Membership Week In The News Kg Salesmanship Drive Best Time For Successful Workers To Enter Official List of Member* Will Be Announced Next Week OfM by tfc. Nm U! Tk* opening date of the "Belisme■ ■kip Club" campaign h» which • fortune ta priaea and commissions w(t> be attributed. has bM Mt. Mon day, July 12th, tbo campaign wM oflcitlly open with th# publication of mnbwi enrolled in that vwk'a la ana. Tbo driva win laat a period of just il« week*, beginning with inly 12th and ending August 21st. Advice la |irm those contemplat ing entering the campaign wishing to share in the beautiful awards do ao now while the opportunity ia at hand and the biggest special offers are in effect. During the life of the "Salesmanship Ctnb" campaign, special offers will be made from time to tiaae but the biggest special vot ing opportunity of the entire cam paign ia now in effect. Sand in your name now, you have Si) to gain and nothing to bee. "Think" of earning a beautiful Hudson Coach value 11,216.00 just for • few hours work daily or a Ford Road iter which is tlx second grand mii "Come on folks! yon »«* hoqad to win." 10 par cent commission a» •um /on that. The prissnt waak will ha known aa "Membership Waak." and spacial atraaa U laid upon the importanca of thoaa who expect to taka aa actln intaraat hi tha Club aad compata for tha big priaaa to an tar their namaa la tha first published list This gives all aag>la time to have their names listed properly in the section in which they belong, and sufficient time in which to receive receipt hooks, sup plies aad all information and instruc tions u to how to proceed In promot ing • winning campaign. M—ilislalilji jiMli is of vital im portance, as those who are determin ed now to line up with the folks in the community who believe in doing big things will get a ground floor Ktsrt and enjoy the great advantages of having their names appear in the next list. rnouaand* of tyu will be trained upon the pipi of the Mount Airy News to eagerly scan the list to Me if Mine of their friend* have been nominated. Everyone in the vicin ity nerved by this paper wil take some part in deciding Just who the winners of the big prisee will be. Inasmuch as the Salesmanship Club is of such short duration it is imperative that those who aspire to winning the beat prises should lose no time. It is expected that during the Mem bership Week every town, village and hamlet will be represented by some ambitious Uve-wir* The Newa covers • wide _ and the plan of distributing the la m fair, so Inviting and atti that even theM living oa the ra»l ■ IMst II ■ T - - - a * . » a * Surry County, Farm News A. Lose, I farmer of Salem Fork ■action report* a fifty par cant m rriMi hi tha wbaat crop la Dobaon township over laat years. Mr. Lone ■ay*, "that tha shortaga of tha com crop of tha paat yaar and poor to bacco crop ha* canaad tha farmer* to tarn their attention to tha pi udaatl— of food stuff*." Ha eatimatee tha pmMt tohaeeo crop to kt only about U% of the laat yaar acreage. It >a hoped that awe* farmer* will increase the acre&ff* of mall grain* and thus make Surry County self supporting in food stuff*. This can ha done if pvery farmer would put in a crop of a heat and fertilising it wall. Tha yield of wheat promises to ha vary good and the quality line. It is intonating to note the IMS Federal Cattle Census, North Car olina has fewer cattle par farm than sny other state in the union. Not only is there a scarcity in tha number »f cattle kept per farm, bat the qual ity of the cattle la re -y poor. In Eastern North Carolina there are thousands of farms with not a cow ni them. Taking tha state ovar. it I* Mid that there b only 7-10 of * bow per farm. It ia, therefore, cer tain that the ptoplc of tht state, ! especially the children. Me not get ting ■ sufficient amount of Milk. The lUte may ho rich enough to b«iM a, rreat system of highways; It la rich moogh to aataMlah and maintain a peat system of public schools; it la rich enough to own and operate about 100,000 automoblioa, hut It la not rich •nough to buy first claaa mUk eoei to iupply the people of the state with a fair aasount of Milk for daily eon ■umption. Even if the people of the ■tate poaaeMed a sufficient amount of money to buy the noceaaary number of good cow* to supply this milk it" would be abaolutely impoaaible to pro rure the cow*. The only way t« sap ply the state with the neeaaaary tram Mr of high producing, profitable sows ia to raise them on the farms. It is impossible to raise the kind of sows we ought to keep, that is proftt ible cows, cowa, that will produce an unount of millr sufficient to pay for their keep, with scrub sires. The only practical way to tan prove the quality >f our rows is by the use of a regist ered sire from the hift producing an cestry. A young bull can be bought F»r a nominal sum and grown out on i the farm to service age at a small •out. It is impossible to estimate he value of a good sire }n a commun ty or at the head at a dairy herd. There are being circulated in the sounty blanks with the request that >11 bulb be listed whether pure bred »r not. We hope to be able to get a list at all bulls in the county and iradually replace them with pore bred ones. Union County. Kentucky m the first one in the whole country to be (Me of scrub sire. Hiis county la receiving much publicity by the presaoe of the United States. Union County is a tobacco county bat the 'erasers dseiiid to get rid of the tcrub and did so. Who wiM he the fkret one In Surry to gat rid of his ■crab or fciads boll and gat a pure Wed regietered one? I would ho |Ud to publiah the aamss of the ftrat ones that make this pmgisaalea stop. It is only poor economy to neglect the bene during the rash at other ■vork. If you do this yon wU have a ■lump in egg production. Ik will pay well to give plenty at fraeh water end mash whfle under rw^e eondi tisus. Maah should bs tad from hop wretch feed, this wM twee the haw ia eat more ssash which wOl stim ulate laying. The grain misters should ha mads ^ e<|ual parts of cracked corn, wheat com, FAMOUS MAN M MAO Tha Dkjr Bp Dtjr, hi Ivory Nancy, rranee, July Pbillip Emile Cooe, the Uttta mm who —-ft the ftm—i phraas "every day la mrjr way, 1 mi hWIh batter ud hsttoc," la M tion la Um tmHwnt of IHmii dial yesterday at hie kow 1MB gmwi) fatigue, 4aa to overwork la count law lacturaa and healing Mask a. Ha had bean Ul lor mwi weeks. Pmtiaur Cowy aa he piefaiiiod to ba sddrneed, at llrst vaa a druggirt, bat latar took up t^a teaching and preaching of bla "almpl* recipe far health and bappineea." Ha lectured upon b'» ideas to tbe United State*. Franca, England, Spain and other coutriea. Throng* viattad the little auu with the beaming unite, Making cure* for their aitaenta. He disclabaed being a scientlat. "Self mastery by cm scions auto ■uggeatioa," was hi* the ory far doing away with the ill* of the world. He called himself a pro fessor of applied psychology. He was M years aid. Cone visited the United Slates in 1923 and 1924. Urge audiences in various cities beard him. A Cone cli nic in Paris waa founded from the proceeds of bis trips to the United States. ' 1 He *u credited with much menu with itawMim and pmou who war* of the belief that thajr eooki not uaa their lata. One of hi* the ories waa that roaatai ideas might become reaUtiea, as an instance, in somnia. Another waa that in a con test with the will, the imagination always won. Tha lata Earl Curaoa, of KadlasUm, and Lady Beatty, wife of Admiral Earl Beatty, ware aasoag thoae who received his ministrationa. AirpbuMa Wia m fUc* With Carrier PigMM. Auburn, N. Y., June SO.—Airplanes fly faster than pigeons. This waa demonstrated today in a race between two planes and 500 car rier pigeon* from Hammonds point to thia city. . The start waa made aa nearly simultaneously aa possible The air plane distance, which the pigeons were expected to follow waa SO mi lea while the planes followed a route covering 62 miles Okie plane made the flight in 43 minutes while the first pigeon reach ed its Auburn cote in 46 minutes. The second plane was obliged to land be cause of propeller trouble. and oats by weight, if wh«at ia not plentiful, um on* third corn and two thirds oato by weight. The foil owing home made math mixture give* good result*. Equal part* of wheat bran, wheat middlings, corn meal, ground Mt< and flah meal. Keep thU before the hens at all timea and In a dry plaes. Hena must be fed all that they will| eat if you expect to get a large num ber at Early moulters means that the I will produce little atd eat aa much i the others so watch oat for them. A hen that sing* is a discontent 1MB ailirting to Prof. E. L. Dakin.l Ohio 8toto University. They are not] happy aa we nasally think. So«g iiiwm, her feeling if ate fcj hungry or thirsty, or if she ia p at shynees. She triee to <elf look and feel brave by song H)u | he small bey who o keep up hi* courage in f yon waat to keep ytmr flat toper TW tan, ta i UonMjr tW ntin day. in addition to not to appeal from Judge of Us nwiithn com • act m a uni—ttt— to oo with tho nedtm TW board tonight laaood a a tato Mt setting forth Its r—sons for upon "aB friends of this association and of eo-oporattoo marketing" to do everything poaaiMo, undor tho re ceivership, "to benefit tho members of this association and help servo the interest* of the members of this aa soeiation. The statement follow*: 'Ws, the director* of the Tobacco Grown Co-operative Marketiri A» aociation, hsve not thought that • receiver or receivers to carry oa the business of association or liquidate the association wars either necessary or adviaable and we have vigorously contoatod, so far as m oar power lay, the appointment of a receivership for this association. The board thought that a receivership wool* be very an. pensive aad that a receivership would cause a panic anMiog the aseo ciat ion's creditors and would da pre ciata the stocks of tobacco oa hand. The court in its wild— haa not agreed with the position taken by necessary and proper. The beard haa not aad does not acre* or consent to a receivership bat the board feels that further extended litigation of this matter will be harmful, will toad to incraaae the confusion that now exists, and will cauae the deprecia tlon of the iMfti of th* Msocittkm and harmful to the members of this lllftfiltifltl. "Therefore in order to help pre serve what may now he preeervod oat of th* asaets of the asaociation, the board has decided not to take an appeal from the appointing of re ceivers of the asaociation and to give to the receiver* appointed by the court support in the liquidation of the association. The board hopaa and trusts that tobacco on hand may be sold to an advantage aad that sub stantial equity be realized for the members and that all friends of this association and co-operative market ing will under the receivership do everything that is possible to benefit the members of this association aad help serve the interests of the mem bers of this association." Association is Cooperating With Receiver* To Get All PmAU For Members. Richmond, July t!—TV receivers at the Tobacco drawers Cooperathre as soctatioa ire i&s position to market the tftbifM stock of the association on sa orderly principle sad there Is no fear of the stock being damped upon the marhet, M. L Correjr, of New York, one of the miiiiwi said hsre yesterday. At the same thee I. P Whitehead, attorney far the Fed eral Intermediate Credit bank ef Bshlmsrs declared that satisfsctory arrangements ted been which Would alow his nishws to market the tobacco without fear of mt from th. three rsssfeer*. Jam, 8. Pee. et Kaleigh; Mallet «. We trf Washington, N C.. and hhaeel Ship With $300,000 Carfo HeH*t at Mm in the •f stood In a Wuk of ratal to watch negro lUirtdorw in a Miwligly end less proteas ton of caaea from the dock* of the rtwmtr to the custom house vault, where it bow rspusaa under lock and aeai. Th* cargo is valued at upwards of |3M,000. The Elms, formerly the United States lighthouse tender LUae, a siaeabke steamer and ia seawu. hy condition, carrying wore than 4,000 cases of high grade Scotch li<|uars, champaigns and gin, was captured by the otter Manning, commanded by Captain Algiers, from 90 to 40 miles off the Carolina coast two. weeks ago, and her crew made pris oners. The liquor laden steamer was towea nm to morion, va., where um remained from a Sunday until the following Thursday afternoon, when the cottar, Iwr prise lashed to Um starboard aide, again put out t« aea, balding for Wilmington, which fed eral diatrkt would hare jurisdiction. The two ships entered the harbor early Saturday night, June M, Mora than •' week after the had been pick ad up. The following Sunday morning the cargo was turned over to Col. A. L. McCaahiU, collector of the port, by the Manning's skipper, and the work of unloading gotten under way, with a detachment of prohibition oOcials in control. However, only thai hundred saaes were moved a® Sin day, due to the inclement weatH and the jaded condition of the bit jacketa who were A rat need for tl work and who were obliged to main tain long hours becauae of the trou bleaome disposition of members of the crew, all cd whom were jailed. Negro "stevedores were employed Monday to remove the liquors from the holds of the steamer to the safety of custom house vaults. This work waa completed Tuesday at noon with prohibition agents working under the direction of B. O. Sharp*, director, and his aaaietant McDuffle, checking every case as it left the ship. Samples of the several grades were taken to Charlotte for chemical examination and pronounced genuine, and with out adulteration. Search For Drags. There followed a minute search of the veeeel for drugs, bat no evi dence of the presence of narcotics was found, lie doors and windows opening into the rooms housing the carried] stationed in thf while an aboard the Incarceration «*e| of the craw la sal wilted and offered to talk. all 4.7W atf tha MW cnaaa bat • chack of tki cargo <ih» inc arrival of tha l aboard the baplaaa craft. Tha m«nt the Elma claarad tha Be bar bar praaenca on tba high wu known to tha inUllifcnca ad all cottar* and rum patrol in aontbern watara to ba on tha look not for bar. Tba raaoit wna that aba araa anailjr apottod off tha Carolina

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