mm. 11.11 ■SffiSST2 Sixth Grade—Myrtle *•< Dob s» mm mmi vf f* a TJr < Seventh Grade Flat Rock School. W. J. Byerly,, President of the «f U»l£S£*l£ MB °je£$ prltes of RSI in grid to tha who fifty-aiz wta of to receive their prise from tha of Mr. Byorly; Their munoa and their arhoola follow: Bryant Smith, Zaphyr; Clyde Moora, Good Springs; Maggie Roberta, Libarty; Vetra Hanaa, Sf«Wnt ant; RUa Mayee. Flat Branch; gie Cook, Jnderillo; ! Ptoey Grove; Walter Jtnrla, White D*rt; Dai# Newman, Baynee; Verona Kay, Salem Fork; Bala Care, Cava; Ferry Danley. Union; Geneva Tar «an; t.' Reynold*, Jonea; Luc fie Venable, BaU Knoh; Bona Marlon. Itey Hill; 'blla Reid. Corinth; Lowe. Oak Orove; Myrtle Shores, McMMkla; Fthel MeCraw, Turkar; Haial Matern. Gordon; Haael Sebas tian. Little Richmond; Kittle Barker, Cknnney; Harbart Cochran, Mulberry; Mania Pabbtna, Stanley; Buhy Mne ley. Kay; Maude Simmon*. Holly Sprinca; Tom Nichols. Nicholt; Thel ma Gammons. Slate Mountain; Ruth Campbell. Mountain View; Iria Denny, Gmaay Knob; Btbal Rumley. Rock, ford; Vada Simpaon, Atkina; Athaa Chilton. Shoal*; Ruby Fulk. Pilot View; Nellie Saw, Stanford; Minnie Whi taker, Dougia*; Wesley Tortt, Brulah; Clam Thore, Pine Ridge; Al ton Leonard, Beomer; Wilford Eaat. Hon Hill; Coaby Golden, Ivy Green; Ruby Thoea. Bunker; Van Attred, Antioch; Gilliam Nunn, Oak Crora; Btta York. Oakley; Erie Lea Child, reaa. Brim; Liasie Bennett, Shelton town; Rill* Hiatt. Ridge; Madia Chil ton. Cook; Ethel Thorn**, Hill and Lore. Tka annual addraaa waa delivered by Mr. Z. H. Dixon, former supertn .v. tondant of Elkin Graded School, and waa highly instructive aa well aa In epi rational. One of tha moat tr tore *t in g fan* turaa of the day waa the final contest for tha selection of (palling chnmpl on* to repraaant Surry County in the ■ «pelling contest being held by the Winston-Salem Journal on the firet af May: There ware twa part* to thla contest ana for tha high school* and one for the elementary achool*. All the hirh achool* were represented and attor 0<Hto a lecrthy oowtost the fol lowing two emerged aa the beat boy "I speller and tha beat girl speller: Bichart Simp-en of Oopeland High School aad Stella Barney of Dobaon ' High School. New Tark, April should new bo taken in the Dr. WtniM J. Hum, a , bar «f 4k the public In the home "They should not be taken or administered when one's mM to mh|M i One should ihrtjri read the tokai be er. In fact, m» ahould be jo* aa are tau*bt to read the label three tfmee when a dm* a container: Oral, the bottle from the (half;! third. In* the bottle on the the If. Hit* and quantities used in min* a prescription are eheciaef orer anjrer tfiad by a tact the public. pharmacist must make certain that the physician has not acridentaMy prescribed too lar«e a doe* of "* or knoWednv In wittrd to pmmm often nUilt ww> qufnrti. To Ulu medicine from tlM wron* bottle ia • dangerous proceed ing. "Never |teu about drur» I* throwing awajr any drug*, poor them down the sink or bom them «p In tW •tore, that la to uj, dispose of them aa completely as poaaihie. Da not interchange the tope or unri «f pill and powder bosea. "You cannot hope," be adda, "that a pharmacist worthy of the name wt furnish you with narcotics or aloa holic preparations in violation of tlM law. He will not aali you a polaon If he has reason to belter* yon may make improper use of H." Two pretty "Stars" met I* an anto> room and raptoroaaly kiaaed. Two Maater Maaoaa watched the eeana. and one aaid: "There la one of the things I hate." "What', that?" "Women doing a man's work." " All the houaea and th Ewn angtdfe^nder gpetafifadleinir the la* a— of laVa which flow foot Iml in. ap r day» ipprmdni the I (ftrnwM It aptlt into two hrenchea Eifht hundred fact from Aha water ana atreaia tamed (..•ward l»<>pata and tha other i h» tha iHr.rjlah W Mllolli. Old Hiwaiiga Kahunaa atarted In centatiftn* is ttie ancient form of ap peal toY|le (ft Hiwaiian Hda« aa •ociated with the volcano KikVM), not to destroy their The appeal failed to atop tha flaw aa a ateedy onrtMh of leva continued tta coorae of destruction. Army airplanea arrirad a few hoar* after the villa** «av wiped not. bat war* unable to tfta^l the flow %fla ftely became of the denae (teas and amoke. The aviators Ttported tha heat waa intenaa at aa elevation of S.M0 feet. Rat* cloud* af *eam hunt over tha oeaga, riping *o • height of Mv«ral hundred feafc A« the lava struck the water, twaen Aa aaar wep he learned there aa caaualtia*. Tha head of the •have the village for more than M hour*. l*et eight a heavy flow fmm the meoataia atirred the great pile of reeling alar tat" art toe and the riant mewed forward ever the village The village of MilolU ie believed aafe. mi<>, T. H., April l^-Muai Loa ha* barn H iwt- inapt ring ilfht since it be*an dia|ror*inr flamin* nuwa • week ago. after a |wh< at Ova years of iiwcthrMy. The mountain rearhee 14,«7* feat Into the air, and perpetual ly la aapped with mow. It b the highest arttvr volcano In the world. It la a part of Hawaii National Park, created by Cawtrm la 1*1 #. The crater to e*M Mabaaasums, In HM-at Mauna Lea beldted forth • treat flew of lava that came to a •tap withia a Meat half mla of thto rtty. In UH the hm ran within fhre mitos *f here. While many of the previous flow* hare been prs—dsd by recent plwnonoticn. A* part of the outburst huge boulders crashed down tha mountain ride. Guards have been statienad at strategic points to warn raaidsats of DOBSON HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WORK ^ Clear $1,553.24 Om Horn* Pro jccta Duriag SamiMT In connection villi th» rtfilir ' Khml work the boy* Ukh( arricul ' tare hi the Doheon High echool are | required to carry on mm kind of a home project during the rammer un der the direction of the agriculture , teacher, la carrying out these pro jocta the boye bap a complete rec ord of all work, eipenaee and profit. Of the thirty-el* project* that wore .completed fourteen wore tollBBB with a scope of nineteen aeree, twelve wer» eom with a eeope of twenty-four ; acroe, ei* wore poultry wHh a eeopo «t eeeen hundred birds, tkreo wore '» rf v n ■ d* fit h z/ \ i . « 14 It f I }■ * •1,1 U. 79 4T».17 MID# ■>win* with a trope of four gflts and one w*» Rwret potatoes with a coop# of one-half an acre. Rent waa charped against all crops at the rate of ten dollars per acre but poultry and swine were not chart ed with him* in it as the value of the manure waa not counted in the re turns. Man labor was charged for at the rate of fifteen cents per how and horse labor and equipment at tea cents per boor. r These project* showed a total pro fit of ll.5M.24 divided aa follows; to bacco 1381.90 or 187.30 per project, corn MS8.B0 or IM.CS per project, poultry 13(7.44 or IM.57 per project, swipe (149.10 or |4#70 per project, and swpet potatoes W OO. The following table gir«a a com plete summary of the work. Cr»dit» tIJHIM 14NIT " 1 TpM* v «TMO . «*#•.. » /.v? <-t- »■ If R-4 Wtii; Profit tTttf •#7.44 MO - «*.s tomtT ■•J'* n & P • «nrj> M.«S ,*• L> If'X' ^ I *1 •*»«• rn» average of aattmatoa hy or rbndliti far their MliWutl farm* ipdicatoa that rmIf 14 per cent of tfea fruit Ha* bam injured by froat cm March SS. Sine* that date. arcor4 fng to Weather report*. no eerlew. damage ha* boon done by cold. A peafch orchard ordinarily win hare a heavy crop aftoc Moot of the fruit huda have been kOlad. i The avm|i condition for paaebw reported by farmer* mr the (tata, a* compared with normal or a full crop, waa 7t per cant. The average for the Sand Rill aection, reported by immerclal grower*, la M par rent The spring condition of traaa la lower than Usual, due to the effect* of the drought last fall, and ia some aactiooa to hall atorma, rather than to nadact by the farmer. from Worth Carolina Wat year. U able throughout the aetaon a nod) larger crop f* expected tbia year, a* there wfll be approximately 050,000 traaa <4 hearlnr age, or near 40 par cent more (ban laat year. AcronjinK vo rvponi on iinofi 2,000,000 traaa h the Sand Rill* area, 47 par cant are In Elberta*; SS per cast Georgia Bailee, and about 10 par cant In Hlley Bella*. A* moat grow er* know, the Elberta* are about the flrat to bloom, and consequently the first to be damaged by carfy froat*. The Sand RIB* peach orchardiat* are buay spraying, fertilising and cul tivating orchard* (hi* month. The car* of the orchard* rank* quite fa vorably with the beat California con dition*. Unle** more aevere cold weather occur* heavy band thinning will ha necessary. Of course. there b a natural drop which occur* about CKe first of May. Estimate* from Sand HM author ities indicate an expected S.OOO-car crop. Heretofore these forecast*' have been high. Bandit Who Stolo $37,000 Mail Sack Robbad and KilUd by Trio Chicago, April 17.—Poeta) Inspec tor Grant B. Miliar told the aWry to day at a bandit who last Wednesday held up a mail track in Indiana Har bor. Hole 187.000. foread the drirar to halp him esra»a. stole another car, killed a Deputy Sheriff and waa wo ended in the —aaawtsi. and abet to death by throe other me.i The bandit, after holding up the mail truck, forced Ita drhrei. Frank Wat*on, to drive toward Joliet until the machine brake down. Taking the sack of money, the bandit doaertod the uaeless machine, and Wataon noti fied the police. 1 In the nnntkM the bandit "topped Dr. E. G. MrMahon at Mokena, took hi* rar away from him, and drorr off with the nark of money. Dr. MrMa hon notified Deputy Sheriff Walter Fiaher. who chaaed and caught up with the handtt. la the ahootinf match that followed, Fiaher waa kiU ed and the bandit woonded. The hold-wp aaan then dronra to a madhouse, where he ftooad throe oti*ar i The baadK km haoa Mortified la tha aaa who haU a* the «al tn*h. The faaaoaa fold belt of John L. i«n ' \ r« »t k>< . -v v • 1 g^*, >rt v*. ?i • aif £ .f! ■ .La :* aa planting tba Hnm ao If you want to lat m* know «nd advartiaa and gat out a crowd ao wa can (Mat aa many of tba fai mil« aa wa eaa. Mr W. t. Ryarly pnaldart of tha Mk of Mount Airy aipxti to ha ywm aa# maka a talk oa aoata financial tople of Ihtaraal to farmer*. WTiita Plain*. Friday nl»ht Apr» 23r#i Mot M 'Unttiin. Tuaaday ni**rt April «7tk. Brim IKtioolfcoaM, Thura <lay nlffct April Stth, Copeland. Wa# naadny ni*ht, May 9th. So tall yoar nrirhhora and kaap tbaaa maatinr* hi mind. The following are the foor rarie. tiM rKommnHfd u rrry deeiraMe for tWi county: Habertandt. Wo. M nr Herman-- thin In larger than th* original Haber.andt mm! wry modi Ilk* H bat yields OM third more seed •imI about two wwb later—aboot 144,000 aeed in a baaheL Maturee In •boat 128 da ye. Mammoth Yellow -our old tfandhy —terf* np«4*irt plant*. S-S font toll. Good for Mod production aM paa tur%ct- Ona of th# W yield*™ of a**d and hny bat h *o*>»what toarae Mtd for bay ehouM bo eown rather thiek. MaMm In *MH 14S days; 120,700 ae*d par huahel. > Vtnrtata-rrowtb upright. U Cm!1 tatt Oivea a toad yiaM of hay and *eed. Make* probably th* hart qual ity of aay bean hay flaada da not « Hatter badly. Maturoa In 190 day*: 207,000 aMd to a baafcat. laiida aml watt. apuadln*. Tiny. eeaily. Mature* la 140 day*; 400,800 »*ed par bu*hel . Probably the boot bran •» ran grow in tha Laredo far it haa raally mora Heairahle qualHtee than any other, W aw grow any of the above with proper inoculation we ahoaid ret aatiafaetory result*. Remember If yo* do aot in oculate yoor aeed the aoy bean* will not ha of Much benefit to the noil. Ho mam- thinks it k not worth white to po to the trovble to tnacnlato and than wowdit why they do not got food re «ult* Area the aeed inc. So be aura yon vat gwad aeed and then herniate welt » Mr. D. 0. Tottea, Elkin, qaota. the Maatataih YeHow at StJO delivered aa tf yon want thi* variety aea him for need. W. E. Marritt A Co.. Movnt Airy I* stocking aoy be ana and ha ta plan ning to |to* away free one qaart of the Laredo aoy beam to the flret 100 farmer* who makes the naqneot for then*. If yon want to maka a trial I of them ha ear* and «*t in year re ; qneat at onea. whin the l-aredo bean U quoted at | a hHrfcer price par huM yet the nM i per acre is lower than any other var iety on the market. You can plant '♦mm S-* acrea In a row from am ! hoahel it la prohahty the bant to plant hi row* and ratttrat*. Every 'armor in the county ran wail afford to plant at leant one acre and than Mara Information ultieation win ha particular hanrft to the earn It pay* wall to Ma i gwf 55F«liH— — lv ^ of erasable plant food ijO Nir .-?♦*? ihtfA .?* taut, J. .mm* i«k &>7iiwiSi5w2T £ SZ mWeMuldfl 1^4^ mWjuiA OOmM M91M ■• mn MWUl MM «• <wh» tathaa apart hi Mm rww In the fail altar tha Ub ■■>!■■ U they TtntW be pulled gp, top* out aff H -»,<*• _ „ _ A COW ihould bare frera 80-30 pounda p«* *1*. J*nao baa* (iot m» W®a ,und«r good condition*. ft it Mill «17 U» «ut thaw up with tha before trading. Tbay will yiold any ! fnw» t»14 Uw» pur m*« <W> pending upon U* fertility ol the aofl and moi»tur» The ,m «*P*t from 1Z-14 , $ know of ao better for the dairy cows in the and, since W per cent of normal art Ik ia water, yon can readily, an* that it is important to feed a succulent food." It would he a rery rood idea to gtv* this a try thia year for the soooor we nt to growing thia crop the better it wiU b» for as in the loaf nm. U you want a rood pnatar* is •• daya for hoga. sheep and poetry It ran be m«dr by sowing rape right now. For cattle, hareea and noiaa we can hare grating in 60 days if we tow or drill mm Sudan grass ci|kt wo can have this graaa • in that time Wo will y*M. if w» uaa 900-400 M-» fertiliaer. If you paature |W« the abovs a try. WMMoMBnc: ApHM*—The flrat paaaenfer treiar Ml the mr fSM.000 fninmit elation thia miirwhm at H.tO o'clock. The forma) opening vaa n »inia a# mmaI iiuM. bmJ »-■ LiLr !■ ■ fnr it »Ullf VI hi r«I prRIV ■fit! ITJOK H( IOC whom mad* a trip to tlM aUtion far the early moraine opniaf and litfa -rowda viaitod tho atetfen at other ttanoa during tho day and even tag where they viewed with aatlafhetioai thla handaog!* now utation which la <>no of tho ftneat in the Sooth. Quit* a number of rftiaom boarded tho trmfci making a trip to Groonahoro or aoaao nearhy point Joat to, ho amwg tho throafk tho now ata ton tho nfantog day Cutaak Wart Oh UmIms Litoratur. «•* * Gaatooia, April FUppera. ihoika, to* hounds and othor typoa of yn—g folka and thoaa who daeire to ha auch, cannot buy ohiccoi liUrtture, titflwi ing Art Picture mm! True Story Mf axinee from Gaatonia daalcra any A court order dnawn by City Solici tor George B. Maaon and aigned by Judge Biamark Cappa, pat the blinks on tho atle of thouaanda of aaeh pob licatioaa hare a* publiahod by Barnarr MacFadden and othara, effective at once, - Pour defendant* m MBt vm I charted with eel ling obutM litera ' ture. One wan called and failed, a apiu* served required a |S00 bond; i one pleaded (nihjr; another not |«0 | ty, and the last nolo contendere. The offending parties were ordered not to exhibit, offer for tale, or aaO •och publication*. One magasine was introduced and . xhifcited to the ceort by Officer Ml Whitlow. The offieer Citified that he purohaaed the Mfuiw tram the defendanta. "ThU to the mo* ridi culous one of the bunch," he dadar

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