* Board ef County This March 1st, lf2t. t-Ma. Alexander Chatham Chairman Pre Teea. Att**t: W. t. Lawrence, Clark. BABY CHICKS—HATCHING EGGS KTS,*. HOY C ROBERT J. LOVim ML D. 0 to H i M. ■ALB or LAND BY TBUSTEK Br virtue ci the power contains, is deed of truat executed Dae. 16th BMfcVKlStf *62 sad recorded in Book 90 p*|« I#, and j defsult having been mad* in pay. of notes aecured by said deed ita of notes Hrurtd by of truat, and at the r<-.p>*«t sad on do Mad of tks hiidw of aaid notes, I; aril] sail at public auction for caah to tha hiffheet bidder. in front of tka Rank of Pilot Mountain in Plot Mountain, N. C, oa Sstarday, March IStk, ltM at S P. M, tka foUowin* raal aatata: Bagiaaing at planted rock, Inaida edge of aidewalk oa Cut Main Street, in Pilot Mountain, N. C, at intersec lion of Mala aad Academy Stroata and runa North <1 Waat with Maia 8tract' sidewalk 74 faat to plan tad rock, J. H. Clifton'a coraar. North sboutM East bat running paralal with W R Cox's East Una. tha liaa litaiwi Um aad J. E Clifton, about *60 faat ta rack, in M. M. Marion's liaa, tfceaee with M. M. Marion's Um East to " Street to L w This February 8th ltM. O. B. I NOTICE North Carolina. 8urry County. Janata Payna, Plaintiff, vs. Patrick | Payna, Dafandant. Tha defendant a bora named will take notice that aa action entitled aa above has baaa commenced in tha Su perior Court of Surry County for tha purpoae of obtaining an abaoluta di vorce; and tha aaid dafandant will further take notice that ha ia required to appaar at tha terra of Superior Court on the II of March, ltM, at tha court houae at Dobaoa. N. C., before the clerk, and anawer or demur to tha complaint in aaid action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in aaid complaint. Thia the Iftth day of February 192*., F. T. Lowell in, C. of 8. C. PEPSI-COLA, tha popular drink, ia mad* so by its unfail ing good flavor. 7/ltf// f Know for sure ww*smw% the material* you use will five lairing satisfaction. Know how long die high cost of repairs will be avoided. Skimping on quality of materials never pays. Consult us about your remodeling. We'll gladly advise what materials will best serve your needs. No obligation—call us any day. Doa't Forget to 1 Potty PIy Cw Pa H Now! Te»h Lumber Company I. A. TESH, KlwanUn. A Very Practical Arrangement You have apout your lif« building your wtate; •pond a day safeguarding it Make your Will—Appoint Trust Cnwpany Your The Bank of Mount Airy Acta aa Eimtw, Atefaiatratar, Cwriha aai TiaaUl af BWD. M. UNnLLK, Traat OKkar. KHraataa Two Per Cent Reduction h Tax Effective Now absorb immediately on all Ford cars the two per , . ... cent reduction in tax, which normally does not become effective until midnight, March 28th. This means that you can have a new Ford car and take advan> tage of the two percent tax reduction. cmr motor CO c. w. fultoh.