Mtfs New Cra* Seed Hollingsvforth Dm* Co 31 • : of W. It Doaa, J. F, William*, «t al Banning on a poat oak J. M. Doaa' wrrttr on tha Cut aid* of the Mount Airy road and mn» 8. 80 dog. W 12.18 chain, to 4. M. Doaa' corner; tianca A 28 dag. W. 8 chain* to a mi I S.. ■% m 4m. w. s rKa. to • ataka; thane* 8. 88 dag. t 4 1-2 tbi. to a ataka; thane* 8. N dag. E. S cha. to lima ipaniak l E. 8 I-t cha. to 8 ataka at C_ _ tha Copaland and Mwrt Atrjr mad: thane with tkia road N. 18 dag. W. IB cka. to tha baglnning. Contain lag 18 1-1 km, Mora or laaa. Saa hook 71. paga 210 8p* bo.* 87 Ma 187. tarnnd Tract.—Adjoining th* landa and Saaaaui ^fSSnauir" Tha*' """hShlg lot No. 8 allotted to Mrtta L*w*tlyn Baginning on a aoorwood and rimi N. 28 1-2 cka. to a rock; thane* E. 16 eha. to a black oak; thane* 8. 28 1-2 eka. to a atolw tn Shinauh'a Una; thane* W. 15 eha. to tha beginning Containing W arm mar* or laaa. 8a* daad book W pag* 486. Thiad Tract,—Adjoining th* landa of W. R. Dnaa and A. Badgatt, and designated and known aa lat No. 8 of th* late T. 1. P">»» old honaa plae* and *fh*r and boundad aa foltowa: Beginning at a pin* in tot No. 1 and ruiaa N. 12 1-2 eha. to a roek aa branch; thane* E. 2* 1-t eha. to lar; th*nc* 8. IS 1-2 eha. to a •paniah oak; thane* W. 28 1-2 eka. to th* bagt _ Containing 82 aeraa naor* or laaa. Sa* book 88 paga 448. Alio lot No. 4 aa containing in aaid T. J. Doaa dlviaion to kia kairt. B* ginning an a poplar eorawr of lot No. t and runa 4 l-TSi. t oa pina in lot No. 1. tkane* Eaat 28 1-2 eka. to a ■paniah oak; thane* South 1 eka. to a apaniah oak on old eoraar; tkane* 8. 18 1-2 d*a E. IB eka. to a atak* in Haneock'* tin*: tkane* W*at 14 eka. to a black oak. Hancock** eomar; thane* N. 88 d*g. W. 18 1-2 eka. to a •take; tkane* N. 7 cka. to a white oak; thanea W. 7 1-2 eka. to a poplar; than N. 41-2 eka. to tka kaginnkag. Can tain big 82 aeraa mora or l*aa. Saa daad book 84 nag* 147 8 aeraa aold off of tkta lot No. 8 to Lat bar Cook. Fourth Tract—Beginning an a birch Juat a bo*# Jankin'i ford, an FiaharN rtvar and nana 8. E. wHk tka RockforH road aa it meander* 2 1-2 •hft. to a hotly btaah. H. T. Dinktna* coraaar; thane* 8. E. with Pinkba* Hiaa 28 1-8 eka. to a rook H T Dinkhaa' aornar; tkane* 8, 1.12 eka. to tha craak; thane* op th* eraak aa it naa 4 cha. to a hickory traa tat T. J Barkaa'a line; thanea wttk kia Haaa 17 1-8 cha. to a roek T. J. Barker*, eoraar tat D. N. Crowd*!*1* Una; than W. wHk Crowdar** Una 88 cka. to an old black aak earner on tk* ri»*r; thanea down tka rt**r aa It 22 cka. to tka' 881-8 aeraa ■ _ _ about 1-4 of act* known aa tha 1« HvooooaaJ — * -^a — twj ui Bfvyuv, to M. G. Co* 8a* daad boat 288. Fifth Tract—Adjoining tha landa of i.M. Doaa, W. R Do*«, at al. Bar in "Nrrt a rock on tka Eaat aide of tha Rockford road and rune 8. 78 dag. E. 11J8 eka. to rod oak; tkane* 8. 88 dag. E. 8 1-t eha. to a white -* * E. 18 cha. to a aoorwood; thanea N. •8 dag. E. 881-8 cha. to a white oak; tkawc* N. 8 eha. te a roek; 7 1-8 dag. W. 8 eh* to a ataL N. 88 dag. W. 18 1-2 eha to a aak on tha Eaat aide of tha scription see M from J. F. WU. Mams and wife to Martin Slntpeon. See itow1 book M mm Wt. On this the Ml* tra.t to ■ Mml Form Laaa to Um Federal Land Bank of Colum Ma tot 11500 00 •teth—Adjoining Um Ian* af W. R. Daaa and A. L. Deea. Lot No, t of tha t. J. Daaa tract of land. Begin ning In lot Na. 1 and rune H..S rha. to a spaaieh oak. comer of lot No. 1} theme B. t 1-t cha. to a ataha; thenee N. 1 rha to • ataha In Ihinault'a lines thanea Baet a* Ma Ito M eha. to. a of dof wood "pronto; thanaa dM. to a poplar; thence W. tt l-» efca. to Mm beginning r^ntofai Ixmfc m page 4M. Alaa Book 77 page if>4. From tMa houndrWd of thla lot No. I haa haan cold about II aata mora or laaa to t.uther Cook. Alao tha MMtaftr In tha following five traeto at laind. willed for lifa to Flewrence McDowell by W. M. Me Howell, aa any ha aaan by reference to Win Book a paga n of fan? Coun ty Records In offlce of tha Cierk of tha Court of Buiiy County. N. C.. and tha ramalndar willad ta and purchased fbai tha snid chorch by 1. F. WHIIam» and aiora nnrtica larly daaerihad aa follows: Kl»a cer tain piacaa or parents of land lying and being in latkhid townahip Surry County. Karth Carolina on the aand •lay road laadlag from Dobaon to Rochford, N. C, located at Stooay Knoll and being bounded and doecrib #d aa foBowm- Adjoining tha landa of hw Stanley, ft# Milton Caeaar landa at al. First Lot, Tract ceatainteg 1-2 Srraa and t tract containing 4 arraa mora or laaa. for full deecrfption aae •lead from SaUia Bowie* to W. M Mc Dowell which la recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deada of Barry C->uoty in deed hook M page 247, whlrh^ daacription la made a part Third tract. Containing 111-3 arraa Mora ar laaa. For maw part ;-ular description aae dead from BalBe Bowie* to W. M. McDowell dated Mar. I at MM and recorded In the office af tha Register of fV. M and isisrdad In the Ragiatar of Deeda of Barry Coun ty, N. C., in deed book 34 pge 428, which description le mads a part here of. Fifth Tract. Containing 1 acre more ar leas and adjoins the school boose lot at a) andfar full dssulp tion aee daad from Ditlard Caesar, at al to W. M. McDowell dated Jan. 3tth MIS Mid recorded in the office of tha Register af Deads for Surry County, N. C„ la Deed book «4 page «M. which daaerlptiaa is made a part hare *• Sale made to satiafy a balance of WtM W principal, interest and coat sf sala to add. This the 16th day af July, IM. EDW. ML UMVILLE. Truatoe.. w NOTICE Mm. Marietta ».da»ad, W. * A. Jwkm at al vs. 1. V. Jukua, Arth ijr Jarkaoa, Qlenn Jackson t i Mat C»e Ball, T. C. Jaekaon, Irma Jackson. Maria la the Superior Coart. The defendents above aamao will take notice that a petition ia an ac tios entitled aa above ha* bead raa. meand in Blurry County, N. C. for the substitution of certain paper*, order* and drrreea of the Court which have been lost aad which relate ta the partition of certain lands of J. W. "aclcaen, Jackson, deceased, said lands beinr situated in Surry County. N. C. and the said defendants wfl] farther take notice that they are required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the N. C_ ami mawvr or tan to tha ■ ■■ ir 1 I la nU patitlM of «M ~ SViX&'cTi C Eat B. & B. ke Cream MADE IN MOUNT AIRY PHONE 491 E*»t Ck*k Street Mont Airy, M C . Kt Worth. T»*., My 14—4: haread mwrtot for tha killing jraatar of D. B. Chippa, Fort Worth thf Ranr. J, Murnintf mrmam from tha test "Hwi» to m condMMiMtton to thaw thai ara Ik Chriat J mm." within titty faat 6t tha Chipya «u kitM ha taHad to prat* ■|«r *»■ r, Dr. Narria told mm that hi* iflM Tha larga Klm« Baptist •oditnriom which aaata «4* wm mlad to tha daora with •Ma Mora Dr. Nocri.. praaehinff a < hoir of Tiki »o Martwl hjrmn aftar hymn whila two with ralajra o< pianitU, fumlahad th# i Whan Dr. Norrie fciiM :ng Hming *ermon wns briefer am- 'I hrcauae of the roaun union • hat followed. After D". Norria made a declara tion uf tin-.Waken faith, asked tha ^prayers if the congregation and as serted tirnt "this day dnjr." When he called for Dr. Morris sad that this little MM-unl." Nerr la frit attention »Sen the church at which | ha wan pnator burned ia March 1*11, j under myatorinaa ck which lad to hia trial on a charge of arson. After n trial In which mnny startling cliaaaaee developed, inclad ing teetimoniee at a metoocolagiat regarding the cf tha moon at tha thna at tha blaaa, | Vnavis mm — -.Is* - -i mom* wM ii quiiMHi. (■rawing Congregation. Norria' cungregntion, which haa followed him throogfc tha apa and at hia career It nu only n| law days age that ha at a radio •errieea «■] p Yi«| *Pmrg"*** I^TT1 *T*T'' J Good railro 0 "• ■ :gjp, . .*• H sip-'. • 4| transportation is cheap} Takes the high hills on high .A. „ . mm . f 39 TTu Custom BuiHrMotor t WorM