ft. c. 3 — wilt pfcnto at! day, Jaly SO. Jo. Taah and Clyda Craach Wftj Mrs. J. D. Smith to" tiraa hi Groan sboro. H» IomI f. C T. U. «fll with Mrs. J. i. Eada, Tuaaday at $| P. M. ? Mr.. I* Ur Mrs. B. C. W. E. Wo >ol *a4rat of N. C. C. W., apm* tha p«at waah and at har koaM bars#] indar U visiting his hi Winnsboro, 8. C. Margarat John, of , ia tha guest of har siatar, Mrm. Frank P. Spargar. Mr. mtd Mrs. Marvin Mrs. E H. Naarton, of Ji CHy, Tann., to spending soma time in thto city. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bast and chO dran ara visiting relativea ia Graana Miaa Virginia Griffin, of WUaon. awwar school stadent at N. C. C. W., Graansboro, waa tha week and guast of Mrs. C. C. Hato Misaas Traaato Mayaa and Lury Bowman spant tha araah and with Mtoaaa I la and EaU Hawka, at Galax, Virginia. WMi Wintir IlVilUWBJ, bore, ■ pent Sunday and Monday bar* in the hone of her brother, J. Leith Holloway, who it recuperating from a recent operation. Ruth E. Easter four daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Ed Easter died Friday at the home of Mrs. Now tin at Cross Roads, route 8. The re mains were interred at Mount Carnal. Mr. Herbert Jeffries leaves today to spend his vacation visiting in this atate. He will join his family, who are visiting relatives in Winston W. A. Hawks. Lamhebvrg, is buflH ing a modem eight room bungalow. The home of Mr. Hawks was burned! several months ago and he is rebuilt! ing at the same location. Mrs. Jones Brown and two children, of Spartanburg, S. C., are guests of Mrs. J. H. Prather. Mr. Drown who accompanied them here has returned to Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Badgett left the first of the week to visit relatives near Danville. Va., they ware accom panied by Miss Msrgaret Ferrell of DanvtBe who has been their guest. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Welch and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunman left 8unday to spend a vacation at Wilmington, Wrightsville and Carolina Beach, they will visit Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Folgor near Monroe en route. Misses Dorothy Lackey and Leota Stevens, of Ohio, are guests of Miss Lackey's brother, Mr. Lackey, a draftsman at the granite quarry. They are with Mr. J. G. Powell's fam ily on Rockford street. Mr. and Mrs. T. Daber and children and Mr. and Mr*. Daber left Sunday for Philadelphia, Pa., where Mr Daber was called on business. They wilt atttend the Sesqui-Centeanial ex position and on their return will lo cate in this city. The children are piiiti of their (rand parent* Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Banner. W. B. Hyatt, of Cameron, writing a week ago to renew hi* subscription reported nice rains in his section after a drought lasting two and one-half maths Mr. Hyatt thinks the to bacco yield will not be oear a V>% crop in Moors County this year. The berry crop waa good, the average pries par crate was M OO and the crop im weeks later than usual. At a«^ auction sale held Monday doming the Maaaiy garage property m North Main Street was porch by J. D. McCoIlum for the sot The lot is 10 feat wide 800 feet oro. spent the past week end with Miaa Marjorie Worrell. Mia* Dorothy Gilbert, of Gmm> toro, spent the week with Mr. and dra. W. E. Lindsay having aa her rurat Mias Cynthia Bayly, of RinsUm. Mr. J. C. Cork left Wednesday for )i« home in Rock Hill. S. C., after risiting hia daughter Mr*. J. C. Grior tnd the Re*. Mr. Grior. Miaaoa Almarie In man and Anno 2ockerhum, summer school studonta it N. C. C. W., Greensboro, spent the veek end at their homea hers. Mrs. J. C. Grior and children lean wxt week for an extended stay at Montreot. They will ho Joined later ■ the aooaoa hy the Rev. Mr. Grtag. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith, from Jrooasboro will arrive here today to ipond a part of their vacation with heir parents Mr. aad Mrs. I. Worrell. Mias Rate Jackson toft several lays ago for a business and pleasure lip to Washington. D. C., and Nor* 'oik. Va. Mrs. J. R. Stevick and Mrs. J. C. Phelps, of Raleigh, and Mrs. R. M. ampbell, of Saaford have rotnrasd , >o their homos after a abort visit to Ura. Claude A baker. Miss Nail** Buchanan, of Sanford, la a pending' levoral wool* with Mrs. Ahaher. Mr.gMT. 8. Dicksan. of Gnmshara, j lubnaitted to an operation tor ap> st Martin Hospital. Wed •••day morning Mrs. Dkkjr-* and J n the Imm of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. | The MMiu of Mrs. J my »f Sunayeide, Va.. who dU Sunday in • boepfcai in Richmond. Vn.. tU lowta® ail •farattn en Tu*ad*y ht nWrnaLi -«*■**< -— - hiirillglrf tn t nronK ip|PVM^pNI, wn'rr urvufiu 10 the keate at W Mhtr Mr. B. M MaGee otMrtt 4, Monday night and tke hwwl too* plao* Tae*day at 10:9$ A. M. at Mm Imm after wkteh the My na laid te reat in tke In ily burying grcund. Mrs. Franklin *u before kar urriai* Mlaa Altca McGee and «W w«U known and loved in thia kar na tive mttkm. 2 for a faw day* bar condition was alt i LaA n r^al^ Wa .»[>« .I# m il t>»a# m iMaMb IMH vwU IU «/•* U1 prvMV PW ® h««rt caumk) tht itteMimii to mhd ■an bar relatives and Mr. and Mra. Harvey Rannia, Mra Walter Watch and Mra. Jaaa McKMnay left Sunday for Richmond hot ranched there after the and came. Ska faced death biaMy making rtqutct to be buried at kaaae and kar funeral conducted by lev J. H. Car ter who oOciated paying one of the ■Met beautiful tributea to her life nnd character that bl> hearer* ever listened to. A tare* number of friend* father ed for the arrvices and the floral of fering* Wert- unuauatly numerou* and beautiful. Rockford Stmt Methodiil Church. Rev. G. W. William*. Pastor Sunday School .... 9 Ai A. M. Morning Worahip 11:00 A.M. Evening Worahip S:O0 P. M. Kpworth League _ 7:16 P. M.' The Ladies Missionary Society will J meet at the church Tueeday afternoon I it three o'clock. M. L, Nichols. J. C. Harria, J. N. Bagett, J. W. Barker, attended the district conference at Leakaville thl* week. Stock Up On Shirts Now I . i • '.if: — - '%• ~ •-.*f'*- s . A man needs at least a Shut a day during the summer, and hence,.it is just a bit of economy to buy now, Shirts enough to meet your summer's need*. Patterns are new, colors are fast, and prices are reasonable. $1.00 to $3.50 H THE BEST SHIRT VALUES IN TOWN. DEPtNDABll The eleven month* old Mm of Mr*. S. J. MrMillian died Monday. Th» funeral wa» conducted from the borne Monday morning and the remain* carried to the MrMilHaa bury in* ground m Virginia for interment. A flavor that m liff—l GREEN RIVER. Jast try it ^^ f V v"• ". ' '**,«• •••i • ^-«r; Big Reduction On Auto Tires ■ !'. • '",. , - : ' ' '''••■ V ' 'r.i' ' ^ .■ • Do You Save By Sending Away? IF YOU THINK SO, READ THIS MAJL ORDER HOUSES HAVE NOT GIVEN NOTICE OF PRICE REDUCTION — lid* it • cm* Where Home Serve* Yon Fir*t WE HAVE THESE TIRES IN STOCKr-WE PUT THE TIRES ON THE WHEEL FOR YOU YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR THEMU—NO EXTRA CHAR& OF COURSE You can gel Cooyfidf Pathfinder tires fro« u* at leae than —H order prieee. Yet don't need to write a letter, get a —oney order, trait a couple of day* or put the tire* en yourself. • » When yew buy tiree from j* you (at ererythinf any mail order house can lb* yon—phi* SERVICE