J1,500,000 CONTRACT AWARDED MOUNT AIRY QUARRIES Papers Signed Last Friday Giving North Carolina Granite Corp. Largest Order in its History THREE YEARS OF WORK CaMfwy I* At Once Enlarge Plant—Two Bif Shads la Ba Built and Powar Plant Mara Than Danhhdi Cam in| of Soathorn Power Prorod An Important Factor, A* Thojr WUI Furnish 1,200 Horse Power. LOCAL LABOR TO BE USED EXCLUSIVELY aiona had to go orer tho* contract* and plana am) also approve them be fore they could bMon< valid, i "fkr final binding contract waa ii|«d in Washington City laat Friday after noon at fhr* o'clock by J|p J. D. Sar (rnt, president of the North Carol Granite Corporation, riving to tllin company a Job of cut atone Mftrk amounting to HJWil.lSJ.OO. V. For week* rumor* were afloat priori# the signing of the contract that lj had heen wcured. but Mr. Sargent dkl the time infoind The Newi that p noon at nt For several yearn under consideration haii aasured thi» project and the var ions commissions are now working oat the plant and placing order* for the materia la The bridge will cost 116,000/100.00 to complete and it ia estimated to require ten years to finish the job, and will be considered the moat beautiful bridge in the world, nothing even in Earope rival ing it in beauty and magnificence. The bridge will be 2.1|R feet long and is so designed as te barmoniw with the Capitol, Wkitr Hou*e. Lin coln Memorial and Arlington Memor ial, as it ia in line with all these structures, and connects the Lincoln and Arlington Memorials. One inter esting feature about the work that will have to be done ky the Mount Airy concern ia the milling of 2,1 M atone baluatera. These go along the aMee of the bridge with a stone /ap abavi them and are rrinfc by nine laches and 34 inches higk, each hav ing a large amount of earring work on it. A portion of Ike granfte work that Ilea near the water's edgt waa award ed a Ooecgia coneont, kut owing to the tne quality and texture of Mount Airy granite it Wat Alerted to he aaed where it ia eappeJ to the public eiaw. All granite tn « need will be the fin I at grade of cat Aoeie and noth ing kut work of the aamraasental type and fall naTksssa will b! far In August, 1M7, tod the present cnn tract cells for complete delivery by Aaru>t, l»2t. Upon the completion of the present contract it la eeti mated that there will he an addi tional million and • half dollars of irranita work to be contracted and In view of the mceu of Mr. Sargent in ■Murini the Arst contract It to noth ing unreasonable to suppose that he will succeed in securing the remain ing work to he tot oat three years bfrom this date. f.J In order to carry out the contract bind supply the stone aa reqaest*d It wilt be nseafsary far thp company to spend a hoot I800.000.0i in r (pending its plant, increasing ihn shed now and Installing more crane*. About 40 machinery .men werf in conference with Mr. Sargent all day Wednesday negotiating with hjm the purchase and sale of two largb air compressors, these two machines - alone costing about $36,000.00 j Two large sheds will be built at «nce. One of them "•Or be an additfcm to the sheds of the Sargent Oraaite Co.. and will be AS feet wide and IS® feet long. An entirely new shed win aleo be built on the ground npar the North State Granite Co., U feet wide by 280 long with an ell to hfld the machinery. The air compressor* to be installed will be driven by electricity secured from the Southern Power Co., these machine* alone using 1,000 horse mew. The air conipreaaort that 'now supply the need* of the company have an output of 4,000 cubic feet per minute, while the new machines will put out 6,000 cubic feet per minute, thus more than doubling the air capacity of the plant. Other motors that will be added will in crease the amount of power to be a si a in i —t; j » - - Southern Power Co. to more than 1.200 horse power -con*|8erably more power than the coml>ineucceu in securing the tarre contract, for without the power be would have been greatly delayed in the installation of steam boilers and engine* necessary to generate his own power and at • coat that would have made the prioe of the contract much larger. In accepting the contract Mr. Sar cent says his company has kept in mind that it must alto carry on its : regular line of business. The an | nual busines* of tfci* company is now around one million dollar* and this single contract calls for an increase of about 50 per cetit in the regular force in order to get out the work on time. At present tlvfrr are now working in the cutting shed* of the quarry 248 stone cutler*, and about 450 laborers are u*«-i in the quarry ing of the stone and f>ther work about the quarry. The ngmber of cotters now employed M greater than ever : before in the histoip of the business, one interesting and encouraging fea > ture being that M per rent of thoee employed at the fuarry are local people—people whe ware reared here, have their homes here and who have proven loyal aa4 efficient workmen ia every instance.' In the execution of this contract Mr. Sargent says that a large number of additional employees will hare to be added, hut that he expects aad hopaa to be able Is eecure practically all his labor from .his section. b many instance* » will have la train I raw rem) Its b«r this he stands rea4y aad williag to do la order to •I* Mr. hrinit 1mm been abla to ntaka the North Carolina GraaMa Corporation om of tha leading rran IU indaatries of tha nation. The bua Imh baa frown unuf i«* product I* found in many of pL landinc ttruc twraa of tha t \nltl and Hoc at Airy mm... j» m Was Lami ^ 4 frenilf MR IWfn Wpi •XlfnSlYflj Wr vartiaad aattH It k mmlwil by I sad in* boilde+a aa Ow of tW finest ntooaa obtainable fay building purpoaes whm quality of text arc and beaaty •>f appearance la ihilml. Tha roa» pany to prartiralljr owa.il by. North ''arolina ettiseaa, Um pnnc-ijMI rtock holders belli* C. B. KaiiUjW Martins ville. Va., for years a /Tasldant of Mount Airy, W. F. ScMTfner and Col. F. H. PrWa of WlnatW-Salam and Mr. Sargent of this city/ Mr. Sargent |s praaidaat of tba campany aad Mr. Mtafaar la ri— pmidaat. Tha other aAeers of tiM rompany are: W. 4t Siatpaoti, secretary and treasarar; C. Biader. general auuuitr; J. K. SarfMrt, general superintendent^ Frank Walker, asaiatant superintend ant; R. C. Browne, rat atone saperin tendent. T1m following rompoaa the board of diractora- J. D. Sargent, W. r. Sehalfner, W. R Simpson. C. Binder, J. R. Sargent. C. B. Keeaee aad Col. P. H. Priea. RURAL MAIL CARRIERS TO MEET AT SANFORD It Is Expected That 800 From «AI1 Over State Will Gather Thar* July S-0. .Word, May 2*—Sinfnrd will oc cupy the topmost nine* of the ladder July 6 and fl when the usual routine of the town will be abdicated in or der that the city may play hoet to her fullest to MO rural mail carrier* gathered here in convention from all over North Carolina Nothing will he left undone to make the occasion for the carriers an event memorable In the lives of those who will honor the town with their attendance In the face of the fact that the gala celebration previously planned for July 4 has been set aside in order that the carrier* may be more ap propriately entertained, the public la looking forward to the two July day* with no small degree of interest. A number of good speakers, includ in Prank Page, chairman of the state highway commission, the first assis tant poatmaster-general and several departmental heads from Washington are expected to be on the program. One feature of the occasion that is being looked forward to with pleas I lire by the carrier* ia the itinerary j that will he taken through the Sand hill peach orchards. The carrier* win \ be given an opportunity to adequately slie up the part that Central North Carolina and the Sandhillt are play ing In the life and activity of the ' "tat*. THREE AMERICANS HELD FOR RANSOM RELEASED Laredo, May 29.—Three of the fire American* kidnapped in Mexico by bandit* and held for ransom hare Wen re leaned H. B. Rraden. mining i engineer of Laredo, who with Julea I C. Gallagher, of San Antonio, was ! seized May IS at Braden'* mine m the state of Durango, telegraphed hi* wife today that he had arrived safely at Mapiati, Durangn He *atd he 1 wa* *ound and wall. The telegram. h.>werer, gave no aewa of Gsllsghsr. Two American wjlijnia, Brigga and Greely, who were captured Ttanlay by bandit* in the Tamplco region, have boon libera tod. *ay advicoa fM Mexico City. John W Rhanklin. of Canyon City, Texas, whose death had been threat ened by bandits hold in c htm for ran som in the state of Vara Craa, still | la in the hands ef his captors so tar as la Imown. Although the bandit* threatened to kfll him last ThmAay IT the ransom wa* not paid at that thae. official* in Mexico City, In Km ahoenee of any direct word aa to Ma m4 • part of tk« Mr. V»n>— la Um rtai with unintelligible Jar to want something Ms fortune, another group nmalmrf h* Um frart of Um stort sad looted Um eaa+i drawat while tM) detained Um owner la Aa noon aa Mr. Varnon diaeorerail what had happened ho got Drpotj Floyd Ramey and thoy followed tha vamhrm overtaking them at Law tap wlifrt under throat of arraal thoy admitted tho thoft and handad o»er Um amount of 17.60 and won ailowod to go on their way. It to rumored that tho caah drawoi at tho Btevins itoro couth of Lowgai on Fish River waa robbed in muel tho >um way. IUt. J. H. Carter Eater* Um Evangalistic Field. Elkin. May 17._*ev. J. H. Carter of thia place, who, tor tho paat twe yoara, has boon paster of the Presby teriaa churches at Wilkashoro, Elkia and Yadklmrille Sunday morning re •irnod «he pastorage of thoso church as to outer the evangelistic field. Thto action waa mado possible through tha ! J*.— _# ik. JC* * — — a i . t. «. . ,1, (fiiffruiii/ oi in# r trpv rrr*nyirri»n church fo Greensboro, which is far nishing tho fond* to fbianea tha three months' evangelistic campaign upor which Mr. Carter will enter about Hia first ssriss of mart inga will begin at North Wilkeaboro the first weak in June, at tha close of whirl he will go to Ash* county, than coral much of northwestern North Carolina Mr. Carter will be accompanied by i trained linger and several Christiar 'hautaoqua workers througout hii campaign. He will be provided wit! s large tent and the neceaaary equip mant by the North Carolina Synod'i committee and is looking forward t< a wonderful succeae in thia work. Hi has not definitely decided that he wii continue in the evangeliatic work at the close of this campaign or wbethel he will accept a call to one of tlu numerous churches that hare beer demanding his services. He will con' tinue to make Elkin hia home until the cloaa of tha summer'! campaign U Aakad For Winston-Saiem, May 29 Judge J T. Shaw at Lexington today nam« the Wachovia Bank and Troat coot' P»njr, of th;» place, a* temporary re ceiver* for the Merchants Bank aix Trust company, alto of tliii dty, th« doors of the latter institution havini been cloaed April 27. by the stsU corporation commission. In a statement leaned late this af ternoon Bank Examiner Latham, ex plaining hit investigation of tin hank's assets and liabilities, say a: It was found that the asaeta of th< hank, which has been classed upor appraisal a* slow or doubtful. mad< it impossible for the directors ami stockholders of the hank to maki such an arrangement as would dis charge in full the liabilities of th< hank. From the best sources avail able it was determined that betweer >?«>.0 and 000,000 of the asaeti of the bank were slow or doubtful. From these figures it Is easy U determine that upon the spprsisa made, creditors of the bank cannot be paid in fall, and far that reasor the corporation commission found M mry to einiHir the appoint of a innl»n tor the pwpon of liqn Mating the bank. iWiatoJ Par How woaM yon like to haw a ttoj little two year old gtrl to tove and rear at yowr own ehlWT Jnat at it. Welter* Offktr, Fred Arm field has a nwnksr of Surry Cowtf] of I II year* who need In . Al ready a naaihar of Burr] eaati OBSERVANCE OF GAME LAW TO PROTECT FISH LIFE to force ntofrarnoii ACTION THIS COMGM Dry Am A I by >»nhi Of W«t Owwp. WaaMnglon. Mm, by ere to ftra the Imm ki the titration Ml) far tlgblinhlg Bp tin Volatoad art. The aef * mid today the? m naif '« th# battU and will pna* never al national referendum on Uw prohibi tion qMttlan and translating into lav the language of the 18th amendment. permitting the manufactore and Mle of bewa|«i °*non-lntoxicating la fart." While line* are heme drawn for thi* fight the uproar over President Coolidge'* esecutive order antknrtiinf the employment of «tate and local officer* a* federal enfummsnt agents continue* The order waa da fended today in the *enato hjr Sena tor Manse, Democrat, South Caro lina who declared that the fewer fed eral prohibition a rent* there were in the atate the bettor for law enforce ment. The aenate judiciary lubroounittoe appointed to m|iiMl tbeee aMthode of de*troying tb* flak Ufa In our atreama and will Anally win hi tha effort to mnka the Sab Muatrjr DM of the unit of tha state. TV following ia tha state law that appliea to thia county hi m»rt U flihinr taken from section M of tha rule* and regulation* of the flail "ft a ball ha unlawful far any per aoa to aet, ft ah with, or have act or flaked with hi tha folliiatM water*, any kind of net or trap for tha par po«e of taking or killing ft ah; or to bay, aell, offer for aale, or hare hi poaaeaaion Aah taken from tha Yadkla river and it* tributaries from the Sooth Carolina line to tta an arte, em » ' * a TP*- . ,ij.j npi Ml MfMi providM. rrOTWfa thai Aah may be taken with haul dip Beta, atala gill net* and flah trans without wing* or hedging, from tile waters of aaid utrsam from Jan. 1st to Nay 20th of each year; that no trape or net* can he a«t with in 60 yarda of either aide of the mouth of any tributary emptying late aaM river. Provided that flah My ho taken from the above named waters at aay »ea*na of the yoar with hook aad line when not m*ri than throe hook* and llnea are aaed by each perann Ashing; that it shall he unlaw ful to catch black baaa in aay of the strsaau above named by any meosi from April It to July lat ia each year." Violation* at the above regulatioaa are miadeaMsnura and are out of tha juriadiction of magiatatea. War Trophy la Placed On Wilkaai Wilkes Journal A hue* Belgian fun. weighing three torn, has bwn plarrd am the court bona* lawn in WHkeabore. Th» Mf artillery pice* wan unloaded Friday and placed on the walk immediately in front of tha court house. This war trophy waa aecared for the town and county by the effort* of Mayor H. A. Craaor and Attorney P. B. Hendren. This particular gun waa eaptmad early hi the war by the German* from the lelfiai army. Later hi Ike put conflict it waa recaptured by the American Expeditionary force*. Thu*. this run uw *nk* by tha Belgian*, the German* and the Amer icans during the World War. The trophy was shipped here direct from the Raritaa Arsenal at Meta chen. N. J., the freight coats for that distance being $218. Since it haa been placed on exhibit it has caused a great deal of comment and much interest is bring manifested ia it. At an early date it will be painted. German War Tropkia* Are Now Ob Exhibit***. Tajrlorsville Ttmea. The German trophies, awarded to Alexander county by the War De partment, have arrived and are on exhibition at the LeGette Store ia tha Campbell Hotel Budding bt the M doaea riflea M. Charl*i LeGette. and ex nldier. hi the Werld War, tahaa past pfaaa ars ia showiac them te hie Mm* been fatty decided where they wfli be placed We hardly thhtk H «nM he wiaa te place tbea* tsfMes ea t*a Court Square, ualeee sea** pro'riei*a