and Hate! jn all tb« lowly atwikuk an arriving daily. Washable Silk Drone* in JSC $12.50up <HhwSUk $5.00 up .You just must have one of our new large hats which are the rage. White and leading shades. $1.95 *$10.00 tyser pure siik lull iash ioned Hosiery, square heel, "'.rS ' $1.50 Kayser pure silk full fash ioned with patented slipper heel, all leading £1 CA shades, at .... #l»wv WHY PAY MORE? TT PAYS TO TRADE AT Natico Tt«Im SaW ml Land By tlriw of Mtkoritr ewtiM h • certain M of truat r»carded ti the R«fft*ter of Dndi office of (tarry County N, C„ Book <7 mm 84 e* •mud on October 6, 19M, bjr J. A. Comb* ud wife Mary Comba to tho underairned Iraitw and default hav ing boon made to tho note* aecured by the dead of truat and at the rrqucut of the holder of tho not## to auction to tho h iff boat bidder for «aah in front of Woodruffa atore, Lowffap, N. C. a* Satardar. Jumr 5th, KM. at S a ttack P. M. the following deacribod property, to wtt: '>;• One tract of land in Franklin town ahip. Surry County, hounded aa fol lowa; Beffininff at • rock E. aide of Hlffh Pine Spur hi John WiiHo'a out*id line and rune in a N. E. direction to a rock'at bond of road than N. F. with aaid road to a laVffe rock cliff ttatN. rroaainff the ton of the ridffe to a Make in tho Willie Sprint branch than ' up aaid branch paealnff tho aprinff and croaainff the pablic road to chaatnut by aide of a atuM then B. W. with tho road paaainff the forfca of the road that cornea out from CotmaO Murphya' to a cheatnut oak an affreod corner on the 8. E. aide of the road to comer of aaid Willie'a fence than in a Booth direction of tho fence to a (take in WI1lR*a line then 8. W. to a rock Eran'a and WiiHo'a comer; then with the outaide line to tho place of boffin nine, con tain inff 100 acre* more or leva Thia May 4. IBM. Wm. Poole, Truntee. The FOOD VALUE of • of GREEN RIVER U GREEN RIVER—for Ikat Contract Letting »f I The County Board of Education of Surry County will moot on Monday May 10th at 10 a. m. for the purpoae of considaring aaalad bid* on the mt everal school buildings to be built this umncr. Thee* buildings are locatod as follow* and the alto* have baan staked off so that the contractors may viaw them U they desire. The Sock, Whit* Plain*. Baalah, Flat Branch, Dobson, Little Richmond and addition to tht prmnt Copokuid budding. The plan* and (pacific*. y he had tion* of thaaa buildings may upon application to 8upt- E. 8. Ban dran Mount Airy, N. C. Bidder* should have their bid* in the hand* of Sipt Handren by the afcovs data or preaant them at the office of the County Board of Education in the Court Houaa at the hoar mentiprwd E. 8. Hendren, Supt. Trinity Episcopal at 11 a. bl Sunday school at 10 a Evening praj first aad third Holy Communion the First Proabytorioa Church Bar. J. C. Qriar, Pastor Bible school Ml A. M. Morning worship 11:00 A. M. Even lag worship _—t—-T:I0 P. M. Junior C. E. M0 P. M. C. E. IM P. M. T M P.M. • machine gun Willi in tha fro**! *eat began ting fee. TWm of I «m lost lii the Wmk Conflicting atorlaa ef witnaaaaa Mil; Ml il to In!—if| tlM ■!<■! <>f MefSwiggin and Dobertjr and ton away in Mr ear. Another irllnaaa M|i lha fourth ifttn who nrrini tha deadly machine |m Ara dragged the two bodies oat an the prairie to ward Barwjm. Both bodies war* found in a (Mil in Barwjm at boor after tha shoot ing. * State'* Attorney Clow a waa dumb foanded whan awakened in hia hom* and told of tha death of young Mc Swiggin. He immadiately callad a conference of aB hia dateethrea aad aaaiatant atate'a attorney* and a vig oroua drira waa atertad within an hour to round up all aapMow char acter* In Chlcnga and aaharto. Tha raiding order aaid: "Gat every hear runner, every n unman, evary boot legger and every other kind of racketeer in reac^i. Young MtBwiggtn waa only ST yaara old. Baeaaaa of hia faarlaaa prosecutions and tha high average of conviction* obtain ha had uaa to ha callad tha "hanging prosecutor." Ha haa sent dve men to the gallowa pairing the past year. He had many and powerfal ana miaa among tha criminal elemaat. Hia iatoat important caaa waa tha proaatution of tha Genna gangstera Albert Anaalmi and John Seal lee, charged with ktBing two police of ficer*. The caaa waa etubbomly I •Might and MrSwiggin obtained h; conviction, bat th* men eacaped the' nooaa. Another theory, and one given cre dence, la that friend* of the notori our bandit killer, Martin Dark in, I who la scheduled to come to trial •arty nest month with McSwiggin in the role of chief proeecutor, con spired to gat him out of tba way. UncU Wi Coador Lay* 'CM. Kg*' Washington, May «.—The gooae that laid the golden an •• working for Uncle Sam, only the gooae ka a California condor, ona of Um four birds of this almost extinct ijmcIh know* to bo in captivity. For the second time this year, a condor at the nttionaJ boo hfft hu laid an an. ralwd at $7BO. It will bo entrusted to aa ordinary barnynrd hen of domestw imtincta in tho bop* that a condor chick will ha hatched. Tho eindsr ia a noar relation of the j turkey buizard, averaging four foot : in length and weighing 20 to 26 > pounds. It usually has a nine foot | wing spread and is marked by black plumage and brilliant orange and red tinted skin on tho bald head and \p per nock. , The trio at the national loo haw been tlScre more than 20 years and this is the fifth egg produced ia that time. A hen"gets the batching1 Job this time because the condor broke the otht r* eggs The «gg Is a four inch affair, and the usual laying rate is one a year. Formerly the condor swarmed along the Pacific const and minors used their quills to carry cold dust. Sci entists believe that not store dfcsa 100 birds survive in thetr wild state In Southern and Lower California and tho only other condor In captivity is I a young one at the Los Ananias nan. | TtyE AZAX MAN 18 I mMm for Ym ATTRACTIVE WOMEN V lm A tatiUhT woman la ilmn U BlrM. Tb«r« art man* typaa af **" ai* b» trttljrl ta bwUthy. Irtf I vitality la ilwin Mamjr a |u found harbaalth (km tha Lydla KPtak i'» Vagatabla —Iil*in» a tow at tit* tklaa* at with* Kk. 1. C. Tlunar of Baa tit. Mill Florida, eomptalaed ba tar* aha atartod uklitc Ml* K Pink, bun's Vageubla Compound "1 eoald not *t*b tit down ud talk to a frlaad for Mr laagth at Uma,** ah* atataa, "1 would forgot what I wu talking a boat ud tut m blue." Mr*. Taylor ta ao plaaaod with tbo work of tk* VilUMa Compound that ako kaopo a botU* of It la tka kiwi at all UaMo—aad when It to *mpty. bar baabaad makes lura that aka haa a aow bottlo "I kara r*gala»d my atr*a<th/* Mra. Taylor wrttaa. "I out do all mr koaaawork ■ow aad I fool Jaat Una " Lydla t Plakham't Vacotable Co®, pound la made Iron roota and korba aad kaa baaa growlnjc la popularity BACKACHE ■.MM U* MM lr Takbf Cm+L IMMd lor kMtariMMl ■a," aaya Mrs Manic Hart, of CoMwator, MM. "Batore the birth of an cMdraa, wIms vnk md natHftltd. I took CvW. After .he binb of n (MMtm, when lutt K tting »p lofe ■n work, I took a couple of MHh of Cardta and never tailed to atien^thea and hrlp me wham tok taf It. T,l teemrd to enjoy my food uad aiy hack wruid teel ttroncar. I don't bcli vc , J h»vr kept goHif had it not been tor Cartful tad me atrencth It «*» aw. "When charter of life came oa 1 .., (ot down m bed. Life maud to be Jut! a ter.iMe dray. I dM ■of have ctren^tli for anything. My back tout. Mr! nit* hurt, i waa to nervous I couidhl re*t. "I knew what C rdul had doM. ao aent rtraiRh t for It. and it did )aaf •a It had done before—ctraagtbto ad aad buih me up." k •*" g IPPlia fir «rS* §£(9 w. IEM ftft ■fiNi/ Mr1 H#f #•» *£S&S m I *•«"•!«MHWI/ m May Thhk of a gift that will picaw fan. Think of eomrtboMI thai »i cany a compliment with k. Think of km vID natty enjoy. Rn« c»ndy faaa alwayi fawn roarfalerad a met fa! «f» for a owlr lady. And the candy of dM Noma Variety Box is fine moogh to plcan the kmlisn of aU And for Mother!' Day than h a apadnl fans hand with a mw for mothers. Fresh shipment of North Motfarn' Day randiw jnst isteiwd II to f 10 a package. Mt Airy Drug Company "A Good Drug Store" Look! Look! At Public Auction ■ On Saturday, May 8th, at 2 o'clock P. My the valuable little farm belonging to the estate of the late Solomon Cloud, will be told to wind up the estate. This property is located about one mile North of ML Airy, and is situated on and between Ward's Gap road and the White Sulphur Springs road, and adjoins the lands of the Granite City Orchard Co., W. B. Merritt and other. This property contains about 12 acres on which there are two small dwellings and other out build ings, will be subdivided into building lots and small acreage tracts. This property lies well and is close in. This is an opportunity to secure a home site on good easy terms. Everybody invited to attend this big sale, especially the ladies. Good music during the sale. T. W. Davis, , Eaecvter of 3.1ns Cloud, Doc'd. SALE CONDUCTED BY SURRY REAL ESTATE COMPANY C. H. STANTUFF, Awctisaisr. A. E. Til J FY, Atty. . Surry Real Estate Company <• ■" * Our every effort is concentrated to bay and sell Real Estate privately or at public auction for the benefit of our customers. We maintain a constant lift of desirable Home«, Farms, Lots and Business properties from which •election is always easy. . SURRY REAL ESTATE COMPANY G. H. SUatliff, Aurtisassr Office with Mount Airy Insur&nce A Realty Co.

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