MOUNT ABT. NORTH CAROLINA. APRIL ttth. IMC. • 1.9t TSAR 01 ADVANCR Surry County Democrat* Hold Convention at Dobwm a E. SNOW FILES FOR STATE SENATE of Surry Cp—» told tUr convention tm Dobeon ImI of en D. Folgor m Ha chairman and ptedg «d him tMr as Had —ypoti durfafl the coming aiontlM which will pre cede the fall election. On «my hand - expression was given to Um fact that bafor* hi tha kMory of the has there han such universal ■at i (fact I on ertr the management of tha county's affair* aa under tha lead are hip of the preaent Incumbent*. A atrict policy of economy in the expen diture of county fundi hat been ad hered to by all the ofilcials and thia ha* rightfully merited tha approval and commendation of every fair minded taxpayer in the county. The Comity Commieeionera, under the chairmanship of W. 1. Byarty. president of the Bank of Mount Airy, have with relentiaaa determination brought to a settlement two ex-coun ty treaaurera who were abort in their account* a total of more than forty thouaand dollars. And were It not for the stern and uncompromising atand taken by the Commiasiooers much of thia money no doubt would never have been recovered by the county. Two years ago when Mr. Byerly consented to serve as Commls aiener for a second term he made tha anaouncetaent that "if the people of the county want me as one of Ha com missioned I a hall uae my beat efforts in making the ex-officials settle for every cent they are due the county— the money belongs to the people of the county and those who are abort shall not rest antil they make full settle ment." And so H has been. And the tax payers are grateful for the ser vice of the Cpremisstuaen la seeing that none of the eounty'a money was diverted from its proper uae and in tent. Following the flection of Ifr. Pol ger a* Chairman the appointment of delegate* to the rations convention* was taken up. There was no squab ble or fight between any faction* for the selection of favorite one* hot the convention heartily voted that every democrat in the county who should attend any of the conventions of the state should be permitted to no as a full delegate with power to vote. The sta^e convention is meeting in Raleigh thi* week and numbers of democrat* *iified their intention of going. An executive committee for every township waa nominated and elected. This committee in the whole la prac tically the same aa two years ago with the exception of a few vacancies made by reason of death or other causes. The County Executive Com mittee by townships la aa follows: Bryan—W. L. Hayaea, Morgan Cockerham, Robert Wilmotk. John Fie Ida, A«ty Normaa. Dobeoa—E. W. Holt. P. B. Welti. B P. Folger, N. I. Mario*. J. B. Eldora—Jasper Key. C. T. J ease. S. J. Jones, Sam Sfcackleferd. Elkin—R. M. Chatham. H. H. Bar ker. I. A. Eldridge, J. 8. Atkinson. J. F. Hendren. Fraaklia—Porter Lowe. John Barn ey. T. S. Woodruff. C L. Mathla. Charlie Atklna. tang Hill—D. B. Need ham. P. A. Askbarn. Silas Stone, G. J. Key. Msrsh—W. H. Chsndler, Joe Lane. Mrs. Alice Martin, J. R. Barker, Avery Jenkins. Meant Airy—C. P. Melton. J. B Haynes, E. C. Bivena, W. L Monday, W. W. Carter. . Pilot—O. E. Snow. Frank Swan aan. Bex Smith, 0. T. Fowler. Mrs. R. E. L. Flippin. Racfcferd—J. G. Weed. Miliary Cos. J. 6. Key. w. J. Eraaa, Mrs. C. A. Uatb—P. C. fcmt, Charlie Key, MNr Haaarr, ft. 8. Sratt. ft ft Tm ■W— Mrs, ft T. Fllppln. Mrm. ft ft Bmwm. Hark Atktaaaa. L. A. SUwarte Craafc—Will UtIII. C L. Baaiaar, Nawt Boylaa. Saa Caak. J. W. Jataaa*. WaatflaM—Dr. Taai SaiHk. Raid Witkln the next faw day* Chairman FaJ«w axpacta ta cat tba rarknu lay plan* for Um laglatration of all kept open tor the iiM primary. In ante to select candidates for tho state mm to and aloo tho U. B. Mnato a local primary wiU bo hold tn tho county tho first Saturday in Juno. Tho ragiatnifca hooka will ho open four weeks prior to tho holding of tho primary and It la tho puipuoo of tho executive committee to gat every un registered democrat oa the hooka at this time and not wait until the ruah that usually atUoda the faH elaedaa. The time for the filing of candi dates for the state senate dosed laat Friday night with O. E. Snow filing as the Democratic candidate and S. O. Magulre of Elkln for the Repub lican*. Attorney W. W. Carter rep resented this district la the state sen ate two years ago, winning over his Republican opponent in both Surry and Stokes Counties by a substantial majority, but he declined to accept the nomination for a second term and friends of Mr. 8now prevailed upon him to file his name for the office. Mr. Maguire has repreeented Surry in the legislature in previous years and in the coming months can ha counted qpon making an aggreesive carrpaign for his party. The candi dates for the lower house do not have to enter the state primary but wiU be ■elected by the county convent! na. It is reported that H. H. Barker, rep resentative two years ago, will not accept the nomination a second time, and friends are suggesting the names of A. O. Click or R. M. Chatham, both of Elkln. Either of these gentleman would make the county an able rep resentative, being smong the beat business men in the state. There Is much talk heard among the farmers about runnine W. E. Woodruff, of Lowgap. And thii talk U not only confined to the farmers but he has many friend* around Dobeoo and Mount Airy who are anxious to see him set the nomination on the Demo cratic ticket. Mr. Woodruff hi one of the bent scholars of the country holding high decrees from Wake For est College and Chicago University, nnd would be amply able to take care of Surry's interest in the legislature alone all lines. Among other county offices it is a settled conclusion that the present incumbents will he renominated by the Democrats. Sheriff Haynaa, Prank Lewellyn and Willis Lawrence hare all made most efficient officer* and they warrant the approval of both the nomination in the Democratic convention and the election at the poll* for the honest efforts they have made in riving the county such satie factory and prompt service in their re«pective office*. The Republicans are making a des perate effort to effect a strong or ganisation that will enable them to wrent the county from the Democratic candidate*, but from all report* they are meeting with little encouragement '•n account of the universal satisfac tion that ha* been rendered by the candidate* that have been put in of fice by the Democrat* with the aid of many Republican* who had grown tired of ring politic* and wanted to see their county run on a husineas basis. i Spend Million and Half in Ad vertising State GrwmlKira, April 24.—The exe cutive committee of "North Caro linian*. Inc.," which waa chartered thin week to advertiae the resources of the state to the world, met here to day and decided that 11,500,000 .hall be «pmt in "telUnf the world." De tail! in the ahapa of aetaction of a mattering agency to direst the expen diture of the fend will W made la the near future. The executive committee la eoaapoe ed of Fred N. Tate. High Point; Homer Jnle, Greensboro; C. O. Kaea ter. Charlotte; W. P. Budd, Durham, and Oeorge Monteaetla, Lexington. Backing Curollnlaaa. Inc.. are a number of men in the atate who want Ha reoouuea developed la aa agricultural, industrial and eeaimer clal way. A boot M representative men avall*^ themselves of the oppor — • ELECTION OFFICIALS ARE NAMED The Caunty Board of Election. held • M«th| kit Saturday at Patau ui 0MI»leU« «n the IfMMfWMMte n.nnssry Cm holding the state pri martee the lint Saturday I* Jm At that time Um Bipakllnai and Demi crate wffl eeleet their candidates far Um State SciieU, Solicitors, 8. Senate. In thia county tha Repub I lean* will turn only ona candidata for tha reepective offlcaa and conae qoently will not ha expected to caat very my votee. And tha Democrats alao bare only ona candidata hi tha flald with tha exception of tha U. 8. Sonata. For that office Bobt. R. Bey nolda la oppoeing Sanator Laa 8. Overman aa tha Democratic candi date and the Democrata will ha call ed upon to aelect their choice. The registration hooka will open on Saturday May lat and remain open •very day except Sunday until Satur day, May 22nd. At the meeting of tke board laat Saturday tha Judges and Registrars for tha pracincta were named. The board of elactiona ia now compoaed of B. A. Freeman, chair man, T. N. Woodruff and J. F. Carter. Mr. Woodruff aucreeda J. D. Thomp son, who reaigned whan he. waa elect ed on the county school board and J. F. Carter, of Elkin, suceeada T. W. Davie of thia city. The following ia the liat of Begia trara and Judgea, tha flrat named per son in each precinct being the Begis trar: Bryan—J. R Norman. C. W. Wil liama, J. F. Fie Ida. Dobeon—F. F. Il(p J. A. White. C. L. Jarvia. Eldora—S. J. Jonea. W. L. Chilton. S. 0. Harbour. Elkin, French Graham, Walter Col lint, W. 0. Church. Franklin, a N. Leftwich, W. A. Gentry. C. E. Bart lay. Lonir HOWD. B. Need ham. Joe H. Samuel*, 8. M. Stone. Marah—W. H. Chandler, W. L. Al berty, Alex M ounce. Mt. Airy, Precinct 1—P. 8. Roth rock, W. O. Clement. E. L. Patteraon. Mt. Airy, Precinct 2—Thomaa B. Aahby, Banner Sim peon, J. W. Bad Kett. Mt. Airy, Precinct 8—B. Y. Gravea, J. M. Hiatt. G. C. Hauaer. Mt. Airy, Precinct 4—J. Frank Mar tin J. A. Sparger, A. M. Beamer. Mt. Airy. Precinct 5—R. ft. Aahby, D. C. Bowman. C. F. Melton. Qilot—R. E. Smith, L M. Gordon, F. M. I>odaon. Rockford—J. G. Key, E. C. Flynn, A. W. Shinault. Shoal■—P. G. Scott. T. M. Chilton. 8. W. Scott. Siloam—A. L. Stewart, W. T. Criae man R. W. Fulk. Stewart* Creek—J. Everett HUl. Arthur Booker, R. L. Snow. Weatfield—Beid 8nody, J. M. Chil ton, T. J. Smith. Johnson Htjrai Nomina tod For U. S. Swato Greensboro, April It.—Johnson J. Hayes, of Wilkes county, was nomi nated for th« United States senate at a meeting here this afternoon of the state Republican executive committee. He accepted the nomination in a rous ing speech, and declared it is not a forlorn hope, hut one to be fought for vigorously. The committee also selected eleven candidates for superior court judge* ad ft . •ft four Sorry beya could be Ikt iMUtatiM at the time, owhic U the uuafrj rendition of the achooL It la Ma opinion that at the praaaat time there are mre than a hundred begn In Surry county that won id ac tually he benefitted if they coold be gotten into the aehool and atatad poai tirely that if the room was available for 2S or SO boya that he rmM heap that aaanjr of Surry'a delinquent boya there constantly. Officer Armstrong says that thers Km* broken out in the county among the hoys a veritable epidemic sf stealing and suggests that If this con dition is permitted to continue (or a few years our eoanty will reap the whirlwind in the form of lawlessness and general lswbreaking. He says many of the county's delinquent boys when threatened wM^ being sent to the training school inform him with a smile that there is no room tor thorn there. The Grand Jury understands that the county Commissioners hare talma up the matter of the advisability ot sharing with some other county the expense of erecting a cottage at the Jackson Training School to provide ac commodations for n delinquent boys, the two counties to divide the ixpoass, which we understand will ho $22,000 for the building. That arrangesaeat Will permit each of the counties to have 16 pupils at the school at aB times. The state takes care of aO future expense of maintaining, dia ciplhiing and educating the hoys. Wo 1 believe that county money spent for this purpose will be worth more to Surry county in years to come than possibly any expenditure we could make. If we do not prevent these boys from developing into hardened criminals, we will in the next decade spend many times f11,000.00 in our effort to restrain and punish then. The Grand Jury,* therefore, urge upon our county Commissioners and all good people in the county to leave no stone unturned to the end that Sur ry county shall have at the Jacksoa Training School a cottage to take ear* of our delinquent boys. The members of the Grand Jury visited the several offices in the court house and found them amply provided with the necessary furnish ings and equipment- As to the court house we have no recommendations to make. Respectfully submitted. W. E. Woodruff, Foreman Grand Jury. April 22nd. 1S2S. Farmers of Lm County Skip Ha ma to Ckie«|o Sanford. April II.—The farmer* of Lee county have the distinction at curing and xhippins ham* to Chicara, the greatest meat market to the world. For the third rarmtivt yrmt a representative of a Chicago Arm ha* been in the CarhoBton mtin buying ham* and shipping them to that citjr. North Carol tea has lose haea known to the large markets far the high quality of its frotts, harries and Haa prefect has km added to tkr