— 1 ■ '■ I for Five New U*e^7-1« inch ceiling for rloa* rooms instead of plaster Reduce the •mount of blackboard from 40 lineal feat to 30 feet. Um 240 lb. romposition ihingle* on l-room building* Instead of aabea IM shiny las. When the bids were returned baaed on the above modifications it was, found that 0. T Fowler and D. H. Cooke were' very close together. Mr. Cooke was slightly lower than Mr. Fowler on all the projects except the Flat Rock J«i> in which case Mr. Fow ler was I2M below Mr. Cooks. Each : of these contractors had indicated a willingness to allow a one per cent discount if given the entire Jab. Mr. Cooke's tout bid for all the work was I79.14S.00, Mr. Fowler's total was' Mr. Cooke's bid was therefore accepted, the hoard taking advantage of the one per oesrt reduc tion for giving him the entire Joh. This discount amounted to reducing his bid to 178,851.57. % tlk^ work includes the following buildings: Flat Rack east of Mount Airy, White Plains, Dob*on, Flat Branch in the western part of the county. Little Richmond, and an addition to Cope-. land. Enough money will he left to put steam heat in all these buildings and in soaM rases to buy the seabj •jecessary for the auditorium. r All the above work U supposed to he rushed to completion ao that the City, Nw. | mm.' fey total «na.tt ' w Dm (mm aaad tiara It te I Ml. Hr cntorad tha «di at 10.S6, tha km ww tnrnad mi a taut* l*t*r •ltd ha m uimiilm m half a minutr, al(h<W|k Ma baad to mova. Hi m two and a half minuta* after th* |u waa tmid on. JaUeh want to hh danth altlwal a' trinr. Comtn» owl of ht» call short ly bafora II o'clock, ho waa aacartod down th* corridor and acraaa th* prison yard 100 feat to tha daath a Irttla conarato btldiag. aa Way to "*-k Two gvarda hold aithar ana lightly. B«t tha aaaiatanrc waa Bat mill. Tha blond giant, wrhad only by Aa ha naaiad tha giwop af tora ha rallad oat rbaarfly, "Goodby, hoya. I ha van t loat My narva. I'M Tha gnnrda hurriad him into vault and (trappad Mi to chair hi tha contra of tha ractly facin* >.na of tha thraa win dow*. Tha dww waa mli faat mm4 a charge of hydi ocyanic arid DiraM in tha room from tha roar part af tha -Caadbya. Glrtta." Uat War*. Jukirh looked up and 'aaw a Wo man nrwapapar cnrraapondant in( through tha window. Ha and taid, "Goodby, cirlW" Tbay A mssing noise n nin Mri an nounced entry of the |w, and • »t»r tied look appeared in hi* eye*. A* the^ Int flume* floated around hi* head he took a deep breath and ten •econda later Muik Into a coma. In juat a few aeconds he wa* totally or •-onsclou*. The ftrat execution in thi» Stat* hy lethal fa* waa two year* ago, when (">•* Jon, a '"hineae, paid far a m farrier MIM la Draakea Rage. Jukich, a 28-year-old rapper miner, waa convicted of ft rut decree murder for killing Jennie MaM In KotJk. Nev. Jukich lived with the Madek family and fell in leva with the girl when ahe wa* only thirteen. Soon her family had hstrethed her to him, and he turned over much of hi* earn ing* to purchase clothe* and finery for the giri. Their marriage waa to take place when ah* grew older. Three year* later, Jukich asked Jennie for Iter hand and *br refused him. He killed her in a drunk— rage. \ Hydrocyaitr acid Is <ma of the «adlie*t poison* known to science. It I a colorless, veletUe liquid, which Alder the stimulus of heat tarns into i inflammahle gaa with an odor of Aarh pita. Persona inhaling the fume* are stricken almost imtantly. - Nevada ia the only itate in the Union that uae* lethal gaa as the mean* of executing Its ro ml waned criminals. Utah penalty for rundsmn cd priaonerm, to (koow Mwmii hut in( and nhootinc. In twanty-ona iUIm and two tarrt tarias htnitini ia tha raaani of in flicting tha death. penalty. In thir Uui stata* tha electric Mr ii mi Sa»an state* do not inMet capital pun lohmant. Tha Federal panalty far mm*m to daath by ha^tac. OMMCtient** methad of hM** to dtftora* (m that —iplayad la u; othar aUta. !■ ataad of dnpphif tiwufh a tray, tha prtoanai to Jarifcad Ma the ahr hy a | nent people of k* section who ywd him u a tool In the manufacture and Mb of ttqnor, Whil* the offirrm stoutly dfiqr that they had any occasion U> aho»t at any on*, yet it ta reported that one of them knew the negro had baa* abet Report haa M that one of the o4ir«ri loat hia hat during the raid Ml the •till and In going hack to Sad it anw the body of the mpo ma a hi the branch, and told hi* friend* of hit diacovery Imt made so report of the matter and did not return to aea what rendition the man waa ia. It ia aaid that thia circumstance. wkea it ■■Ma jl 1 ■ - - - — — — -J - — * ... .1 tka UIW"" "I WI, ( ^Uwnl irirnOn OJ IIIt negro to atart an investigation which haa culminated in an indictment be ing brought again at the nAreri. PjrtlitMM Attamd State Hut ing—Mouat Airy To Haw A large delegation of local Knighta of PytMna attended the State marling in Winaton-Salem la at Friday after noon and evening put on by the Kath Vme Bible Claaa. The Winaton Salem Pythian lodgra entertained in great atyle having 'he sUeota deco rated with flaga; a atreet parade with band concert and drill and barbecue were among the ootaide attraction*. The D. O. K. K. band of Winaton Salem furnished the muair and D. O. K K drill torn or Gremtboro had rharg* of tlx parade formation. Mount Airy furnithad a larger dal pffation than any other city except Wi| pmunt and of thr 1U randi ptftffttiftf thfRlwlVfH fflf mitiatioa «bw> wtn tram Mooat AJry. , About TM attended tha hutaw which mi >r»Mr»d at tha fair •m. ffiftiiM ™ SHrcamr CAME m WAY. at • ft thia Mrvin u tha thM W*ak t» IM ravntj, Mr. Prat , aaatatMa« * tha MiUi «f M» Wa chmk k mU w>rth will* ta •a account of what is la tha coanty by thia of flcw. Tha n ra ia tha naaty who I Ma pa rant, fathar or wihar, to taha «ara of than. That* ara ■any way •taf ia aa4 try t araaawy chit far tha ia tha wort of tha watfara aad that* U aaoagh of it to taha a* tha aatira thaa af aaa aaa. " ** hair faaiUtoa rto™^r* day*. Hara ia aar owa at a vacant lata af aar laaal« foar aaa vara a* far aa awirt of «Ia» k all parta af tha nwlrj. Tha tha awa hat tha i =525 of tha roaaty ara arilttaff ta taha a child aad raar it. aaad It to acfcool aad fhw it tha uuaa Itwmh a* taftr om children. Many rttium of the coat; art now raring far (lUdrm placed with than by tW welfare officer. But to placa • rhtM.t» « home ka no >mall matter. Than ara many miaftu. IV thiM nay not he aatiefied. The rttisea may not- find tha child one that to caraa to heap. I* one case a little hoy af tan yearn wa» pftxerf in a hoeae and ha triad lb aye» out day after dajr until tha tiliira returned him to tha aatmty home Then tha welfare officer found another b«me for the child and again he cried until hi* presence ra«ld net be endured and he waa again returned to the cemtty' home. The third attempt at placing the little fellow proved successful and he la now in a food home where he ie happy and contented and may grow up Into a normal citiaen. Bat nil thla leqaked time, effort and judgment. The biggeet problem of the welfare officer la the wayward hoy who la really bad. There are many of theee. Boy* who a^aal and run away and do all Uinda of dirty thing* that,can not "Si endtared. The law moat step in and check them. But when the law take* them in hand we haee provided no way to care for them. The Jack Mm Training acfcool can care for only4 .4*0 and Surry it allowed only four. Surry could caaily aend up temty ftve who should be (n aome inatitutien where they would haee the right training. There are many boya in the county now who are at large for the simple raaaan that we nave no place to aend them, young criminal* in the making with no restraining influence over them. The moat trying work that the officer 1laa in placing children who are neglected ..Right new there are many children la the county home tar heen hid far tfcam. There fa noth ing that caa he dmw but rare for them at the beam until aome cltiaen w* The fcmflg Head In a tenaat haaae aa a farm ami the tin Mini hmi thaw term. .f tka ftee-jraar contract wkttk ha* «om mn yaw to rim, tka actual dariaiun in tka matter was Wft kjr the metnbarihip u> tka «TWUn and kjr them was paaaad «m to tka J no* Tka . •f I ku ran tka affair* at tka i mm» tka taimd raaignatkm of R. ft include • repceaantative of tka crad 4tor* and former appraianr. TV Hoard ataa appointed a boaine** and financial adviaer The'report of the three former manager*, which wan made to the meeting yesterday. follow* in part: "Since your la*t mwtinf, which occurred one rear ego today, your institution haa undergone many and rapid chaftge* which were not for it* advantage and chance* which have brought about a condition which we a* a- committee feel should he brought children wandered about the neigl)bor h»<wi and put up at an) hoM where the/ ware welcomed. After • few da/* a citizen permitted them to oc cupy an aid abandoned tenant houee that waa ao At place for any human, hut the/ "made H their home sad the neighbor* tin led In peoviniona for two months. The father la the m*an time had bean Indicted fer non-sap port of his family and ^bteni'ail to jail, the sen trace to tohe effect If he did aot go to work. Weak* went by and be Ignored the order at the court and continued to leaf about the neigh borhood Then he waa arrested and sent to Jail. The neighbor* gat tired of supporting the fanriiy and they were aeat to the county home where the mother gave birth to the eighth j thild am) is now a county charge.) Three of her children have been plac ed in home* of gnod citiaen* and two | other* have been placed, but they proved to he so objectionable that they were returned to the county | home. And ao. as we write, the wo-, man and five children art county chart**. th« woman rtrnng Mid healthy and plenty ahie to work, not! much pant thirty yearn of mgr. but I with no way to make • living and j with a hah* only a few weeftn old in her arma. There ia niithhn that thai that the wander la thai M la enly In 0m,0M powHb. which that tW —oriatiaa r«tT«t 14 t-1 par rent of the tobacco prailatad la tk» "TW isswtotteia had «a hand aa of May 1 appr»ui«at*ljr 7SJMJM pound* of tofeacca with a hankers' valuation of UI.NIJHJI On thia tobacco the ■MtriaH«a owae to *• creditors <S^W.fiM.TT TW sseocia Um has d« dart id from tobacco de livered by iwbur. of U» MMlh tkm for Kwralaw given to tW Dm warehousing corporate** MtM The association tea a* psratieas far a|»lwt thaae five ■■nhnwiit cor poration. »USlje*Jl Takiac cm* af Ik* association otWr thaa tka tW Mwtin have an equity « tka prsesnt alack of tobacco af WJWT< MUt. TW faahace Aa aa tW fiw vatakeasins corporations is »M. "Decreased Mmtn to the Ta tion for the iwim 192&-1WM. tka •tiit* tar rtnmnhip which bm been broaqftt by tl» maibw of tka association. the report of the Fcdtr ai Trad. fnsamissiun and tka cam plication* caused by tha redrying pal icy of the association have hi ought about condition* which haw nataa sitated that thr numfmnt of tha uawiatim eliminate every e*penae possible. retaining only Hi ita employ mifflriant man to handle tha Mb of tobacco and sufficient men to handle it* warehouse p» upectie* "The committee appointed at tha meeting of tha board of directors which accepted tka resignation af Mr. Patterson as genersl nanaiw of tha aaaociation waa to senre ■ tka capacity of general manager of ta immediately upon the appointment of this committee, tha committee looked into the affairs of tka aaaa ciation. It found as fafluws: (I) That no ante or (Practically ao sal** of tobacco war* being mad*; tkat those who ware purchaaer* at tobacco apparently war* not tanraat ed tq buying our tobacco at tkfc time; (S) that it was nscsassry ta greatly iwhM the number at am ployaoa of the asaociation ao aa ta retaining only thoa* man wko ware uaad in the adT sf tobacco and n force to look after the physical prop erties of tka aaeociation; (S) tha hoard and the romiaKts* aetkw in conference srttk tka director* af the

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