The Nearest in Footwear Try U« For m Fk Patent ooMtrsp Santera* Kid stray and trim, fits well aad wears well—A. A. to C Blonde Kid with brows Kid trim $7 JO Abo name in Grey Kid, patent trim $7JO Hosiery MAi You Like It** la hMvy waight aUk Uile top. mrjr pair guaranteed. pair $2-00 MM IS Chiffon Hoeierjr in light «h*de«, has the call for Sprint wear. A complete rtock to aelect from. Pointed Van Dyke Heel, 24 in. silk boot IIJI Square heel Chiffon, beautiful quality, newest colon. ju«t arrived, per pair $1.M ■aafc - - Dry Goods 1600 yard# ginghams. SI is. wido, flMt colon, food patterns, bo roaiaaata, regular loagtfc, aov. por yd. is. Spool cotton, Noo. S to 100 9 for 10s All silk pongee. por yd T9s Rayoa dross fabric*, por yd. 99s Pepperell sheets, sixo II x 00 91.40 K rink lotto Bod Sproads, colorod stripes, blue, cold aod rose colon, gBar*atood faat 92.20 All silk crede-de-chine, aewoot colon, yd 91-00 Hosiery for long wear—Hummiag Bird, pair . 91*19 "Quality Merchandise" H&wks-Boyles Company ML Airy, N. (. iiiiiinnuMmm wmiiiiimm Ma»-E*ik| Ti«ac Gwta 17th j Victim k M|ian But* for wml month*, ■» killed his 17 th baw victim. The «rfcfad !»»• Mart of kis victim* b«t b«N wo M ud eUMrw who km itwjrtd _ A MCHtrxt (From the Kiiim City Stair) Loais had completed his flrat <U> ■t school and had climbed upon hb ktlwr'i lay to rive dad hia oapres- • ^ini thereof. "Well," *aid dad, "how do you think i yea will Ilk* school?" Whereupon the countenance oTDMa1 teak on a Moat »erious wwiiilai, "To tall yon the honest truth, dad," I kt answered, "I belieee I've started asaMthing 1 cant finish." UPS PEELED POE BEAUTY Chicago, Pah. 2.—Lip pooling it the tetent method for providing milady with cherry-red lips. Miaa Prance* Kartell, Secretary of the- American Cosmetician*' Soeiety ha* announced DISCOURAGED ELOQUENCE "Your *peecha* remind ma of those rf Cicero." Ut, too," answered Senator Sorg kron "I seem to have just ah&tlt a* ■wk influence as old Cic would have ■ he ware to come to life and make a It U m rafraekmc—PEPSI COLA. Try • kottW. Trr tkb daligktful drink— Illl Thay G>n tfc* Dog First froas (inking iUumti batter Uu trated the ptrib ud hardships for tW than did the owe in which was narrat ed yesterday the experiences of the aailors sa th* Norwegian freighter Joanna Dybwad. Their Ibw tea, «m ■avad hjr tha radio, far H anahlad than to to tVrtr help tha Bai liai tanhar Armiaco. Tha eapteia of that craft know hia duty and did it aa wall aa aajr of hia elaaa, and after : making hia alow way to tha doomed craft, pot out hia beets, though tha aaa waa pariloualy high, and teok off tha Dybwad's man. An intereetinr faatura of thia rescue ia tha fact that In tha flrat boatload I waa carriad a big wolfhound—praams ably a Carman ahaap dog, or polica Hog. Ba that aa H may. Lion waa aot left behind, and ha waa not taken in to tha laat boat aa a aort of after thought. To him waa given tha firat chance, and two-thirda of the crew re mained behind till the reaming boat rame again. Juat why thia preference to tha dag waa given the printed narrativee do1 not revoal. It may be that ha decided the matter for hlmaelf, and having Jumped into the first boat, waa al lowed to remain there, and he may have done that because hia maater waa one of that rronp. One prefers to believe, however, that Lion want in tha flrat beat by tha common con aent of the craw, bacaaaa they knew that he waa a good dog and wanted to give him the beat chance of iut rival It would har» b«n rather nice of him If 1m had remained with the cap-; taifi to b« tk last to ah—don ship, but that would bin bmm too much to npwt unlcM between the captain and the dog thar* had been a apodal tio of affection that kopt tkw to Ricker's Mt. Airy high school qutnt overwhelmingly dofoatod Um limi loading White Plain1. aggregation hers Thuaday night of laat week by a tl to II INN. Tho locala displayed mot* agility, pop and skill than thoir visitors and tho outcome was nsver in doubt. Rick or's mon loading at all times. ' Pew long shots wore triod. both teams us ing short shots. It would bo hard to pick tho star of tho contest every man giving food account of himself however Brannock scored 10 points and also had a good floor game to his credit. Roberts ran up the score 7 points for the home team nnd L. Jackson look the laurels for the visitors. These two t^ams play in Winston Salem Wednesday night too late for us to report the score this weak. Each team has lost one game in the League contest though the White Plains team has played two more games than the home hoys. Preceding the boys' game, the local girls submerged the White Plains girls under a !• to 10 score. Taylor was the star of the fray. She caged It points and played ring* around her opponents. The guarding of Kluts was also an outstanding feature. Kid was outstanding visiting pat form FHmmU Ctack NOTICE Having qualified a* administrator of Martha E. Martin, dtnand, lata of Surry County, all peraons indebted to the estate arc hereby requested to make Immediate settlement and all persons holding claims against the ae tata are hereby notified to file their rlaima, properly verified, with the un- 1 rfaraigned on or before the 1st day of Marcn, IK7, or this notice will ha pleaded in bar of the right of recov "ki. March 1st, IMC. Geo. K. Snow, Atty. R. V. Marshall, Administrator. ^ A Wttte W PEPSI-COLA /4iisa Virginia 8pillm>n, who j| Bfrvfd the Unol ttWphonc for tlx put «i|bt jrMra i (ward operator, ku poeitlon and Mr*. A. R. Mia* SpiUman was a rerjr operator and kar proaaptaaaa and rourtesy to the telephone patrona baa m doubt baan appreciated tkaagh per itapa tha majority of paoph uaing tke telephone accept tbc unici Ml A nat* tar of course without even • "thai^ bu" for special courteelee. / \Jliaa Spllhaan expeeta to take a raM aftar which aha My tab up xima othar Una of work. Ska talk us that the telephone service ka« mora than doubled in Moon* Airy dur inf tha eight yaara aha has baan op •rator. I Mr*. Whatatona haa returnej to tha work aftar fin yaara abaence and wa teapeak for her tha consideration of the patrons while she ia becoming Familiar with the enlarged switch ward. Central Wood Yard Dry Mae aad Oak far ran«* w heater, gead Mg lead delivered pranptly at UN Na. W. Yard Located m WOWw Twiho Q|ip»rt—iti»« Par Pm Va The War I the appointment of Mr. On. K. , Mt. Airy, N. C., aa a County Bepreeeatathre for tha CiUaaaa' Mi&> dry Training ("am pa. for tka coming Mr. Im« atataa that ho will raaataa a auppljr of aggHcatloa Maaka for tka training ram pa ahortly aid win ka ' randy to paaa tkaaa out ta yoong MB Mwm tka agaa of IT ami M wko ^higkt want to taka a montk'* an in Joljr, at i Cnngtaa* appropriate* nearly fS, 000,000 annually to enable ; to develop tkotr phyateal dfr proper laptrviiion. Railroad faro, moala an r«4» and at camp, uniforma, laundry, atklatta equipment and medical and dental treatment are furnished. Twelve vacanciaa only knee keen allotted Surry County and tt la ex pected that tkeee will all ka taken by April lat. Other* may apply and U vacanciaa occur later they will ka tak en care of. Hwsts Far Rat IT Salt ta Ova Year Owa MaaM Na. 4 H. I Foreign Manufacturers Interested in Free Factory Location. The Merchants Association have received several inquiries from foreign manufacturers for more detailed information about the free factory locations offered them by the Mount Airy Merchants Association. The members of the Association are doing their best to make M ount Airy better known in North Carolina and elsewhere, and with the help of the citizens, we will be successful in interesting foreign capital in our section. Mount Airy has as much or more hard surfaced streets and side walks than any town in North Carolina of its sire, and this spring and summer, several more miles of street paving and sidewalk work will be done. With Mount Airy making this progress tne Merchants have realized that they must keep s first class stock of merchandise in order to interest the people in trading at home, and this the merchants lytve done. Befor purchasing any spring merchandise, be sure and visit our focal merchants ana see their splendid stock of spring goods, which are being sold at rich a reasonable price. The merchants are selling their goods at a low price and are selling gooa merchandise in order that our citizens will trade at home, and by working together keep Mount Airy the best town in the State, and make it the shopping center of this section of Western North Carolina. haw alwa^dSrdWek5ity prQ€rea8ive community Propositions that will help the town and county, and they will, as Trade at home and trade with the following merchants for they are members of the Mount Airy Merchants Association they C. w. DtTU Ckmrim L. S. M HmU W. L J. G. • A 10. R. W. Mt aiAtLj. Kiltr.ll WteMMM-HwOar W. S. Walfe Drm* & W. a Lnb A Cm. r-ti C*. ICMmrtAb. J. W.

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