MOUNT AIRY TO HAVE MEMORIAL BUILDING »rsr"■ rr? "■.■or££ * > flier am iras by the wossum imj a pcffontl Om hundred aisteen U.WM , raiaad and aold flowera, gathered the ana frow their hen a, baked cake*, baked roila or anything they fait they could do hatter than *ng effort* ahowed the daap purpose a hich moved the women and permit ted no taming back oaee the goal had bean aet, and new their efforta are about to ha rewarded with a real Community Building. The beard of diraetora mot laat Thuraday evening in the home of Mr*. E. H. Koehtitxky and the preeent chairman. Mra. Beid Jackaon, preaented plana far adoption which provide for a building 40 s ISO feat to be erected thia fall. The plana call for a handaome atructure of brick and include apaoe for a rest room, library, auditorium with atage and dpaaaing room*, kitchen and furnace rooma. The women have taken oat $6,000 in building and loan atock to provide funda for their building pro gram thia maana a monthly expendi ture at between $60 and $70. Five hundred dollar* of the $8,000 ia being carried by one member of the We man'a Club aa bar gift. They will again aall on the public far help both in and the payment of an an paid i in the county will want to have hi tU ■ llh Km far funda feeling that __ dUtt. toe 'buOdtalTan "J^d tort and aamaknw by dint «f toil and ef fort it will be paid for ak the yeara help of any tndi •I# hi. ar bar help Wt the caoaa la wertoy rf the haat thatm* mm or eM«M, Wye> hi the Wertd War. Ult m Arthl ■ab City «f' Pamtmc of I A portrait of tha lata Mn, i. Ed ward Johnston of will ba praaaalad by of Now York City, a who baa pa in tad two portraita of tha lata Mr. R. J. Reynolda, flrat hueband of tba lata Mra. Johnatan, ta tba city of Wtaataa-aalaw aad ihiilii Mr. Oirdaa ia hi Tba Wlnetoa-flalem Journal earriad tba following danrlptiaa of tba patraM ' Tba pictan of tba form ar Mra. Reyaalda. life-like wHb iU elaar Maa ayaa, with Ma vhrM tints hmiith (k 4rHr*tf chiffon draaa aad with dimple la tba rhia. waa oaoeatod by| Mr. Gordon from Ufa-iika ba aMda while ba waa bara of tba faaMw Tba ayaa ara yat fantla aad touched with that brood in* *ympathy that gripe tha raaual abaar»»r with thoughtful at tention. Ona la iitruck by tba utter tineelf-roaariouaneu of tha aubjact and by tba atrong character of tba faea. It ia tba woman in ona of bar moat charming momanta, audi a a>o mant, parbapa. aa aha must have ex perienced after deciding to build tha miHina dollar auditorium aha gave tha city in memory of har daad hoa hand. In tha face ona at laaat think* ha can aaa and faal aorea of thoaa qualitlaa which turned her toward» philanthropy, and which cauaed thouaanda in tha city to believe that they had loat one of their beat friend* whan aha waa gone. The artiat who ia firing bar portrait to Winaton Salam balievee like many othera do here that had aha lived ahe would have done even greater thing* than her gift of the magnificient audi torium. 'I have traveled around the world and I have aeen all the fine auditoriuma there are', aaid Mr. Oor don, 'none liner than the Keynnlda Auditorium'" Among the portraita painted by Mr. Gordon are the portrait of the late Champ Clark for the Hall of Con greaa. a portrait of the late flan. Boiea Penroee. He haa contract* for painting portrait* of Dr. Pen roe*, brother of the lata aenatar, and Joaeph Wallace Mrlntoah. Comptrol ler of Currency of the United State* One of the portraita of tha late Mr. Reynold* hanga in the main office of the Reynold* faetoriea ia Winatoa Salem. tha other in the Reynolda Me morial Auditorium and it la heaide tha portrait of the late Mr. Reynolda. ta the aadi tori am that the new por trait of Mra. Johnaton will be huag with fitting oaremony. Tha aaajority of oar reader* know that Mra. Jehaaten la tha daughter of oar town man Mr. Z. T. Smith and lata Mra. flaalth, and our which of thia aaed ao math of i far public philan af hot water. aayaa. Mm. Htrrltt i* the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. William Jamn 8ti|ltr of Winnaboro, *h* ia a graduate of Win thmp College, Bock Hill. S. C . and ia a charminr and talented young lady. *ha waa a member of th* Mount Airy | Public School faculty ktra the 1M4—tf and It waa hare tha i began which culminated in tha riage la at w**h. Mr. Marritt ia a aoa of Mr. and Mr* W. E. Marritt of thia city and a graduate of tha Uni versity of North Carolina, at Chapal Hill; following hia gradual came a member at tha W. E. Merrttt | Hardware Co.. of thia city, and vote* hia antir* time to that sua Among tha pretty pro-nuptial af-' fair* waa an informal reception at | tha home of tha bride's parent* Tueaday evening following the hearaal. Immediately after the e*re-i mony the bridal party aad out-of town guests ware served a wedding hreakfast at Th* Fairfield. After their return from a wedding trip to New York and the nation'* capital they will reside in thia city the groom haa a lovely new I •waiting hia bride. Among the out-of-town gueat* Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marritt, Mr. and) Mr*. W. E. Marritt, Jr„ O. E. Marritt, | IIIum Klitabfth And Kithryn ritt. Mr. tanas Hale, all of Airy; Miaa Carolina burg. 8. C.; Mr*. Ea*ley; Mra. W. L. Mania, Mra. J. M. Euahtea. Mra " Mh B. C.; Lynch, of Eaaley . Date SM Par The date for the D. O. E. E. am* jmwW te a teldln Mount Airy haa cured 8M00 by wwnoti of aarh a club I at hU Itttk tows. Also orar at Elkln a Ilka club ha* baan orBwiwd and I ha mambara of it will aoon ba Morb mf tha itrauM of that (action with Kultabla flab. If tha paopW of Mount Airy would manlfaat a little Interact In tkw aubjart a flub could alao be or rutad Kara and than wa would be position to aacvra a libaral nharc I of ftah from tha fowmmml hatrh ariaa. But imlaaa a»ma community j Aad wkito tka rWnrinc In ■« ukm« pUc« M to tka for Ma—t A try to pal la • wktta wmjr Mowrt Airy to teat fit ting Itaatf m Um i thru it aa to M Sohm of thr rity afteiaU who ar* of it» raat art atatinc that it a«M' coat tto city orvr 14,000 a year. Other ritixann haaa uM, "we ara not Judge Meekin* May Name Receiver For Tobacco Auo. Second Hearing la Federal Court Over Financial Status of Co-ope—Judge to Study Situation Before Rendering . IWLU. Rakish. J mm 6.—Within ■ "ruim abb- Urn" r«itnl J ode* L M. Mo«k Iim hopaa to to abla to annoonc* a 6r riaion in tto Tn-8taU Totwcea Crow «•' Cnymtlw Martotinf aaaoria tion raraivorah p rait, ho aaid at tto Ha axpecta to "end it one way or tH# oth#f,N I* Mtid hot h* tfMunNt to got out from MMbr "tto parsua aiva iaflHonet" of Cofaaai E. P. Bo fard'n tkiw and * half tour arga mrat far tto raeairarakip bafor* mak in* a daciaioo, to aahi. CaUnft Buford nrgod that tto Others Have Eye on Mt Airy