* um A*i Aiinini i *u*■ DR. J. O. HOGAN at Ckr Mm Oh ML J. P. COX SYDNOR * SPARGER MOUNT AIRY. N. C Dr. W. M. tteHmfswortl DENTIST MOUNT AIRY. It C. NOTICE Br virtu* -of an order of the So Frru x Court of Hurry County, at < rar I will mII it public auction, o* the premises, on Saturday, 27th day »f Mar. 1»M at dm o'clock. P. M. the fallowing real estate lying in 8or r» County, N. C., being a part of tht land* belonging to the estate of J. A Haynei dee'd adjoining the lands oi Walter Draurhn, George Wilson, th« lands formerly owned by G. W. Car ver and others, being the South pari c-f said lands, sufficient amount ol the um will be sold to pay the in debtedness and cost o( administration against said estate. Th* part to b< s- Id will be fro* trow the widow'i d-wer Terms of sale to be announc ed o«i dav of sale. This the 90th da) of February, 19M. R. W, Haynea, Comr. For thirst ud htinw drial • bottl* of PEPSI-COLA— a'll bo >u»p><iid at tbo r» M ■ IM■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■! 1 FELT SLUGGISH Dfaou Nu Tela About His Kcfief fro* ladigeatiai. "I used to suffer." says Mr. U alter W. Macdonald, of 7(1 Pair view Ave., Edwardsvilte. III., "with indigestion, a tight feeling in my chest alter meals-felt slug f»h. mxy and dull and out ol sorts. would be very constipated. "Some one recommended Black Draught. I began using it. Hound it so very satisfactory I have used It ever since. 1 wouldn't be without it "My work is intide. I do not get at much exercise aa I would like, and at time* my system gets clog ged and I would see the necessity ol a nod active medicine. " After one or two doses ol Black Draught, my bead clears up and I teel bke new. "For stomach or liver trouble, Black-Draught docs good." Thedlord's Black-Draught ia rec ommended by thousands ol others tor the relief of many common ail ments due to a torpid liver. Med iae laxative or cathartic stimulation Sold everywhere; 25c c-as ; Trent la my aide. It iwai Ha. bat II mar paaa la a •laute" pit a* Ma llnca la »c»ny rip aympatbetlcalty MM: Utile (••itM><hln« »lth an frwr: Kentucky. IVrbapa II might do yon good" 1 come from Mila*." aald the mnn^rr, "ami we don't drink rum down thira. Hot. aa a medicine, I might take a few drupe. If you doat think If aoald go to my bfid." Lniinglng bark la my »eat and water ing i»m •liuolvlng paaomma of "now hound vlllagea. t ruminated aa the htHwt At l.yoa I waa mulmted of the enchrr pluyeni a> oae of the drum aier» gat ml aad another paaarager took bk| place. The laat romer carried a ri» caaa and waa driaaert for a burning trip. When at 9 :.V> the laft. The lean maa found two ..— ..... tlaaed playing. the inr |i <;u|< iihirmi wii' iimin inr aportaman. taking a Mark hottl# from th* p<>rkrt of hi* himtln .'-hag. aald: "T«k» anio* of thla, aian: r*> timan't foot with a p*ln Ilk* that.* "I mow from Ihr Mult of Main*." aald thr >offn»f. "anil I'm (imkkkI to atronc drink Hut. ratli*r than drtay III* iinv. O'Uli-min. I'll taka a llttlr aa mcdl In* " At th* town of N*whuryport th* lanky r#t>r**#*ltat1v* of th* I'ln* Trw »tat* waa l*fi alon* at th* card tahl* I »a> bwninlng tntrrimtrd la him Aa »f <-r<i*ard th* hrld** o**r tfc* M*r rimar I loat alght of him for a mo m*nt. but wh*n th* train had paaard th* atal* lln* I wnlk*d forward In th* par. My Invalid (rii-nd araa play III a*v*n up with a awarthy »«trnnjr*r Dropping Into a a*at, I pntlrntl.v walt*d for d*v*lopiuonta. W* w*r* One to rrach Portamouth at 10:40. I lookrd at my watrh from tlm# to tlm* and thro at the man from Main*. I aaw thai- h* h*gan to gat un*aay. Hla far* ahowrd algna of aoff*rlng and h* rough*d *lol*ntly. Th* hrakraian brought aom* wmtar a tin 009. Th* auffwlng man mo MobmI him away, gaaptag, 1 wouldn't iart (cough) to taka watar (cough); It mak*a It wore*." Th# awarthy atrang#r draw from hla grip a pock*t flaak and handt-d it to tha aulfrrrr. Th* apaamndlr rough rraa*d f »r a moinant, and a familiar *«lr* aa 4: "My Mrnd. I hall from th* atata at Main* and b*ll*v* la total at>atl a*nc*. I ran't tak* a drink, hut 111 Juat awallow a f*w dropa aa mrdlrlna." Th* rar waa almoat d*a*rt*d aft*r wa loft Blddrfnrrt. and anoth*r chango rani# .i»*r th* aaforiunat* rrprwnta th* of prohibition, la a racy low ton# ha aaked a quratloa of th# rondurtor. who rrpllrd by ahaklng hla h*ad d* r1d*dly. Th*a th# man from Mala# waat forward into th# hagsag# rar aad rot«rm*d with a pa la. haggard far#. Bringing oat th# fiaafc 1 had Had at Baatoa. aad aMrrowtng th# toft, I will yn )ata m#r AdalnMrtlori Nttin The undtnifRtd, having qualified as administrator of the eetate of Mark Wf*xiruff, dtcnnd, this ia to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Mark Woodruff to exhibit then, properly verified, be fore me on or before Fab. 25. 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate settlement Th» Feb. 20, 192«. Wiiliam Woodruff, Adror. of Murk Woodruff, dee'd. I T. B. McCargo, Jr. Atiy. Notice of Trustee's Hale. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured i»y that certain deed of trust to me a« trustee for N. K. Thomas, on the 26th day of Mkrch, 1926, and recorded ' in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry County, N. C., in book 73, P»re 18, 1 will, under and by virtue of the power of sale vested in me by said deed of trust, and at the mjuest of the Cestui Que Trust, and for the purpoae of discharging the debts se cured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder for caah, in front of Hale's Department Store in the town of Mount Airy, Surry County, N. C., on Saturday, April M, IfM. the following described lands, towit: Beginning at the fork of tbe road near George Ander's house and runs N. 39 deg. W. with the meanderlngs of the road 2 chains; thence N. 56 deg. W. 2H chains, thence N. 47 dag. W. 4 chains to a stake in the Jones line; thence N. 80 deg. E. 2 chains; thence N. AO deg. E. 4 chatna; thence N. 44 deg. F. 3.82 chains to a fork of the mad: thence S. 3 deg. W. 4H chains; thence S. 16 deg. W. 6 1-t chains, thenoe S. 30 deg. W. 1 1-2 chains to the beginning, containing 3 acre* more or leas. Second Tract.—Beginning at a planted rock edge of the road George Ander's comer and nroa with his line $. 60 deg. E. 2.45 chains to a planted rock his center; thence N. 15 dag. E. 10.85 chatna to pointers the edge of I the above mentioned road; thence with the rwd as K aisande»s 1 dag. W. « chains; thence 8. 5 deg W., 4ehains; thence S. 10 deg. W 6.001 chains to the beginning, ^Huux«. at bread sprinkle a ef / And Up *Sc fasrtflLa-'ai P*r ttw dattiaay and tkat la tka tmrr IMI Kttla tkteg that wt> .ill do far tkat to all tk* fallow «iD do tkat yom ordar tkto kind of ckirka froa | Personal Service Now wa Mfl baky rbirka fro* 1W to tk aarh tkat ar» tka kind tkat m "t»nd bakind and tkara to • paraonal ilanrfea tkat goaa wttk tkaaa ckirka tkat roata oa Jaat a boot aa mark aa tha rkirka. Ramamhar tkat •» har* rkicka for aala at IS. 1ft, 1ft, 17, 1ft and 20r aarh ft aught pay you to talk tka »att«r orar with oa bafora .rdaring. In ordar to (at aoma food stuff oat I to toy katrhing at|i frna naxt win- | it aa ara going to sail hatching ana, day old rkirka and ft-waak old pultota ! from bow on from tk« following para | Krrd. high production blood atraia varieties: Barred Rorka. Buff Orpin*- j ton*. R. I. Rada and Wklta lafhnrni. Tka pricea to thoae tkat will aall aa . r*ga will ka right. taset MfyfarallutdRnf Graon J-lill RmJ Mount Airy, N. C - Route! Notice ml ThUii'i Sal* of Land By virtu* of authority vented In to* in a certain deed of trust executed the 20th day of March, IKS by Barrel Hatcher ana Man ®- Hatcher wife to W. J. anion. Trustee for ft. D. Flippin to aacura an indehtedne** of and recorded in the Regiatar of Deed* Office of Sorry County, M. C., In hook M at pag* tUi, default having been made in Um payment at the note* therein agcurod and at the r*qu—t of the holder, I will tell far cash to the high*at bidder at public auction in front of The Bank of Pilot Mountain. Pilot Mountain, N. C., on Saturday the t7th day of Mar. ItM, at S o'clock P. M_ the following described real **tate: Berlin in* at a black-gum In Gam mon* line, run* Eaut 22 ch«. to a dead oak In Lawson'* line. North 24 cha. to a stake in I. L. Shelton'* line, W. with th* road to Gammon'* line 22 ch*. thence South 24 cha. to the be rinninr. containing 34 acre* be the nine more or lee*. Thi* being the *ame land we purchased from Mr*. 1 E'iJiMh Collini about 14 year* ago. Thi* being all the land* of *aid Bur re! Hatcher old home place, and said deed duly recorded in the office of the register of deed* of Surry County. N. C., in hook M at pare 2M, sale I* ' made to *ati*fy said deed of trust. Thi* Feb nth, 1*M. W. J. Swanson, Trustee. PEPSI-COLA—famous fw quality, flavor and parity. Notice to 0* Customers The following meat markets of Mount Airjr vtt clow at 7:00 o'clock, except Saturday night, and 10:00 o'clock then, starting this week: STEWART BROTHERS JOHN F. FULLER SANITARY MEAT MARKET We would say to our customers; if you would phone your evening orders early, it will enable us to I fill all orders in due time. I See How Frigidaire Gives You Belter Foods At our dMpky roam, you can Kf * demonstration of what FugKlmirc will do. You can arc bow loaf Frigidaire kecpa penal-ab'" food*— ke»*>i tbaaa > HIH You cam ate l»o» Pifcilrt^i limn in rubes and makes d Meet# now rricidair* will help you awe BET i'EK !.<k1s ■top ia today. Let ua captain our caiMiiit For Sale By Nelson Machinery - Mount Airy, N. C ; - - "UTe Gypsy Rover" |: A Romantic Musical Comedy In Three Acts Presented Of, |s--' J The Mount Airy High School Victo Thunday, March 11th ' 8 o'Clock

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