PRIZES TO BE AWAY BY THE NEWS D»| GREAT SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE ^With • mot* rttipandoa* priaa Sat than haa evar barn offered In thia vicinity, in ■ ilmilar taking The Mount Airy New* tm mat mwe*mee*ent at tha WHuklp Club mi which Mora than $1,000 in prim will ha gira*. A inane gleaa tha dataila of tha gigan tk dhterpriae. Tha —inintillaa are of tha laftaat anfalt aai tha Uat eam ot aona of tha aoat attifcctiva priaaa t ' £ha ohjact of tha cno> - to. t&j* Am! tha ?ay *» fr Tha prii tifnl Hud. value A Ford value $417.4*" i* Hated aa tha grand priaa. Othar attractive *•** c • perfect 100 c, Orar 12000 will ha W—da and readara of thia i in .exchange for th time in thia aix i of dolara worth at \ and eaah award* and will ha paid thoaa who taha aa part in tha Saleeaanahip Club and do not win ana of tha grand priaaa. Tha Mount Airy Nawa gaairnni offer far »urpaaa«e anything of ita hind rvar mada hereabout*. and Uy gigan tic priaa Uat include* tha aaoat attrac tive and valuable priaaa oaa could think of. "■«i r M. The plan adopted by the Mount Airy N«wi I* • novel on*. We could reach thouitndi of new readers by employing scores of solicitors to «mr thin, section, but it would take quite a kmc time to do the work thorough ly. In inaugurating the Salesman ship Club the News has adopted a gives its friends an opportunity to ear* big rewards during their spare time The "Salesmanship Club" win make • lot more noise and create in terest and fa—thsrrt nothing Kb having some fan rftsng with >isl«w Big Pay far AH All mm is eiqiimi te de la erdsr to MM one ef the ^iendid prises Is tint the bifirmt word In Dm American vocabulary, and just bow to mak* it poaaible to own a food on* ha* par hap* long bean th« desire uppsimo^l h tit* mind* W many folk*. Thou* who have automobiles art bow con templating the ownership of bi«gfe^ and batter one*. Those who do not at the praaant time poeaaaa • good auto mubila arc mora than tihely laying thair plana for on* in tha aanr futups Hara to tha opportunity to own an automobile tha iraam of tha Ameri can automobile market today and without tha expenditure of a am* a little tuna and effort. A In offering The Ja not playing tha rote of naMmr ia K a acme thing-for-nothing uhimi. H ia a fruit to tha fulteat axteat Early Start ia Baat. In eeary man'a life thora ia one big m.inwt whan he ci*toa that roha him at Iaada him on to fortune. Tha world la Ml of thoaa who yearn for hatter thing* that never aerm to come . The action ia miaaing. But let him iee and grnap the big opportunity and them will ha mi amaxing transforma tion hi Ma fortune*. The moment he decides for or against that oppor tunity—whotlmr ha will aaiae it or let it pasa—ha decides the whole fu ture of hi* life. The main thin( '<■ the Salesman ship Club It to (at an early start in the ram. Phone 141 for particulars REFUSES TO UNDERGO AM PUTATION or ARM OR LEG. Girl Waft Hurt WIm* Traia Da ■■li.fc.J Auto Alter Plu»|« OwEmbukMBttMlDiM. Tryo«, N. C* Jua* U.-Uom Ftfa, at Richmond, Ky.. dM this morn in* In • Iocs! hnapMal from lajuriat ate rirtwd la aa mwitlh irriiaat lata jwatarday wkkb coat Ua Ufa of ter a ant, Mra. S. M. Tartar, of raanak, Oa. f"S Doctors toM Rfea-rtfa laat nifht want ay Ufa aavod that w«y." Mr. Tvraar. 4rtwr of tka auto MofcOa aad ImM •* Mn. Turaar, - «Mlft to «far— Ckeege HUrlu New Ers hi Oewdi DmbpaMl mi MmhI Airy. When the kotlwn. Pmr Com W ImM mi ■ ckock for 9144*- 1 •74.08 la Ml parMDt far tke alec trie light lyUw of tkia town It *«a ape of tka Moat forward nova AMU* that kaa yat bean Blade here. Th» ehoek ana delivered to tin atty •MtkoriUaa on Taeaday of tkia aatk and tke formal transfer made of tke m ap«t| to tka aew koldera. Twenty two yeara ago thla aum mar tka light* wara turn ad on for tka |*t time from tka city'* own electric power plant. It waa early in tka montk of June, 1M4, and marked tka ba|M«| of a now day far tka town. For many yeara tka atreeta and raai danoaa kad kaaa lighted by oil lamp* and a poor light it waa. Tka for ward looking cftixena, and It ta with pride I hat wa are akla to record tkat j tkara waa littla oppoeition, wara tired | af tka aW order and made plana far la ayatom tkat wwald fumiah electric ity for light* and power. Water waa flowing down tkeae mountain atraama aad plunging over falla tkat woald ftre all tke power nuded for paaa ent we, ti omkf money coald be kad to make tke deralapmant. There waa not muek money her* at that date, twenty two yeara ago. and K waa a really big venture when tke people voted a bond of one kundred thoaaand dollar* to he invcited la a water aad light eyateai. Tha water ayatom waa aa badly needed aa tka lighting aya tom, for at tkat tiaae tha water eop ply of the ekiaeaa waa tha aid faeh ined open well, and ao thickly were tke paaplt aeitlad in aooe aactiaaa of the town that tha water waa af doubt - M parity. The people voted the b««da and rtth the moaiy built the Barti Skoala power plant aad laid water pipea on aMae of tka atreeta of the town, ft waa a mere beginning of the lyatan that la now hara, for there araa not noway enough to lay; water pipea over much of the team. The am who kiadi< tke amvamant httllded well and from tke vary be gianing the aarvieaa wara goad. The town araa fortunate in aorariag men to build the ayatom arho know the baa aeaa and did the work in a aubetan tial way that ha* atoad the teat of the yeara, day and night, yaar after year, arith a)moat no bother or delay except when the rain* failed to coaw and tha water in the atreaau wa* low. Only for thia caoae the city would have had almoat perfect aervfce . ; for all theac twenty two yeara. .prises that wanted power and with the growth of tfeetywn the municipal b' owned plant