Mow an tfcia la laalt hi J* ttot htokt *cmm U tto road nytmm of thia atata with tto two tori Mrfke* raada tint Vtr «tala U now mmkint to our (tat* Ma*. I 11 la tori to nttmi* tto value to I i ttot wW row* from the con-1 of tto Otki raal. H wfl •eon op ttot part of Vlrfln'a and *Wa Tlrfhlt an oat IK to tto ritlw of tkii ■Ma and aah road condition* «urh ttot a J—11 — &to J t ; uisi inicii cm a#nvtx int pr aaionalty far a vkola waak at a tbaa. To tia ap trarai far tkraa 4a|i or far a waak ia aa aaaojrfaig aiattar far a paopla who aaad to eroaa tka rtaar aad far a Tha lataot offort to gat a I i an act by tha I tf Mm brMft and kaop It a Ul until M la paid tmt. Now Mm to tarry out Mm «• aaa flattta* out of tha woada, aftd It |p almoat a cartainty that tha pn lli«mU» paofk about ftockfard will kaap aa tka Jab uatil thay r*t a bridfo. Thay ara Mmi" tkin tka farcaa that appoaa and thay wUl win lathaaad. COL. COOLIDGB LITTLE Fatkar mi Pwaidaat lawtj n-1-i' u;_ ^ noiainf nu vwhi mkiot 3my Plymouth, Vt., March II Coioaal Joha C. Coolidga haraly bald hla own today la hla bank for Ulb. Tha •inck bulletin laauad la tha eoaraa of tha da£ by hla phymiciaa Indicated that Mm asad fathar at Mm ia boon 01 at < •Inea yaatarday. Tha baltatia addad that thara waa n for ahum. Or. A tort C. Cna, of Ctartridfa, th# fwirtyy wfeo Imm bun CM" onal Coottdge's physician during Us long sichna*«, held • tea mla Jte tele phone con venation with Dm Presi dent. Whan the physician M fin ished, Im |m Um netlw to Colonel Coolldgr for a word or two with Um President bat a fit of Ueeou|kln| pro vented the tick man tram speaking. For mu tine It wma learned. Col onel Cool Idee has had difficulty la carrying on eon versatlon becaooe of timilar sttsshs of hiccoughing. The rare visitors who have boon admitted to his bads ids sines hs lost the ose sf his bn as the aftermath of a heart affection haw* remarked this weak aad also ths failing of a ones a half wtt his patteat, he was pIM enlargs on his short kWli, Br. m4 helped to tafe"»«tta'tktaW dhe. |pb eu kave Mk • aekaol ta thia coanty if wa cm show lk« o(fl> Hah af »■>. Q.»—i Ikat K ti wartk tha claegTte heip vtth tka^heeLh i mImI tat «nU ha wortt all Ik* "A If tkMwjaM^aay Ml ""wM^i^ta^M Xnu> kau • meeting last Mfcj n4 Mm subject Oinwiid vm the marketing of poal try and cream. Mr. V. W. I.-wk. Iwlir Marketing BpertaHat of tka Mala Department of Agricaltare dla ruaaed tW Marketing of poultry la ear lot lUpaaiU. Mr. Lawtf haa heaa rather active ta development of Mrket* by helping ta the shipment of poallry la car lata. Ha win eld ta tka marketing of pealtry and Milk pro dwti Ha apeat nae tlaaa lareetigat Ing tka preaent marketing of poultry amend Elkln Mr. Batea of the Southern Railway Made a vary Interacting talk on aour cream shipment—milk can ha aoU aa teat to ffvt into m Owe* (a vary tittle i of ar te ahip wr aad once i»iakh winter. Ha atU thara could ba «M froes Dkh flM.000 worth of 4 'try >wfa>a If I ba In 1M» no l butter to ouule hi the S. B. la aaa of milk woe handled by the Railway. Thla aift wm hatof ahip oed from the north to Florida aad a lot of tfeia alb wn ahippad through ha aradoood la the sooth | at a' great profit. Mr. C. F. P»rri»h, Assistant on Poul try Extension explained the aaed la of a bettor trade of He inspected 18 fear feed onnagfc to he I to ha pat oat sasnng tl of the eeooty. Ho ia rory | tram tobacco successfully >■ long u row mU Is deficient aa now make your irruifMMnte to |d four tau. This hm Hw is good for Uf-«» of all kinds ao you can apply Ik to oth er crops. I am expectedbig to get a dealer kl Mount Airy to heap a stock of magneaium lime oa hand and will to do aa. On account of mow and bad im* Mr. Parrisb and I war* not able to ■bra the poultry culling demonstra Uona aa we had pla—ad m Thursday and Friday. Mr. Parrieh la weB piaai ad with raapoaaa shswsd by the far Mart ta this county hi attending the culling and learning the method H. E. WHITE, County Age*. CM Umdy to n«bt «U la •prayini for Ban Joaa'l ia Um "CnrcnJlo." Tto adult "careaHo" te a hard ahaUad bag •arty. Mi an tha and latar itinfi tha laya tU ana emm or aiora ia tha af Um ^■■ iiiiii iTo. •Toltm..» local rttny of th* lt« tim of Woltm A WoHs, kuUai» ployed as part ttmm mcnUry of the I—mlatlsw. W. F. Carter, Jr.. of Car ter-Walker FwaHaro Co. is tria—m if Dm organisation. Sine* Dm re-orgaaimatlon of tit* Merchants A—ociatioa la Mount Airy, mat yofiwi hat boon mad*, aad IK* association has mad* H pouiblo io practically eliminate the paddling problem far Surry County. A Mr rice is being rendered the merchants, •rhich ta onahling them to chooee their redit customers from a Uat that will nor* than likely, according to past history, meet their obligation* promptly. The association has also wit on an advertising campaign for Meant Airy which has a waken *d the ritlaenship o>f th* dty ia a way aa parallelled In Its history, aad It is Im wAh for anyoae to deonrih* ia a imlted space, the goad the Marchaats Association la doing her*. As an D Fifty mtn of land to to given by tto wotkUM, m Mtnafwtorini iWw, to My Mnafxtartr who will > plant I* Mount Airy. Tto llry Merchant* Aaooctation la to itava Ml power la |Mnf tto land, ind era |hrt It to my peraoa, poieoue » corporation that ttoy wtah. and In my way ttoy «U, and >1 of tto Board of Dtractor* of tto Tto aaaoetatlan has eat aalda a large ram of monoy for aa advertising Fund, to to aaad In Interacting poopU hrnughout tto Mate of North Caro Ina. In Mount Airy and thfai section if tto 8ta*a. Tto riofra that has la "Publicity" and tto la eartaMy publishing tto tot that Marat Airy Is a trad «ow»,