r» SEED a cowiste Anowmnrr or all v, PHONE 5"3 w s Wo»« Dwt Comp^T w* s. wotr*.' First National Bank Airy, K C Hm gkwm mtihiliiy mtHm to Ik ■r —n Hi— TMrty Ymn. Wji/' T. a FAWtETT. w - mt K. a SMITH D. C RECTOR, T. 0. FAWClrtT, Real Estate 300 Feat KaUrradl Frontage near Bark Shad. Office for rent over old Bank of ML Airy building Edw. M. Linville Marat Afar. N. C. BOW. M. LINVILLE, KIwuiIm Blue Ridge Hotel MOUNT AIRY, KNrtk yy|yiA ' y, July 2Stk, 1 MENU Chirkm 8«up - Conaomma Clear Sliced Tomatoe# Iced Celery Fried Spring Chicken Baked Country Ham Strin* Beauu Potatoes trr Cream Rtew«i Corn * Fruit Salad Cream Drtulni Vanilla or Cherry Ice Cream Pound Cake Coffee ^ lee Tea Milk : 11:90 to 100 DkMMT 6:00 to 7 >30 by Warm OriAi.Un «t00 to T wl 13 chaini to I that Mac: thaa north TS do®., woM nvaehaina to a ptoa to to a rock at Charlia K#r'« cantor; tllAfl kj»||AL v%iV^M aad M-100 cCahM to i rock; than wbflihiw n unbar tkroo of the D H Atkinson farm and Mnf tht mill tract. (For fartkarmSmmh ato dead froM D. H Atkinaon to C. C. =StiSSCu!^1 W®* M. Liiiirim, Tmfecii i MHiH NOTICE or MLB OT LAND. Under ud by rfcrtao af tto pm • ta a certain deed of trw by Him him and wtfa on tW tlat day of May. • ■ ta tto o«ee orf Keffistrr of Deed* of Sorry County ta Mnrtnn Book No. M Ml M* 1*1 defa«3tUvta« bmm nude tatCo pay of tto j mmBm Wm *m\ ■lit at public Mctlw to tk* day af AmLH « I •'clack, f. M„ to Vta This Jaly U. UN. by tto I „ af tto Town of Airy: 1. That in addition to special prtv Bfi or lieenae tax heretofore farted that* »hall to levied an<( rnHectedfor tto flacal rear 1#20-1927 from Jaly 1, I»M to June SO. Ml a special priv ilege or Mcanae Us on persona, Arms and corp and corporations mfifad ta haaUa* and delivering U merchants and to ta tto retail On aach track of one ton or lea* ca Pjclty ... *20.00 On aach trade of more than on* ton and laaa than thro* tona capacity ^ On aach track of over throe ton* MM however, that aach grhr -RSS* Mege able i or 1>-ei>se Ux Khali to able only from aach and arary person or corporation or Arm aafttat at vrholeaala and deliver!** by tracks any bread, cakea and other baker"* products and aach firms, persons and corporation* aa are aellinf and delhr erlng lea cream by tracks by whole 2. That tto license or pHrlle«e taxes herein 'Mad for and assess ad shall not be construed aa a Us S wholesale merchants delivering rood* to **Ull shall H to r istrned special Us 9- aaaaa sellinr product* to That tto aforeaaid bo la By order af tto Airy Attaat. r. M r^Q. Sydnor. *«f" Tesb lumber Co. I km* The "Ayes" Have It ECONOMY $7.75fa"*"* $11.05 — $16.60 ,~*32*1 'aw WE ALSO SELL XL GOODYEAR _____ f LJ | J-. J-I_mi-T- l-L JWjj caa toO yoa It YOU* WILL to W«ml aatf out to bo : THEN WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU* FAMILY W» •(« • i ■MlffWl Caaw ia an4-talk it ovar" wttfc aa. T The Bank of Mount. Airy