MOUNT AMY. NOtTH CAftOLDfA, MAY SO, IMC. RURAL SCHOOL BUILDING BIDS REJECTED County Board to Consider Revised Bids Next Monday—$150,000 to be Spent The school koiii W Surry County in imiia at Dabeaa Mw<«y faM to let the contracts far Um school building program that the board kai outlined for Hi work. In IK# school buildtnga to be aractad and ad dition* to othera. Tha bid* aub m it ted by a half a doaas or aaara con-! tractor* wara bifhai than tha board could accept, or rathar tha price ask ad for tha work took all tha money the board had for tha program and laft nothing to buy boating plant*, dank* and other achool equipment nereaaary aftar tha buildings are cumplatad. The •pacification-called for a batter grade of achool building than ha* been built in the paat. For instance instead of a composition shingle roof the specification called for an aabaatoa roof. Another improvement asked for was the uae of oak or gum floor ing instead of No. 1 pine, and also a wainscoting around the walls instead of plastering to tha floor. These three item* of impro*aaaq0t Hm> W< asked over what has been demanded of the buildings in the past i* said to have run the cost of the buildings con siderably higher. When the board aaw that their money was about to be exhausted in the actual construc tion of the buildings, having nothing for equipment and fixture*, new figuree were asked and tha contract ors arill submit bid* next Monday on buildings with a composition roof, No. 1 pine floor, and no wainarotinir around the wall, beaidns other short cuts that may ba made in the con struction of the buildings. All the buildings will be equipped with steam heat throughout, and tha plans being used are standard school building plans adopted and approved by the state hoard of education. The work contemplated during the •ummtr and fall calls for the expend iture of itwut 1150,000. Thin money is being borrowed from the state! school buildinir fund and ia to be re paid by the county in twenty annual installments together with t per cent interest. In bidding on this large amount of work one item that entered in the coat of construction that the contractors had to consider was the coat of a bond. To protect the county in this work • sufficient bond is to be required of the successful bidder and one contractor has estimated that the bond alone will coat $1.600.00., Another point that the contractor has to consider is that if he take* the work at a price that the bonding company consider* too low for good workmanship and aafe business then they refuse to sell a bond in such casea. The bonding companies when • bond ia applied for require a copy of the plana and specifications and the price that the work ia being done for, and then they hare experts to go over the figures and determine whether or not they can furnish the bond to protect the county. It will be remembered that the original con tractors who took the court house Job, went into bankruptcy rather than finish the Job at a loss and the bonding company took over the work and completed it for the county at a loss of several thousand dollars. Another time a contractor who had secured the contract to build one of the county's school buildings some time ago sent his figures to the bond ing company and when they had been verified the company refused to grant the bond on the ground that the "walk could not be done for the price the contractor accepted It for. These circumstances all go to show the Many details that must be considered in the state and county work and the Mi* guard that surrounds the ex penditure of the public funds Oct. Itol* North CanliM Day at 3—q«l lapwMwi Baliegti. May 1^-At the repeat of Governor KeLew Octeher • has CROWDS ATTEND STATE SPELLING BEE Charlotte, May IC-ImIm Wirt, of Albemarle, ripmailln Stanly county wm last n If lit vtetertoaa over SO other contestants in The Charlotte Oboorvor's ipdllti boo at tho city auditorium an